Giovanni Bongiovanni
University of Cagliari
Nature Communications | 2014
Michele Saba; Michele Cadelano; Daniela Marongiu; Feipeng Chen; Valerio Sarritzu; Nicola Sestu; Cristiana Figus; Mauro Aresti; Roberto Piras; Alessandra Geddo Lehmann; Carla Cannas; Anna Maria Giovanna Musinu; Francesco Quochi; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni
Organic-inorganic perovskites are a class of solution-processed semiconductors holding promise for the realization of low-cost efficient solar cells and on-chip lasers. Despite the recent attention they have attracted, fundamental aspects of the photophysics underlying device operation still remain elusive. Here we use photoluminescence and transmission spectroscopy to show that photoexcitations give rise to a conducting plasma of unbound but Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pairs at all excitations of interest for light-energy conversion and stimulated optical amplification. The conductive nature of the photoexcited plasma has crucial consequences for perovskite-based devices: in solar cells, it ensures efficient charge separation and ambipolar transport while, concerning lasing, it provides a low threshold for light amplification and justifies a favourable outlook for the demonstration of an electrically driven laser. We find a significant trap density, whose cross-section for carrier capture is however low, yielding a minor impact on device performance.
Nature | 2001
Michele Saba; Cristiano Ciuti; J. Bloch; V. Thierry-Mieg; R. André; Le Si Dang; S. Kundermann; Andrea Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni; J. L. Staehli; B. Deveaud
Cavity polaritons, the elementary optical excitations of semiconductor microcavities, may be understood as a superposition of excitons and cavity photons. Owing to their composite nature, these bosonic particles have a distinct optical response, at the same time very fast and highly nonlinear. Very efficient light amplification due to polariton–polariton parametric scattering has recently been reported in semiconductor microcavities at liquid-helium temperatures. Here we demonstrate polariton parametric amplification up to 120 K in GaAlAs-based microcavities and up to 220 K in CdTe-based microcavities. We show that the cut-off temperature for the amplification is ultimately determined by the binding energy of the exciton. A 5-µm-thick planar microcavity can amplify a weak light pulse more than 5,000 times. The effective gain coefficient of an equivalent homogeneous medium would be 107 cm-1. The subpicosecond duration and high efficiency of the amplification could be exploited for high-repetition all-optical microscopic switches and amplifiers. 105 polaritons occupy the same quantum state during the amplification, realizing a dynamical condensate of strongly interacting bosons which can be studied at high temperature.
Applied Physics Letters | 2006
Francesco Quochi; F. Cordella; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni; Frank Balzer; Horst-Günter Rubahn
We study gain and lasing processes in individual self-assembled organic nanofibers grown on mica substrates. The gain-induced response of the nanofibers is found to depend sensitively on the fiber structure. In homogeneous fibers where no coherent optical feedback is present, high net optical gain (of up to 103cm−1) results in spectral narrowing at the material gain peaks. In the case of strong optical feedback, which occurs in long nanofibers with randomly distributed scattering centers, gain is in turn responsible for low-threshold coherent random laser action.
Applied Physics Letters | 2004
Francesco Quochi; F. Cordella; R.V.A. Orru; J.E. Communal; P. Verzeroli; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni; A. Andreev; H. Sitter; Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
We report on the observation of amplified spontaneous emission and random lasing in self-organized crystalline para-sexiphenyl nanofibers. Using subpicosecond excitation, a lasing threshold is observed on the 0–1 emission band near 425 nm at excitation fluences as low as 0.5 μJ/cm2 (6×1016 cm−3 equivalent density), near the onset of density-dependent recombination processes. The dependence of the nonlinear emission spectrum on both the pump intensity and position of the excitation area are attributed to the interplay between random lasing and amplified spontaneous emission occurring along the nanofibers.
Advanced Materials | 2009
Michele Saba; Stefan Minniberger; Francesco Quochi; Juergen Roither; Marco Marceddu; Agnieszka Gocalinska; Maksym V. Kovalenko; Dmitri V. Talapin; W. Heiss; Andrea Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni
Exciton-exciton interaction in dot/rod CdSe/CdS nanocrystals has proved to be very sensitive to the shape of nanocrystals, due to the unique band alignment between CdSe and CdS. Repulsive exciton-exciton interaction is demonstrated, which makes CdSe/CdS dot/rods promising gain media for solution-processable lasers, with projected pump threshold densities below 1 kW cm(-2) for continuous wave lasing.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2015
Nicola Sestu; Michele Cadelano; Valerio Sarritzu; Feipeng Chen; Daniela Marongiu; Roberto Piras; Marina Mainas; Francesco Quochi; Michele Saba; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni
Advances of optoelectronic devices based on methylammonium lead halide perovskites depend on understanding the role of excitons, whether it is marginal as in inorganic semiconductors, or crucial, like in organics. However, a consensus on the exciton binding energy and its temperature dependence is still lacking, even for widely studied methylammonium lead iodide and bromide materials (MAPbI3, MAPbBr3). Here we determine the exciton binding energy based on an f-sum rule for integrated UV-vis absorption spectra, circumventing the pitfalls of least-squares fitting procedures. In the temperature range 80-300 K, we find that the exciton binding energy in MAPbBr3 is EB = (60 ± 3) meV, independent of temperature; for MAPbI3, in the orthorhombic phase (below 140 K) EB = (34 ± 3) meV, while in the tetragonal phase the binding energy softens to 29 meV at 170 K and stays constant up to 300 K. Implications of binding energy values on solar cell and LED workings are discussed.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006
Francesco Quochi; R.V.A. Orru; Fabrizio Cordella; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni; Flavia Artizzu; Paola Deplano; Maria Laura Mercuri; Luca Pilia; Angela Serpe
We investigate the quenching of the near infrared light emission in Er3+ complexes induced by the resonant dipolar interaction between the rare-earth ion and high frequency vibrations of the organic ligand. The nonradiative decay rate of the lanthanide ion is discussed in terms of a continuous medium approximation, which depends only on a few, easily accessible spectroscopic and structural data. The model accounts well for the available experimental results in Er3+ complexes, and predicts an ∼100% light emission quantum yield in fully halogenated systems.
ChemPhysChem | 2009
Juliette Moreau; Umberto Giovanella; Jean-Philippe Bombenger; William Porzio; Varun Vohra; Laura Spadacini; Giuseppe Di Silvestro; Luisa Barba; Gianmichele Arrighetti; S. Destri; Mariacecilia Pasini; Michele Saba; Fancesco Quochi; Andrea Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni; M. Fiorini; M. Uslenghi; Chiara Botta
All-organic nanostructured host-guest systems, based on dyes inserted in the nanochannels of perhydrotriphenylene (PHTP) and deoxycholic acid (DCA), show enhanced fluorescence properties with quantum yields even higher than those of the dyes in solution, thanks to the high concentration of emissive molecules with controlled spatial and geometrical organization that prevents aggregation quenching. Both host molecules crystallize, growing with the long axis oriented along the direction of the nanochannels where the linear-chain dyes are inserted, to yield crystals emitting well-polarized light. For the DCA-based host-guests, homogeneous thin films suitable for several applications are obtained. Colour emission in such films can be tuned by co-inclusion of two or three dyes due to resonant energy-transfer processes. We show that films obtained by low-cost techniques, such as solution casting and spin-coating, convert UV light into visible light with an efficiency much higher than that of the standard polymeric blends.
Accounts of Chemical Research | 2016
Michele Saba; Francesco Quochi; A. Mura; Giovanni Bongiovanni
Metal halide perovskites have come to the attention of the scientific community for the progress achieved in solar light conversion. Energy sustainability is one of the priorities of our society, and materials advancements resulting in low-cost but efficient solar cells and large-area lighting devices represent a major goal for applied research. From a basic point of view, perovskites are an exotic class of hybrid materials combining some merits of organic and inorganic semiconductors: large optical absorption, large mobilities, and tunable band gap together with the possibility to be processed in solution. When a novel class of promising semiconductors comes into the limelight, lively discussions ensue on the photophysics of band-edge excitations, because just the states close to the band edge are entailed in energy/charge transport and light emission. This was the case several decades ago for III-V semiconductors, it has been up to 10 years ago for organics, and it is currently the case for perovskites. Our aim in this Account is to rationalize the body of experimental evidence on perovskite photophysics in a coherent theoretical framework, borrowing from the knowledge acquired over the years in materials optoelectronics. A crucial question is whether photon absorption leads to a population of unbound, conductive free charges or instead excitons, neutral and insulating bound states created by Coulomb interaction just below the energy of the band gap. We first focus on the experimental estimates of the exciton binding energy (Eb): at room temperature, Eb is comparable to the thermal energy kBT in MAPbI3 and increases up to values 2-3kBT in wide band gap MAPbBr3 and MAPbCl3. Statistical considerations predict that these values, even though comparable to or larger than thermal energy, let free carriers prevail over bound excitons for all levels of excitation densities relevant for devices. The analysis of photophysics evidence confirms that all hybrid halide perovskites behave as free-charge semiconductors. Thanks to such property, in combination with band gap energies covering the entire solar spectrum, perovskites represent a promising materials platform for highly efficient, single and multijunction solar cells. Concerning the use of perovskites as color-tunable materials in light emitting devices, free-charges are not the preferred species, as they recombine radiatively through a bimolecular process that is inefficient at the charge-injection levels typical of LED operation. Strategies to overcome this limit, and thus extend the use of perovskite materials beyond solar energy conversion, could be borrowed from inorganic semiconductor optoelectronics and include the fabrication of nanostructures with reduced dimensionality to alter the electronic density of states, as well as engineering composite materials.
Journal of Applied Physics | 1993
Alberto Anedda; Giovanni Bongiovanni; M. Cannas; F. Congiu; A. Mura; M. Martini
Photoluminescence (PL) of type III (high‐purity wet synthetic) silica excited by a XeCl excimer laser (hν=4 eV) is reported. Time‐resolved spectra show that a PL band peaked at 1.9 eV can be induced by the XeCl laser irradiation. This band exhibits a fast rise time (<20 ns) but a decay time of several microseconds. The possible mechanisms of photogeneration and photoexcitation of the defects related to this emission are discussed.