
Featured researches published by Giuseppe Martelli.

Food Chemistry | 2013

Cultivar based selection and genetic analysis of strawberry fruits with high levels of health promoting compounds

Maria Carmela Padula; Laura Lepore; Luigi Milella; Jaroslava Ovesná; Nicola Malafronte; Giuseppe Martelli; Nunziatina De Tommasi

Twenty different strawberry genotypes from phenolic compound content and genetic diversity have been investigated. Twelve phenolic derivatives in the strawberry fruit extracts, their total phenolic content (TPC) and their radical scavenging activity have been quantified. In order to study the influence of the genetic basis of each cultivar (cv) on the chemical composition of fruits, Principal Component Analysis of the obtained data was also used. Significant differences in the content of individual anthocyanins among the 20cvs have been found. Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside was the predominant anthocyanin in the strawberry extracts with 61.0% of the total anthocyanins in Salva cv, followed by cyanidin 3-O-glucoside. TPC values ranged from 129,96 (Laica cv) to 269,04 (Naiad cv) mg of gallic acid equivalent per 100g of fresh weight and it was congruent previous studies. Moreover RAPD markers have been applied in order to describe their genetic relationships. A total of 32decamer primers were used in RAPD analysis; 19 of them provided at least one polymorphic band, the remaining primers were monomorphic. A total of 124 bands were detected with the mean number of 11.53 accountable fragments per primer and 59.98% were polymorphic. The results of the present study highlighted the health-promoting compound content of strawberry fruits, and provided a good prospect for discriminating strawberries by phenolic content and genetic analysis.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2011

Role of the cultivar in choosing Clementine fruits with a high level of health-promoting compounds.

Luigi Milella; Marisa Carmela Caruso; Fernanda Galgano; Fabio Favati; Maria Carmela Padula; Giuseppe Martelli

Thirteen cultivars and two hybrids of Clementine fruits (Citrus clementina Hort. Ex. Tan) cultivated in Italy were characterized according to pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, hesperidin, rutin, narirutin and naringin and radical scavenging activity. The presence of rutin in Clementine fruit juice is reported for the first time here. The results indicated that all chemical parameters statistically differentiated each cultivar (P < 0.001). In particular, principal component analysis showed a clear discrimination of five cultivars from all the other varieties based on vitamin C and total polyphenols for the Caffin cultivar, which showed also the highest antioxidant activity; narirutin for the Etna hybrid cultivar; hesperidin, rutin and total soluble solids for the SRA 89 cultivar; and naringin, hesperidin and rutin for the Esbal cultivar. Moreover, the Mandalate hybrid cultivar showed the lowest antioxidant activity as well as vitamin C and total polyphenols content, while titratable acidity and naringin level were the highest. The antioxidant activity assessed in all the fruits was closely correlated with vitamin C and total polyphenols content, rather than with the flavonoid compounds.

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 2006

Relationships between an Italian strawberry ecotype and its ancestor using RAPD markers

Luigi Milella; Danilo Saluzzi; Mauro Lapelosa; Giuseppe Bertino; Piero Spada; Ivana Greco; Giuseppe Martelli

Random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to evaluate genetic variability among populations of an Italian strawberry ecotype, and to determinate genetic relationships between genotypes and their putative ancestor. A total of 65 selections and one cultivar ‘Madame Moutot’ (MM), were analysed to evaluate genetic variability present in Etna mountain area and to confirm as MM was one of the cultivars that originated the ecotype. A total of 222 RAPD markers was obtained using 16 decamer primers and 6 longer primers, 90.8% of the markers obtained by selected primers resulted polymorphic at least within analysed genotypes. RAPDs were used to calculate genetic similarity coefficients and to generate dendrograms representing genetic relationships among genotypes analysed. Cluster analysis displays as RAPD polymorphisms were able to characterize the genotype variability among closely related groups. The data show as MM could be considered the ancestral genotypes introduced in that area. The results obtained confirm that RAPD markers could be used as reliable markers to perform phylogenetic studies in Fragaria×ananassa Duch. ex Rozier.

PLOS ONE | 2012

What Are the Proteolytic Enzymes of Honey and What They Do Tell Us? A Fingerprint Analysis by 2-D Zymography of Unifloral Honeys

Rocco Rossano; Marilena Larocca; Teresa Polito; Anna Maria Perna; Maria Carmela Padula; Giuseppe Martelli; Paolo Riccio

Honey is a sweet and healthy food produced by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) from flower nectars. Using bidimensional zymography, we have detected the, until now unrevealed, proteolytic activities present in row honey samples. The resulting zymograms were specific for each type of the four unifloral honey under study, and enzymes were identified as serine proteases by the use of specific inhibitors. Further, using bidimensional electrophoresis, we have shown that honey proteases are able to degrade the major Royal Jelly proteins and in particular MRPJ-1, the protein that promotes queen differentiation in honeybees. Our findings open new perspectives for the better understanding of honeybee development, social behaviour and role in honey production. The now discovered honey proteases may influence honey properties and quality, and bidimensional zymograms might be useful to distinguish between different honey types, establish their age and floral origin, and allow honey certification.

World Journal of Gastroenterology | 2014

Could the improvement of obesity-related co-morbidities depend on modified gut hormones secretion?

Carmine Finelli; Maria Carmela Padula; Giuseppe Martelli; Giovanni Tarantino

Obesity and its associated diseases are a worldwide epidemic disease. Usual weight loss cures - as diets, physical activity, behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy - have been continuously implemented but still have relatively poor long-term success and mainly scarce adherence. Bariatric surgery is to date the most effective long term treatment for morbid obesity and it has been proven to reduce obesity-related co-morbidities, among them nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and mortality. This article summarizes such variations in gut hormones following the current metabolic surgery procedures. The profile of gut hormonal changes after bariatric surgery represents a strategy for the individuation of the most performing surgical procedures to achieve clinical results. About this topic, experts suggest that the individuation of the crosslink among the gut hormones, microbiome, the obesity and the bariatric surgery could lead to new and more specific therapeutic interventions for severe obesity and its co-morbidities, also non surgical.

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | 2013

Analysis of the Genetic Structure of a Barley Collection Using DNA Diversity Array Technology (DArT)

Jaroslava Ovesná; L. Kučera; K. Vaculová; J. Milotová; J. Snape; P. Wenzl; E. Huttner; A. Kilian; Giuseppe Martelli; Luigi Milella

Analysis of the extent of genetic variation within genetic resources is important for diversity preservation and also for breeders who exploit it. We investigated the recently introduced molecular marker technique of DNA diversity array technology (DArT), with the objective of characterising diversity in the likely relatively narrow genetic background of Czech malting barley cultivars. A total of 94 obsolete or registered barley cultivars and some hulless barley lines primarily of Czech origin were characterised by DArT analysis. A total of 271 polymorphic marker alleles were revealed across the analysed set of accessions, 37 of which were identified as being overrepresented; the other 234 markers were used for further analysis. The average dissimilarity value within the analysed set of accessions was 0.692. To assess how well DArT is suited for individual barley characteristic evaluation, available agronomical data from three yield field trials were used. Out of 94 barley genotypes used in the field trials that were assessed by DArTs, 41 have been grown over time as malting cultivars in the region. Similarity matrices based on Gower’s coefficient for mixed data and simple matching coefficient were used to compare DaRT and agronomical results. We demonstrate that a DArT-based similarity matrix and an agronomical data-based similarity matrix correlated well. To assess the genetic structure of the entire collection, K-means and simple matching coefficient clustering were used. Statistical analysis confirmed the power of the DArT system, in fact they efficiently grouped old genetic resources and modern cultivars in the expected way. Our results show that the level of genetic diversity has not changed substantially over time, but significant shifts in allelic frequency have occurred. In addition, a DArT-based dendrogram and principal component analysis (PCA) plots clearly demonstrated the impact of breeding practices on the diversity of Czech spring malting barley cultivars over time.

Journal of Applied Microbiology | 2013

Stress response assessment of Lactobacillus sakei strains selected as potential autochthonous starter cultures by flow cytometry and nucleic acid double-staining analyses.

Maria Grazia Bonomo; Luigi Milella; Giuseppe Martelli; Giovanni Salzano

The aim of this study was to apply the flow cytometry to Lactobacillus sakei strains, selected as potential autochthonous starters, to investigate dynamics and physiological heterogeneity of microbial behaviour under different stress conditions.

Journal of obesity and weight loss therapy | 2014

Nesfatin-1: role as possible new anti-obesity treatment.

Carmine Finelli; Rocco Rossano; Maria Carmela Padula; Nicolina La Sala; Giuseppe Martelli

In this article, we review on the current concepts about Nesfatin-1 as a new anti-obesity treatment and evaluate the existing issues in the context of this knowledge and the available literature. The intent is to enable clinicians to know Nesfatin-1 as a new anti-obesity treatment and make rational decisions based on this perspective as possible clinical application. Future research should seek to clarify whether Nesfatin-1 would be beneficial in the management of obesity.

Food Chemistry | 2013

Peel LTP (Pru p 3) – the major allergen of peach – is methylated. A proteomic study

Marilena Larocca; Giuseppe Martelli; Gerarda Grossi; Maria Carmela Padula; Paolo Riccio; Rocco Rossano

Lipid transfer protein (LTP, Pru p 3) is the major allergen of peach (Prunus persica), and is in a greater abundance in the peel than in the pulp of the fruit. Peel LTP is more allergenic than pulp LTP, but it is not clear whether this is due to its specific allergenic properties or to its higher concentration. In this study, we have used a new one-step, rapid procedure for the purification of LTP from peel and pulp of four peach varieties [Gladys (white flesh), California (nectarine yellow flesh), Plusplus (yellow flesh), Red Fair (nectarine yellow flesh)] harvested in a field grown in Southern Italy. Purification was based on miniature reversed-phase chromatography, a procedure suitable for proteomic study. Proteomic analysis of purified LTPs revealed that the amino acid sequence of LTP was identical in all peach genotypes but, for the first time, peel LTP was found to be methylated.

Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases | 2014

A novel homozygous stop-codon mutation in human HFE responsible for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.

Maria Carmela Padula; Giuseppe Martelli; Marilena Larocca; Rocco Rossano; Attilio Olivieri

HFE-hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal disease characterized by excessive iron absorption. Homozygotes for H63D variant, and still less H63D heterozygotes, generally do not express HH phenotype. The data collected in our previous study in the province of Matera (Basilicata, Italy) underlined that some H63D carriers showed altered iron metabolism, without additional factors. In this study, we selected a cohort of 10/22 H63D carriers with severe biochemical iron overload (BIO). Additional analysis was performed for studying HFE exons, exon-intron boundaries, and untranslated regions (UTRs) by performing DNA extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing. The results showed a novel substitution (NM_000410.3:c.847C>T) in a patient exon 4 (GenBankJQ478433); it introduces a premature stop-codon (PTC). RNA extraction and reverse-transcription were also performed. Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out for verifying if our aberrant mRNA is targeted for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD); we observed that patient HFE mRNA was expressed much less than calibrator, suggesting that the mutated HFE protein cannot play its role in iron metabolism regulation, resulting in proband BIO. Our finding is the first evidence of a variation responsible for a PTC in iron cycle genes. The genotype-phenotype correlation observed in our cases could be related to the additional mutation.

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