Grace Tan
Victoria University, Australia
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Featured researches published by Grace Tan.
international computing education research workshop | 2009
Anne Venables; Grace Tan; Raymond Lister
The way in which novice programmers learn to write code is of considerable interest to computing education researchers. One research approach to understanding how beginners acquire their programming abilities has been to look at student performance in exams. Lopez et al. (2008) analyzed student responses to an end-of-first-semester exam. They found two types of questions accounted for 46% of the variance on the code writing portion of the same exam. One of those types of question required students to trace iterative code, while the other type required students to explain what a piece of code did. In this paper, we investigate whether the results by Lopez et al. may be generally indicative of something about novice programmers, or whether their results are just an artifact of their particular exam. We studied student responses to our own exam and our results are broadly consistent with Lopez et al. However, we did find that some aspects of their model are sensitive to the particular exam questions used. Specifically, we found that student performance on explaining code was hard to characterize, and the strength of the relationship between explaining and code writing is particularly sensitive to the specific questions asked. Additionally, we found Lopez et al.s use of a Rasch model to be unnecessary, which will make it far easier for others to conduct similar research.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology | 2007
Iwona Miliszewska; Grace Tan
The problems encountered by students in first year computer programming units are a common concern in many universities including Victoria University. A fundamental component of a com- puter science curriculum, computer programming is a mandatory unit in a computing course. It is also one of the most feared and hated units by many novice computing students who, having failed or performed poorly in a programming unit, often drop out from a course. This article dis- cusses some of the difficulties experienced by first year programming students, and reviews some of the initiatives undertaken to counter the problems. The article also reports on the first stage of a current research project at Victoria University that aims to develop a bala nced approach to teach- ing first year programming units; its goal is to ‘b efriend’ computer programming to help promote success among new programming students.
Journal of Information Technology Education | 2009
Anne Venables; Grace Tan
Higher education programs need to prepare their graduates for the practical challenges they can expect to face upon entering the workforce. Students can be better prepared if their academic learning is reinforced through authentic workplace experience, where the link between theory and professional practice can be realized. Increasingly, such learning in the workplace is being seen as an integral part of the university curricula as evidenced through the implementation of the Learning the Workplace & Community (LiWC) Policy at Victoria University, Australia. This policy mandates a minimum of 25% content and assessment of all academic programs be related to work-integrated learning. Recognizing the need for authentic workplace experience in the IT undergraduate program, a review found that the existing work-related learning component accounted for only half the required 25% LiWC commitment. Currently, the LiWC component is an industry-based capstone project that spans two semesters in the final year of study. These projects allow students to work on real-life software development tasks where they experience the practical challenges of building software systems whilst appreciating the needs of a business client. In a search of the literature, campus-located industry projects were identified as one of the two most common workrelated learning experiences in IT programs, the other being internships sited in the workplace. By retaining the current project-based component, it was decided to add an internship to the program to further bolster the student learning experience and graduate outcomes. This paper details the existing program structure and explores two possible implementations for the achievement of the LiWC policy. The first approach necessitates the addition of one academic year of cooperative education internship to be placed strategically between the current second and third years. Alternatively, the second proposal sacrifices several elective units to accommodate a final semester internship experience. The paper discusses both alternatives against various issues under consideration: staffing and administration, assessment, industry partnerships, professional accreditation and its impact upon differing cohorts of students.
conference on information technology education | 2008
Grace Tan; Anne Venables
In an ideal world, review and changes to computing curricula should be driven solely by academic concerns for the needs of students. The process should be informed by industry accreditation processes and international best practice (Hurst et al., 2001). However, Australian computing curricular review is often driven by the need for financial viability of programs with declining student numbers as much as concerns for academic merit. Worldwide there remains a strong job market and high demand for computing professionals (Liu, 2007; Melymuka, 2006), which predicates an impending IT workforce shortage. However, computing programs currently do not attract students due to perceived problems of the inadequacy of courses to prepare students sufficiently to cope with the practical challenges in current technologies adoption, to acquire strong communication skills and business aptitude (Taft, 2007), to foster problem solving skills, and to find the relevance of program contents to specific occupations. Therefore, computing curricula wishing to attract students need to have specialized studies that are of industrial strength that are updated regularly to reflect the progress in the discipline (Finkelstein & Hafner, 2002; Lui, 2007). Yet the challenge for universities is to weigh this need against preparing students to be universal and lifelong learners. Given the impetus to be financially independent, the greatest challenge since 2004 for the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Victoria University, Melbourne, has been the steady decline in both local and international student numbers. In response, between 2004 and 2006 the School underwent various restructurings, reviews, and assessments to meet government legislative requirements, professional accreditation needs and to capture new market share. In 2007, continued poor enrolment numbers threatened the School’s long term sustainability necessitating urgent strategic analysis and decision making surrounding the future of computing programs. It was decided that a new and innovative program embracing emerging computing paradigms was needed to attract potential students. The proposed program structure would be based upon input from industry representatives, senior academics, and government reports whilst operating within existing budget constraints. Essentially, existing programs were to be condensed into a core offering with six specializations in a) Interactive Digital Media and Game Development, b) Web Technologies and Mobile Computing, c) IT Security, d) Computational Finance, e) Business Intelligence and Service Computing, and f) Aviation Technology. The choice of specializations was made to firstly incorporate the major characteristics and paradigm shifts in the ICT industry, secondly to cater for the broad diversity of student interests, and thirdly to capitalize on historical strengths. Through these specializations, the program offers prospective students the necessary skills needed for future predicted employment shortages. With adequate marketing, it is hoped that the proposed new structure will allow for quick responses to external positive changes in demand and thus attract student interest.
conference on information technology education | 2007
Anne Venables; Grace Tan
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a problem solving stra tegy that uses stochastic search. Since their introduction (Holland, 1975), GAs have proven to be particularly useful for solving problems that are ‘intractable’ using classical methods. The la nguage of genetic algorithms (GAs) is heavily laced with biological metaphors from evolutionary literature, such as population, chromosome, crossover, cloning, mutation, genes and generati ons. For beginners studying genetic algorithms, there is quite an overhead in gaining comfort w ith these terms and an understanding of their par- allel meanings in the unfamiliar computing milieu of an evolutionary algorithm. This paper describes a ‘hands on’ strategy to introduce and teach gene tic algorithms to under- graduate computing students. By borrowing an analogical model from senior biology classes, poppet beads are used to represent individuals in a population (Harrison, 2001). Described are several introductory exercises that transport stude nts from an illustration of natural selection in Biston betula moths, onto the representation and solution of differing mathematical and comput- ing problems. Through student manipulation and interactions with poppet beads, the exercises cover terms such as population, generation, chro mosome, gene, mutation and crossover in both their biological and computing contexts. Importantly, the tasks underline the two key design is- sues of genetic algorithms: the choice of an appr opriate chromosome representation, and a suit- able fitness function for each specific instance. Finally, students are introduced to the notion of schema upon which genetic algorithms operate. The constructivist model of learning advocates the us e of such contextual problems to create an environment where students become active partic ipants in their own learning (Ben-Ari, 1998; Greening, 2000; Kolb, 1984). In itial student feedback about these “hands on” exercises has been enthusiastic. As well, several st udents have made reference to the lessons learnt as the basis for GA coding in subsequent open-e nded assignments. It seems that once the hurdle of becoming familiar with GA terminology has been surmounted , students find genetic algorithms to be par- ticularly intriguing for their uncanny ability to solve incredibly complex problems quickly and proficiently (Moore, 2001).
Journal of Information Technology Education : Innovations in Practice | 2010
Grace Tan; Anne Venables
The resultant program structure is a divergence from the traditional computer science offering of our Faculty. It is innovative in its incorporation of industry-based certifications to allow students to gain relevant practical, hands-on work-related experience. The program consists of instruction in core competencies in networks and communications, supported by the teaching of skills in computer systems, programming, and database systems. Each of these proficiencies is further consolidated by professional development studies. The new program aligns with the University’s strategic directions and satisfies professional body accreditation and it is expected to meet student expectations and fulfil a market need for graduates skilled in systems administration with networking expertise.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology | 2008
Iwona Miliszewska; Anne Venables; Grace Tan
The problems encountered by students in first year computer programming units are a common concern in many universities, including Victoria University. As a fundamental component of a computer science curriculum computer programming is a mandatory unit. It is also one of the most challenging units for many commencing students who often drop out from a computing course as a consequence of having failed, or performed poorly, in an introductory programming unit. This paper reports on a research project undertaken to develop and implement a strategy to improve the learning outcomes of novice programming students. Aimed at ‘befriending’ computer programming to help promote success among new programming students, the strategy incorporates the use of analogy, collaboration, mentoring sessions, and electronic support. The paper describes the elements of the strategy and discusses the results of its implementation in semester 1, 2007.
Journal of Information Technology Education | 2010
Iwona Miliszewska; Anne Venables; Grace Tan
Information technology has been transforming various disciplines of life sciences and physical sciences as a tool (for “doing” science) and a technique (for conducting experiments and creating models). This evolution in the application of IT in science demands that science students be equipped with appropriate IT skills and that the development of these skills should begin as early as possible in the program of their science studies. This article reflects on an enabling IT unit designed to develop IT skills among first-year students in a Specialist Science Degree at Victoria University in Australia; students in the Degree share a common first year and then choose a specialization, for instance biotechnology, chemistry, or ecology and environmental management. The article outlines the conceptual framework that underpinned the development, in particular the approach to making IT knowledge and skills relevant to students of different specializations, details the pilot implementation of the unit, and presents evaluation outcomes.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology | 2014
Anne Venables; Grace Tan; Sunam Pradhan
There is a need for Information Technology (IT) students to develop an awareness of current IT business practice and the role of IT plays in the broader society, together with an appreciation of some of the ethical dilemmas, security challenges, and threats to privacy that the application of IT can raise. In fact, an understanding of these concepts is underlined by professional bodies through their accreditation requirements for university IT programs. Yet, students have limited professional experience and may have difficulty in relating to the challenges posed by the use of IT in the wider community; therefore it is incumbent on undergraduate programs to provide learning experiences that foster students’ professional growth in these areas. The difficulty for IT educators is how to develop in their students an understanding of current IT industry practice coupled with a broader awareness of the impact of their discipline on society. A discussion on how best to address this difficulty brought academics from Victoria University and University of Ballarat together. The outcome was a proposal for a joint teaching collaboration that centered on a common assessment formative task for students enrolled in each institution’s professional development units. This paper outlines the motivation and rationale for the proposal and it details the collaborative framework essential to support an across-institutional assessment task. The paper relates the framework to realize the creation of the assessment at both universities to improve students’ IT professional development.
Journal of Information Technology Education : Innovations in Practice | 2013
Anne Venables; Grace Tan; Iwona Miliszewska
fessional awareness in students. This article reports on the inaugural implementation of an innovative approach aimed at developing cross-cultural awareness in undergraduate IT students. The approach comprises formative assessment tasks based on real-life IT scenarios and work in culturally mixed students teams while immersed in a culturally different society (Australian students in China in this case). The article outlines the reflections of the Australian and Chinese students participating in the experience and comments on the perceived effectiveness of the approach. Student reflections pertain to two themes: one on privacy and social freedom, and another on cross-cultural awareness. The reflections endorsed the benefits of the approach reported in this article and, in themselves, are a further encouragement for planned future exchanges.