Glenn H. Holloway
Harvard University
programming language design and implementation | 1998
Omri Traub; Glenn H. Holloway; Michael D. Smith
A linear-scan algorithm directs the global allocation of register candidates to registers based on a simple linear sweep over the program being compiled. This approach to register allocation makes sense for systems, such as those for dynamic compilation, where compilation speed is important. In contrast, most commercial and research optimizing compilers rely on a graph-coloring approach to global register allocation. In this paper, we compare the performance of a linear-scan method against a modern graph-coloring method. We implement both register allocators within the Machine SUIF extension of the Stanford SUIF compiler system. Experimental results show that linear scan is much faster than coloring on benchmarks with large numbers of register candidates. We also describe improvements to the linear-scan approach that do not change its linear character, but allow it to produce code of a quality near to that produced by graph coloring.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 1979
Thomas E. Cheatham; Glenn H. Holloway; Judy A. Townley
Symbolic evaluation is a form of static program analysis in which symbolic expressions are used to denote the values of program variables and computations. It does not require the user to specify which path at a conditional branch to follow nor how many cycles of a loop to consider. Instead, a symbolic evaluator uses conditional expressions to represent the uncertainty that arises from branching and develops and attempts to solve recurrence relations that describe the behavior of loop variables.
programming language design and implementation | 2004
Michael D. Smith; Norman Ramsey; Glenn H. Holloway
Graph-coloring register allocation is an elegant and extremely popular optimization for modern machines. But as currently formulated, it does not handle two characteristics commonly found in commercial architectures. First, a single register name may appear in multiple register classes, where a class is a set of register names that are interchangeable in a particular role. Second, multiple register names may be aliases for a single hardware register. We present a generalization of graph-coloring register allocation that handles these problematic characteristics while preserving the elegance and practicality of traditional graph coloring. Our generalization adapts easily to a new target machine, requiring only the sets of names in the register classes and a map of the register aliases. It also drops easily into a well-known graph-coloring allocator, is efficient at compile time, and produces high-quality code.
high-performance computer architecture | 2009
Vijay Janapa Reddi; Meeta Sharma Gupta; Glenn H. Holloway; Gu-Yeon Wei; Michael D. Smith; David M. Brooks
Inductive noise forces microprocessor designers to sacrifice performance in order to ensure correct and reliable operation of their designs. The possibility of wide fluctuations in supply voltage means that timing margins throughout the processor must be set pessimistically to protect against worst-case droops and surges. While sensor-based reactive schemes have been proposed to deal with voltage noise, inherent sensor delays limit their effectiveness. Instead, this paper describes a voltage emergency predictor that learns the signatures of voltage emergencies (the combinations of control flow and microarchitectural events leading up to them) and uses these signatures to prevent recurrence of the corresponding emergencies. In simulations of a representative superscalar microprocessor in which fluctuations beyond 4% of nominal voltage are treated as emergencies (an aggressive configuration), these signatures can pinpoint the likelihood of an emergency some 16 cycles ahead of time with 90% accuracy. This lead time allows machines to operate with much tighter voltage margins (4% instead of 13%) and up to 13.5% higher performance, which closely approaches the 14.2% performance improvement possible with an ideal oracle-based predictor.
symposium on code generation and optimization | 2012
Simone Campanoni; Timothy M. Jones; Glenn H. Holloway; Vijay Janapa Reddi; Gu-Yeon Wei; David M. Brooks
We describe and evaluate HELIX, a new technique for automatic loop parallelization that assigns successive iterations of a loop to separate threads. We show that the inter-thread communication costs forced by loop-carried data dependences can be mitigated by code optimization, by using an effective heuristic for selecting loops to parallelize, and by using helper threads to prefetch synchronization signals. We have implemented HELIX as part of an optimizing compiler framework that automatically selects and parallelizes loops from general sequential programs. The framework uses an analytical model of loop speedups, combined with profile data, to choose loops to parallelize. On a six-core Intel® Core i7-980X, HELIX achieves speedups averaging 2.25 x, with a maximum of 4.12x, for thirteen C benchmarks from SPEC CPU2000.
design, automation, and test in europe | 2009
Meeta Sharma Gupta; Vijay Janapa Reddi; Glenn H. Holloway; Gu-Yeon Wei; David M. Brooks
Supply voltage fluctuations that result from inductive noise are increasingly troublesome in modern microprocessors. A voltage ldquoemergencyrdquo, i.e., a swing beyond tolerable operating margins, jeopardizes the safe and correct operation of the processor. Techniques aimed at reducing power consumption, e.g., by clock gating or by reducing nominal supply voltage, exacerbate this noise problem, requiring ever-wider operating margins. We propose an event-guided, adaptive method for avoiding voltage emergencies, which exploits the fact that most emergencies are correlated with unique microarchitectural events, such as cache misses or the pipeline flushes that follow branch mispredictions. Using checkpoint and rollback to handle unavoidable emergencies, our method adapts dynamically by learning to trigger avoidance mechanisms when emergency-prone events recur. After tightening supply voltage margins to increase clock frequency and accounting for all costs, the net result is a performance improvement of 8% across a suite of fifteen SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks.
international symposium on microarchitecture | 2010
Vijay Janapa Reddi; Meeta Sharma Gupta; Glenn H. Holloway; Michael D. Smith; Gu-Yeon Wei; David M. Brooks
Shrinking feature size and diminishing supply voltage are making circuits more sensitive to supply voltage fluctuations within a microprocessor. If left unattended, voltage fluctuations can lead to timing violations or even transistor lifetime issues. A mechanism that dynamically learns to predict dangerous voltage fluctuations based on program and microarchitectural events can help steer the processor clear of danger.
symposium on code generation and optimization | 2015
Simone Campanoni; Glenn H. Holloway; Gu-Yeon Wei; David M. Brooks
Automatic generation of parallel code for general-purpose commodity processors is a challenging computational problem. Nevertheless, there is a lot of latent thread-level parallelism in the way sequential programs are actually used. To convert latent parallelism into performance gains, users may be willing to compromise on the quality of a programs results. We have developed a parallelizing compiler and runtime that substantially improve scalability by allowing parallelized code to briefly sidestep strict adherence to language semantics at run time. In addition to boosting performance, our approach limits the sensitivity of parallelized code to the parameters of target CPUs (such as core-to-core communication latency) and the accuracy of data dependence analysis.
Information Processing Letters | 1979
Felix J. Fridman; Glenn H. Holloway; Naftaly H. Minsky; Josef Stein
FOR-LOOPS OVER SEVERAL AGGREGATES Felix J. FRIDMAN Computer Science Department, 77ze Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Glenn H. HOLLOWAY Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
design automation conference | 2012
Simone Campanoni; Timothy Mark Jones; Glenn H. Holloway; Gu-Yeon Wei; David M. Brooks
Parallelism has become the primary way to maximize processor performance and power efficiency. But because creating parallel programs by hand is difficult and prone to error, there is an urgent need for automatic ways of transforming conventional programs to exploit modern multicore systems. The HELIX compiler transformation is one such technique that has proven effective at parallelizing individual sequential programs automatically for a real six-core processor. We describe that transformation in the context of the broader HELIX research project, which aims to optimize the throughput of a multicore processor by coordinated changes in its architecture, its compiler, and its operating system. The goal is to make automatic parallelization mainstream in multiprogramming settings through adaptive algorithms for extracting and tuning thread-level parallelism.