Gillian McGovern
Veterinary Laboratories Agency
The Journal of Pathology | 2000
Martin Jeffrey; Gillian McGovern; Caroline M. Goodsir; Karen L. Brown; Moira E. Bruce
Prion protein (PrP) from the brains of animals with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is partially protease resistant (PrPres) compared with fully sensitive PrP (PrPsen) from uninfected brains. In most experimental models, PrPres is a reliable indicator of infectivity. Light microscopic studies have suggested that both PrPsen and disease‐specific accumulations of PrP are associated with follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). Using immunogold electron microscopy, this study has demonstrated disease‐specific accumulation of PrP in the spleens of C57 BL mice, 70 days after intracerebral infection with the ME7 strain of scrapie and at the terminal stage of disease at 170 days. At both stages, tingible body macrophages contained PrP within lysosomes and PrP was also detected at the plasmalemma of FDCs. In the light zone of follicles of terminally diseased mice, all FDC dendrites were arranged in the form of highly reactive or hyperplastic labyrinthine glomerular complexes, within which PrP was consistently seen between FDC processes in association with abundant electron dense material, interpreted as antigen–antibody complexes. Within some glomeruli, fibrillar forms of PrP consistent with amyloid were seen. At 70 days after challenge, large or hyperplastic labyrinthine complexes were rare and invariably labelled for PrP. However, sparse PrP labelling was also seen on simple FDC processes at this stage. The ubiquitous accumulation of extracellular PrP in complex glomerular dendrites of FDCs in spleens from terminally affected mice, contrasted with simple FDC profiles, sparse PrP and limited electron dense deposits in all but a few FDCs of 70‐day post‐infected mice. This suggests that FDCs continually release PrP from the cell surface, where it is associated with trapped antigen–antibody complexes and dendritic extension. It is likely that tingible body macrophages acquire PrP following phagocytosis of PrP within iccosomes or from the extracellular space around FDC dendrites. These studies would not support an intracellular phase of PrP accumulation in FDCs but show that PrP is produced in excess by scrapie‐infected cells from where it is released into the extracellular space. We suggest that PrPsen is involved in dendritic extension or in the process of antibody–antigen trapping, perhaps as part of the binding mechanism for antigen–antibody complexes.
The Journal of Pathology | 2006
Martin Jeffrey; L González; Arild Espenes; CMcL Press; S Martin; M Chaplin; L Davis; Thor Landsverk; C MacAldowie; S Eaton; Gillian McGovern
To determine the mechanisms of intestinal transport of infection, and early pathogenesis, of sheep scrapie, isolated gut‐loops were inoculated to ensure that significant concentrations of scrapie agent would come into direct contact with the relevant ileal structures (epithelial, lymphoreticular, and nervous). Gut loops were inoculated with a scrapie brain pool homogenate or normal brain or sucrose solution. After surgery, animals were necropsied at time points ranging from 15 min to 1 month and at clinical end point. Inoculum‐associated prion protein (PrP) was detected by immunohistochemistry in villous lacteals and in sub‐mucosal lymphatics from 15 min to 3.5 h post‐challenge. It was also detected in association with dendritic‐like cells in the draining lymph nodes at up to 24 h post‐challenge. Replication of infection, as demonstrated by the accumulation of disease‐associated forms of PrP in Peyers patches, was detected at 30 days and sheep developed clinical signs of scrapie at 18–22 months post‐challenge. These results indicate discrepancies between the routes of transportation of PrP from the inoculum and sites of de novo‐generated disease‐associated PrP subsequent to scrapie agent replication. When samples of homogenized inoculum were incubated with alimentary tract fluids in vitro, only trace amounts of protease‐resistant PrP could be detected by western blotting, suggesting that the majority of both normal and abnormal PrP within the inoculum is readily digested by alimentary fluids. Copyright
PLOS Pathogens | 2010
Bruce Chesebro; Brent Race; Kimberly Meade-White; Rachel LaCasse; Richard E. Race; Mikael Klingeborn; James F. Striebel; David W. Dorward; Gillian McGovern; Martin Jeffrey
Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative diseases of humans and animals characterized by gray matter spongiosis and accumulation of aggregated, misfolded, protease-resistant prion protein (PrPres). PrPres can be deposited in brain in an amyloid-form and/or non-amyloid form, and is derived from host-encoded protease-sensitive PrP (PrPsen), a protein normally anchored to the plasma membrane by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). Previously, using heterozygous transgenic mice expressing only anchorless PrP, we found that PrP anchoring to the cell membrane was required for typical clinical scrapie. However, in the present experiments, using homozygous transgenic mice expressing two-fold more anchorless PrP, scrapie infection induced a new fatal disease with unique clinical signs and altered neuropathology, compared to non-transgenic mice expressing only anchored PrP. Brain tissue of transgenic mice had high amounts of infectivity, and histopathology showed dense amyloid PrPres plaque deposits without gray matter spongiosis. In contrast, infected non-transgenic mice had diffuse non-amyloid PrPres deposits with significant gray matter spongiosis. Brain graft studies suggested that anchored PrPsen expression was required for gray matter spongiosis during prion infection. Furthermore, electron and light microscopic studies in infected transgenic mice demonstrated several pathogenic processes not seen in typical prion disease, including cerebral amyloid angiopathy and ultrastructural alterations in perivascular neuropil. These findings were similar to certain human familial prion diseases as well as to non-prion human neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers disease.
Journal of Virology | 2002
Neil A. Mabbott; Gillian McGovern; Martin Jeffrey; Moira E. Bruce
ABSTRACT Although the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative diseases, their agents usually replicate and accumulate in lymphoid tissues long before infection spreads to the central nervous system (CNS). Studies of a mouse scrapie model have shown that mature follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which express the host prion protein (PrPc), are critical for replication of infection in lymphoid tissues. In the absence of mature FDCs, the spread of infection to the CNS is significantly impaired. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) secretion by lymphocytes is important for maintaining FDC networks, and signaling is mediated through TNF receptor 1 (TNFR-1) expressed on FDCs and/or their precursors. A treatment that blocks TNFR signaling leads to the temporary dedifferentiation of mature FDCs, raising the hypothesis that a similar treatment would significantly delay the peripheral pathogenesis of scrapie. Here, specific neutralization of the TNFR signaling pathway was achieved through treatment with a fusion protein consisting of two soluble human TNFR (huTNFR) (p80) domains linked to the Fc portion of human immunoglobulin G1 (huTNFR:Fc). A single treatment of mice with huTNFR:Fc before or shortly after intraperitoneal injection with the ME7 scrapie strain significantly delayed the onset of disease in the CNS and reduced the early accumulation of disease-specific PrP in the spleen. These effects coincided with a temporary dedifferentiation of mature FDCs within 5 days of huTNFR:Fc treatment. We conclude that treatments that specifically inhibit the TNFR signaling pathway may present an opportunity for early intervention in peripherally transmitted TSEs.
Acta Neuropathologica | 2011
Martin Jeffrey; Gillian McGovern; Sílvia Sisó; Lorenzo González
The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases of animals are characterised by CNS spongiform change, gliosis and the accumulation of disease-associated forms of prion protein (PrPd). Particularly in ruminant prion diseases, a wide range of morphological types of PrPd depositions are found in association with neurons and glia. When light microscopic patterns of PrPd accumulations are correlated with sub-cellular structure, intracellular PrPd co-localises with lysosomes while non-intracellular PrPd accumulation co-localises with cell membranes and the extracellular space. Intracellular lysosomal PrPd is N-terminally truncated, but the site at which the PrPd molecule is cleaved depends on strain and cell type. Different PrPd cleavage sites are found for different cells infected with the same agent indicating that not all PrPd conformers code for different prion strains. Non-intracellular PrPd is full-length and is mainly found on plasma-lemmas of neuronal perikarya and dendrites and glia where it may be associated with scrapie-specific membrane pathology. These membrane changes appear to involve a redirection of the predominant axonal trafficking of normal cellular PrP and an altered endocytosis of PrPd. PrPd is poorly excised from membranes, probably due to increased stabilisation on the membrane of PrPd complexed with other membrane ligands. PrPd on plasma-lemmas may also be transferred to other cells or released to the extracellular space. It is widely assumed that PrPd accumulations cause neurodegenerative changes that lead to clinical disease. However, when different animal prion diseases are considered, neurological deficits do not correlate well with any morphological type of PrPd accumulation or perturbation of PrPd trafficking. Non-PrPd-associated neurodegenerative changes in TSEs include vacuolation, tubulovesicular bodies and terminal axonal degeneration. The last of these correlates well with early neurological disease in mice, but such changes are absent from large animal prion disease. Thus, the proximate cause of clinical disease in animal prion disease is uncertain, but may not involve PrPd.
Brain Pathology | 2009
Martin Jeffrey; Gillian McGovern; Caroline M. Goodsir; Sílvia Sisó; Lorenzo González
Prion diseases are associated with the accumulation of an abnormal form of the host‐coded prion protein (PrP). It is postulated that different tertiary or quaternary structures of infectious PrP provide the information necessary to code for strain properties. We show here that different light microscopic types of abnormal PrP (PrPd) accumulation found in each of 10 sheep scrapie cases correspond ultrastructurally with abnormal endocytosis, increased endo‐lysosomes, microfolding of plasma membranes, extracellular PrPd release and intercellular PrPd transfer of neurons and/or glia. The same accumulation patterns of PrPd and associated subcellular lesions were present in each of two scrapie strains present, but they were present in different proportions. The observations suggest that different trafficking pathways of PrPd are influenced by strain and cell type and that a single prion strain causes several PrPd–protein interactions at the cell membrane. These results imply that strains may contain or result in production of multiple isoforms of PrPd.
PLOS ONE | 2007
Gillian McGovern; Martin Jeffrey
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases often result in accumulation of disease-associated PrP (PrPd) in the lymphoreticular system (LRS), specifically in association with follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) and tingible body macrophages (TBMs) of secondary follicles. We studied the effects of sheep scrapie on lymphoid tissue in tonsils and lymph nodes by light and electron microscopy. FDCs of sheep were grouped according to morphology as immature, mature or regressing. Scrapie was associated with FDC dendrite hypertrophy and electron dense deposit or vesicles. PrPd was located using immunogold labelling at the plasmalemma of FDC dendrites and, infrequently, mature B cells. Abnormal electron dense deposits surrounding FDC dendrites were identified as immunoglobulins suggesting that excess immune complexes are retained and are indicative of an FDC dysfunction. Within scrapie-affected lymph nodes, macrophages outside the follicle and a proportion of germinal centre TBMs accumulated PrPd within endosomes and lysosomes. In addition, TBMs showed PrPd in association with the cell membrane, non-coated pits and vesicles, and also with discrete, large and random endoplasmic reticulum networks, which co-localised with ubiquitin. These observations suggest that PrPd is internalised via the caveolin-mediated pathway, and causes an abnormal disease-related alteration in endoplasmic reticulum structure. In contrast to current dogma, this study shows that sheep scrapie is associated with cytopathology of germinal centres, which we attribute to abnormal antigen complex trapping by FDCs and abnormal endocytic events in TBMs. The nature of the sub-cellular changes in FDCs and TBMs differs from those of scrapie infected neurones and glial cells suggesting that different PrPd/cell membrane interactions occur in different cell types.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology | 2009
C. Ersdal; Caroline M. Goodsir; M. M. Simmons; Gillian McGovern; Martin Jeffrey
Aims: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative diseases of man and animals characterized by vacuolation and gliosis of neuropil and the accumulation of abnormal isoforms of a host protein known as prion protein (PrP). It is widely assumed that the abnormal isoforms of PrP (PrPd, disease‐specific form of PrP) are the proximate cause of neurodegeneration. Methods: To determine the nature of subcellular changes and their association with PrPd we perfusion‐fixed brains of eight bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)‐affected cows and three control cattle for immunogold electron microscopy at two different neuroanatomical sites. Results: All affected cattle presented plasma membrane alterations of dendrites and astrocytes that were labelled for PrPd. PrPd on membranes of dendrites and occasionally of neuronal perikarya was associated with abnormal endocytotic events, including bizarre coated pits and invagination of the plasma membrane. BSE‐affected cattle also presented excess and abnormal multivesicular bodies, sometimes associated to the plasma membrane perturbations. In contrast, two TSE‐specific lesions, vacuolation and rare tubulovesicular bodies, were not labelled for PrPd as were a number of other nonspecific lesions, such as autophagy and dystrophic neurites. At least two different morphological pathways to vacuoles were recognized. Conclusions: When compared with other TSEs, these changes are common to those of sheep and rodent scrapie and shows that there are consistent membrane toxicity properties of PrPd. This toxicity involves an aberration of endocytosis. However, it is by no means clear that the lesions are of sufficient severity to result in clinical deficits.
Brain Pathology | 2012
Martin Jeffrey; Gillian McGovern; Emily V. Chambers; Declan King; Lorenzo González; Jean Manson; Bernardino Ghetti; Pedro Piccardo; Rona Barron
Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker (GSS) P102L disease is a familial form of a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that can present with or without vacuolation of neuropil. Inefficient disease transmission into 101LL transgenic mice was previously observed from GSS P102L without vacuolation. However, several aged, healthy mice had large plaques composed of abnormal prion protein (PrPd). Here we perform the ultrastructural characterization of such plaques and compare them with PrPd aggregates found in TSE caused by an infectious mechanism. PrPd plaques in 101LL mice varied in maturity, with some being composed of deposits without visible amyloid fibrils. PrPd was present on cell membranes in the vicinity of all types of plaques. In contrast to the unicentric plaques seen in infectious murine scrapie, the plaques seen in the current model were multicentric and were initiated by protofibrillar forms of PrPd situated on oligodendroglia, astrocytes and neuritic cell membranes. We speculate that the initial conversion process leading to plaque formation begins with membrane‐bound PrPC but that subsequent fibrillization does not require membrane attachment. We also observed that the membrane alterations consistently seen in murine scrapie and other infectious TSEs were not present in 101LL mice with plaques, suggesting differences in the pathogenesis of these conditions.
PLOS ONE | 2009
Gillian McGovern; Neil A. Mabbott; Martin Jeffrey
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are infectious neurological disorders of man and animals, characterised by abnormal disease-associated prion protein (PrPd) accumulations in the brain and lymphoreticular system (LRS). Prior to neuroinvasion, TSE agents often accumulate to high levels within the LRS, apparently without affecting immune function. However, our analysis of scrapie-affected sheep shows that PrPd accumulations within the LRS are associated with morphological changes to follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) and tingible body macrophages (TBMs). Here we examined FDCs and TBMs in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) of scrapie-affected mice by light and electron microscopy. In MLNs from uninfected mice, FDCs could be morphologically categorised into immature, mature and regressing forms. However, in scrapie-affected MLNs this maturation cycle was adversely affected. FDCs characteristically trap and retain immune complexes on their surfaces, which they display to B-lymphocytes. In scrapie-affected MLNs, some FDCs were found where areas of normal and abnormal immune complex retention occurred side by side. The latter co-localised with PrPd plasmalemmal accumulations. Our data suggest this previously unrecognised morphology represents the initial stage of an abnormal FDC maturation cycle. Alterations to the FDCs included PrPd accumulation, abnormal cell membrane ubiquitin and excess immunoglobulin accumulation. Regressing FDCs, in contrast, appeared to lose their membrane-attached PrPd. Together, these data suggest that TSE infection adversely affects the maturation and regression cycle of FDCs, and that PrPd accumulation is causally linked to the abnormal pathology observed. We therefore support the hypothesis that TSEs cause an abnormality in immune function.