
Featured researches published by Giovanni B. Andreozzi.

American Mineralogist | 2005

Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series

Ferdinando Bosi; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Marcella Federico; Giorgio Graziani; Sergio Lucchesi

Abstract The crystal-chemistry of 13 elbaite-schorl tourmaline crystals from the Cruzeiro pegmatite (Minas Gerais, Brazil) was studied with a multi-analytical approach (SREF, EMPA, SIMS, MS). Effective cation radii at the Y and Z sites and site populations were refined by a minimization procedure. The results indicate that the crystals belong to the alkali group. Elbaite crystals are O2.-free at the W and V sites and show OH content at the O2 site (up to 0.2 apfu). Conversely, schorl crystals always show O2. at the W site. The main substitutional mechanism is the dehydroxylation type: YFe2+ + YFe3+ + WO → YLi + YAl + W(OH+F). The T site is characterized by TSi → TAl substitution. is linearly correlated with vacancy content in crystals with (OH + F) ≤ 4, whereas it is almost constant in crystals with OH at the O2 position. Along the series, is inversely correlated with YAl. The Z site is almost fully occupied by R3+ (with ZAl largely dominant) and the ZFetot ↔ ZAl substitution explains the inverse correlation of with ZAl. In the elbaite compositional range, lattice parameters are functions of , whereas in the schorl range they are essentially functions of . Along the whole elbaite-schorl series, both chemical substitutions and size increase of Y are far larger than those of Z. In spite of this, lattice parameters increase with as much as with . This is due to the role of the [ZO6] polyhedra, which extend along a and c to form the skeleton of the tourmaline structure. Therefore, any change in the size of Z leads to a change in the whole structure.

American Mineralogist | 2008

Linking Mössbauer and structural parameters in elbaite-schorl-dravite tourmalines

Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Ferdinando Bosi; Micaela Longo

Abstract Accurate crystal-chemical analysis of complex minerals such as tourmalines belonging to the elbaite-schorl-dravite series was obtained by combining Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) and structural information. Well-defined relationships were established between the two approaches, leading to a close match of results obtained and a strong link between observed parameters. Although MS information is a powerful tool for quantifying the amount of Fe2+ and Fe3+, it is not always useful in determining their site distribution. In particular, both for Fe3+ and for (Fe2+-Fe3+) interactions structural information is still essential. Fe3+ MS doublets were identified and assigned to iron in Y and Z sites on the basis of structural information. In a few spectra, Fe3+ doublets with very low parameters (δ ~ 0.2 mm/s) were observed and, in contrast with the T-site assignment of previous works, were assigned to Fe3+ in octahedral coordination. Electron delocalization between Fe2+ and Fe3+ was observed and related to three different interactions (Y-Y, Y-Z, and Z-Z). Notably, MS hyperfine parameters of Fe2+ were self-consistent and particularly reliable in determining Fe2+ site partitioning. Fe2+ at Y was modeled by three doublets (ΔEQ = 2.45, 2.19, and 1.72 mm/s). The sum of their absorption areas perfectly matches the YFe2+ populations derived from structural data (r2 = 0.97). The fourth doublet observed (ΔEQ = 1.38 mm/s) is consistent with Fe2+ at Z, which is an octahedron smaller and less distorted than Y (λZ = 1.014, λY = 1.024). The absorption area of this doublet is highly correlated with the amount of ZFe2+ obtained from site-occupancy refinement (r2 = 0.95). For YFe3+ a link between the quadrupole splitting parameter ΔEQ and variations in the chemical/ structural environment surrounding Fe nucleus was observed. The ΔEQ of YFe3+ increases with ZO6 volume (r2 = 0.84) and is linked to the variation of electrical field gradient generated by the ZR2+ → ZAl substitution. Since the Z skeleton completely surrounds Y islands, ΔEQ of YFe3+ shows much more susceptibility to inductive effects from the second rather than the first coordination sphere.

American Mineralogist | 2004

Behavior of cation vacancy in kenotetrahedral Cr-spinels from Albanian eastern belt ophiolites

Ferdinando Bosi; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Vincenzo Ferrini; Sergio Lucchesi

Abstract The crystal chemistry of 17 Cr-spinels from the Albanian eastern belt ophiolites was studied by a multi-analytical approach (EMPA, MS, SREF), processing the data with a tested optimization model to obtain site populations. The samples come from the three most important ultramafic massifs of Albania (Tropoja, Bulqiza, and Shebenik), and occur in ultramafic cumulates as well as in ultramafic mantle tectonites, associated with serpentinized olivine. All samples are characterized by Cr ↔ Al and minor Mg ↔ Fe2+ substitutions, and may be classified as magnesiochromite, except one, which is spinel s.s. Cation distributions showed that Cr and Al are ordered in M, and Fe2+ and Mg in the T site. Contents of Fe3+ measured by MS were always higher than those calculated from EMPA, and this non-stoichiometry reveals that the Albanian crystals underwent an increase in fO₂ conditions after mineral formation. Cation vacancies produced by Fe2+ oxidation occur in the T site, and the oxidation mechanism, is described by: 2 TFe2+ + ½ O2 → 2 TFe3+ + O2- + T⃞. T-O variations show a non-linear regression with TFe2+, and this trend is due to both the cooperative effects of TMg ↔ TFe2+ substitution and TFe2+ oxidation. Cation vacancy in the T site does not impart rigidity to the polyhedron, because it cannot have chemical bonds with ligands: this feature, together with the spinel topology, makes the tetrahedron adopt .soft. behavior. In effect, the T⃞-O distance does not have a single value, but changes according to the population of the M site, as confirmed by comparison with literature data and also by application of the Bond Valence Model.

American Mineralogist | 2002

Intersite distribution of Fe2+ and Mg in the spinel (sensu stricto)–hercynite series by single-crystal X-ray diffraction

Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Sergio Lucchesi

Abstract The influence of composition on Fe2+-Mg intracrystalline distribution was studied in eleven synthetic crystals belonging to the spinel (sensu stricto)-hercynite series (Mg1-yFe2+y)Al2O4, with 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, produced by flux-growth at 800 °C. Samples were analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe methods, and found to be chemically homogeneous with only minor Fe3+, which substitutes for Al and increases up to 0.09 atoms per formula unit with total Fe. Structural parameters a, u, T-O, and M-O increase with hercynite content and, among bond distances, T-O shows the maximum change, from 1.920 to 1.968 Å. The a variation from 8.0855 to 8.1646 Å is essentially caused by the T-O increase that, in turn, is due to the cooperative effects of (1) Fe2+ → Mg substitution and (2) decrease of inversion from 0.23 to 0.15 along the series. Intracrystalline cation distribution was obtained by a minimization procedure that takes into account structural and chemical data. The T site is mainly populated by Mg and Fe2+ but, at a given temperature, Fe2+ shows a marked preference for tetrahedral coordination with respect to Mg. The influence of composition and temperature on Fe-Mg intracrystalline distribution was modeled within the framework of the general thermodynamic model of O’Neill and Navrotsky for spinel binary solid solutions. The inversion values observed in our samples agree very well with those calculated by the model. Both measured and calculated amounts of octahedral Fe2+ (VIFe2+) show a non-linear increase from spinel s.s. to hercynite. Consequently, the VIFe2+/Fe2+ tot. ratio is not constant along the join, but increases from zero to 15% toward the hercynite end-member. This behavior explains the very limited Fe2+ inversion observed in natural spinels, which usually belong to the hercynite-poor part of the join.

American Mineralogist | 2010

Structural relaxation around Cr3+ and the red-green color change in the spinel (sensu stricto)-magnesiochromite (MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4) and gahnite-zincochromite (ZnAl2O4-ZnCr2O4) solid-solution series

Ulf Hålenius; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Henrik Skogby

Abstract Optical absorption spectra of flux-grown single crystals in the spinel s.s.-magnesiochromite and gahnite-zincochromite solid solutions were recorded with the aim of exploring variations in local Cr-O bond distance as a function of composition. With increasing Cr contents, the crystals vary in color from pale red to intensely red to dark greenish. These variations are reflected in the optical spectra by the position and intensity of the two spin-allowed electronic d-d transitions in six-coordinated Cr3+ at ~18 000 (ν1) and 25 000 cm-1 (ν2). From the shift of the ν1 band position, a decrease in crystal field splitting, 10Dq, for six-coordinated Cr3+ with increasing Cr contents is evident in both solid-solution series. Based on published Cr-O bond distances for the CrO6 polyhedra in magnesiochromite and zincochromite of 1.995 and 1.991 Å, respectively, and applying the ligand field relationships, local Cr-O bond distances in gahnite and spinel with Cr contents at trace levels are determined to be 1.974(2) and 1.960(3) Å, respectively. These local Cr-O distances result in relaxation parameters (ε) equal to 0.69(2) and 0.60(3) for Cr-O bonds in the Mg(Al1-xCrx)2O4 and Zn(Al1-xCrx)2O4 series, respectively. However, the presently obtained Racah B values indicate increasing Cr-O bond covalency with increasing Cr3+ contents. This suggests that color changes and accompanying 10Dq variations may be due to variations in Cr-O bond covalency along the two solid-solution series, without or with very minor local Cr-O bond distance variation. Consequently, the ε values obtained from the present optical absorption spectra should be regarded as minimum values.

American Mineralogist | 2002

Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic MgAl2O4 spinel

Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Francesco Princivalle

Abstract The time and temperature evolution of intracrystalline Mg-Al exchange in synthetic MgAl2O4 spinel was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction of quenched samples, with the aim of contributing to rock cooling-rate estimation. Flux-grown, homogeneous crystals (0.1 mm in size) were annealed at 1000°C and then were isothermally ordered at 900, 800, and 700°C for 10 seconds to 40 days. The cation ordering process was investigated by measuring the spinel O atom positional parameter u, which had been previously demonstrated to be closely related to the inversion x at equilibrium by the linear equation (R2 = 0.995): x = 21.396 - 80.714 u. From x = 0.27 after annealing runs, the inversion decreased with time for all of the three ordering runs, and equilibrium was reached after about 4 min at T = 900°C (x = 0.25), about 55 min at T = 800°C (x = 0.23), and about 700 min at T = 700°C (x = 0.21). The Mueller kinetic model was satisfactorily applied to the experimental data. Solution of Mueller’s integral gave the kinetic ordering constants K900 = 1.12 ± 0.57, K800 = 0.112 ± 0.047, and K700 = 0.0171 ± 0.0045 min-1, corresponding to t1/2 of 0.6, 6.2, and 40.5 min, respectively. The linear dependence of K with temperature (R2 = 0.99) was observed, and may be expressed by the Arrhenius equation: ln K = 20.189 - 23722/T (K) An activation energy of 197 ± 22 kJ/mol was obtained for the intracrystalline Mg-Al ordering reaction, which compares well with the value of 217 kJ/mol reported in the recent literature for Mg- Fe3+ exchange in spinels

American Mineralogist | 2009

Crystal structure and iron topochemistry of erionite-K from Rome, Oregon, U.S.A.

Paolo Ballirano; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Meral Dogan; A. Umran Dogan

Abstract A complete crystal-chemical characterization of erionite-K from Rome, Oregon, was obtained by combining field emission scanning electron microscopy, laboratory parallel-beam transmission powder diffraction, and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Rietveld refinement results evidenced that the most striking difference in comparison with the structure of erionite-Ca is significant K at a K2 site (½, 0, 0), which is empty in erionite-Ca. In addition, site Ca1 shows low occupancy and Ca3 is vacant. The oxidation and coordination state of Fe, whose occurrence was revealed by chemical analysis, have been clarified by exploiting room- and low-temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The majority of Fe (95%) was attributed to Fe3+-bearing, superparamagnetic, oxide-like nanoparticles with dimensions between 1 and 9 nm, and the remaining 5% was attributed to hematite particles with size ≥10 nm, both located on the crystal surface.

European Journal of Mineralogy | 2001

Compositional dependence of cation distribution in some synthetic (Mg,Zn)(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels

Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Sergio Lucchesi; Henrik Skogby; Antonio Della Giusta

The compositional dependence of the intracrystalline cation distribution was investigated in four synthetic spinels belonging to binary solid solutions. Spinel single crystals were flux-grown in the (Mg,Zn)(Al,Fe 3+ ) 2 O 4 system, and cation distribution was determined by means of single-crystal X-ray structural refinement, electron-microprobe analysis and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Experimental data were processed and a detailed topochemical model was obtained for each sample: IV (Mg 0.76 Al 0.24 ) VI (Al 1.76 Mg 0.24 )O 4 ; IV (Zn 0.65 Mg 0.22 Al 0.13 ) VI (Al 1.87 Mg 0.13 )O 4 ; IV (Mg 0.73 Al 0.18 Fe 3+ 0.09 ) VI (Al 1.62 Mg 0.27 Fe 3+ 0.11 )O 4 and IV (Mg 0.62 Zn 0.15 Al 0.15 Fe 3+ 0.08 ) VI (Al 1.61 Mg 0.23 Fe 3+ 0.16 )O 4 . Zinc was found to occupy only the tetrahedrally coordinated site and its presence strongly influenced intersite cation partitioning. In Zn-bearing crystals both intracrystalline exchanges Mg ⟷ Al and Mg ⟷ Fe 3+ turned out to be limited. Zinc in octahedral coordination, which is rare in natural spinels, was shown to be favoured by high Fe 3+ contents and high equilibration temperatures. The cation distributions determined experimentally were found to be in close agreement with those calculated using the general thermodynamic model for spinel solid solutions by O9Neill & Navrotsky (1984).

American Mineralogist | 2006

Fe2+ and Fe3+ quantification by different approaches and fo2 estimation for Albanian Cr-spinels

Marco Quintiliani; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Giorgio Graziani

Abstract Fourteen Cr-spinels from Albanian ophiolites were examined. Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios were obtained by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) and compared with ratios retrieved by electron microprobe analyses (EMPA). MS spectra were collected at both 298 K (RT) and 77 K (LT), and fitted using various interpretative models. Fe3+ contents by EMPA, calculated from spinel stoichiometry, are almost always underestimated with respect to those obtained by MS. Moreover, Fe3+ contents by MS-RT are shown to be somewhat overestimated with respect to those by MS-LT, which are proved to be the most reliable. On basis of MS results, Albanian Cr-spinels proved to be non-stoichiometric, with an oxidation degree, z, ranging from 4 to 49%. Our results indicate no dependence of z on sample provenance, but suggest a strong dependence on spinel composition. Chemical data of Albanian spinel and associated olivine were used to estimate fO₂ via oxygen geobarometry. Notably, fO₂ values calculated on basis of the EMPA data are always largely underestimated with respect to those obtained on basis of MS data. However, fO₂ values calculated on basis of MS-RT data are equal to or higher than (up to 0.2 log units) fO₂ values based on MS-LT data. The increase in fO₂ responsible for spinel oxidation was tentatively estimated to be less than one log unit for poorly oxidized samples, but up to 6 log units for the most oxidized samples.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 2010

Combined use of X-ray photoelectron and Mössbauer spectroscopic techniques in the analytical characterization of iron oxidation state in amphibole asbestos

Marzia Fantauzzi; Alessandro Pacella; Davide Atzei; Antonio Gianfagna; Giovanni B. Andreozzi; Antonella Rossi

Asbestos fibers are an important cause of serious health problems and respiratory diseases. The presence, structural coordination, and oxidation state of iron at the fiber surface are potentially important for the biological effects of asbestos because iron can catalyze the Haber–Weiss reaction, generating the reactive oxygen species ⋅OH. Literature results indicate that the surface concentration of Fe(III) may play an important role in fiber-related radical formation. Amphibole asbestos were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Mössbauer spectroscopy, with the aim of determining the surface vs. bulk Fe(III)/Fetot ratios. A standard reference asbestos (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer crocidolite from South Africa) and three fibrous tremolite samples (from Italy and USA) were investigated. In addition to the Mössbauer spectroscopy study of bulk Fe(III)/Fetot ratios, much work was dedicated to the interpretation of the XPS Fe2p signal and to the quantification of surface Fe(III)/Fetot ratios. Results confirmed the importance of surface properties because this showed that fiber surfaces are always more oxidized than the bulk and that Fe(III) is present as oxide and oxyhydroxide species. Notably, the highest difference of surface/bulk Fe oxidation was found for San Mango tremolite—the sample that in preliminary cytotoxicity tests (MTT assay) had revealed a cell mortality delayed with respect to the other samples.

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