Gerhard Gudergan
RWTH Aachen University
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Featured researches published by Gerhard Gudergan.
Archive | 2007
Günter Schuh; Gerhard Gudergan
Innovationen gelten seit jeher als Schlussel zu Wachstum und Untemehmenserfolg (Schumpeter 1987, S. 170ff.). Entsprechend dieser Beobachtung wird die Leistungsfahigkeit eines Landes insbesondere durch die Fahigkeit von Untemehmen bestimmt, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen hervorzubringen. Treiber sind hierbei die sich verscharfenden Konkurrenzsituationen im intemationalen Wettbewerbsumfeld, ein sich andemdes Kundenverhalten sowie der technologische Fortschritt (Reichwaid/Schaller 2003, S. 171ff.).
Archive | 2010
Guenther Schuh; Bert Lorenz; Cord-Philipp Winter; Gerhard Gudergan
In order to guarantee an efficient and effective employment of production equipment, it is essential to identify any possible potential for improving performance, not only in the production process, but also in supporting areas such as maintenance. One of the major tasks in increasing maintenance performance consists of systematically identifying the company’s most significant weaknesses in maintenance organisation and thus being able to implement improvements there where they are most needed. But how is a company to tackle this important task? To answer this question, this paper describes an assessment and improvement approach, based on a capability maturity model (CMM). By means of this approach, the status-quo of a maintenance organisation can be analysed and its individual improvement opportunities identified.
Archive | 2009
Günther Schuh; Volker Stich; Gerhard Gudergan
With the Aachen PPC model and the reference models of service and maintenance, the FIR has set standards in the past which provide the basis for an efficient processing of orders in both production and services within manufacturing industries and maintenance. In the course of advancing those reference models efficient transaction of business processes in production and service has reached a state that is essential for customer oriented and efficient transaction of processes today. Due to the increasing application of IT which took place in production planning and control beginning in the 80s, development of so called reference models became more significant. During this period, the development of PPC-reference models created a basis for effectively selecting appropriate IT-systems as well as improving PPC-systems and developing new PP-concepts (LUCZAK & EVERSHEIM 1998, SCHUH 2007). This continuing development includes processes within interfaces between companies at an increasing degree due to increasing networking of companies in global supply chains. The same applies to all technical services. Today no company can afford to conduct its services without accurate planning and IT-support. Subject of this paper is the description of a reference model for technical services. The reference model based on the research of KALLENBERG (2002) has been adjusted and considerably extended. It contributes to the closure of existing “modeling gaps” concerning technical services at interfaces between service companies and their customers – the manufacturing companies. In this paper, the gap as described above is closed from a scientific point of view. For practical application this paper provides a means of assistance for design of structures and processes. After initially explaining the motivation for developing the reference model an overview of the designing process will be given. Following this, the focus will be shifted on outlining the reference model’s structure. Finally, a forecast concerning
International Journal of Innovation and Learning | 2004
Gerhard Gudergan; Siegfried P. Gudergan
A number of studies from a management perspective distinguish various types and levels of learning. The extent to which actual management decisions take into account such frameworks and lead to innovative services is limited. Increasingly, organisations address these issues by employing system dynamics modelling and simulation (SDMS) with the aim to facilitate learning about industrial service aspects and, ultimately, to offer innovative industrial services. Yet, there is no explicit research assessing the extent to which the employment of SDMS enhances learning in industrial service organisations. The goal of this paper is to investigate this. More specifically, in this paper we link SDMS aspects to critical reflective learning as an antecedent factor of innovation. We provide support for our proposed linkages with a case study, in which we illustrate the effects of SDMS on critical reflective learning within the context of an organisation, which has employed SDMS when developing industrial service strategies.
Archive | 2017
Gerhard Gudergan; Achim Buschmeyer; Boris Alexander Feige; Denis Krechting; Stefan Bradenbrink; Ralph Mutschler
Two major trends are driving many companies in the manufacturing industry to rethink and reconfigure their business logic: the trends towards applying a service dominant business logic, and the trends towards collecting and using information about the market life cycle of products. The pursuit of market lifecycle information has lately been one that is driven mostly by tremendous developments in the area of the Internet of Things and information system integration. Companies in the manufacturing industry are reconfiguring their value chains, tending towards a higher degree of service orientation. This transformation requires an understanding of the principles behind offering additional value through industrial product-service systems. The design of an adequate information architecture and the subsequent management model are the key factors for a successful implementation. This chapter focuses on how information gathering, analysis, and the meaningful use of information have been linked to the success of those companies within the German manufacturing industry which have made the transformation towards service-orientation. On the basis of an empirical study, five success factors with a significant impact on either innovation performance and/or operational performance are identified. These findings are enhanced to derive guidelines for an adequate information architecture. The guidelines are underpinned by best practices of prosperous companies with a strong product-service-orientation. Links between best practice application and performance are analyzed, and significant relations are identified.
Archive | 2016
Günther Schuh; Gerhard Gudergan; Peter Thomassen; Benedikt Brenken
Die Frage nach der strategischen Einbindung des Dienstleistungsgeschafts in den Kontext des Gesamtunternehmens wird angesichts globalisierter Markte mit hohem Wettbewerbsdruck zunehmend wichtiger. Die Wahl des richtigen Umfangs des Dienstleistungsangebots unter Berucksichtigung der Gesamtunternehmensstrategie ist erfolgsentscheidend fur die richtige Positionierung eines Industrieunternehmens im Markt. Daher wird in diesem Kapitel der Begriff Strategisches Management industrieller Dienstleistungen anwendungsnah beschrieben. Hierauf aufbauend wird ein Prozess zum strategischen Management industrieller Dienstleistungen vorgestellt, der Dienstleistungs- und Gesamtunternehmensstrategie integriert betrachtet. Zur operativen Umsetzung der Inhalte der einzelnen Prozessphasen werden abschliesend ausgewahlte Methoden und Werkzeuge vorgestellt.
Archive | 2016
Günther Schuh; Gerhard Gudergan; Christian Grefrath
Das Geschaftsmodell stellt das Bindeglied zwischen Strategie und Geschaftsplan dar, weil hierdurch strategische Ziele konkretisiert und modellhaft umgesetzt werden. Ein Geschaftsmodell beschreibt die logische Funktionsweise eines Unternehmens und insbesondere die spezifische Art und Weise, mit der es Gewinne erwirtschaftet. Es besteht aus verschiedenen Teilmodellen, welche miteinander verbunden und dabei in einer gegenseitigen Abhangigkeit stehen. Die verschiedenen Teilmodelle berucksichtigen dabei die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven eines Geschafts. So zeigt ein Geschaftsmodell aus einer Kunden- und Marktperspektive einen sichtbaren Kundennutzen auf und beschreibt diesen. Der Nutzen, den andere Wertschopfungspartner aus einer Verbindung mit dem Unternehmen ziehen konnen, wird ebenfalls aus einem Geschaftsmodell ersichtlich. Ein Geschaftsmodell veranschaulicht daruber hinaus die Gestaltung der Wertschopfung und somit die Unternehmens- bzw. Anbieterperspektive, mit der der Kundennutzen generiert wird. Die Kapitalisierungsperspektive beschreibt die Art und Weise, wie in dem Geschaftsmodell Ertrage generiert werden. Das Betrachtungsobjekt des Geschaftsmodells kann ein einzelnes Unternehmen, ein Geschaftsbereich im Unternehmen oder auch eine ganze Industrie sein.
Archive | 2016
Günther Schuh; Gerhard Gudergan
Ausgehend von der seit dieser Zeit zunehmenden Tertiarisierung, die zunachst masgeblich durch die Verlagerung vom Konsumgutersektor hin zum Dienstleistungssektor gepragt war, sind innerhalb der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte auch industrielle Dienstleistungen verstarkt in den Fokus von Wissenschaft und Praxis geruckt.
international conference on exploring services science | 2013
Benedikt Brenken; Arno Schmitz-Urban; Gerhard Gudergan
In an economy with a fast growing demand for services, productivity and innovation become crucial for the survival of service companies. In order to keep up with the change, these companies have to adopt new technologies in the service deployment. Also the healthcare industry is faced with a shift towards modern technology usage and personal services. However, due to budget restrictions, investments in new technologies have to be well considered and guarantee a swift return of investment and increase in productivity. In this paper, empirical results from different industries are presented. A Delphi study is used to get an outlook of the technology usage in the health and care provision industry. Therefore hypotheses are analyzed in detail to show possible impacts for the future. The results provide information about the significance of technology deployment for services and the potentials and barriers which go along with it in the healthcare business.
annual srii global conference | 2012
Arno Schmitz-Urban; Benedikt Brenken; Gerhard Gudergan
In an economy with a fast growing demand for services, productivity and innovation become crucial for the survival of service companies. In order to keep up with the change, these companies have to adopt new technologies in the service deployment. This is the only possible way to higher productivity as well as innovation and to serve an increasing amount of customers - even worldwide. Especially when it comes to the management of technologies and innovations, there seem to be major differences between leading companies and their followers. However, due to budget restrictions, investments in new technologies have to be well considered and guarantee a swift return of investment and increase in productivity. This can only be achieved by choosing the right technology to reach the potentials. In order to determine and increase the productivity of service deployment, the impact of different technologies on services has to be thoroughly studied. In this paper, empirical results from different industries are presented. A cluster analysis is used to divide the participating companies into two groups. They are either identified as champions (innovative companies) or as followers (less innovative companies) in order to show their differences. The results provide information about the significance of technology deployment in services and the potentials and barriers which go along with it.