Gordon D. Love
University of California, Riverside
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Featured researches published by Gordon D. Love.
Nature | 2009
Gordon D. Love; Emmanuelle Grosjean; Charlotte Stalvies; David A. Fike; John P. Grotzinger; Alexander S. Bradley; Amy E. Kelly; Maya Bhatia; Will Meredith; Colin E. Snape; Samuel A. Bowring; Daniel J. Condon; Roger E. Summons
The Neoproterozoic era (1,000–542 Myr ago) was an era of climatic extremes and biological evolutionary developments culminating in the emergence of animals (Metazoa) and new ecosystems. Here we show that abundant sedimentary 24-isopropylcholestanes, the hydrocarbon remains of C30 sterols produced by marine demosponges, record the presence of Metazoa in the geological record before the end of the Marinoan glaciation (∼635 Myr ago). These sterane biomarkers are abundant in all formations of the Huqf Supergroup, South Oman Salt Basin, and, based on a new high-precision geochronology, constitute a continuous 100-Myr-long chemical fossil record of demosponges through the terminal Neoproterozoic and into the Early Cambrian epoch. The demosponge steranes occur in strata that underlie the Marinoan cap carbonate (>635 Myr ago). They currently represent the oldest evidence for animals in the fossil record, and are evidence for animals pre-dating the termination of the Marinoan glaciation. This suggests that shallow shelf waters in some late Cryogenian ocean basins (>635 Myr ago) contained dissolved oxygen in concentrations sufficient to support basal metazoan life at least 100 Myr before the rapid diversification of bilaterians during the Cambrian explosion. Biomarker analysis has yet to reveal any convincing evidence for ancient sponges pre-dating the first globally extensive Neoproterozoic glacial episode (the Sturtian, ∼713 Myr ago in Oman).
Nature | 2005
Jochen J. Brocks; Gordon D. Love; Roger E. Summons; Andrew H. Knoll; Graham A. Logan; Stephen A. Bowden
The disappearance of iron formations from the geological record ∼1.8 billion years (Gyr) ago was the consequence of rising oxygen levels in the atmosphere starting 2.45–2.32 Gyr ago. It marks the end of a 2.5-Gyr period dominated by anoxic and iron-rich deep oceans. However, despite rising oxygen levels and a concomitant increase in marine sulphate concentration, related to enhanced sulphide oxidation during continental weathering, the chemistry of the oceans in the following mid-Proterozoic interval (∼1.8–0.8 Gyr ago) probably did not yet resemble our oxygen-rich modern oceans. Recent data indicate that marine oxygen and sulphate concentrations may have remained well below current levels during this period, with one model indicating that anoxic and sulphidic marine basins were widespread, and perhaps even globally distributed. Here we present hydrocarbon biomarkers (molecular fossils) from a 1.64-Gyr-old basin in northern Australia, revealing the ecological structure of mid-Proterozoic marine communities. The biomarkers signify a marine basin with anoxic, sulphidic, sulphate-poor and permanently stratified deep waters, hostile to eukaryotic algae. Phototrophic purple sulphur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) were detected in the geological record based on the new carotenoid biomarker okenane, and they seem to have co-existed with communities of green sulphur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae). Collectively, the biomarkers support mounting evidence for a long-lasting Proterozoic world in which oxygen levels remained well below modern levels.
Science | 2010
Chao Li; Gordon D. Love; Timothy W. Lyons; David A. Fike; Alex L. Sessions; Xuelei Chu
Oceans Before the Dawn Although the fossil record shows a clear explosion of animal diversity in the oceans at the beginning of the Cambrian period (∼542 million years ago), the evolutionary pressures driving this increase in diversity remain unclear. The likely scenario involves drastic changes in the distribution of oxygen in ocean basins, but global glaciations and poor preservation of rocks from this time often prevent a clear picture of global ecology before the dawn of animal life. Li et al. (p. 80, published online 11 February; see the Perspective by Narbonne) characterized the geochemical makeup of sedimentary rocks from south China that indicate alternating layers of sulfide- and iron-rich (i.e., sulfate-limited) anoxic waters in the several million years leading up to the Cambrian. These conditions may have set the stage for an eventual increase in productivity of photosynthetic life that oxygenated the oceans and allowed for rapid animal evolution. Geological records in China indicate that ocean chemistry may explain the delay in life’s biggest diversification period. The Ediacaran Period (635 to 542 million years ago) was a time of fundamental environmental and evolutionary change, culminating in the first appearance of macroscopic animals. Here, we present a detailed spatial and temporal record of Ediacaran ocean chemistry for the Doushantuo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China. We find evidence for a metastable zone of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) waters impinging on the continental shelf and sandwiched within ferruginous [Fe(II)-enriched] deep waters. A stratified ocean with coeval oxic, sulfidic, and ferruginous zones, favored by overall low oceanic sulfate concentrations, was maintained dynamically throughout the Ediacaran Period. Our model reconciles seemingly conflicting geochemical redox conditions proposed previously for Ediacaran deep oceans and helps to explain the patchy temporal record of early metazoan fossils.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015
Katherine L. French; Christian Hallmann; Janet M. Hope; Petra L. Schoon; J. Alex Zumberge; Yosuke Hoshino; Carl A. Peters; Simon C. George; Gordon D. Love; Jochen J. Brocks; Roger Buick; Roger E. Summons
Significance The advent of oxygenic photosynthesis set the stage for the evolution of complex life on an oxygenated planet, but it is unknown when this transformative biochemistry emerged. The existing hydrocarbon biomarker record requires that oxygenic photosynthesis and eukaryotes emerged more than 300 million years before the Great Oxidation Event [∼2.4 billion years ago (Ga)]. We report that hopane and sterane concentrations measured in new ultraclean Archean drill cores from Australia are comparable to blank concentrations, yet their concentrations in the exteriors of conventionally collected cores of stratigraphic equivalence exceed blank concentrations by more than an order of magnitude due to surficial contamination. Consequently, previous hydrocarbon biomarker reports no longer provide valid evidence for the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis and eukaryotes by ∼2.7 Ga. Hopanes and steranes found in Archean rocks have been presented as key evidence supporting the early rise of oxygenic photosynthesis and eukaryotes, but the syngeneity of these hydrocarbon biomarkers is controversial. To resolve this debate, we performed a multilaboratory study of new cores from the Pilbara Craton, Australia, that were drilled and sampled using unprecedented hydrocarbon-clean protocols. Hopanes and steranes in rock extracts and hydropyrolysates from these new cores were typically at or below our femtogram detection limit, but when they were detectable, they had total hopane (<37.9 pg per gram of rock) and total sterane (<32.9 pg per gram of rock) concentrations comparable to those measured in blanks and negative control samples. In contrast, hopanes and steranes measured in the exteriors of conventionally drilled and curated rocks of stratigraphic equivalence reach concentrations of 389.5 pg per gram of rock and 1,039 pg per gram of rock, respectively. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and diamondoids, which exceed blank concentrations, exhibit individual concentrations up to 80 ng per gram of rock in rock extracts and up to 1,000 ng per gram of rock in hydropyrolysates from the ultraclean cores. These results demonstrate that previously studied Archean samples host mixtures of biomarker contaminants and indigenous overmature hydrocarbons. Therefore, existing lipid biomarker evidence cannot be invoked to support the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis and eukaryotes by ∼2.7 billion years ago. Although suitable Proterozoic rocks exist, no currently known Archean strata lie within the appropriate thermal maturity window for syngenetic hydrocarbon biomarker preservation, so future exploration for Archean biomarkers should screen for rocks with milder thermal histories.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2003
Jochen J. Brocks; Gordon D. Love; Colin E. Snape; Graham A. Logan; Roger E. Summons; Roger Buick
Hydrogen-lean kerogens (atomic H/C<0.4) isolated from the 2.5-billion-year-old (Ga) Mt. McRae Shale, Hamersley Group, at Tom Price, Western Australia, were studied via hydropyrolysis, a continuous-flow technique that degrades organic matter in a stream of high-pressure hydrogen assisted by a dispersed Mo catalyst. The hydropyrolysates yielded predominantly phenanthrene and pyrene, and higher polyaromatic hydrocarbons and alkylated homologues were generated in low relative concentrations. Saturated hydrocarbons were not detected. The molecular and carbon isotopic compositions of the hydropyrolysates are very similar to aromatic hydrocarbons obtained by solvent extraction of the host rocks. Because molecular structures covalently attached to kerogen are unaffected by contamination, this indicates that both the bound and extractable aromatic fractions are syngenetic with the host rocks. Therefore, the results of the hydropyrolysis experiments provide compelling evidence for preserved bitumen of Archean age. The very high proportion of nonalkylated polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the hydropyrolysates is consistent with hydrothermal dehydrogenation of the kerogen, and a marked concentration difference of pyrene in rock extracts and hydropyrolysates might be explained by hydrothermal redistribution of the bitumen. The kerogen and bitumen composition is therefore consistent with models suggesting a hydrothermal origin for the giant iron ore deposits at Mt. Tom Price. Comparison of the Archean samples with hydropyrolysates from immature Mesoproterozoic kerogens from the Roper Group, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, and with pyrolysis experiments on Proterozoic kerogens in the literature suggests that Precambrian kerogens are frequently highly aromatic and lipid-poor regardless of their degree of thermal preservation.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2003
Paul Farrimond; Gordon D. Love; Andrew N. Bishop; Helen E. Innes; Diane F. Watson; Colin E. Snape
Hopanoids bound into the insoluble organic matter (kerogen) of Recent sediments from a freshwater lake (Priest Pot) and an anoxic sulphidic fjord (Framvaren) were released by hydropyrolysis and examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Bound hopanoids are present in high concentration (190–1400 μg/g TOC) and represent 22 to 86% of the total analysable hopanoids (i.e., bound and solvent-soluble), this proportion increasing with depth in Framvaren Fjord. The hopanes generated by hydropyrolysis contain higher amounts of the C35, C32, and C30 homologues, reflecting the carbon number distribution of the bound hopanoids and indicating that both biohopanoids (C30 and C35) and their diagenetic products (dominated by C32) are incorporated into the kerogen on a timescale of only 0 to 350 years. Sequential (multiple temperature) hydropyrolysis experiments gave an indication of the relative strengths of bonds being cleaved in association with hopane generation: The hopanoids of a sediment from Priest Pot are almost entirely bound by strong covalent bonds, interpreted to be mainly ether linkages, whilst a Framvaren sediment contains hopanoids that are bound by a mixture of weak di-/polysulphide linkages and stronger ether bonds. Labelling with deuterium indicated that the strong covalent linkages dominate, even for the Framvaren sediment.
Journal of Paleontology | 2009
Phoebe A. Cohen; Alexander S. Bradley; Andrew H. Knoll; John P. Grotzinger; Sören Jensen; John Abelson; Kevin P. Hand; Gordon D. Love; Joannah M. Metz; Nicola McLoughlin; Patrick Meister; Rebekah Shepard; Mike Tice; Jonathan P. Wilson
Abstract Abundant tubular macrofossils occur in finely laminated siltstones and shales of the 548–542 Ma Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, Namibia. The Nama tubes occur in both the Vingerbreek and Feldschuhhorn members commonly in dense populations and always in fine-grained, lower shore-face lithologies deposited below fair-weather wave base. The tubes are preserved mostly as compressed casts and molds that range in width from 0.6 to 2.1 mm; apparently incomplete specimens reach lengths up to 10 cm. All specimens show sinuous bending and occasional brittle fracture, indicating an original construction of strong but flexible organic matter. Feldschuhhorn specimens preserve fine longitudinal pleats or folds that record pliant organic walls, but the older Vingerbreek populations do not. Similarly, some specimens in the Feldschuhhorn Member display branching, while Vingerbreek tubes do not. The abundant Feldschuhhorn tubes are assigned to the widespread Ediacaran problematicum Vendotaenia antiqua; however, the distinctive Vingerbreek population remains in open nomenclature. The most abundant fossils in Nama rocks, these tubes resemble populations in Ediacaran successions from Russia, China, Spain, and elsewhere. Beyond their local importance, then, such tubes may turn out to be the most abundant record of Ediacaran life.
Analytical Communications | 1996
Carole McRae; Gordon D. Love; Ian P. Murray; Colin E. Snape; Anthony E. Fallick
The potential of gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–IRMS) to apportion the source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) emissions is described. Stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions are reported for individual PAH compounds arising from utilization of coal, biomass and diesel feedstocks. The δ13C signatures of product PAHs from each of the three feedstocks are significantly different to provide a basis of the application of GC–IRMS to unequivocally source PAH pollutants, particularly those produced from coal carbonization.
Geology | 2013
Megan Rohrssen; Gordon D. Love; Woodward W. Fischer; Seth Finnegan; David A. Fike
The Late Ordovician mass extinction was linked to climate cooling and glaciation of Gondwana during the terminal Ordovician Hirnantian Age (444.7–443.4 Ma). Extinction patterns have been well described for many marine taxa, but much less is known about marine microbial communities through this interval. To elucidate the structure of microbial communities in tropical marine basins through the Late Ordovician, we analyzed lipid biomarkers in thermally well preserved strata from the Taconic foreland (Anticosti Island, Canada), the Cincinnati Arch (midwestern United States), and the western continental margin (Vinini Formation, Nevada, United States). Despite clear oceanographic differences, lipid biomarker profiles show similarities between these three localities. Major shifts in biomarker distributions of Anticosti Island and the Vinini Formation, mainly hopane/sterane ratios, record changes in the balance of bacterial versus algal primary production. Bacterial contributions to sedimentary organic matter were highest during warm intervals, both before and after Hirnantian cooling. In particular, 3β-methylhopanes, likely sourced from aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, occur in high relative abundance (many times the Phanerozoic average) across Laurentia throughout most of the interval studied. 3β-methylhopane abundances also reveal an overall positive relationship with paleotemperature proxies, implying increased methane cycling during warm intervals. These results suggest that enhanced methane cycling could have provided an important positive feedback on climate during extended intervals of early Paleozoic time.
Science Advances | 2017
Paul F. Hoffman; Dorian S. Abbot; Yosef Ashkenazy; Douglas I. Benn; Jochen J. Brocks; Phoebe A. Cohen; Grant M. Cox; Jessica R. Creveling; Yannick Donnadieu; Douglas H. Erwin; Ian J. Fairchild; David Ferreira; Jason C. Goodman; Galen P. Halverson; Malte F. Jansen; Guillaume Le Hir; Gordon D. Love; Francis A. Macdonald; Adam C. Maloof; Camille A. Partin; Gilles Ramstein; Brian E. J. Rose; Catherine V. Rose; Peter M. Sadler; Eli Tziperman; Aiko Voigt; Stephen G. Warren
We review recent observations and models concerning the dynamics of Cryogenian global glaciation and their biological consequences. Geological evidence indicates that grounded ice sheets reached sea level at all latitudes during two long-lived Cryogenian (58 and ≥5 My) glaciations. Combined uranium-lead and rhenium-osmium dating suggests that the older (Sturtian) glacial onset and both terminations were globally synchronous. Geochemical data imply that CO2 was 102 PAL (present atmospheric level) at the younger termination, consistent with a global ice cover. Sturtian glaciation followed breakup of a tropical supercontinent, and its onset coincided with the equatorial emplacement of a large igneous province. Modeling shows that the small thermal inertia of a globally frozen surface reverses the annual mean tropical atmospheric circulation, producing an equatorial desert and net snow and frost accumulation elsewhere. Oceanic ice thickens, forming a sea glacier that flows gravitationally toward the equator, sustained by the hydrologic cycle and by basal freezing and melting. Tropical ice sheets flow faster as CO2 rises but lose mass and become sensitive to orbital changes. Equatorial dust accumulation engenders supraglacial oligotrophic meltwater ecosystems, favorable for cyanobacteria and certain eukaryotes. Meltwater flushing through cracks enables organic burial and submarine deposition of airborne volcanic ash. The subglacial ocean is turbulent and well mixed, in response to geothermal heating and heat loss through the ice cover, increasing with latitude. Terminal carbonate deposits, unique to Cryogenian glaciations, are products of intense weathering and ocean stratification. Whole-ocean warming and collapsing peripheral bulges allow marine coastal flooding to continue long after ice-sheet disappearance. The evolutionary legacy of Snowball Earth is perceptible in fossils and living organisms.