Gernot Echner
German Cancer Research Center
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Featured researches published by Gernot Echner.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2009
Gernot Echner; W. Kilby; M. Lee; E. Earnst; S. Sayeh; Alexander Schlaefer; Bernhard Rhein; J. R. Dooley; C Lang; Oliver Blanck; E. Lessard; C. R. Maurer; Wolfgang Schlegel
Robotic radiosurgery using more than one circular collimator can improve treatment plan quality and reduce total monitor units (MU). The rationale for an iris collimator that allows the field size to be varied during treatment delivery is to enable the benefits of multiple-field-size treatments to be realized with no increase in treatment time due to collimator exchange or multiple traversals of the robotic manipulator by allowing each beam to be delivered with any desired field size during a single traversal. This paper describes the Iris variable aperture collimator (Accuray Incorporated, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), which incorporates 12 tungsten-copper alloy segments in two banks of six. The banks are rotated by 30 degrees with respect to each other, which limits the radiation leakage between the collimator segments and produces a 12-sided polygonal treatment beam. The beam is approximately circular, with a root-mean-square (rms) deviation in the 50% dose radius of <0.8% (corresponding to <0.25 mm at the 60 mm field size) and an rms variation in the 20-80% penumbra width of about 0.1 mm at the 5 mm field size increasing to about 0.5 mm at 60 mm. The maximum measured collimator leakage dose rate was 0.07%. A commissioning method is described by which the average dose profile can be obtained from four profile measurements at each depth based on the periodicity of the isodose line variations with azimuthal angle. The penumbra of averaged profiles increased with field size and was typically 0.2-0.6 mm larger than that of an equivalent fixed circular collimator. The aperture reproducibility is < or =0.1 mm at the lower bank, diverging to < or =0.2 mm at a nominal treatment distance of 800 mm from the beam focus. Output factors (OFs) and tissue-phantom-ratio data are identical to those used for fixed collimators, except the OFs for the two smallest field sizes (5 and 7.5 mm) are considerably lower for the Iris Collimator. If average collimator profiles are used, the assumption of circular symmetry results in dose calculation errors that are <1 mm or <1% for single beams across the full range of field sizes; errors for multiple non-coplanar beam treatment plans are expected to be smaller. Treatment plans were generated for 19 cases using the Iris Collimator (12 field sizes) and also using one and three fixed collimators. The results of the treatment planning study demonstrate that the use of multiple field sizes achieves multiple plan quality improvements, including reduction of total MU, increase of target volume coverage and improvements in conformality and homogeneity compared with using a single field size for a large proportion of the cases studied. The Iris Collimator offers the potential to greatly increase the clinical application of multiple field sizes for robotic radiosurgery.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2003
Christian P. Karger; Peter Hipp; Marcus Henze; Gernot Echner; Angelika Höss; Lothar R. Schad; Günther H. Hartmann
CT, MRI, PET and SPECT provide complementary information for treatment planning in stereotactic radiotherapy. Stereotactic correlation of these images requires commissioning tests to confirm the localization accuracy of each modality. A phantom was developed to measure the accuracy of stereotactic localization for CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. To this end. the stereotactically measured coordinates of structures within the phantom were compared with their mechanically defined coordinates. For MRI, PET and SPECT, measurements were performed using two different devices. For MRI, T1- and T2-weighted imaging sequences were applied. For each measurement, the mean radial deviation in space between the stereotactically measured and mechanically defined position of target points was determined. For CT, the mean radial deviation was 0.4 +/- 0.2 mm. For MRI, the mean deviations ranged between 0.7 +/- 0.2 mm and 1.4 +/- 0.5 mm, depending on the MRI device and the imaging sequence. For PET, mean deviations of 1.1 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.4 +/- 0.3 mm were obtained. The mean deviations for SPECT were 1.6 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.0 +/- 0.6 mm. The phantom is well suited to determine the accuracy of stereotactic localization with CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. The obtained accuracy is well below the physical resolution for CT, PET and SPECT, and of comparable magnitude for MRI. Since the localization accuracy may be device dependent, results obtained at one device cannot be generalized to others.
Radiation Oncology | 2014
Tilman Bostel; Nils H. Nicolay; Jörg G Grossmann; Angela Mohr; Stefan Delorme; Gernot Echner; Peter Häring; Jürgen Debus; Florian Sterzing
BackgroundThe purpose of this clinical study is to investigate the clinical feasibility and safety of a shuttle-based MR-linac connection to provide MR-guided radiotherapy.Methods/DesignA total of 40 patients with an indication for a neoadjuvant, adjuvant or definitive radiation treatment will be recruited including tumors of the head and neck region, thorax, upper gastrointestinal tract and pelvic region. All study patients will receive standard therapy, i.e. highly conformal radiation techniques like CT-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with or without concomitant chemotherapy or other antitumor medication, and additionally daily short MR scans in treatment position with the same immobilisation equipment used for irradiation for position verification and imaging of the anatomical and functional changes during the course of radiotherapy. For daily position control, skin marks and a stereotactic frame will be used for both imaging modalities. Patient transfer between the MR device and the linear accelerator will be performed with a shuttle system which uses an air-bearing patient platform for both procedures. The daily acquired MR and CT data sets will be digitally registrated, correlated with the planning CT and compared with each other regarding translational and rotational errors. Aim of this clinical study is to establish a shuttle-based approach for realising MR-guided radiotherapy for certain clinical situations. Second objectives are to compare MR-guided radiotherapy with the gold standard of CT image guidance for quality assurance of radiotherapy, to establish an appropiate MR protocol therefore, and to assess the possibility of using MR-based image guidance not only for position verification but also for adaptive strategies in radiotherapy.DiscussionCompared to CT, MRI might offer the advantage of providing IGRT without delivering an additional radiation dose to the patients and the possibility of optimisation of adaptive therapy strategies due to its superior soft tissue contrast. However, up to now, hybrid MR-linac devices are still under construction and not clinically applicable. For the near future, a shuttle-based approach would be a promising alternative for providing MR-guided radiotherapy, so that the present study was initiated to determine feasibility and safety of such an approach. Besides positioning information, daily MR data under treatment offer the possibility to assess tumor regression and functional parameters, with a potential impact not only on adaptive therapy strategies but also on early assessment of treatment response.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2003
S Webb; G H Hartmann; Gernot Echner; Wolfgang Schlegel
This paper extends some earlier concepts of using a tertiary mask plus jaws for delivering IMRT without a multileaf collimator. The new concept is to sweep a variable-aperture collimator (VAC) across the space of the intensity-modulated beam (IMB) to be delivered and to strip this IMB down into multiple-static-field components, each deliverable with the VAC. The stripping algorithm is described and it is shown, for several designs of VAC, that the mean number of field components and mean number of monitor units is less using the VAC than would be required for a jaws-only (JO) decomposition. The VAC would be simpler to construct than several previously suggested jaws-plus-mask (J+M) combinations. As well as describing a simple VAC for the use with jaws, we propose a design concept of a hybrid VAC. We also show that adding the potential to rotate the simple or hybrid VAC for some components relative to the field to be modulated is advantageous.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2012
A C Vásquez; Armin Runz; Gernot Echner; G Sroka-Perez; Christian P. Karger
Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) requires breathing information from the patient, and for this, several systems are available. Testing of these systems, under realistic conditions, requires a phantom with a moving target and an expandable outer contour. An anthropomorphic phantom was developed to simulate patient breathing as well as lung tumor motion. Using the phantom, an optical camera system (GateCT) and a pressure sensor (AZ-733V) were simultaneously operated, and 4D-CTs were reconstructed with a Siemens CT using the provided local-amplitude-based sorting algorithm. The comparison of the tumor trajectories of both systems revealed discrepancies up to 9.7 mm. Breathing signal differences, such as baseline drift, temporal resolution and noise level were shown not to be the reason for this. Instead, the variability of the sampling interval and the accuracy of the sampling rate value written on the header of the GateCT-signal file were identified as the cause. Interpolation to regular sampling intervals and correction of the sampling rate to the actual value removed the observed discrepancies. Consistently, the introduction of sampling interval variability and inaccurate sampling rate values into the header of the AZ-733V file distorted the tumor trajectory for this system. These results underline the importance of testing new equipment thoroughly, especially if components of different manufacturers are combined.
Medical Physics | 2016
Nina I. Niebuhr; Wibke Johnen; Timur Güldaglar; Armin Runz; Gernot Echner; Philipp Mann; Christian Möhler; Asja Pfaffenberger; Oliver Jäkel; Steffen Greilich
PURPOSE Phantom surrogates were developed to allow multimodal [computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and teletherapy] and anthropomorphic tissue simulation as well as materials and methods to construct deformable organ shapes and anthropomorphic bone models. METHODS Agarose gels of variable concentrations and loadings were investigated to simulate various soft tissue types. Oils, fats, and Vaseline were investigated as surrogates for adipose tissue and bone marrow. Anthropomorphic shapes of bone and organs were realized using 3D-printing techniques based on segmentations of patient CT-scans. All materials were characterized in dual energy CT and MRI to adapt CT numbers, electron density, effective atomic number, as well as T1- and T2-relaxation times to patient and literature values. RESULTS Soft tissue simulation could be achieved with agarose gels in combination with a gadolinium-based contrast agent and NaF to simulate muscle, prostate, and tumor tissues. Vegetable oils were shown to be a good representation for adipose tissue in all modalities. Inner bone was realized using a mixture of Vaseline and K2HPO4, resulting in both a fatty bone marrow signal in MRI and inhomogeneous areas of low and high attenuation in CT. The high attenuation of outer bone was additionally adapted by applying gypsum bandages to the 3D-printed hollow bone case with values up to 1200 HU. Deformable hollow organs were manufactured using silicone. Signal loss in the MR images based on the conductivity of the gels needs to be further investigated. CONCLUSIONS The presented surrogates and techniques allow the customized construction of multimodality, anthropomorphic, and deformable phantoms as exemplarily shown for a pelvic phantom, which is intended to study adaptive treatment scenarios in MR-guided radiation therapy.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2015
K Henkner; M Winter; Gernot Echner; B Ackermann; Stephan Brons; J Horn; Oliver Jäkel; Christian P. Karger
For regular quality assurance and patient-specific dosimetric verification under non-horizontal gantry angles in ion beam radiotherapy, we developed and commissioned a motorized solid state phantom. The phantom is set up under the selected gantry angle and moves an array of 24 ionization chambers to the measurement position by means of three eccentrically-mounted cylinders. Hence, the phantom allows 3D dosimetry at oblique gantry angles. To achieve the high standards in dosimetry, the mechanical and dosimetric accuracy of the phantom was investigated and corrections for residual uncertainties were derived. Furthermore, the exact geometry as well as a coordinate transformation from cylindrical into Cartesian coordinates was determined. The developed phantom proved to be suitable for quality assurance and 3D-dose verifications for proton- and carbon ion treatment plans at oblique gantry angles. Comparing dose measurements with the new phantom under oblique gantry angles with those in a water phantom and horizontal beams, the dose deviations averaged over the 24 ionization chambers were within 1.5%. Integrating the phantom into the HIT treatment plan verification environment, allows the use of established workflow for verification measurements. Application of the phantom increases the safety of patient plan application at gantry beam lines.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2006
J W Anderson; R Symonds-Tayler; G H Hartmann; Gernot Echner; C Lang; Wolfgang Schlegel; S Webb
The potential of the variable-aperture collimator (VAC) in intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has been evaluated by comparing its performance with that of the multi-leaf collimator (MLC). This comparison used a decomposition algorithm to find the series of collimator segments that would treat a given intensity-modulated beam (IMB). Collimator performance was measured using both the number of segments required to complete the IMB and the monitor-unit efficiency of the treatment. The VAC was modelled with aperture sizes from 4 x 4 cm to 20 x 20 cm, and these apertures were allowed to be located anywhere within the IMB. To enable a direct comparison, a similar scanning MLC was modelled at the same range of aperture sizes. Using both collimators, decompositions were run on 10 x 10 and 20 x 20 random IMBs with integer bixel values ranging from 1 to 10. Clinical IMBs from lung, head and neck, and pelvic patients were taken from a Pinnacle treatment-planning system and tested in the same manner. It was found that for all treatment sites, a small, scanning MLC performs as well or better than an equivalent sized VAC in both number of segments and monitor-unit efficiency, and would be an efficient choice for centres looking for a simple collimator for IMRT.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2015
Marco Langhans; Gernot Echner; Armin Runz; Martin Baumann; Mark Xu; Stefan Ueltzhöffer; Peter Häring; Wolfgang Schlegel
According to the Directory of Radiotherapy Centres (DIRAC) there are 2348 Cobalt-60 (Co-60) teletherapy units worldwide, most of them in low and middle income countries, compared to 11046 clinical accelerators. To improve teletherapy with Co-60, a mechanical Multi-Leaf Collimator (MLC) was developed, working with pneumatic pressure and thus independent of electricity supply. Instead of tungsten, brass was used as leaf material to make the mechanical MLC more affordable. The physical properties and clinical applicability of this mechanical MLC are presented here. The leakage strongly depends on the fieldsize of the therapy unit due to scatter effects. The maximum transmission through the leaves measured 2.5 cm from the end-to-end gap, within a field size of 20 cm × 30 cm defined by jaws of the therapy unit at 80 cm SAD, amounts 4.2%, normalized to an open 10 cm × 10 cm field, created by the mechanical MLC. Within a precollimated field size of 12.5 cm × 12.5 cm, the end-to-end leakage is 6.5% normalized to an open 10 cm × 10 cm field as well. This characteristic is clinically acceptable considering the criteria for non-IMRT MLCs of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC 60601-2-1). The penumbra for a 10 cm × 10 cm field was measured to be 9.14 mm in plane and 8.38 mm cross plane. The clinical applicability of the designed mechanical MLC was affirmed by measurements relating to all relevant clinical properties such as penumbra, leakage, output factors and field widths. Hence this novel device presents an apt way forward to make radiotherapy with conformal fields possible in low-infrastructure environments, using gantry based Co-60 therapy units.
Medical Physics | 2012
P Haering; C Lang; A Schwahofer; Gernot Echner
PURPOSE To present a modified Winston-Lutz-Test procedure able to measure beam and laser angles. METHODS Room lasers have not only to indicate the isocenter spot but should also be aligned to the central beam axis. Therefore a modified WL test, based on a cube phantom made of low density foam material was developed. The classical steel sphere in the center is surrounded by 8 additional smaller spheres located near the cube corners. Surface markers on the cube indicate the position of the spheres and are used for easy setup to the lasers. Measurements are made with a field size covering all spheres in the well known way, ideally with a gantry mounted EPID. Result is an image of in total 9 spheres that is influenced by the distances and incoming beam directions. An automated template based detection algorithm then searches the image for the spheres as well as for the outside field boundaries. Knowing the phantom geometry, it is now easy to calculate the following parameters: Position of center sphere and laser to central axis of the beam, beam angle to the orientation of the phantom and the distance of the cube to the radiation source. Calculation result s then can be used to correct the phantom position and orientation. A transfer device equipped with a finder sight then allows to set the lasers. RESULTS Test measurements were taken at a Siemens Artiste. Here the detection accuracy for angles and positions was tested. For smaller angles the automated detection works quite well within an accuracy of around 0.1° (max error 0.2°). Position detection was below 1/10mm and showed clearly the effects of Gantry and collimator sag. CONCLUSIONS This method detects both, positions and angles of laser and beam, enabling a higher precision laser setup.