Goksin Nilufer Yonguc
Dokuz Eylül University
Gene | 2015
Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Yavuz Dodurga; Esat Adiguzel; Gulsah Gundogdu; Vural Kucukatay; Seda Ozbal; Ismail Yilmaz; Ulker Cankurt; Yusuf Yilmaz; Ilgaz Akdogan
We aimed to investigate the effects of grape seed extract (GSE) and vitamin E (Vit E) on oxidative stress and apoptosis in the hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. In Control, Diabetic, and Diabetic treated with GSE (Diabetic+GSE) and vitamin E (Diabetic+Vit E) groups, oxidative stress index (OSI), TUNEL staining and Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, Bax, caspase-3, -9, and -8, Cyt-c, TNF-α, and NF-κB gene expressions were evaluated. OSI was significantly increased in the plasma and hippocampus of the Diabetic compared to Control group and decreased in Diabetic+GSE and Diabetic+Vit E groups compared to Diabetic. TUNEL positive neurons significantly increased in the hippocampus of the Diabetic group compared to Control and decreased in Diabetic+GSE (more prominently) and Diabetic+Vit E groups compared to Diabetic. In the hippocampus of the Diabetic group, Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL gene expressions were significantly decreased; Bax, caspase-3, -9, and -8, Cyt-c, TNF-α, and NF-κB gene expressions were significantly increased compared to Control. In Diabetic+GSE and Diabetic+Vit E groups, Bcl-2 gene expressions were significantly increased; Bcl-XL gene expressions did not differ compared to the Diabetic group. The expression of Bax, caspase-3, -9, and -8, Cyt-c, TNF-α, and NF-κB genes in the Diabetic+GSE group and the expression of caspase-3 and -9, TNF-α, and NF-κB genes in the Diabetic+Vit E group were significantly decreased compared to Diabetic. In conclusion, GSE (more prominently) and vitamin E decreased oxidative stress and neuronal apoptosis occurring in the hippocampus of diabetic rats.
Medicine Science and The Law | 2013
Ayse Kurtulus; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Bora Boz; Kemalettin Acar
Background In this retrospective autopsy study, we aimed to review the anatomopathological findings observed in cases of hanging death for a five year period and to evaluate the role of contributing factors such as age, sex, type of hanging and localization of the ligature knot. Methods Autopsy reports of 102 hanging cases performed by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Pamukkale University, between January 2007 and September 2011, were retrospectively reviewed. Results In the 102 hanging cases 73 of the victims were males (71.6%) and 29 (28.4%) were females, with a mean age of 40.97 ± 17.41 years. All cases were suicidal hanging. Fifty four cases (52.9%) were typical hanging, with the ligature knot located posteriorly. There were petechial hemorrhage on the face and eye lids in 46 (45.1%), ecchymoses of the cervicale muscles in 43 (42.2%), and fractures of the neck structure(s) in 69 cases (67.6%). Conclusions The incidence of neck structure fractures increased with age. In addition, there was no correlation between the incidence of neck structure fractures and sex or type of hanging.
Italian journal of anatomy and embryology | 2013
M. Bulent Ozdemir; Mehmet Okunak; Aylin Köseler; Celal Simsek; Erol Ömer Atalay; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc
The elongated stylohyoid process presents with considerable anatomic variability. We report here oil an ancient cranium with bilateral elongated styloid process, 3.3 cm on the right side and 5.1 cm on the left side, found during the examination of excavated bones of 2000 (years ago (first half of 1st century AD) from the old Greek-Roman city-of Leodikya in Turkey. We determined the gender as female, from the examination of the skeleton (especially skull and pelvic bones). No other variation was observed. On the basis of embryology, the reason for this variation may be partial ossification of the second pharyngeal arch cartilage in the region which commonly becomes the stylohyoid ligament. Although elongation of the styloid process is common, it is important to report this ancient variation, in order to help to compare the bone variations between ancient and modern humans and the contribution of genetic and environmental determinants.
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy | 2017
Sibel Cirpan; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Mete Edizer; Nuket Mas; A. Orhan Magden
ObjectiveTo investigate the incidence of foramen arcuale in dry atlas vertebrae which may cause clinical problems.Materials and methodsEighty-one dry human cervical vertebrae were examined. The evaluated parameters of two atlas vertebrae including foramen arcuale were as follows: maximum antero-posterior, transverse diameters and areas of the right and left superior articular facets and transverse foramina; maximum antero-posterior diameters, heights, areas and central sagittal thickness of bony arch forming roof of foramen arcuale, respectively. All parameters were measured with caliper in milimeters.ResultsThirteen of eighty-one cervical vertebrae specimens (13/81, 16.05%) were atlas and the two of thirteen atlas vertebrae (2/13, 15.38%) had macroscopically complete foramen arcuale. Each of the two atlas vertebrae was including one foramen arcuale (one on the left and one on the right side). There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.04) between the mean antero-posterior diameter of superior articular facet located on each side of atlas vertebrae, whereas not (p = 0.51) between mean antero-posterior diameter of transverse foramina. There was not any significant difference between the mean transverse diameters and areas of superior articular facets and transverse foramina located on each side of atlas vertebrae, respectively. Each of the areas of transverse foramina located on the same sides with foramen arcuale in two atlas vertebrae was less than the mean areas of transverse foramina located ipsilateral side with each foramen arcuale in thirteen atlas vertebrae.ConclusionThe present study provides additional information about the incidence and topography of the atlas vertebrae including foramen arcuale.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2016
Sibel Cirpan; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Nuket Mas; Funda Aksu; Orhan Magden A
Objective:To investigate the detailed morphological and morphometric analysis of foramen magnum (FM) in dry cranii. Methods:One hundred fifty skulls of unidentified sex were macroscopically examined and were photographed with Canon 400B (55 mm objective). According to tooth eruption of the skulls, they were accepted as adults. None of the examined skulls showed signs of prior cranial surgery, malformation, or trauma. The evaluated study parameters that were recorded with Vernier caliper in millimeter were as follows: antero-posterior diameter from Basion to Opisthion, transverse diameter (largest distance between the lateral margins of the FM), and the shape of the FM (Fig. 1). The shape of the FM was determined according to FM index that was calculated by dividing antero-posterior diameter by transverse diameter. When FM index was found greater than or equal to 1.2, the foramen was accepted to be oval in shape. Whereas the FM index was found less than 1.2, the foramen was accepted to be round in shape The area of the FM was calculated by using 2 different formulas as described previously by Radinsky (1/4 × &pgr; × w × h) and Teixeira (&pgr; × {(h + w)/4}2), and “&pgr;” was accepted as 3.14 in both formulas. Results:The results of descriptive statistics and areas of the FMs were presented in Table 1. The mean antero-posterior diameter and transverse diameter of anteroposterior diameter by transverse diameters were found as 34.38 ± 2.38 and 28.95 ± 2.19, respectively. The mean area of the FMs estimated by Teixeria formula was determined significantly larger than the mean area of the FMs estimated by Radinsky formula (P <0.001). According to estimated FM index of the 150 adult dry skulls, 87 (58%) of skulls were described as being round in shape and 63 (42%) of skulls were described as being oval in shape (Fig. 1). Conclusion:The surgeons must comprehend regarding the detailed morphological and morphometric features of FM to avoid vital complications during the surgical procedures.
Kocaeli Medical Journal | 2018
Sibel Cirpan; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Mustafa Güvençer
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Bu çalışmada Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarı’nda yer alan 62 adet yetişkin insana ait kuru kemik scapula, makroskopik olarak incelendi. CG’in superoinferior yüksekliği ve en geniş anteroposterior çapı, PC’in uzunluğu, kök yüksekliği, ucunun ve kökünün genişliği, ve PC’in ucu ile CG’in tuberculum supraglenoidale arasındaki uzaklıklar 0.01mm’ye duyarlı dijital kumpas kullanılarak ölçüldü.
Journal of International Medical Research | 2018
Aylin Özbek; Nuket Mas; Serkan Turan; Bari Ay; Burcu Serim Demirgören; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Selim Karabekir; Ayşe İpek Polat; Ayşe Semra Hız; Özlem Gencer Kıdak
Objectives This study aimed to investigate whether early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) cases differ from controls regarding volumes of the total cerebellum and the right and left cerebellar hemispheres, and volumetric asymmetry. Correlations of cerebellar volumes and asymmetry indices with severity of symptoms and general functioning in cases of EOS were also assessed. Methods Adolescents with EOS (n = 23) were compared with controls (n = 23). Sociodemographic and clinical data, and magnetic resonance imaging scans that were acquired for routine clinical purposes were collected retrospectively. Cerebellar volumes were evaluated using the stereological method. Asymmetry indices were subsequently calculated. Scores of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Children’s Global Assessment Scale were used to assess the severity of symptoms and general functionality. Results There were no significant differences in any of the cerebellar volumes and asymmetry indices between the two groups. Neither cerebellar volumes nor asymmetry indices were correlated with the severity of symptoms and general functionality in EOS. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the early-onset form of schizophrenia does not show apparent volumetric changes of the cerebellum. Additionally, the neural circuits involved in formation of symptomatology may not reflect any correlation with cerebellar volumes at mid-adolescence.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2017
Sibel Cirpan; Abdurrahman Orhan Magden; Nuket Mas; Mete Edizer; Funda Aksu; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc
Objective: To investigate the degree of fusion (patency) among cranial sutures in human dry skulls in the Anatolia. Methods: One-hundred fifty-eight human dry skulls that were accepted as adults according to the teeth eruption were macroscopically examined and photographed with Canon 400B (55 mm objective). The grades of fusion of coronal, sagittal, and lambdoid were quantitatively analyzed by using the modified grading scale. According to the extent of patency, the sutures were graded as grade-0 (open), grade-1 (fused but not obliterated), grade-2 (50%< obliterated), grade-3 (50% > obliterated), and grade-4 (100% obliterated). The authors determined and compared the rate for each grade of sutural patency on coronal, sagittal, and lambdoid sutures. Results: The cranial sutures of 4 cranii (4/158; 2.53%) had grade-4 fusion, whereas there were no any cranii with sutures of grade-0 fusion. The number of each grade of fusion among cranial sutures of 158 skulls, in descending order, was as follows: 171 (grade-3), 145 (grade-1), 133 (grade-2), and 25 (grade-4). The grade-4 fusion was significantly less observed than the others. The grade-1 and grade-4 fusion of lambdoid sutures were established as the most (66/41.8%) and least (5/3.2%) common fusions among cranial sutures, respectively. The frequencies of each grade of fusion for each cranial suture were determined in a descending order: coronal (grade-3 > 2 > 1 > 4), sagittal (grade-3 > 2 > 1 > 4), and lambdoid sutures (grade-1 > 3 > 2 > 4). The frequency of grade-1 fusion of lambdoid suture (66/41.8%) was significantly different when compared with coronal (39/24.7%) and sagittal sutures (40/25.3%), respectively. Conclusion: The grades of fusion (or sutural patency) vary among cranial sutures.
Folia Morphologica | 2016
Mete Edizer; Abdurrahman Orhan Magden; Volkan Tayfur; Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Nuket Gocmen-Mas
BACKGROUND Medial fasciocutaneous flaps, which are based on the femoral artery from the thigh region, are used for wide inguinal, scrotal, vaginal, perineal, leg, head and neck defect reconstructions in injured human patients. Within this regard, anatomical knowledge about perforating and cutaneous branches of the femoral artery is important for the surgeons. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the present study, vascular pedicles of the medial thigh perforator flap based on the femoral artery were investigated according to anatomical and surgical landmarks. Human Caucasian preserved cadavers of 15 adults (13 males, 2 females; age range 55-82 years: 30 sides, bilaterally) that were previously formalin fixed were subjected to our analytical examinations. Micro dissections were performed under 4× loop magnification while representing the perforating branches of the femoral artery after filling by coloured latex injection via the external iliac artery. RESULTS The size and length parameters of these branches which appeared around the apex of the femoral triangle were evaluated. The mean size of the perforating branch at the point of origin was 0.14 cm and the mean size of the cutaneous branch at the point of origin was 0.09 cm, the mean length of the pedicle was 4.74 cm and the mean length of the cutaneous branch was 3.30 cm, respectively. Location of the perforating and the cutaneous branches were also determined according to the surgical landmarks such as the anterior superior iliac spine, inguinal ligament, pubic tubercle and interepicondylar line. CONCLUSIONS The pedicle of the medial flap should locate up to 25 cm from the anterior superior iliac spine so as to preserve the vascular structures. Exact location of this artery helps the surgeons to perform anastomosis in an easier and safer manner during surgical operations.
Folia Morphologica | 2015
Goksin Nilufer Yonguc; Nuket Gocmen-Mas; Funda Aksu; Mete Edizer; S. P. Akyer; Selim Karabekir
The orbit is very frequently damaged by traumas which result in not only bone deficits, but also functional deformities if reconstruction is not appropriate. Anatomical exposure of the bony orbit is of importance for both anatomists and surgeons who perform operation on this area. The current study evaluated the group of morphometrical parameters on 74 adult West Anatolian dry skulls and stereological surface area on the dry skull orbits while describing the clinical importance. Surface areas on the orbital base of the skulls were also evaluated using stereological method, bilaterally. Anthropological assessment of orbital base (in terms of width and height) revealed no significant difference between right and left sides. Both width and height of the optic foramen were significantly higher on the right side compared to left. The distances between the margins (medial, lateral, superior, inferior) of the orbital base and the optic foramen were longer on the right side compared to left, except the distances between the lateral margins. There was no significant difference among the subjects between right and left sides with respect to the orbital base in terms of stereological area calculation. The results are significant because there are no recorded anatomical data on West Anatolian skulls at previous researches. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 1: 105-109).