Gianluca Cornamusini
University of Siena
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Featured researches published by Gianluca Cornamusini.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2015
Michele Marroni; Giovanna Moratti; Armando Costantini; Sandro Conticelli; Marco Benvenuti; Luca Pandolfi; Marco Bonini; Gianluca Cornamusini; Marinella A. Laurenzi
This paper and the associated 1:50,000 geological map are devoted to describe the geological features of the Monte Amiata region. The tectono-stratigraphic setting of Monte Amiata region includes, from bottom to top, 1) the pre-Neogene stack of tectonic units, made up of Tuscan, Sub-Ligurian and Ligurian Tectonic Units, 2) the Neogene sedimentary deposits and 3) the Plei -stocene Radicofani and Monte Amiata volcanoes. The pre-Neogene stack of tectonic units includes, from bottom to top, the Tuscan Nappe, belonging to the Tuscan Domain, and Canetolo Tectonic Unit, belonging to the Sub-Ligurian Domain. These tectonic units, regarded as representative of the thinned continental margin of the Adria plate, are topped by the Santa Fiora and Ophiolitic Tectonic Units, interpreted as remnants of the Ligure-Piemontese oceanic basin and its transition to the Adria continental margin. All the tectonic units of the pre-Neogene stack have been affected by folds and thrusts originated during the convergence related to the Europe-Africa motion during the Middle Eocene-Early Miocene. Subsequently, these tectonic units were affected by a widespread reduction of thickness of their successions due to low-angle normal faulting related to the Middle Miocene extensional tectonics. The Neogene sedimentary deposits unconformably overlie the pre-Neogene stack of tectonic units. They consist of Upper Miocene to Pliocene continental and marine sediments, filling the Cinigiano-Baccinello, Velona, and Siena-Radicofani basins, adopting an informal hierarchy of different stratigraphic units where the first order units are synthems. The Pleistocene Radicofani and Monte Amiata volcanoes are made up by high-K basaltic andesitic to shoshonitic volcanic rocks and by trachydacitic to trachytic and olivine-latitic volcanic rocks, respectively. The geological mapping has provided evidences of a complex tectonic setting resulting from a long-lived history shifting from Cretaceous to Early Miocene compressive events to Middle Miocene extensional tectonics and Late Miocene-Pleistocene contractional and extensional events during which the Pleistocene magmatic activity occurred. In this regard, the Monte Amiata region can be regarded as a key area where the final result of a 200 Ma long geological history of the Northern Apennines is exposed.
Journal of Maps | 2013
Luigi Carmignani; Paolo Conti; Gianluca Cornamusini; Altair Pirro
The main map covers the territory of the Tuscany Region, in Central Italy and shows the main stratigraphic and tectonic features of the internal part of the Northern Apennines. This is characterized by nappe superposition well exposed in the Apennine chain (in the eastern part of the map), as well the effects of post-nappe extensional tectonics, originating in Miocene-Pliocene and younger basins bordered by metamorphic core complexes, covering most of the central and southern part of the Region. The map is at 1:300,000 scale and is based on 1:10,000 field mapping.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2011
Gianluca Cornamusini; Luca Maria Foresi; Giovanni Massa; Filippo Bonciani; Ivan Callegari; Simone Da Prato; Alessandro Ielpi
The Miocene sequences of Southern Tuscany represent the first post-nappe sedimentary record of the Northern Apennines, and are linked with the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The sequences are located in several basins, characterizing the hinterland of the orogen. They are settled on a stack that is composed of deformed tectonic units and are capped by Plio-Pleistocene deposits. The respective basins have been strongly controlled by tectonics, which have remarkably forced the sedimentation. The Fiora Hills represent the southernmost area of Tuscany, where there are some minor but significant examples of these basins. In particular, they are the Fiora and the Tafone basins, the infillings of which are characterized by Miocene successions subdivided into several depositional units separated by unconformity or correlative conformity surfaces. This study deals with the stratigraphic features of such Miocene basinal infillings, with the aim being to define the depositional architecture and the tectonic-sedimentation interplays. Moreover, the collected data also enables there to be a discussion of some of the aspects of the basins’ structuring that are linked with the Miocene evolution of the hinterland of the Northern Apennines. The entire Miocene succession of the Fiora Hills spans from the Langhian up to the late Messinian, with there being minor differences between the Fiora-Tafone basins and with the nearby Albegna Basin. In general, we recognize: the basal Ponsano P Unit (middle Miocene), which is referable to coastal-shallow marine environment; the Lignitiferous T Unit (late Tortonian-early Messinian), which is referable to fan-delta and lacustrine systems; the Acquabona-Spicchiaiola M1 Unit (early Messinian), which is referable to lagoonal fan-deltaic environment; the Castelnuovo M2 Unit (early Messinian), which is referable to shallow marine environment; and the “Lago-Mare” M3 Unit (late Messinian), which is referable to fan-deltaic lacustrine systems. The Miocene succession is overlaid by Plio-Pleistocene marine to continental succession. The Miocene basins have settled on deformed Ligurian allochthonous units, which are markedly structured in tectonic depressions and highs and coherently so with the “crustal lateral segmentation” model. The development of the Miocene sedimentation in this sector of the chain appears to be strictly connected to the tectonic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea rifting. The middle Miocene deposits may in fact be related to the first syn-rift shallow-marine basins, marking the beginning of the post-nappe phase. During late Tortonian-early Messinian, important lacustrine-fan-delta systems dominated in the basins and represented the development of the middle Miocene stages. They evolved during the early Messinian in lagoonal fan-deltaic systems and then in shallow-marine systems. The transition to the upper Messinian deposits is marked by a significant unconformity, which is marked locally by angularity, thus noting an intramessinian deformative episode. This characterizes the lacustrine fan-deltaic systems that are linked to the Messinian salinity crisis for the paleo-Mediterranean Sea. The stratigraphic differences between the Fiora Hills’ basins are therefore linked to the somewhat different basinal sedimentary evolution, which is connected to the development of morphological/tectonic ridges.
Journal of Maps | 2012
Gianluca Cornamusini; Alessandro Ielpi; Filippo Bonciani; Ivan Callegari; Paolo Conti
A detailed stratigraphical-structural survey combined with classical geological mapping has been performed in the northern Chianti Mts, part of the Northern Apennines Orogen (central Italy). The study area can be subdivided in different tectonic and depositional units: (i) the widely outcropping Tuscan Nappe (middle/late Lias–earliest Miocene), thrusted to the west by (ii) Ligurian units (Cretaceous–Eocene) and unconformably covered by (iii) post-nappe deposits (Pliocene–Pleistocene). The Chianti Mts are structured as a mega-antiformal fold, dissected by WSW-ENE transversal lines and by NNW-SSE normal faults linked with the exhumation of the Northern Apennines Range, developing a basin/ridge structure. As results, (i) a new improved stratigraphic frame is here proposed; (ii) several tectonic and stratigraphic domains have been newly recognised; (iii) a large area characterised by severe internal deformation has been recognised and mapped as an imbricate fan thrust system, linked with transversal lines.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2010
Anna Maria Bambini; Andrea Brogi; Gianluca Cornamusini; Armando Costantini; Luca Maria Foresi; Antonio Lazzarotto
This paper deals with the geological setting of the Rapolano Terme area (Siena) located in southern Tuscany, inner Northern Apennines. The Rapolano area is part of an important morpho-tectonic feature NNW-SSE oriented, ranging from the Chianti Mts to the Cetona Mt, separating the Siena-Radicofani and the Valdichiana Basins in the western and eastern sides, respectively. In the study area the Late Triassic-Early Miocene succession of the Tuscan Nappe, as well as the Eocene succession belonging to the Morello Unit (external Ligurian Unit) and the Pliocene-Pleistocene post-orogenic marine to continental deposits are broadly exposed. The oldest cropping out Tuscan Nappe formation consists of the «Calcari e marne a Rhaetavicula contorta » Fm. It is mainly composed of dark limestone beds with decimeter thick grey marls interbedded. The occurrence of Triasina hantkeni Maizon allows referring this formation to the Rhaetian. The underlying formation (the base of the Tuscan Nappe), represented by the «Formazione anidritica di Burano» was encountered at depth (900 m below the ground level) by the Rapolano 1 borehole, and was partially drilled for 114 m. The «Calcare massiccio» Fm (Early Lias) overlies on the «Calcari e marne a Rhaetavicula contorta» Fm. This formation broadly crops out in the study area. It is mainly composed of grey massive limestones, often dolomitic, containing meter thick lenses of sin-sedimentary breccias formed by centimeter to decimeter carbonate clasts. The «Calcare massiccio» Fm is overlain by the «Calcare selcifero» Fm. Such a formation consists of bedded grey cherty limestones (Late Hettangian-Domerian). The «Calcare selcifero» Fm is overlain by the «Calcare Rosso Ammonitico» Fm, giving rise to an anomalous stratigraphic succession with respect to that described for the Tuscan Nappe exposed in the western Tuscany. The «Calcare Rosso Ammonitico» Fm is composed of Toarcian-Aalenian red and yellow nodular limestones and marly limestones, with heteropic relationships with the uppermost part of the «Calcare selcifero» Fm and with the lower part of the «Marne a Posidonomya» Fm. The «Marne a Posidonomya» Fm is mainly composed of Toarcian-Callovian meter thick beds consisting of red, grey and yellow marly limestones and marls, often interlayered with red and grey siltstones. Such a formation is discontinuously exposed in the northern part of the study area (mainly between Rapolano and Serre di Rapolano villages), where it directly overlies the «Calcare selcifero» Fm. The «Marne a Posidonomya» Fm is characterized by a thin succession occurring in the southern part of the study area. In few areas such a formation is substituted by the «Calcare Rosso Ammonitico» Fm. The «Marne a Posidonomya» Fm and the «Calcare selcifero» Fm are overlain by the «Diaspri» Fm, mainly composed of centimeter beds of Late Callovian-Early Titonian red, yellow and green radiolarites with interbedded very thin claystones levels. The «Diaspri» Fm gradually passes to the overlying succession represented by the «Calcari ad Aptici» Fm. Such a formation is mainly composed of thin bedded Titonian yellow and red limestones and marly limestones. This formation gradually passes to the «Maiolica» Fm that occurs in an about 100m thick succession, unusual with respect to that documented for the southern Tuscany. The «Maiolica» Fm consists of thin bedded white and grey cherty calcilutites (Berriasian-Aptian). Nodular cherts are very abundant, often black or red in color. The «Maiolica» Fm is overlain by the Albian-Late Eocene (Priabonian) Scaglia Toscana Group which is composed of, from the bottom to the top: i) the «Argilliti di Brolio» Fm; ii) the «Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Pod. Le Rossole» correlatable with the «Marne del Sugame» Fm described for the Chianti Mts; iii) the «Calcareniti di Montegrossi» Fm containing a megabreccias with volcanic blocks; iv) the «Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda» Fm. The «Macigno» Fm is the topmost formation of the Tuscan Nappe. This is mainly composed of a turbidite succession broadly exposed in the northern part of the study area. The «Macigno» Fm consists mainly of arkosic sandstones with interbedded micaceous siltstones and rare thin carbonate levels. The «Macigno» Fm can be subdivided in three main depositional units: i) the lowermost depositional unit is mainly composed of sandstones facies referred to distal or intermediate-distal lobe; ii) the middle depositional unit is characterized by coupled siltstones and sandstones beds, referred to a very distal depositional environment; iii) the topmost depositional unit is mainly composed of siltstones with subordinate sandstones suggesting the migration of the foredeep system. The «Macigno» Fm is referred to the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. The Ligurian Units are represented by the Morello Unit only composed of the «Monte Morello Fm». Such a formation is exposed in small outcrops located in the southern part of the study area, near Pod. S. Bernardino. In the attached geological map the Morello Unit has been erroneously attributed to the «Scaglia Toscana» Group (labeled as Mc). The «Monte Morello» Fm consists of brown to grey marls and subordinate calcilutites and marly-limestones, with local intercalation of centimeter and decimeter beds of ophiolite bearing turbidite sandstones. The age is Early-Middle Eocene. The Tuscan Nappe and the Morello Unit are unconformably overlain by the Pliocene marine deposits filling the Neogene Siena Basin. The Pliocene deposits consist, from the top to the bottom (see the attached geological map): i) « Argille e argille sabbiose grigie, talvolta fossilifere» consisting of clays and sandy-clays; ii) « Sabbie talvolta argillose ed arenarie poco cementate gialle a luoghi arrossate, Arenarie ben cementate gialle» consisting of sands and clayey-sands; iii) « Conglomerati e ciottolami poligenici, non classati, saltuariamente con fori di Litodomi» consisting of polygenic conglomerates and pebbles with borings of lithophagid bivalves. The lower part of this succession is characterized by the absence of Globorotalia puncticulata . The overlying part is characterized by the occurrence of Bulimina marginata and Discoaster pentaradiatus . On the whole, marine deposits can be ascribed to the Piacenzian even though we cannot exclude the lowest Gelasian at least for the uppermost part of the succession. The Quaternary deposits unconformably overlie both the Pliocene deposits and the pre-Neogene formations. They are exposed from 190 m to 375 m above the sea level. These deposits consists of broad Middle-Late Pleistocene and Holocene travertine deposits, mainly exposed in the quarries close to Serre di Rapolano and Rapolano Terme villages, and the alluvial deposits of the Piano del Sentino, Piano della Bestina and Borgo ai Piani. The sedimentological and stratigraphic features, as well as the lithological association coupled with the rare fossil remains, allow to refer such deposits to a fluvio-lacustrine depositional environment. The tectonic setting is characterized by superposed deformational events developed during the structural evolution of the Northern Apennines. The structures related to the different deformational events are, from the youngest: i) Late Pliocene-Late Pleistocene oblique to strike-slip faults, E-W to NE-SW striking, giving rise to hydrothermal circulation, as well as the occurrence of thermal springs and gas emissions (mainly CO2); ii) Early-Middle Pliocene normal faults, NNW-SSE and N-S oriented, interfering with the Pliocene sedimentation and driving the architecture of the eastern side of the Siena Basin; the most important structure belonging to this fault system is the Rapolano normal fault, N-S striking and west-dipping, which separates the pre-Neogene successions from the Pliocene deposits; iii) extensional detachments with top-to the east sense of shear giving rise to significant tectonic elisions within tectonic units forming the Chianti Mts-Cetona Mt. ridge ( serie ridotta Auctt ); iv) east-verging folds with N-S and NNW-SSE axial trend; they are the most representative contractional structures in the whole study area (see the geological map) and developed after the emplacement of the Ligurian Units on the Tuscan Nappe; v) thrust and related minor contractional structures (folds and reverse faults) developed during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene stacking of the tectonic units. In the last part of the paper, the relationships between tectonic activity and travertine deposition and hydrothermal circulation are discussed.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2009
Anna Maria Bambini; Andrea Brogi; Gianluca Cornamusini; Armando Costantini; Antonio Lazzarotto
The Scaglia Toscana represents a stratigraphic unit belonging to the Tuscan Domain of the Northern Apennines. Such a stratigraphic unit results lithologically heterogeneous, and is representative of a very long time span (from the Early Cretaceous to the Oligocene) during which very important geological events took place, such as the convergence and collisional events giving rise to the edification of the Northern Apennines orogene. We have studied several key outcrops of the Scaglia Toscana exposed in the Rapolano Terme area (Southern Tuscany, Northern Apennines) in order to contribute to the reconstruction of the depositional setting and palaeogeographical features of a sector of the Tuscan Domain from the Cretaceous to the Early Miocene, and to hypothesise a possible geodynamic evolution. The Scaglia Toscana exposed in the Rapolano Terme area has been deeply investigated through lithostragraphic and biostratigraphic analyses mainly carried out in three key areas indicated in the fig. 1: 1) the Podere Cetinaia-Podere Monte Petroso section; 2) the Podere Le Rossole section; and 3) the Modanella-Podere Campo d’Aia section. From the top (represented by the overlying Macigno Fm) to the bottom (Maiolica Fm) we have recognized three litostratigraphic units: 1. Claystones and calcarenites ( Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda ), containing lenses of nummulite bearing calcarenites and calcirudites («Nummulitico», Calcareniti di Montegrossi ). The thickness ranges from 50 to 100 m; Middle-Late Eocene. 2. Silty marls and claystones ( Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole ) comparable for the age and stratigraphic position with the Marne del Sugame described in the Chianti Mts. The thickness does not exceed 10 m; Early-Middle Eocene. 3. Argilliti di Brolio consisting of three lithofacies: BRLa - manganesiferous radiolarites (thickness from 5 to 10 m); BRLb - siliceous siltstones (thickness of about 10 m); BRLc - red marly clays (thickness from 6 to 8 m); Albian-Turonian. The boundary separating the Argilliti di Brolio from the overlying Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole is representative of a time gap about 7Ma long (from 40 to 47Ma). According to Canuti & Marcucci (1967) we exclude the emersion during this time span, but we support for: i) the reduction of the sedimentation and/or; ii) submarine erosion induced by tectonic instability. Such possible hypotheses can be confirmed by the fact that the gap affects different stratigraphic horizons of the Argilliti di Brolio , and the sedimentation of the Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole started diachronically. The sedimentary environment of the Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole is pelagic-hemipelagic, characterised by Foraminifera bearing marly and pelitic sediments. The occurrence of thin bedded calcarenites indicates the formation of a turbidite system, mainly carbonate. Such a turbidite system typifies the overlying succession: the Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda with interbedded Nummulites bearing calcarenites and calcirudites ( Calcareniti di Montegrossi ). The stratigraphic contact between the Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda and the Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole lithostratigraphic units is gradual and continuous, and is characterized by the frequency and thickness increase of the turbite beds, as well as by the progressive appearance of the reddish color, moreover characterizing the overlying Marne siltose ed argilliti marnose rosse di Podere Le Rossole . The sedimentological features of the Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda suggest a radical change of the sedimentary environment. In fact, the hemipelagic sediments were substituted by the turbidite systems. The turbidites are characterized by graded beds containing Eocene planktonic Foraminifera indicating an intrabasinal reworking of penecontemporaneous sediments. Contrarily, the calcarenites of the upper part of the succession are characterized by Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera being bioclasts indicating an extrabasinal origin. This is indicative for the development of a carbonate turbidite system fed by Cretaceous sediments. The uppermost part of the succession is newly typified by the occurrence of calcarenite beds with intrabasinal Eocene planktonic Foraminifera. Such a lithological assemblage and palaeontological containts became a recurrent feature for the overlying Nummulites bearing calcarenites and calcirudites («Nummulitico», Calcareniti di Montegrossi ). Furthermore, these latter are characterized by Eocene benthonic Foraminifera suggesting the development of one or more lobes of a submarine fan channels fed by carbonate platforms. The Nummulite bearing calcarenites are characterized by a trend thinning-fining upward, and gradually pass to the Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda , indicating the deactivation of the lobe fan system. Such a succession passes to the Macigno siliciclastic sandstone (Macigno Fm). In sum, we hyphotesise that the embryonal foredeep system of the Northern Apennines could be developed since the Middle-Late Eocene with the activation of a carbonate turbidite system ( Argilliti e calcareniti di Dudda plus the Nummulites bearing calcarenites) successively evolved in a siliciclastic turbidite system represented by the Macigno Fm. The sedimentary gap recorded within the Scaglia Toscana succession could indicate the records of the beginning of the tectonic activity which affected the Tuscan Domain for a long time, related to the development of the Northern Apennines foredeep system.
Journal of the Geological Society | 2014
Gianluca Cornamusini; Luca Maria Foresi; Barbara Dall’Antonia; A Bossio; Roberto Mazzei; Gianfranco Salvatorini
The only place where Neogene–Quaternary rocks crop out for the entire Tuscan Archipelago in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the island of Pianosa. In particular, the Miocene deposits record the depositional and tectonic evolution of the Northern Tyrrhenian region during this time period. These deposits are subdivided into two successions separated by a low-angle unconformity. The older, middle Burdigalian succession represents a calciturbidite shallow marine system, whereas the younger late Tortonian–early Messinian succession comprises a continental alluvial system that evolves upwards into a lagoonal–marginal marine environment. Here we present sedimentological, palaeontological and petrographical data that support a new stratigraphic and palaeogeographical framework for reconstructing the opening of the Northern Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. The early Miocene succession records a pre-rift marine depositional phase followed by a late Burdigalian–Langhian erosional phase. This was followed by a period of synrift continental-marginal deposition, as recorded by the late Miocene succession, terminated by an important phase of uplift, probably induced by the start of magmatic activity in the Tuscan Archipelago area.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2011
Gianluca Cornamusini; Alessandro Ielpi; Filippo Bonciani; Ivan Callegari; Scaglia Toscana
The Chianti Mts, part of the Northern Apennines orogen, represent an ideal case study to depict the relationships between outer carbonate ramps and basin plain carbonate turbidite systemsin foreland basins. The main object of this research is the Scaglia Toscana Fm., a ca. 200 metres thick Eocene-Oligocene succession of polychromous shales, marls, pelagic limestones and turbidite calcarenites, with marked lateral/vertical complexity, having its type-section in the Chianti Mts. During fi eldwork, the fm. has been subdivided in four partially interfingered members (from the bottom and northernmost): Sugame Marls; Cintoia Shales; Montegrossi Calcarenites; Dudda Shales and Limestones. The formation relates to three depositional systems: a middle to outer carbonate ramp dominated by hemipelagic deposition; a basinal plain whose sediments distribution was mainly forced by redox/oxic conditions and calcite-lysocline fluctuations; a thinning- and fining-upward, coarse- to fine-grained carbonate turbidite system. The Scaglia Toscana basin was located on the Adria continental micro-plate, foreland of the developing Northern Apennines orogen, whose facies distribution was mainly controlled by block faulting and differential subsidence. The Chianti Mts. represent then a crucial sector, since they expose the junction between a northern SSE-dipping ramp and a southern basinal plain with turbidite fl oor fans. A general southwardand upward-shift from ramp, basinal plain and turbidite fan facies has been recognized and remarked since the pioneering studies of the 1960s. Nonetheless, an exhaustive facies and architectural analysis is still lacking in literature. To fill this gap, the partial and preliminary results of a field logging, integrated with sedimentary facies analysis are reported here.
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana | 2018
Gianluca Cornamusini; Paolo Conti; Anna Maria Bambini
The Oligocene-Miocene turbidite successions of the Emilia-Tuscany Apennines are one of the most intriguing aspects of the geology of the Northern Apennines (NA) in Italy. To better understand the stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of this sector of the NA, we conducted a detailed field-mapping and stratigraphic study of turbidite successions of the most critical areas of this sector of the chain, which are composed of Mt. Modino Sandstone, Mt. Cervarola Sandstone, Gova Sandstone and associated marly units. Our contribution encompasses a review of the regional geology and fieldrelationships of arenaceous and marly formations, with a particular focus on new biostratigraphic data. This new biostratigraphic study is coupled with a compositional characterization of sandstone, with a view to producing a paleogeographic and evolutionary model of the thrust-foredeep system of the NA during the late Oligocene-early Miocene. This system was structured in a first stage during the Chattian-Aquitanian with the development of different inner turbidite systems (the Mt. Modino Sandstone in the frontal thrust-top basin, the Macigno, the Torre degli Amorotti System of the Mt. Cervarola Sandstone and the Gova Sandstone in the foredeep). The orogenic wedge was then affected by a later important deformation event during the earliest Burdigalian (Tuscan phase), developing the wider foredeep of the Mt. Cervarola Sandstone basin.
Journal of Maps | 2017
Gianluca Cornamusini; Paolo Conti; Filippo Bonciani; I. Callegari; Luca Martelli
ABSTRACT A detailed geological map at 1:50,000 scale of the Marecchia Valley and adjoining areas (Northern Apennines, NA, Italy) is presented here. The Marecchia Valley represents a geological ‘unicum’ for the NA and it has been the focus of scientific debate for a long time, due to the occurrence in the area of the ‘Coltre della Val Marecchia (CVM)’, a complex stack of allochthonous and semi-allochthonous units emplaced in a foredeep basin during the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene. In order to clarify the geological evolution for this area, the lithostratigraphic relationships and the tectonic framework have been studied, allowing better understanding of the complex relationships between tectonics and sedimentation. The main result has been a new evolutionary framework for this sector of the orogen during the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene. Several new findings about the geological-structural setting and stratigraphy, result from the geological map presented here. These are overall supported by stratigraphic and tectonic evidence, which suggest time and modes of the CVM allochthonous emplacement within the Messinian-early Pliocene foredeep successions. Relationships between the allochthonous and autochthonous formations allowed recognition of two different bodies in the CVM, gravitationally emplaced following different trajectories and timing.