
Featured researches published by Giovanni Marozzi.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2013

Average and dispersion of the luminosity-redshift relation in the concordance model

Ido Ben-Dayan; Maurizio Gasperini; Giovanni Marozzi; Fabien Nugier; G. Veneziano

Starting from the luminosity-redshift relation recently given up to second order in the Poisson gauge, we calculate the effects of the realistic stochastic background of perturbations of the so-called concordance model on the combined light-cone and ensemble average of various functions of the luminosity distance, and on their variance, as functions of redshift. We apply a gauge-invariant light-cone averaging prescription which is free from infrared and ultraviolet divergences, making our results robust with respect to changes of the corresponding cutoffs. Our main conclusions, in part already anticipated in a recent letter for the case of a perturbation spectrum computed in the linear regime, are that such inhomogeneities not only cannot avoid the need for dark energy, but also cannot prevent, in principle, the determination of its parameters down to an accuracy of order 10−3−10−5, depending on the averaged observable and on the regime considered for the power spectrum. However, taking into account the appropriate corrections arising in the non-linear regime, we predict an irreducible scatter of the data approaching the 10% level which, for limited statistics, will necessarily limit the attainable precision. The predicted dispersion appears to be in good agreement with current observational estimates of the distance-modulus variance due to Doppler and lensing effects (at low and high redshifts, respectively), and represents a challenge for future precision measurements.

Physical Review Letters | 2013

Do stochastic inhomogeneities affect dark-energy precision measurements?

Ido Ben-Dayan; Maurizio Gasperini; Giovanni Marozzi; Fabien Nugier; G. Veneziano

The effect of a stochastic background of cosmological perturbations on the luminosity-redshift relation is computed to second order through a recently proposed covariant and gauge-invariant light-cone averaging procedure. The resulting expressions are free from both ultraviolet and infrared divergences, implying that such perturbations cannot mimic a sizable fraction of dark energy. Different averages are estimated and depend on the particular function of the luminosity distance being averaged. The energy flux being minimally affected by perturbations at large z is proposed as the best choice for precision estimates of dark-energy parameters. Nonetheless, its irreducible (stochastic) variance induces statistical errors on Ω(Λ)(z) typically lying in the few-percent range.

Physical Review Letters | 2014

The value of

Ido Ben-Dayan; Ruth Durrer; Giovanni Marozzi; Dominik J. Schwarz

Local measurements of the Hubble expansion rate are affected by structures like galaxy clusters or voids. Here we present a fully relativistic treatment of this effect, studying how clustering modifies the mean distance- (modulus-)redshift relation and its dispersion in a standard cold dark matter universe with a cosmological constant. The best estimates of the local expansion rate stem from supernova observations at small redshifts (0.01<z<0.1). It is interesting to compare these local measurements with global fits to data from cosmic microwave background anisotropies. In particular, we argue that cosmic variance (i.e., the effects of the local structure) is of the same order of magnitude as the current observational errors and must be taken into account in local measurements of the Hubble expansion rate.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2013


Giuseppe Fanizza; Maurizio Gasperini; Giovanni Marozzi; G. Veneziano

The remarkable properties of the recently proposed geodesic light-cone (GLC) gauge allow to explicitly solve the geodesic-deviation equation, and thus to derive an exact expression for the Jacobi map JAB(s,o) connecting a generic source s to a geodesic observer o in a generic space time. In this gauge JAB factorizes into the product of a local quantity at s times one at o, implying similarly factorized expressions for the area and luminosity distance. In any other coordinate system JAB is simply given by expressing the GLC quantities in terms of the corresponding ones in the new coordinates. This is explicitly done, at first and second order, respectively, for the synchronous and Poisson gauge-fixing of a perturbed, spatially-flat cosmological background, and the consistency of the two outcomes is checked. Our results slightly amend previous calculations of the luminosity-redshift relation and suggest a possible non-perturbative way for computing the effects of inhomogeneities on observations based on light-like signals.

Physical Review D | 2012

in the inhomogeneous Universe

Giovanni Marozzi; Jean-Philippe Uzan

Backreaction effects of the large scale structure on the background dynamics have been claimed to lead to a renormalization of the background dynamics that may account for the late time acceleration of the cosmic expansion. This article emphasizes that generically the averaged flow is locally anisotropic, a property that can be related to observation. Focusing on perturbation theory, the spatially averaged shear, that characterizes the anisotropy of the flow, is computed. It is shown that this shear arising from backreaction differs from a homogeneous shear: its time evolution is different and its amplitude is completely determined by the cosmological parameters and the matter power spectrum. It ranges within (2-37)% at a redshift of order 0.5 so that the isotropy of the Hubble flow may allow to constrain the backreaction approach to dark energy.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2015

An exact Jacobi map in the geodesic light-cone gauge

Giuseppe Fanizza; Maurizio Gasperini; Giovanni Marozzi; G. Veneziano

We present a new method to compute the deflection of light rays in a perturbed FLRW geometry. We exploit the properties of the Geodesic Light Cone (GLC) gauge where null rays propagate at constant angular coordinates irrespectively of the given (inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic) geometry. The gravitational deflection of null geodesics can then be obtained, in any other gauge, simply by expressing the angular coordinates of the given gauge in terms of the GLC angular coordinates. We apply this method to the standard Poisson gauge, including scalar perturbations, and give the full result for the deflection effect in terms of the direction of observation and observed redshift up to second order, and up to third order for the leading lensing terms. We also compare our results with those presently available in the literature and, in particular, we provide a new non trivial check of a previous result on the luminosity-redshft relation up to second order in cosmological perturbation theory.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2016

Late time anisotropy as an imprint of cosmological backreaction

Giovanni Marozzi; Giuseppe Fanizza; Enea Di Dio; Ruth Durrer

We investigate the weak lensing corrections to the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies considering effects beyond the Born approximation. To this aim, we use the small deflection angle approximation, to connect the lensed and unlensed power spectra, via expressions for the deflection angles up to third order in the gravitational potential. While the small deflection angle approximation has the drawback to be reliable only for multipoles

Physical Review D | 2013

A new approach to the propagation of light-like signals in perturbed cosmological backgrounds

Giovanni Marozzi; Gian Paolo Vacca

\ell\lesssim 2500

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2017

CMB-lensing beyond the Born approximation

E. Di Dio; Hideki Perrier; Ruth Durrer; Giovanni Marozzi; A. Moradinezhad Dizgah; J. Noreña; Antonio Riotto

, it allows us to consistently take into account the non-Gaussian nature of cosmological perturbation theory beyond the linear level. The contribution to the lensed temperature power spectrum coming from the non-Gaussian nature of the deflection angle at higher order is a new effect which has not been taken into account in the literature so far. It turns out to be the leading contribution among the post-Born lensing corrections. On the other hand, the effect is smaller than corrections coming from non-linearities in the matter power spectrum, and its imprint on CMB lensing is too small to be seen in present experiments.

Physical Review Letters | 2017

Gauge invariant backreaction in general single field models of inflation

Giovanni Marozzi; Giuseppe Fanizza; E Di Dio; Ruth Durrer

In a general single field inflationary model we consider the effects of long wavelength scalar fluctuations on the effective expansion rate and equation of state seen by a class of free falling observers, using a physical gauge invariant formulation. In a previous work we showed that for a free massive inflaton no backreaction is observed within some constraints. In this paper we extend the validity of our previous results to the case of an arbitrary self-interacting inflation potential, working to second order in cosmological perturbation theory and to all order in slow-roll approximation. For these general inflationary models, we also show the equivalence of the free falling observers to the ones comoving with the inflaton field.

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