Gökhan Bozkurt
Hacettepe University
Acta Neurochirurgica | 2003
Ibrahim M. Ziyal; Ozcan Oe; E. Deniz; Gökhan Bozkurt; O. Ismailoğlu
A 43-year-old male su¤ered from sudden headache, nausea and vomiting two days before admission to an emergency service. Computed tomographic (CT) showed a subarachnoid hemorrhage filling the anterior supratentorial, prepontine and perimesencephalic cisterns (Fig. 1). Next day, when admitted to our clinic, he was alert and had nuchal rigidity with a WFNS grade of 2. Neurological examination showed bilateral abducens nerve palsies (Fig. 2A). An emergency digital substraction angiography (DSA) demonstrated a sacculer aneurysm on the anterior communicating artery (Fig. 3). The patient underwent operation on the next day, via a right pterional approach. After opening the Sylvian fissure, it was observed that the basal cisterns were obstructed with clot; this was extensively removed and the aneurysm clipped. The subarachnoid space was irrigated with saline solution several times. DSA two days later demonstrated successful clipping of the anterior communicating aneurysm (Fig. 4). His bilateral abducens nerve palsies resolved on the third postoperative day (Fig. 2C and D).
International Journal of Neuroscience | 2014
Mustafa Sakar; Petek Korkusuz; Murat Demirbilek; Duygu Uçkan Çetinkaya; Sevil Arslan; Emir Baki Denkbaş; Çağrı Mesut Temuçin; Elif Bilgiç; Derya Burcu Hazer; Gökhan Bozkurt
This study is designed to evaluate the treatment effect of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBHHx) and human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) on axonal regeneration in experimental rat sciatic nerve damage, and compare the results of this modality with autologous nerve grafting. In Spraque–Dawley albino rats, 10-mm-long experimental nerve gaps were created. Three groups were constituted, the gap was repaired with autologous nerve graft (autograft group), PHBHHx nerve graft alone (PHBHHx alone group), and PHBHHx nerve graft with hMSCs inside (PHBHHx with hMSC group), respectively. The results were evaluated with functional recovery, electrophysiological evaluation, and histological evaluation either with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy for axonal regeneration and myelin formation. In functional evaluation, autograft and PHBHHx with hMSC groups showed functional improvement with time, whereas PHBHHx alone group did not. Electrophysiological evaluation showed better results in autograft and PHBHHx with hMSC groups when compared to PHBHHx alone group. There was no statistical difference between autograft and PHBHHx with hMSC groups. Histological evaluation showed regenerated axons in each group. Autograft group was better than the others, and PHBHHx with hMSC group was better than PHBHHx alone group both for axonal regeneration and myelin formation. This study showed that the nerve grafts which were prepared from PHBHHx with oriented nanofiber three-dimensional surfaces aided to nerve regeneration, either used alone or with hMSC. PHBHHx provided better nerve regeneration when used with hMSCs inside than alone, and reached the same statistical treatment effect in functional evaluation and electrophysiological evaluation when compared to autografting.
Childs Nervous System | 2005
Ibrahim M. Ziyal; Burcak Bilginer; Gökhan Bozkurt; Oguz Cataltepe; Gaye Guler Tezel; Nejat Akalan
BackgroundEpidermoid cysts may remain asymptomatic for a long period of time due to their slowly growing pattern corresponding with the normal human skin turnover time and due to soft and light cyst content. They do not cause compression of neural and vascular structures initially that is why almost all of the cases in the literature are diagnosed during adulthood.MethodsWe report here an epidermoid cyst in childhood, which was located in the medulla oblongata, unusually and atypically with liquefied cyst content. The liquefaction may occur due to an intrauterine or early childhood infection. The reported case also suffered previously a severe respiratory infection. Although the cyst is located in and around a highly eloquent neural area, plasticity of the brain stem prevented neurological deterioration due to this very slow growing extraaxial mass lesion. The ordinary cyst content found in the center of the cyst cavity during the operation suggested that the same ordinary material, which was previously at the periphery, ran to get liquefied in time.ConclusionWe suggest that the symptoms of this present case appeared very early due to liquefaction of the cyst content with compression and displacement of the brain stem caudally. The recent infection process may predispose the pathological condition.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2012
Gökhan Tunçbilek; Aycan Kaykçoğlu; Gökhan Bozkurt; Nejat Akalan
AbstractThe concept of using implantable springs in craniofacial surgery was developed to dynamically remodel the cranium at the postoperative period. Springs have been shown as an effective treatment modality especially for single-suture synostosis patients and had several advantages over traditional techniques. This report presents 2 patients with cloverleaf skull and 1 patient with multiple-suture synostosis, with severe lacunae, who showed signs of increased intracranial pressure. Decompression and reconstruction were performed using implantable springs after Pi craniectomy. In all patients, lacunae disappeared and calvarial bones ossified almost completely. The shape of the patients’ cranium improved as well. Implantable springs could be a useful addition to the armamentarium of every craniofacial surgeon.
Childs Nervous System | 2010
Gökhan Bozkurt; Cansin Sackesen; Ersoy Civelek; Omer Kalayci; Nejat Akalan; Oguz Cataltepe
PurposeThe latex allergy is known as a very frequent problem of children with spina bifida (SB). The aim of this prospective study is to determine the frequency of latex sensitization and allergy in Turkish children with SB and to evaluate the related risk factors.MethodsWe enrolled a total of 175 children and collected them in four groups of patients: children with SB, children who had neurosurgical disorders other than SB, atopic children with allergic diseases, and healthy children as control group. All cases were evaluated for latex sensitivity and allergy with skin prick tests and specific IgE. The diagnosis of latex allergy was confirmed with the latex provocation test.ResultsTen children with SB, two children with other neurological disorders, and three atopic children with allergic disease were found “sensitized to latex”. Among these sensitized children, only one child with SB had latex allergy. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the children with SB and other neurologic disorders and the whole group of patients showed that skin test positivity, the presence of noncentral nervous system (CNS) surgery, and the number of the operations were significant risk factors for latex sensitization.ConclusionsOur study showed that rates of latex sensitivity and allergy in children with SB in Turkey are significantly lower than published rates in literature. We also found that atopy, the presence of non-CNS operations in children with SB and other neurologic disorder, and total number of operations in the whole group of patients are the most important risk factors for latex sensitization.
Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology | 2015
Murat Demirbilek; Mustafa Sakar; Zeynep Karahaliloğlu; Ebru Erdal; Eda Yalçın; Gökhan Bozkurt; Petek Korkusuz; Elif Bilgiç; Çağrı Mesut Temuçin; Emir Baki Denkbaş
Abstract The conventional method of peripheral nerve gap treatment is autografting. This method is limited. In this study, an aligned nanofibrous graft was formed using microbial polyester, Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV). The regenerative effect of the graft was compared with that of autografting in vivo. To determine the regenerative effect, rats were assessed with sciatic nerve functional index, electromyographic evaluation, and histological evaluation. Results found in this study include PHBV grafts stimulated progressive nerve regeneration, although regeneration was not comparable with that of autografting. We conclude that the study results were promising for aligned bacterial polymeric grafts for peripheral nerve regeneration.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2011
Gökhan Bozkurt; Selim Ayhan; Nazli Cakici; Özgür İlhan Çelik; Ibrahim M. Ziyal
True superficial temporal artery (STA) aneurysms are extremely rare and usually atherosclerotic in origin. Here the authors report a 62-year-old man with a nonpulsatile mass lesion at the trace of the right STA that was surgically excised with a preoperative diagnosis of subcutaneous mass lesion, preoperatively and histopathologically found out to be a thrombosed true STA aneurysm. Preoperative evaluation, differential diagnosis, and management of such lesions are discussed.
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society | 2015
Gökhan Bozkurt; Mesut Emre Yaman
Cerebrospinal fluid leakage may commonly occur during spinal surgeries and it may cause dural tears. These tears may result in hemorrhage in the entire compartments of the brain. Most common site of such hemorrhages are the veins in the cerebellar region. We report a case of hemorrhage, mimicking aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a cerebrospinal fluid leakage following lumbar spinal surgery and discuss the possible mechanisms of action.
Childs Nervous System | 2010
Gökhan Bozkurt; Burcu Hazer; Mesut Emre Yaman; Atilla Akbay; Nejat Akalan
IntroductionOccipital condyle fractures (OCFs) can occasionally be complicated with lower cranial nerve palsies.DiscussionIsolated 9th and 10th cranial nerve palsies following OCF are very rare. To our knowledge, we report the first case of an early onset of 9th and 10th cranial nerve palsies with an early full recovery in short period of time and discuss the probable mechanism of isolated nerve palsy in the light of the relevant literature.
International Journal of Neuroscience | 2018
Hidir Ozer; Hüseyin Bozkurt; Gökhan Bozkurt; Murat Demirbilek
ABSTRACT Objectives: A number of chemical and biological factors, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), have been developed to enhance nerve regeneration by introduction through a variety of nerve conduits. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of using chitosan-coated poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) nerve conduits seeded with human bone marrow-derived MSCs (hMSC-bm) to augment repair in an experimental rat model of sciatic nerve injury. Methods: A total of 30 rats were randomly assigned to one of three groups (n = 10). In each rat, a 10 mm segment of the sciatic nerve was removed and was replaced by a chitosan-coated PHB conduit seeded with hMSC-bm (PHB/chitosan–hMSC-bm group), a chitosan-coated PHB conduit (PHB/chitosan group), or an autograft (autograft group) as the control. The results were evaluated 8 weeks postoperatively by observation, electromyography and histologic examination with light microscopy and immunostaining. Results: Histologic examination showed that both PHB/chitosan–hMSC-bm conduits and PHB/chitosan conduits led the damaged axons through the injured area. When the effects were compared, the results with the PHB/chitosan–hMSC-bm conduits were superior to those with the PHB/chitosan conduits (p < 0.05) but not as successful as with the autologous nerve grafts (p < 0.05). Conclusion: PHB/chitosan–hMSC-bm nerve conduits may be a useful artificial guide for nerve regeneration.