Glenn Affleck
University of Connecticut Health Center
Featured researches published by Glenn Affleck.
Pain | 2000
Francis J. Keefe; John C. Lefebvre; Jennifer Egert; Glenn Affleck; Michael J. L. Sullivan; David S. Caldwell
&NA; One hundred and sixty‐eight patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knees participated in this study. Of the participants, 72 were men and 96 were women. All participants completed the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales (AIMS), underwent a 10 min standardized observation session to assess their pain behavior, and completed the Catastrophizing Scale of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) and the Depression Scale of the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL‐90R). The study found that there were significant differences in pain, pain behavior, and physical disability in men and women having OA. Women had significantly higher levels of pain and physical disability, and exhibited more pain behavior during an observation session than men. Further analyses revealed that catastrophizing mediated the relationship between gender and pain‐related outcomes. Once catastrophizing was entered into the analyses, the previously significant effects of gender were no longer found. Interestingly, catastrophizing still mediated the gender–pain relationship even after controlling for depression. These findings underscore the importance of both gender and catastrophizing in understanding the OA pain experience and may have important implications for pain assessment and treatment.
Pain | 1996
Glenn Affleck; Susan Urrows; Howard Tennen; Pamela Higgins; Micha Abeles
&NA; Fifty women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) recorded their sleep quality, pain intensity, and attention to pain for 30 days, using palm‐top computers programmed as electronic interviewers. They described their previous nights sleep quality within one‐half hour of awakening each day, and at randomly selected times in the morning, afternoon, and evening rated their present pain in 14 regions and attention to pain during the last 30 min. We analyzed the 30‐day aggregates cross‐sectionally at the across‐persons level and the pooled data set of 1500 person‐days at the within‐persons level after adjusting for between‐persons variation and autocorrelation. Poorer sleepers tended to report significantly more pain. A night of poorer sleep was followed by a significantly more painful day, and a more painful day was followed by a night of poorer sleep. Pain attention and sleep were unrelated at the across‐persons level of analysis. But there was a significant bi‐directional within‐person association between pain attention and sleep quality that was not explained by changes in pain intensity.
American Psychologist | 2000
Howard Tennen; Glenn Affleck; Stephen Armeli; Margaret Anne Carney
For decades, coping researchers have used between-person designs to address inherently within-person questions derived from theory and clinical practice. The authors describe recent developments in the use of within-person, process-oriented methods that examine individuals intensively over time. Ongoing studies of stress and alcohol consumption, the effects of depression on adaptational processes, and the temporal dynamics of coping with chronic pain demonstrate that by tracking rapidly fluctuating processes such as mood and coping close to their real-time occurrence, daily process designs offer unique insights into conceptually and clinically challenging questions. Such designs also provide new opportunities to examine the purported mechanisms of therapeutic interventions. Despite its demands on participants and investigators, daily process research offers fresh opportunities to link psychological theory, research, and practice.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 1992
Glenn Affleck; Howard Tennen; Susan Urrows; Pamela Higgins
For 75 consecutive days, 54 Ss with rheumatoid arthritis supplied daily reports of their mood and joint pain. After aggregating daily reports, the relation between chronic mood and chronic pain remained statistically significant when controlling for neuroticism, depression, disease activity, disability, and characteristic responses to increasing pain. Findings of a path analysis suggest that (a) individuals higher in neuroticism experience more chronic distress regardless of their responses to pain, their pain intensity, and depressive symptomatology, and (b) the relation between neuroticism and chronic pain is mediated by the propensity of high-neuroticism individuals to catastrophize their pain. Within-subject analyses that controlled for autocorrelation and linear trends in the time series revealed that 40% of the Ss experienced significantly worse moods on more painful days. Although individuals higher in neuroticism reported more intense pain and more negative mood, their daily mood was less strongly linked to their daily pain.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 2001
Alex J. Zautra; Bruce W. Smith; Glenn Affleck; Howard Tennen
Two studies of the relationship between pain and negative affect are presented in this article: a study of weekly fluctuations in pain and negative affect among those with arthritis and a study of daily fluctuations in pain and negative affect for participants with fibromyalgia. The roles of positive affect and mood clarity (or the ability to distinguish between different emotions) in modifying the size of the relationship between pain and negative affect were examined in both studies as a means of testing the predictions of a dynamic model of affect regulation. In both studies, the presence of positive affect reduced the size of the relationship between pain and negative affect. Also, for arthritis participants with greater mood clarity, there was less overlap in ratings of negative and positive affective states.
Pain | 2004
Francis J. Keefe; James A. Blumenthal; Donald H. Baucom; Glenn Affleck; Robert A. Waugh; David S. Caldwell; Pat Beaupre; Susmita Kashikar-Zuck; Katherine Wright; Jennifer Egert; John C. Lefebvre
&NA; This study tested the separate and combined effects of spouse‐assisted pain coping skills training (SA‐CST) and exercise training (ET) in a sample of patients having persistent osteoarthritic knee pain. Seventy‐two married osteoarthritis (OA) patients with persistent knee pain and their spouses were randomly assigned to: SA‐CST alone, SA‐CST plus ET, ET alone, or standard care (SC). Patients in SA‐CST alone, together with their spouses, attended 12 weekly, 2‐h group sessions for training in pain coping and couples skills. Patients in SA‐CST+ET received spouse‐assisted coping skills training and attended 12‐weeks supervised ET. Patients in the ET alone condition received just an exercise program. Data analyses revealed: (1) physical fitness and strength: the SA‐CST+ET and ET alone groups had significant improvements in physical fitness compared to SA‐CST alone and patients in SA‐CST+ET and ET alone had significant improvements in leg flexion and extension compared to SA‐CST alone and SC, (2) pain coping: patients in SA‐CST+ET and SA‐CST alone groups had significant improvements in coping attempts compared to ET alone or SC and spouses in SA‐CST+ET rated their partners as showing significant improvements in coping attempts compared to ET alone or SC, and (3) self‐efficacy: patients in SA‐CST+ET reported significant improvements in self‐efficacy and their spouses rated them as showing significant improvements in self‐efficacy compared to ET alone or SC. Patients receiving SA‐CST+ET who showed increased self‐efficacy were more likely to have improvements in psychological disability. An intervention that combines spouse‐assisted coping skills training and exercise training can improve physical fitness, strength, pain coping, and self‐efficacy in patients suffering from pain due to osteoarthritis.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine | 1992
Mark D. Litt; Howard Tennen; Glenn Affleck; Susan C. Klock
Characteristics were identified that predict adaptation following an unsuccessful attempt at in vitrofertilization (IVF). Forty-one women and their husbands were interviewed and administered questionnaires prior to IVF and 2 weeks after notice of a positive or negative pregnancy test. Of the 36 couples who failed to conceive as a result of IVF, 6 of the women studied developed clinical depressive symptoms. Those women who reported poorest adaptation to IVF failure were more likely to have reported depressive symptoms prior to IVF, were more likely to have reported feeling a general loss of control over their lives as a result of infertility, tended to use escape as a coping strategy, and reported having felt some responsibility for their IVF failure. Dispositional optimism, as well as a sense of being partially responsible for the infertility, was protective of distress following IVF failure.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine | 1993
Terence E. Fitzgerald; Howard Tennen; Glenn Affleck; Glenn Pransky
Similar mechanisms have been proposed to explain the stress-buffering effects of both dispositional optimism and perceived control. Yet dispositional optimism as a personal resource should function independently of situational control appraisals. To evaluate the unique and additive contributions to adaptation of control appraisals and optimism, we followed 49 individuals scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery. One month before surgery dispositional optimism was associated with neither health locus of control nor specific expectancies about the outcomes of surgery. Dispositional optimism, however, was associated with perceived control over the course of the illness and with quality of life appraisals. Although presurgery optimism predicted life quality 8 months after surgery, this was not the case when general and specific control appraisals and specific expectancies were included in the prediction. These findings are discussed as they relate to current conceptions of trait optimism.
Pain | 1997
Francis J. Keefe; Glenn Affleck; John C. Lefebvre; Kathleen Starr; David S. Caldwell; Howard Tennen
Abstract Data from daily diaries were used to analyze pain coping processes in rheumatoid arthritis patients. For 30 consecutive days, 53 individuals described the pain coping strategies they used that day and rated the efficacy of their coping, joint pain, and positive and negative mood. Relations among variables were examined across‐persons and within‐persons over time. At the across‐persons level of analysis, (i) daily coping efficacy was unrelated to pain coping or pain intensity, and (ii) the more frequent daily use of a wide variety of pain coping strategies was correlated with greater pain. Within‐person analyses provided unique information about the relations among coping, pain, and mood not apparent in the across‐persons results. Specifically, these analyses showed that increases in daily coping efficacy were not only related to decreases in pain, but also to decreases in negative mood and increases in positive mood. Time‐lagged effects of coping and coping efficacy were also found. Individuals who reported high levels of coping efficacy on one day had lower levels of pain on the subsequent day. The daily use of pain reduction efforts and relaxation strategies also contributed to an improvement in next‐day pain and an enhancement of positive mood. The implications of these findings for the assessment of pain and coping in rheumatoid arthritis patients are discussed.
Pain | 1999
John C. Lefebvre; Francis J. Keefe; Glenn Affleck; Lauren Raezer; Kathleen Starr; David S. Caldwell; Howard Tennen
There is an increasing awareness in the medical community that psychosocial variables such as beliefs in self-efficacy are important determinants of treatment outcome. However, before measures of self-efficacy are widely incorporated into clinical practice, there needs to be a better understanding of how they relate to daily pain, mood and coping. In the present study 128 rheumatoid arthritis patients completed diaries for 30 days in which they provided daily ratings of joint pain, negative and positive mood, the use of pain coping strategies, and coping efficacy. The patients then participated in an evaluation session during which measures of self-efficacy (the Arthritis Self Efficacy Scale (ASES)), demographic variables, and medical status were collected. A series of hierarchical regression analyses was conducted to determine the degree to which self-efficacy measures collected at the time of the evaluation session were related to daily diary measures collected during the 30 preceding days. The results revealed that self-efficacy was significantly related to daily ratings of pain, mood, coping and coping efficacy. Interestingly, the findings regarding self-efficacy were obtained even after taking into account the effects of important demographic and medical status variables. Taken together, these results suggest that self-efficacy ratings collected from arthritis patients at the time of an evaluation session may well be related to recent experiences of daily pain and mood, as well as the daily use and perceived effectiveness of pain coping strategies.