
Featured researches published by Giuseppe Mannino.

World Futures | 2015

Communication Strategies in Cosa Nostra: An Empirical Research

Giuseppe Mannino; Serena Giunta; Serena Buccafusca; Giusy Cannizzaro; Girolamo Lo Verso

The following article proposes an empirical study to explore communication strategies in the Cosa Nostra. Psychological studies on the characteristics of the language within the criminal organization are undoubtedly recent, but crucial to thoroughly understand the characteristics of implicit and explicit communication it adopts in the various contexts it works, as well as the power and value they assume. The data we have obtained from some videos concerning interviews and police interrogations to men of honor have been analyzed through a method that refers to the grounds of qualitative research in clinical psychology, the Grounded Theory by Glaser and Strauss. The analysis we have carried out and its relevant data show us a world of the Mafia where the care for linguistic choices, for both form and contents, is characterized as a crucial activity, even when words are replaced by silence or gestures.

Frontiers in Psychology | 2017

The Relationship between Defense Patterns and DSM-5 Maladaptive Personality Domains

Antonella Granieri; Luana La Marca; Giuseppe Mannino; Serena Giunta; Fanny Guglielmucci; Adriano Schimmenti

Aim: Research has extensively examined the relationship between defense mechanisms (DM) and personality traits. However, no study to date has explored if specific defenses (alone or in combination) are able to predict dysfunctional variants of personality domains, as conceived in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between DMs and DSM-5 maladaptive personality domains among adults. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and twenty-eight adults aged between 18 and 64 years old completed measures on DMs and maladapive personality domains. Regression analyses were performed to determine which DMs predicted the maladaptive personality domains of negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism. Results: According to psychoanalytic literature, results showed that immature defenses positively predicted maladaptive personality domain scores, whereas mature defenses were generally related with better personality functioning. Moreover, different defense patterns emerged as significant predictors of the maladaptive personality domains comprised in the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorder. Discussion: Our findings support the view that defense patterns represent core components of personality and its disorders, and suggest that an increased use of immature defenses and a reduced use of mature defenses have a negative impact on the development of personality.

World Futures | 2015

Psychodynamics of the Mafia Phenomenon: Psychological–Clinical Research on Environmental Tapping and White-Collar Crime

Giuseppe Mannino; Serena Giunta

For many years, psychological–clinical research has been aiming at studying the Mafia from different viewpoints: the man of honors inner world, relational and psychopathological structures of his family matrices, connections between inner and social worlds, interiorized and social rules. Today, however, a complex phenomenon has come to light, which concerns the great connection between the Mafia and financial crime, and for us as researchers it is very interesting and complicated to analyze, because it involves the study of psychological peculiarities that can be specifically found in the numerous illegalities. The crossbreeding of the various criminalities, which are always more interacting and merging and less isolated, makes this picture even more complex.

Frontiers in Psychology | 2018

The italian version of the inventory of interpersonal problems (IIP-32): Psychometric properties and factor structure in clinical and non-clinical groups

Gianluca Lo Coco; Giuseppe Mannino; Laura Salerno; Veronica Oieni; Carla Di Fratello; Gabriele Profita; Salvatore Gullo

All versions of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) are broadly used to measure peoples interpersonal functioning. The aims of the current study are: (a) to examine the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Italian version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems—short version (IIP-32); and (b) to evaluate its associations with core symptoms of different eating disorders. One thousand two hundred and twenty three participants (n = 623 non-clinical and n = 600 clinical participants with eating disorders and obesity) filled out the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems—short version (IIP-32) along with measures of self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, RSES), psychological functioning (Outcome Questionnaire, OQ-45), and eating disorders (Eating Disorder Inventory, EDI-3). The present study examined the eight-factor structure of the IIP-32 with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM). ESEM was also used to test the measurement invariance of the IIP-32 across clinical and non-clinical groups. It was found that CFA had unsatisfactory model fit, whereas the corresponding ESEM solution provided a better fit to the observed data. However, six target factor loadings tend to be modest, and ten items showed cross-loadings higher than 0.30. The configural and metric invariance as well as the scalar and partial strict invariance of the IIP-32 were supported across clinical and non-clinical groups. The internal consistency of the IIP-32 was acceptable and the construct validity was confirmed by significant correlations between IIP-32, RSES, and OQ-45. Furthermore, overall interpersonal difficulties were consistently associated with core eating disorder symptoms, whereas interpersonal styles that reflect the inability to form close relationships, social awkwardness, the inability to be assertive, and a tendency to self-sacrificing were positively associated with general psychological maladjustment. Although further validation of the Italian version of the IIP-32 is needed to support these findings, the results on its cross-cultural validity are promising.

World Futures | 2017

Subjective Perception of Time: Research Applied on Dynamic Psychology

Giuseppe Mannino; Veronica Montefiori; Erika Faraci; Rita Pillitteri; Calogero Iacolino; Monica Pellerone; Serena Giunta

The time marked by the clock hands, the so-called “objective time,” is deeply different from the one perceived by the individual. Starting from this hypothesis, directly connected to the subjective modality of “living” the time and defined as time perspective, we will try to understand how much it affects the various domains of peoples lives, attitudes, and experiences. Therefore, the research investigates whether all our decisions can be influenced by one or more time perspectives beyond our awareness (i.e., by the process that allows us to organize our lived experiences in time categories). Last, but not least, we will try to understand if some time perspectives in specific contexts are more functional and adaptive than others.

Mediterranean journal of social sciences | 2018

Being Mafia Children: An Empirical Transgenerational Research

Serena Giunta; Giuseppe Mannino; Cinzia Bizzarri; Giuliana La Fiura

Abstract Our empirical study aims at understanding and analyzing whether and how the way in which the “sons of Mafia” consider their own family and the society in general has changed over time. The psychological study is based on a sample of 11 subjects all sons of the Mafia men divided according to a generational variable, i.e. these two ranges of age: 17-28 and 39-62. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. From the comparison these elements emerged: first of all, the subjects have a distinct perception of these three different areas: - family, and especially the bond with their fathers; - society, represented mainly by the relationship with peers; - Mafia, specifically in relation to the value codes of this criminal organization. The analysis of these areas has allowed us to give a cross-reading of the Mafia phenomenon outlining the differences in the way in which the present generations and the past ones live and perceive it.

Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology | 2018

Pathological gambling in adolescence: a narrative review

Lucia Sideli; Daniele La Barbera; Simonetta Montana; Crocetta Rachele Sartorio; F. Seminerio; Mariangela Corso; Serena Giunta; Giuseppe Mannino; Caterina La Cascia

Pathological gambling is an emerging and increasing phenomenon in Western counties. This work is aimed at reviewing the existing literature on this topic, paying special attention to its development, course and outcome in adolescence. We will explore epidemiological data, the instruments for the diagnostic and clinical assessment, the course and the outcome of the disorder, the comorbidity with other psychiatric syndromes and disorders. The main risk factors will be described at individual, social and community level. We provide an overview of the available pharmacological and psychological treatments and we report a clinical vignette in order to describe the psychological and psychopathological features of pathological gambling in adolescence.


La famiglia omogenitoriale oggi: pregiudizio per lo sviluppo del minore? Un’analisi della letteratura dal 2000 al 2015

Giuseppe Mannino; Marta Schiera

L’argomento che ad oggi sta suscitando particolari diatribe a livello sociopolitico all’interno dello Stato Italiano e il tema relativo alla genitorialita omosessuale. L’attenzione verso tale tematica nasce dalla visibilita che i genitori omosessuali hanno raggiunto nella nostra societa, in virtu degli interventi legislativi che ne stanno favorendo l’emancipazione e l’inclusione sociogiuridica. La rassegna scientifica prodotta (che non ha pretesa di esaustivita) intende creare uno spazio di studio e riflessione basato sull’esposizione di ricerche di valenza internazionale. La suddetta rassegna sottolinea l’erroneita dei pregiudizi riguardanti l’abuso sui figli da parte della coppia omosessuale, in quanto questa e ritenuta competente al pari di quella eterosessuale, evidenziando, inoltre, che l’orientamento sessuale non compromette negativamente lo sviluppo della rispettiva prole.

Clinical Neuropsychiatry | 2017


Alessia M. Gervasi; Luana La Marca; Giuseppe Mannino; Ester Maria Concetta Lombardo; Calogero Iacolino; Adriano Schimmenti

Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome | 2015

Group climate, cohesion and curative climate. A study on the common factors in group process and their relation with members attachment dimensions

Salvatore Gullo; Gianluca Lo Coco; Carla Di Fratello; Francesca Giannone; Giuseppe Mannino; Gary M. Burlingame

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