Gloria Lucía Giraldo
National University of Colombia
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science | 2015
Luisa Rincón; Gloria Lucía Giraldo; Raúl Mazo; Camille Salinesi; Daniel Diaz
Software product line engineering is a promising paradigm for developing software intensive systems. Among their proven benefits are reduced time to market, better asset reuse and improved software quality. To achieve this, the collection of products of the product line are specified by means of product line models. Feature Models (FMs) are a common notation to represent product lines that express the set of feature combinations that software products can have. Experience shows that these models can have defects. Defects in FMs be inherited to the products configured from these models. Consequently, defects must be early identified and corrected. Several works reported in scientific literature, deal with identification of defects in FMs. However, only few of these proposals are able to explain how to fix defects, and only some corrections are suggested. This paper proposes a new method to detect all possible corrections from a defective product line model. The originality of the contribution is that corrections can be found when the method systematically eliminates dependencies from the FMs. The proposed method was applied on 78 distinct FMs with sizes up to 120 dependencies. Evaluation indicates that the method proposed in this paper scale up, is accurate, and sometimes useful in real scenarios.
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería | 2010
Carlos Mario Zapata; Gloria Lucía Giraldo; Jhon Edison Mesa
Las ontologias, hoy en dia, juegan un papel importante en algunas areas del saber, en especial en las ciencias de la computacion. Actualmente, se viene incorporando su uso en la ingenieria de requisitos, para apoyar las tareas de educcion de requisitos y, de esta manera, obtener un completo levantamiento de la informacion del dominio del problema. Sin embargo, las ontologias que se usan en ingenieria de requisitos son limitadas, en la medida en que estan circunscritas a un dominio particular. En este articulo se propone la construccion de una metaontologia para la educcion de requisitos, de forma incremental e independiente del dominio del problema. Asi, el conocimiento incorporado en la ontologia se puede aprovechar en dominios diferentes. La implementacion de la metaontologia se hizo en la herramienta Protege�, para aprovechar las capacidades que esta ofrece en la construccion de ontologias
ISPE CE | 2013
Germán Urrego-Giraldo; Gloria Lucía Giraldo
The idea of a temporal sequence of phenomena, present in the process concept, is a challenge for the concurrent engineering (CE) development. There, inherent concepts as overlap, interaction, and iteration of activities are not jet enough treated. It misses new methodologies and models leading to concurrent processes. For replacing sequential process models representations, we propose a contextual model expressing actions and interactions of interrelated internal and external agents. A group of social or organizational complementary processes, or a particular process, aiming to specific objectives could be represented as a graph of involved interacting agents connected among them by processes or process’s activities. We use business processes of an engineering service firma for illustrating the proposed approach.
ISPE CE | 2010
Germán Urrego-Giraldo; Gloria Lucía Giraldo
This paper searches to model and use the knowledge of the system definition phase for defining testing models of agents’ requirements and system functionalities. Context objective concept and a Model of Solution Use Context were used. The former as a model of system definition phase and the latter aiding to find agents’ requirements and system functionalities. Social context objectives are adjusted to organizational context objectives and these ones adjusted to system context objectives. All context objectives are expressed in a linguistic template using a verb and its semantic functions. The proposed testing model verifies the correspondence between system context objectives and system operationalizable goals obtained from agents’ requirements. For illustrating the proposed model, a system for selecting preregistered co-created contributions (ideas) is used.
Archive | 2009
Gloria Lucía Giraldo; Germán Urrego-Giraldo
This paper presents an approach to construct the study plans of engineering programs from problems identifed in social context. A model of four human training dimension: to be, to know, to do and to cooperate, is used, aiming to define the curricular thematic units. This model leads the multidisciplinary and concurrent engineering practice.
global engineering education conference | 2014
Germán Urrego-Giraldo; Gloria Lucía Giraldo
The achievement of competences is a good expression of the pertinence and efficacy of education programs in the different intervention fields. Social responsibility demands joint endeavors of interested agents, in procuring the sustainability. The creation of social awareness and compromise on the introduction of sustainability in social, economic, and environmental activities involves the consideration of sustainability concepts in all educational and occupational levels. Knowledge and practices in every discipline have meaning and value in particular contexts. A conceptualization of context is introduced in order to generalize the treatment of knowledge, curricular contents, and human, social, economic, and environmental responsibilities. Different strategies may be applied for the inclusion of sustainability concept in professional curricula and in the human competences, according to a model of context exigencies and a set of evolution categories. In our research, context concept is the central element in the definition and development of curricula, and in the achievement of competences. A contextualized development of Engineers competences for sustainable development is the object of the present article. The proposed approach is illustrated in a Computer science engineering curriculum.
international conference on web engineering | 2018
B. Daniel Correa; Fernando Arango Isaza; Raúl Mazo; Gloria Lucía Giraldo
Nowadays the use of Web Application Frameworks has been the default choice to develop software applications inside the web domain. These frameworks provide many benefits such as: faster development, enhanced security, and clearer structure of code. However, web application frameworks have a high learning curve and each time someone wants to learn a framework, a recurrent question arises: How to reduce that learning curve and be able to use a new web application framework in a short time? Several learning techniques have been used in the context of frameworks; for instance, example-based learning, tutorials, cookbooks, and tools. Nevertheless, those approaches have their own limitations and the question about what is the best way to learn soon those frameworks remains open. In this paper, we introduce a new web application framework learning technique called CME (Concerns, Micro-learning and Examples). This technique defines a customized learning path that a novice developer should follow to learn to use a web application framework. The learning path was built as a mix of concerns, micro-learning and example-based learning concepts. To validate this technique, we carry out a quasi-experiment about a web application framework learning and the development of small web applications with: (i) the use of CME and (ii) the use of a cookbook. The quasi-experiment results showed preliminary evidence that when using CME, novice developers become more operational to develop small web applications in a reduced period of time compared with the use of a cookbook.
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería | 2014
Carlos Zapata; Gloria Lucía Giraldo; Germán Zapata; Adrian Arboleda
Holonic manufacturing systems search for improvement of the organizational productivity and elucidation of the requirements by means of strategy planning in order to reach production goals. Some architectural designs have been proposed to determine the behavior and structure of a holon. Various authors examine the development of these systems and the appropriate implementation in organizations, as suggested by the ANEMONA methodology. However, the requirements elicitation for holonic systems is a long process, whose drawbacks are found on representing and identifying holons. Pre-conceptual schemas (PS) are useful requirement elicitation tools, because they have computational tractability and they can be easily understood. In this paper we propose the representation of requirements for holons systems in PS and the formulation of conversion rules for generating the ANEMONA-based interaction model from EP. This approach is intended to improve the analysis of holonic systems in a particular domain, providing
ISPE CE | 2011
Germán Urrego-Giraldo; Gloria Lucía Giraldo
The System Definition Phase, modelled in terms of Context Objective, gathers the basic knowledge for the system development. This knowledge is incorporated in the Structure of Domain Services and Object (SDSO) and in the Solution Use Context Model (SUCM). A pattern of Agent Intervention, extended and instantiated with highest categories of the SDSO, is applied for deriving domain-centred system functionalities, which are confronted with known system functionalities previously obtained from system requirements. Thus, the consistency of domain-centred system functionalities and requirements based system functionalities is tested. A system for selecting co-created contributions aiming to innovative products is used for illustrating the proposed approach.
ISPE CE | 2011
Gloria Lucía Giraldo; Germán Urrego-Giraldo
The Structure of Domain Services and Objects (SDSO) and the Solution Use Context Model (SUCM) summarize the knowledge collected in the System Definition Phase. This knowledge is expressed in system context objectives adjusted from organizational and social contexts. An Agent Intervention extended Pattern is, in turn, instantiated with the highest categories of the SDSO and then, with Agent Operationalizable. Objectives obtained from the SUCM in order to produce Domain-Centred System Functionalities and Context-Centred System Functionalities, respectively. Both functionalities sets are compared for analyzing the particular possibilities of domain and context models looking for system functionalities, and system analysis agile methods. The two types of functionalities are tested against system functionalities obtained from system requirements in the case of selecting co-related contributions for innovative products.