
Featured researches published by Giuliana Lucci.

Journals of Gerontology Series A-biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | 2013

Benefits of Physical Exercise on the Aging Brain: The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex

Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Francesco Di Russo

Motor planning in older adults likely relies on the overengagement of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and is associated with slowness of movement and responses. Does a physically active lifestyle counteract the overrecruitment of the PFC during action preparation? This study used high-resolution electroencephalography to measure the effect of physical exercise on the executive functions of the PFC preceding a visuomotor discriminative task. A total of 130 participants aged 15–86 were divided into two groups based on physical exercise participation. The response times and accuracy and the premotor activity of the PFC were separately correlated with age for the two groups. The data were first fit with a linear function and then a higher order polynomial function. We observed that after 35–40 years of age, physically active individuals have faster response times than their less active peers and showed no signs of PFC hyperactivity during motor planning. The present findings show that physical exercise could speed up the response of older people and reveal that also in middle-aged people, moderate-to-high levels of physical exercise benefits the planning/execution of a response and the executive functions mediated by the PFC, counteracting the neural overactivity often observed in the elderly adults.

PLOS ONE | 2013

The effects of aging on conflict detection.

Giuliana Lucci; Marika Berchicci; Donatella Spinelli; Francesco Taddei; Francesco Di Russo

Several cognitive changes characterize normal aging; one change regards inhibitory processing and includes both conflict monitoring and response suppression. We attempted to segregate these two aspects within a Go/No-go task, investigating three age categories. Accuracy, response times and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded. The ERP data were analyzed, and the Go and No-go trials were separated; in addition, the trials were organized in repeat trials (in which the subjects repeated the action delivered in the previous trial) and switch trials (in which the subjects produced a response opposite to the previous response). We assumed that the switch trials conveyed more conflict than the repeat trials. In general, the behavioral data and slower P3 latencies confirmed the well-known age-related speed/accuracy trade-off. The novel analyses of the repeat vs. switch trials indicated that the age-related P3 slowing was significant only for the high conflict condition; the switch-P3 amplitude increased only in the two older groups. The ‘aging switch effect’ on the P3 component suggests a failure in the conflict conditions and likely contributes to a generalized dysfunction. The absence of either a switch effect in the young group and the P3 slowing in middle-aged group indicate that switching was not particularly demanding for these participants. The N2 component was less sensitive to the repeat/switch manipulation; however, the subtractive waves also enhanced the age effects in this earlier time window. The topographic maps showed other notable age effects: the frontal No-go N2 was nearly undetectable in the elderly; in the identical time window, a large activity in the posterior and prefrontal scalp regions was observed. Moreover, the prefrontal activity showed a negative correlation with false alarms. These results suggest that the frontal involvement during action suppression becomes progressively dysfunctional with aging, and additional activity was required to reach a good level of accuracy.

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 2014

Benefits of Physical Exercise on Basic Visuo-Motor Functions Across Age

Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Rinaldo Livio Perri; Donatella Spinelli; Francesco Di Russo

Motor performance deficits of older adults are due to dysfunction at multiple levels. Age-related differences have been documented on executive functions; motor control becomes more reliant on cognitive control mechanisms, including the engagement of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), possibly compensating for age-related sensorimotor declines. Since at functional level the PFC showed the largest age-related differences during discriminative response task, we wonder whether those effects are mainly due to the cognitive difficulty in stimulus discrimination or they could be also detected in a much easier task. In the present study, we measured the association of physical exercise with the PFC activation and response times (RTs) using a simple response task (SRT), in which the participants were asked to respond as quickly as possible by manual key-press to visual stimuli. Simultaneous behavioral (RTs) and electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings were performed on 84 healthy participants aged 19–86 years. The whole sample was divided into three cohorts (young, middle-aged, and older); each cohort was further divided into two equal sub-cohorts (exercise and not-exercise) based on a self-report questionnaire measuring physical exercise. The EEG signal was segmented in epochs starting 1100 prior to stimulus onset and lasting 2 s. Behavioral results showed age effects, indicating a slowing of RTs with increasing age. The EEG results showed a significant interaction between age and exercise on the activities recorded on the PFC. The results indicates that: (a) the brain of older adults needs the PFC engagement also to perform elementary task, such as the SRT, while this activity is not necessary in younger adults, (b) physical exercise could reduce this age-related reliance on extra cognitive control also during the performance of a SRT, and (c) the activity of the PFC is a sensitive index of the benefits of physical exercise on sensorimotor decline.

NeuroImage | 2016

Spatiotemporal brain mapping during preparation, perception, and action

Francesco Di Russo; Giuliana Lucci; Valentina Sulpizio; Marika Berchicci; Donatella Spinelli; Sabrina Pitzalis; Gaspare Galati

Deciding whether to act or not to act is a fundamental cognitive function. To avoid incorrect responses, both reactive and proactive modes of control have been postulated. Little is known, however, regarding the brain implementation of proactive mechanisms, which are deployed prior to an actual need to inhibit a response. Via a combination of electrophysiological and neuroimaging measures (recorded in 21 and 16 participants, respectively), we describe the brain localization and timing of neural activity that underlies the anticipatory proactive mechanism. From these results, we conclude that proactive control originates in the inferior Frontal gyrus, is established well before stimulus perception, and is released concomitantly with stimulus appearance. Stimulus perception triggers early activity in the anterior insula and intraparietal cortex contralateral to the responding hand; these areas likely mediate the transition from perception to action. The neural activities leading to the decision to act or not to act are described in the framework of a three-stage model that includes perception, action, and anticipatory functions taking place well before stimulus onset.

NeuroImage | 2015

Why do we make mistakes? Neurocognitive processes during the preparation–perception–action cycle and error-detection

Rinaldo Livio Perri; Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Donatella Spinelli; Francesco Di Russo

The event-related potential (ERP) literature described two error-related brain activities: the error-related negativity (Ne/ERN) and the error positivity (Pe), peaking immediately after the erroneous response. ERP studies on error processing adopted a response-locked approach, thus, the question about the activities preceding the error is still open. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the activities preceding the false alarms (FA) are different from those occurring in the correct (responded or inhibited) trials. To this aim, we studied a sample of 36 Go/No-go performers, adopting a stimulus-locked segmentation also including the pre-motor brain activities. Present results showed that neither pre-stimulus nor perceptual activities explain why we commit FA. In contrast, we observed condition-related differences in two pre-response components: the fronto-central N2 and the prefrontal positivity (pP), respectively peaking at 250 ms and 310 ms after the stimulus onset. The N2 amplitude of FA was identical to that recorded in No-go trials, and larger than Hits. Because the new findings challenge the previous interpretations on the N2, a new perspective is discussed. On the other hand, the pP in the FA trials was larger than No-go and smaller than Go, suggesting an erroneous processing at the stimulus-response mapping level: because this stage triggers the response execution, we concluded that the neural processes underlying the pP were mainly responsible for the subsequent error commission. Finally, sLORETA source analyses of the post-error potentials extended previous findings indicating, for the first time in the ERP literature, the right anterior insula as Pe generator.

Neuropsychology (journal) | 2015

The premotor role of the prefrontal cortex in response consistency.

Rinaldo Livio Perri; Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Donatella Spinelli; Francesco Di Russo

OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study was to investigate the cortical correlates of the intraindividual coefficient of variation (ICV) in a go/no-go task, focusing on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) contribution and evaluating both pre- and poststimulus brain activity. METHOD We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) in 40 subjects, arranged a posteriori in 2 groups on the basis of their ICV values. By this method, we formed the consistent (low ICV; n = 20) and inconsistent (high ICV; n = 20) group: the age, speed, and accuracy performance of the 2 groups were matched. RESULTS The prestimulus anticipatory PFC activity, as reflected by the prefrontal negativity (pN) wave, and the poststimulus P3 component were larger in the consistent than in the inconsistent group. In contrast, no differences were observed between groups in the brain activities associated to motor preparation and early sensory processing. CONCLUSIONS Data are interpreted as an enhanced top-down control in consistent performers, likely characterized by a greater sustained attention on the task.

NeuroImage | 2017

Hemispheric asymmetries in the transition from action preparation to execution

Valentina Sulpizio; Giuliana Lucci; Marika Berchicci; Gaspare Galati; Sabrina Pitzalis; Francesco Di Russo

Abstract Flexible and adaptive behavior requires the ability to contextually stop inappropriate actions and select the right one as quickly as possible. Recently, it has been proposed that three brain regions, i.e., the inferior frontal gyrus (iFg), the anterior insula (aIns), and the anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPs), play an important role in several processing phases of perceptual decision tasks, especially in the preparation, perception and action phases, respectively. However, little is known about hemispheric differences in the activation of these three areas during the transition from perception to action. Many studies have examined how people prepare to stop upcoming responses through both proactive and reactive inhibitory control. Although inhibitory control has been associated with activity in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC), we have previously reported that, during a discriminative response task performed with the right hand, we observed: 1) a bilateral activity in the iFg during the preparation phase, and 2) a left dominant activity in the aIns and aIPs during the transition from perception to action, i.e., the so‐called stimulus‐response mapping. To clarify the hemispheric dominance of these processes, we combined the high temporal resolution of event‐related potentials (ERPs) with the high spatial resolution of event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while participants performed a discriminative response task (DRT) and a simple response task (SRT) using their non‐dominant left hand. We confirmed that proactive inhibitory control originates in the iFg: its activity started one second before the stimulus onset and was released concomitantly to the stimulus appearance. Most importantly, we confirmed the presence of a bilateral iFg activity that seems to reflect a bilateral proactive control rather than a right‐hemisphere dominance or a stronger control of the hemisphere contralateral to the responding hand. Further, we observed a stronger activation of the left aIns and a right‐lateralized activation of the aIPs reflecting left‐hemisphere dominance for stimulus‐response mapping finalized to response execution and a contralateral‐hand parietal premotor activity, respectively. HighlightsProactive inhibitory control originates in the iFg.iFg activity reflects bilateral proactive control.Left aIns activity reflects stimulus‐response mapping for response execution.Contralateral aIPs contributes to motor response planning.

Scientific Reports | 2016

How the brain prevents a second error in a perceptual decision-making task

Rinaldo Livio Perri; Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Donatella Spinelli; Francesco Di Russo

In cognitive tasks, error commission is usually followed by a performance characterized by post-error slowing (PES) and post-error improvement of accuracy (PIA). Three theoretical accounts were hypothesized to support these post-error adjustments: the cognitive, the inhibitory, and the orienting account. The aim of the present ERP study was to investigate the neural processes associated with the second error prevention. To this aim, we focused on the preparatory brain activities in a large sample of subjects performing a Go/No-go task. The main results were the enhancement of the prefrontal negativity (pN) component -especially on the right hemisphere- and the reduction of the Bereitschaftspotential (BP) -especially on the left hemisphere- in the post-error trials. The ERP data suggested an increased top-down and inhibitory control, such as the reduced excitability of the premotor areas in the preparation of the trials following error commission. The results were discussed in light of the three theoretical accounts of the post-error adjustments. Additional control analyses supported the view that the adjustments-oriented components (the post-error pN and BP) are separated by the error-related potentials (Ne and Pe), even if all these activities represent a cascade of processes triggered by error-commission.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2015

Towards multiple interactions of inner and outer sensations in corporeal awareness

Giuliana Lucci; Mariella Pazzaglia

Under normal circumstances, different inner- and outer-body sources are integrated to form coherent and accurate mental experiences of the state of the body, leading to the phenomenon of corporeal awareness. How these processes are affected by changes in inner and outer inputs to the body remains unclear. Here, we aim to present empirical evidence in which people with a massive sensory and motor disconnection may continue to experience feelings of general body state awareness without complete control of their inner and outer states. In these clinical populations, the activity of the neural structures subserving inner and outer body processing can be manipulated and tuned by means of body illusions that are usually based on multisensory stimulation. We suggest that a multisensory therapeutic approach could be adopted in the context of therapies for patients suffering from deafferentation and deefferentation. In this way, these individuals could regain a more complete feeling and control of the sensations they experience, which vary widely depending on their neurological condition.

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience | 2014

Getting ready for an emotion: specific premotor brain activities for self-administered emotional pictures

Rinaldo Livio Perri; Marika Berchicci; Giuliana Lucci; Rocco L. Cimmino; Annalisa Bello; Francesco Di Russo

Emotional perception has been extensively studied, but only a few studies have investigated the brain activity preceding exposure to emotional stimuli, especially when they are triggered by the subject himself. Here, we sought to investigate the emotional expectancy by means of movement related cortical potentials (MRCPs) in a self-paced task, in which the subjects begin the affective experience by pressing a key. In this experiment, participants had to alternatively press two keys to concomitantly display positive, negative, neutral, and scrambled images extracted from the International Affective Pictures System (IAPS). Each key press corresponded to a specific emotional category, and the experimenter communicated the coupling before each trial so that the subjects always knew the valence of the forthcoming picture. The main results of the present study included a bilateral positive activity in prefrontal areas during expectancy of more arousing pictures (positive and negative) and an early and sustained positivity over occipital areas, especially during negative expectancy. In addition, we observed more pronounced and anteriorly distributed Late Positive Potential (LPPs) components in the emotional conditions. In conclusion, these results show that emotional expectancy can influence brain activity in both motor preparation and stimulus perception, suggesting enhanced pre-processing in the to-be-stimulated areas. We propose that before a predictable emotional stimulus, both appetitive and defensive motivational systems act to facilitate the forthcoming processing of survival-relevant contents by means of an enhancement of attention toward more arousing pictures.

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