
Current Genetics | 2004

Differential regulation of Tec1 by Fus3 and Kss1 confers signaling specificity in yeast development

Stefan Brückner; Tim Köhler; Gerhard H. Braus; Barbara Heise; Melanie Bolte; Hans-Ulrich Mösch

Transcriptional regulation by mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascades is a major control mechanism for eukaryotic development. In budding yeast, Fus3 and Kss1 are two MAP kinases that control two distinct developmental programs—mating and invasive growth. We investigated whether signal-specific activation of mating and invasive growth involves regulation of the transcription factor Tec1 by Fus3 and Kss1. We present evidence that, during mating, Fus3 phosphorylates Tec1 to downregulate this invasive growth-specific transcription factor and its target genes. This function of Fus3 is essential for correct execution of the mating program and is not shared by Kss1. We find that Kss1 controls the activity of Tec1 mainly during invasive growth by control of TEC1 gene expression. Our study suggests that signaling specificity can arise from differential regulation of a single transcription factor by two MAP kinases with shared functions in distinct developmental programs.

The EMBO Journal | 2000

Asymmetrically localized Bud8p and Bud9p proteins control yeast cell polarity and development

Naimeh Taheri; Tim Köhler; Gerhard H. Braus; Hans-Ulrich Mösch

Diploid strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae change the pattern of cell division from bipolar to unipolar when switching growth from the unicellular yeast form (YF) to filamentous, pseudohyphal (PH) cells in response to nitrogen starvation. The functions of two transmembrane proteins, Bud8p and Bud9p, in regulating YF and PH cell polarity were investigated. Bud8p is highly concentrated at the distal pole of both YF and PH cells, where it directs initiation of cell division. Asymmetric localization of Bud8p is independent of the Rsr1p/Bud1p GTPase. rsr1/bud1 mutations are epistatic to bud8 mutations, placing Rsr1p/Bud1p downstream of Bud8p. In YF cells, Bud9p is also localized at the distal pole, yet deletion of BUD9 favours distal bud initiation. In PH cells, nutritional starvation for nitrogen efficiently prevents distal localization of Bud9p. Because Bud8p and Bud9p proteins associate in vivo, we propose Bud8p as a landmark for bud initiation at the distal cell pole, where Bud9p acts as inhibitor. In response to nitrogen starvation, asymmetric localization of Bud9p is averted, favouring Bud8p‐mediated cell division at the distal pole.

Molecular Microbiology | 2004

Smt3/SUMO and Ubc9 are required for efficient APC/C-mediated proteolysis in budding yeast

Patrick Dieckhoff; Melanie Bolte; Yasemin Sancak; Gerhard H. Braus; Stefan Irniger

Ubiquitin‐mediated proteolysis triggered by the anaphase‐promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is essential for sister chromatid separation and the mitotic exit. Like ubiquitylation, protein modification with the small ubiquitin‐related modifier SUMO appears to be important during mitosis, because yeast cells impaired in the SUMO‐conjugating enzyme Ubc9 were found to be blocked in mitosis and defective in cyclin degradation. Here, we analysed the role of SUMOylation in the metaphase/anaphase transition and in APC/C‐mediated proteolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that cells depleted of Ubc9 or Smt3, the yeast SUMO protein, mostly arrested with undivided nuclei and with high levels of securin Pds1. This metaphase block was partially relieved by a deletion of PDS1. The absence of Ubc9 or Smt3 also resulted in defects in chromosome segregation. Temperature‐sensitive ubc9‐2 mutants were delayed in proteolysis of Pds1 and of cyclin Clb2 during mitosis. The requirement of SUMOylation for APC/C‐mediated degradation was tested more directly in G1‐arrested cells. Both ubc9‐2 and smt3‐331 mutants were defective in efficient degradation of Pds1 and mitotic cyclins, whereas proteolysis of unstable proteins that are not APC/C substrates was unaffected. We conclude that SUMOylation is needed for efficient proteolysis mediated by APC/C in budding yeast.

Molecular Microbiology | 1999

The WD protein Cpc2p is required for repression of Gcn4 protein activity in yeast in the absence of amino‐acid starvation

Bernd Hoffmann; Hans-Ulrich Mösch; Evelyn Sattlegger; Ilse Babette Barthelmess; Alan G. Hinnebusch; Gerhard H. Braus

The CPC2 gene of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a Gβ‐like WD protein which is involved in regulating the activity of the general control activator Gcn4p. The CPC2 gene encodes a premRNA which is spliced and constitutively expressed in the presence or absence of amino acids. Loss of CPC2 gene function suppresses a deletion of the GCN2 gene encoding the general control sensor kinase, but not a deletion in the GCN4 gene. The resulting phenotype has resistance against amino‐acid analogues. The Neurospora crassa cpc‐2 and the rat RACK1 genes are homologues of CPC2 that complement the yeast cpc2 deletion. The cpc2Δ mutation leads to increased transcription of Gcn4p‐dependent genes under non‐starvation conditions without increasing GCN4 expression or the DNA binding activity of Gcn4p. Cpc2p‐mediated transcriptional repression requires the Gcn4p transcriptional activator and a Gcn4p recognition element in the target promoter. Frameshift mutations resulting in a shortened Gβ‐like protein cause a different phenotype that has sensitivity against amino‐acid analogues similar to a gcn2 deletion. Cpc2p seems to be part of an additional control of Gcn4p activity, independent of its translational regulation.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002

Inhibition of APC-mediated proteolysis by the meiosis-specific protein kinase Ime2

Melanie Bolte; Patrick Steigemann; Gerhard H. Braus; Stefan Irniger

Proteolysis triggered by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) is needed for sister chromatid separation and the exit from mitosis. APC is a ubiquitin ligase whose activity is tightly controlled during the cell cycle. To identify factors involved in the regulation of APC-mediated proteolysis, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL-cDNA library was screened for genes whose overexpression prevented degradation of an APC target protein, the mitotic cyclin Clb2. Genes encoding G1, S, and mitotic cyclins were identified, consistent with previous data showing that the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1 associated with different cyclins is a key factor for inhibiting APCCdh1 activity from late-G1 phase until mitosis. In addition, the meiosis-specific protein kinase Ime2 was identified as a negative regulator of APC-mediated proteolysis. Ectopic expression of IME2 in G1 arrested cells inhibited the degradation of mitotic cyclins and of other APC substrates. IME2 expression resulted in the phosphorylation of Cdh1 in G1 cells, indicating that Ime2 and Cdk1 regulate APCCdh1 in a similar manner. The expression of IME2 in cycling cells inhibited bud formation and caused cells to arrest in mitosis. We show further that Ime2 itself is an unstable protein whose proteolysis occurs independently of the APC and SCF (Skp1/Cdc53/F-box) ubiquitin ligases. Our findings suggest that Ime2 represents an unstable, meiosis-specific regulator of APCCdh1.

Gene | 1992

Cloning, primary structure and regulation of the ARO4 gene, encoding the tyrosine-inhibited 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Markus Künzler; Gerhard Paravicini; Christoph M. Egli; Stefan Irniger; Gerhard H. Braus

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two differently regulated 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase (DAHPS; EC isoenzymes carry out the first step in the shikimate pathway. Mutations in both genes are necessary to cause aromatic amino acid (aa) auxotrophy, since one isoenzyme alone is sufficient to produce enough DAHP for normal growth of the cells. The phenylalanine-inhibited DAHPS is encoded by the previously isolated and characterized ARO3 gene. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of the ARO4 gene, encoding the second DAHPS, which is inhibited by tyrosine. The aa sequence of the ARO4 gene product reveals 76% similarity to the ARO3-encoded isoenzyme and 66 and 73% to the three DAHPS isoenzymes from Escherichia coli. ARO4 gene expression is regulated by the general control system of aa biosynthesis. As in the case of the ARO3 gene, a single GCN4-recognition element in the promoter is responsible for derepression of the ARO4 gene under aa starvation conditions. However, in contrast to the situation in the isogene, ARO3, GCN4 does not contribute to the basal level of ARO4 transcription under nonderepressing conditions.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 1989

The general control activator protein GCN4 is essential for a basal level of ARO3 gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

G Paravicini; H U Mösch; T Schmidheini; Gerhard H. Braus

The ARO3 gene encodes one of two 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate isoenzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyzing the first step in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. The ARO3-encoded 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase (EC is feedback inhibited by phenylalanine; its isoenzyme, the ARO4 gene product, is inhibited by tyrosine. Both genes ARO3 and ARO4 are strongly regulated under the general control regulatory system. Cells carrying only one intact isogene are phenotypically indistinguishable from a wild-type strain when grown on minimal medium. The complete functional ARO3 promoter comprises 231 base pairs and contains only one TGACTA binding site for the general control activator protein GCN4. Mutating this element to TTACTA inhibits binding of GCN4 and results in a decreased basal level of ARO3 gene product and slow growth of a strain defective in its isogene ARO4. In addition, ARO3 gene expression cannot be elevated under amino acid starvation conditions. An ARO3 aro4 strain with gcn4 genetic background has the same phenotype of low ARO3 gene expression and slow growth. The amount of GCN4 protein present in repressed wild-type cells therefore seems to contribute to a basal level of ARO3 gene expression. The general control activator GCN4 has thus two functions: (i) to maintain a basal level of ARO3 transcription (basal control) in the presence of amino acids and (ii) to derepress the ARO3 gene to a higher transcription rate under amino acid starvation (general control).

Eukaryotic Cell | 2002

Amino acid-dependent Gcn4p stability regulation occurs exclusively in the yeast nucleus.

Ralph Pries; Katrin Bömeke; Stefan Irniger; Olav Grundmann; Gerhard H. Braus

ABSTRACT The c-Jun-like transcriptional activator Gcn4p controls biosynthesis of translational precursors in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Protein stability is dependent on amino acid limitation and cis signals within Gcn4p which are recognized by cyclin-dependent protein kinases, including Pho85p. The Gcn4p population within unstarved yeast consists of a small relatively stable cytoplasmic fraction and a larger less stable nuclear fraction. Gcn4p contains two nuclear localization signals (NLS) which function independently of the presence or absence of amino acids. Expression of NLS-truncated Gcn4p results in an increased cytoplasmic fraction and an overall stabilization of the protein. The same effect is achieved for the entire Gcn4p in a yrb1 yeast mutant strain impaired in the nuclear import machinery. In the presence of amino acids, controlled destabilization of Gcn4p is triggered by the phosphorylation activity of Pho85p. A pho85Δ mutation stabilizes Gcn4p without affecting nuclear import. Pho85p is localized within the nucleus in the presence or absence of amino acids. Therefore, there is a strict spatial separation of protein synthesis and degradation of Gcn4p in yeast. Control of protein stabilization which antagonizes Gcn4p function is restricted to the nucleus.

Molecular Genetics and Genomics | 1986

Cloning of the ARO3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its regulation.

Sadao Teshiba; Rolf Furter; Peter Niederberger; Gerhard H. Braus; Gerhard Paravicini; Ralf Hütter

SummaryRegulation of the two isozymes of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase (DAHP synthase; EC encoded by the genes ARO3 and ARO4 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Both genes were shown to respond equally well to the general control of amino acid biosynthesis. Strains with mutations in these two genes were obtained by selecting first for a single aro3 mutation and afterwards for a double aro3 aro4 mutation. Gene ARO3, coding for the phenylanine-dependent isozyme of DAHP synthase was cloned on the 2 μm multicopy vector pJDB207 by complementation of mutation aro3-1 in yeast. The ARO3 gene, carried originally on a 9.6 kb BamHI fragment (plasmid pME541A), was subcloned on a 1.9 kb HindIII-XbaI fragment (plasmid pME543). A transcript of about 1.5 kb was shown to proceed from the HindIII towards the XbaI site. Expression from the 9.6 kb as well as from the 1.9 kb fragment was normal on a multicopy vector, since in both cases DAHP synthase levels of about 50-fold the wild-type level were observed.

Archives of Microbiology | 1985

Arrangement of genes TRP1 and TRP3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

Gerhard H. Braus; Rolf Furter; Fransziska Prantl; Peter Niederberger; Ralf Hütter

The tryptophan biosynthetic genes TRP1 and TRP3 and partly also TRP2 and TRP4 have been compared by the technique of Southern hybridization and enzyme measurements in twelve wild isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from natural sources of different continents, in the commonly used laboratory strain S. cerevisiae X2180-1A and in a Kluyveromyces marxianus strain. We could classify these strains into four groups, which did not correlate with their geographical distribution. In no case are the TRP3 and TRP1 genes fused as has been found in other ascomycetes. Two strains were found which, in contrast to strain X2180-1A, show derepression of gene TRP1. Two examples are discussed to demonstrate the usefulness of Southern hybridizations for the identification of closely related strains.

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