Graciela A. Unguez
New Mexico State University
Science | 2014
Jason R. Gallant; Lindsay L. Traeger; Jeremy D. Volkening; Howell F. Moffett; Po Hao Chen; Carl D. Novina; George N. Phillips; Rene Anand; Gregg B. Wells; Matthew Pinch; Robert Güth; Graciela A. Unguez; James S. Albert; Harold H. Zakon; Manoj P. Samanta; Michael R. Sussman
Only one way to make an electric organ? Electric fish have independently evolved electric organs that help them to communicate, navigate, hunt, and defend themselves. Gallant et al. analyzed the genome of the electric eel and the genes expressed in two other distantly related electric fish. The same genes were recruited within the different species to make evolutionarily new structures that function similarly. Science, this issue p. 1522 Multiple divergent fish lineages have used the same evolutionary toolkit to produce electric organs. Little is known about the genetic basis of convergent traits that originate repeatedly over broad taxonomic scales. The myogenic electric organ has evolved six times in fishes to produce electric fields used in communication, navigation, predation, or defense. We have examined the genomic basis of the convergent anatomical and physiological origins of these organs by assembling the genome of the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) and sequencing electric organ and skeletal muscle transcriptomes from three lineages that have independently evolved electric organs. Our results indicate that, despite millions of years of evolution and large differences in the morphology of electric organ cells, independent lineages have leveraged similar transcription factors and developmental and cellular pathways in the evolution of electric organs.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 1998
Graciela A. Unguez; Harold H. Zakon
The electric organ (EO) of the weakly electric fishSternopygus macrurus derives from striated myofibers that fuse and suppress many muscle properties. Mature electrocytes are larger than muscle fibers, do not contain sarcomeres, or express myosin heavy chain (MHC) or tropomyosin. Furthermore, electrocytes express keratin, a protein not expressed in muscle. In S. macrurus the EO is driven continuously at frequencies higher than those of the intermittently active skeletal muscle. The extent to which differences in EO and muscle phenotype are accounted for by activity patterns, or innervation per se, was determined by assessing the expression of MHC, tropomyosin, and keratin 2 and 5 weeks after the elimination of (1) activity patterns by spinal transection or (2) all synaptic input by denervation. Immunohistochemical analyses showed no changes in muscle fiber phenotypes after either experimental treatment. In contrast, the keratin-positive electrocytes revealed an upregulation of MHC and tropomyosin. Nearly one-third of all electrocytes expressed MHC (35%) and tropomyosin (25%) 2 weeks after spinal transection, whereas approximately two-thirds (61%) expressed MHC 2 weeks after denervation. After 5 weeks of denervation or spinal transection, all electrocytes contained MHC and tropomyosin. Newly formed sarcomere clusters also were observed in denervated electrocytes. The MHC expressed in electrocytes corresponded to that present in a select population of muscle fibers, i.e., type II fibers. Thus, the elimination of electrical activity or all synaptic input resulted in a partial reversal of the electrocyte phenotype to an earlier developmental stage of its myogenic lineage.
Development Genes and Evolution | 2004
Jung A. Kim; Colleen B. Jonsson; Tiffany Calderone; Graciela A. Unguez
The MyoD family of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) are transcriptional activators of skeletal muscle gene expression and are pivotal in inducing the full myogenic program. The expression of these factors after muscle differentiation is complete and the mechanism by which they modulate (or maintain) the muscle phenotype is less well understood. The myogenically derived electric organ (EO) of the electric fish Sternopygus macrurus is an excellent model to address this question. The electrocytes, i.e., the electrogenic cells of the EO, are not contractile but they do retain some muscle proteins. In order to examine the molecular regulatory pathways that control the muscle-to-electrocyte cell conversion, we have cloned the MyoD and myogenin cDNAs from S. macrurus. Clustal-based alignments showed that the functional domains observed in mammalian MyoD and myogenin are highly conserved in these MRF homologs. Expression analyses revealed that mature electrocytes, which retain the muscle proteins dystrophin, desmin, acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), α-actin, and α-actinin, also transcribe the MyoD and myogenin genes. RT-PCR studies confirmed that expression of these MRFs is confined to the myogenic lineage. Surprisingly, the levels of MyoD and myogenin transcripts in skeletal muscle and EO could not be used to predict the level to which a cell manifests the muscle program. We conclude that expression of multiple MRFs is not sufficient to induce non-contractile cells to fully express the skeletal muscle program. These data also suggest that the MRF transcriptional program in S. macrurus may be distinct from MRF-dependent myogenesis in other vertebrate systems.
The Journal of Physiology | 1993
Graciela A. Unguez; Sue Bodine-Fowler; Roland R. Roy; D. J. Pierotti; V. R. Edgerton
1. The mechanical, morphological and biochemical properties of single motor units from the anterior compartment of the tibialis anterior muscle in adult cats were studied six months after the nerve branches to that compartment were cut and resutured in close proximity to the muscle. 2. In these self‐reinnervated muscles, the maximum tetanic tensions were lower in slow than fast units, a relationship similar to that observed among motor units from control adult muscles. The maximum tetanic tensions produced by the fast units were larger than those produced by the same motor unit types in control muscles. Direct counts of muscle fibres belonging to a motor unit showed that factors controlling the number of muscle fibres innervated by a motoneurone type persist during the reinnervation process in that fast motoneurones reinnervated more muscle fibres than slow motoneurones. Thus, the number of muscle fibres reinnervated by a motoneurone principally accounted for the difference in the maximum tension outputs among motor unit types, a relationship similar to that observed in control tibialis anterior muscles. 3. Monoclonal antibodies for specific myosin heavy chains were used to differentiate fibre types. By this criterion, motor units from control muscles were found to contain a homogeneous fibre type composition. In contrast, a heterogeneous, yet markedly biased, fibre type composition was observed in each unit analysed from self‐reinnervated muscles. 4. Although not all of the muscle fibres of a motor unit developed the same type‐associated parameters after reinnervation, the relationships among myosin heavy chain profile, succinate dehydrogenase activity and the fibre size were similar in fibres of control and self‐reinnervated muscles. 5. The processes which dictate both motor unit size and the matching between motoneurone and muscle fibre type during the reinnervation process must be interdependent and result from a hierarchy of decisions which reflects their relative importance. The mechanisms responsible for these two processes may be a combination of: (1) selective innervation which may or may not incorporate a pruning process if multiple synaptic connections are initially formed and/or (2) conversion of enough fibres of a motor unit to form a predominant type.
The FASEB Journal | 2006
Heriberto Cuellar; Jung A. Kim; Graciela A. Unguez
Electrocytes, the current‐producing cells of electric organs (EOs) in electric fish, are unique in that they derive from striated muscle and they possess biochemical characteristics of both muscle and non‐muscle cells. In the freshwater teleost Sternopygus macrurus, electrocytes are multinucleated cells that do not contract yet retain expression of some proteins common to skeletal muscle cells. Given the role that transcriptional regulation plays in the activation of the myogenic program in vertebrates, we examined the expression patterns of several genes associated with multiple functions of skeletal muscle in mature electrocytes of S. macrurus. Our expression analyses detected transcripts for α‐actin, α‐acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (α‐AChR), desmin, muscle creatine kinase (MCK), myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, titin, tropomyosin, and troponin‐T genes in the EO. However, immunolabeling studies revealed that electrocytes do not contain MCK, MHCs, or tropomyosin or troponin‐T proteins. These results underscore the contribution of gene regulatory mechanisms in the maintenance of the muscle‐ like phenotype of EO that may be transcriptional‐independent. We also report the classification and frequency of distinct transcripts from a random selection of 420 clones from an EO cDNA library. This is the first characterization of expressed genes in an EO, and it is an important step toward identifying mechanisms that affect different muscle protein systems for the evolution of highly specialized noncontractile tissues. Evidence of post‐transcriptional regulation in the maintenance of a partial muscle phenotype by electrogenic cells of S. macrurus.—Cuellar, H., Jung, K. A., and Unguez, G. A. Evidence of post‐ transcriptional regulation in the maintenance of a partial muscle phenotype by electrogenic cells of S. macrurus. FASEB J. 20, E1856–E1865 (2006)
PLOS ONE | 2012
Christopher M. Weber; Mark Q. Martindale; Stephen J. Tapscott; Graciela A. Unguez
The ability to regenerate tissues is shared across many metazoan taxa, yet the type and extent to which multiple cellular mechanisms come into play can differ across species. For example, urodele amphibians can completely regenerate all lost tissues, including skeletal muscles after limb amputation. This remarkable ability of urodeles to restore entire limbs has been largely linked to a dedifferentiation-dependent mechanism of regeneration. However, whether cell dedifferentiation is the fundamental factor that triggers a robust regeneration capacity, and whether the loss or inhibition of this process explains the limited regeneration potential in other vertebrates is not known. Here, we studied the cellular mechanisms underlying the repetitive regeneration of myogenic tissues in the electric fish S. macrurus. Our in vivo microinjection studies of high molecular weight cell lineage tracers into single identified adult myogenic cells (muscle or noncontractile muscle-derived electrocytes) revealed no fragmentation or cellularization proximal to the amputation plane. In contrast, ultrastructural and immunolabeling studies verified the presence of myogenic stem cells that express the satellite cell marker Pax7 in mature muscle fibers and electrocytes of S. macrurus. These data provide the first example of Pax-7 positive muscle stem cells localized within a non-contractile electrogenic tissue. Moreover, upon amputation, Pax-7 positive cells underwent a robust replication and were detected exclusively in regions that give rise to myogenic cells and dorsal spinal cord components revealing a regeneration process in S. macrurus that is dependent on the activation of myogenic stem cells for the renewal of both skeletal muscle and the muscle-derived electric organ. These data are consistent with the emergent concept in vertebrate regeneration that different tissues provide a distinct progenitor cell population to the regeneration blastema, and these progenitor cells subsequently restore the original tissue.
The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2008
Jung A. Kim; Christine Laney; Jeanne Curry; Graciela A. Unguez
SUMMARY In most groups of electric fish, the current-producing cells of electric organs (EOs) derive from striated muscle fibers but retain some phenotypic characteristics of their precursor muscle cells. Given the role of the MyoD family of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) in the transcriptional activation of the muscle program in vertebrates, we examined their expression in the electrocytes of the gymnotiform Sternopygus macrurus. We estimated the number of MRF genes in the S. macrurus genome and our Southern blot analyses revealed a single MyoD, myogenin, myf5 and MRF4 gene. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that muscle and EO transcribe all MRF genes. With the exception of MyoD, the endogenous levels of myogenin, myf5 and MRF4 transcripts in electrocytes were greater than those detected in muscle fibers. These data indicate that MRF expression levels are not sufficient to predict the level to which the muscle program is manifested. Qualitative expression analysis of MRF co-regulators MEF2C, Id1 and Id2 also revealed these genes not to be unique to either muscle or EO, and detected similar expression patterns in the two tissues. Therefore, the partial muscle program of the EO is not associated with a partial expression of MRFs or with apparent distinct levels of some MRF co-factors. In addition, electrical inactivation by spinal cord transection (ST) resulted in the up-regulation of some muscle proteins in electrocytes without an accompanying increase in MRF transcript levels or notable changes in the co-factors MEF2C, Id1 and Id2. These findings suggest that the neural regulation of the skeletal muscle program via MRFs in S. macrurus might differ from that of their mammalian counterparts. Together, these data further our understanding of the molecular processes involved in the plasticity of the vertebrate skeletal muscle program that brings about the muscle-like phenotype of the non-contractile electrogenic cells in S. macrurus.
Brain Behavior and Evolution | 2001
G. Troy Smith; Graciela A. Unguez; Robert M. Reinauer
The electric organ discharge (EOD) of gymnotiform electric fish is controlled by a well-characterized neural circuit in the brainstem and spinal cord. NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity was previously found in phase-locking and/or rapidly firing neurons in the electromotor and electrosensory systems of Apteronotus leptorhynchus [Turner and Moroz, 1995]. These findings suggested that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is expressed in these neurons and may regulate their precise, high frequency firing. We extended these results by examining the distribution of both NADPH-d activity and NOS-like immunoreactivity (NOS-lir) in the electromotor systems of four gymnotiform species that differ in the frequency and modulation of their EODs. NOS-lir colocalized with NADPH-d staining throughout the electromotor system, indicating that NADPH-d is a faithful indicator of NOS in this system. The distribution of NOS-lir and NADPH-d was similar in the electromotor systems of all four species in this study, with one exception: NOS and NADPH-d staining was consistently less intense in pacemaker and relay cells in Sternopygus macrurus, which produces low frequency EODs, than in the three other species that produce higher frequency EODs. This species difference in NOS expression in the pacemaker nucleus may be related to species differences either in EOD frequency or in modulations of the EOD (e.g., the jamming avoidance response). In Apteronotus species, NOS-lir and NADPH-d were concentrated in bands along the axons of their nerve-derived electric organs. These bands corresponded to regions surrounded by little or no staining with a Schwann cell-specific antibody, suggesting that the NOS-positive regions lie near nodes of Ranvier. In Sternopygus and Eigenmannia, the innervated, posterior membranes of muscle-derived electrocytes were more intensely labeled for NADPH-d and NOS than inexcitable portions of the membrane. Thus, in both muscle- and nerve-derived electric organs, NOS is concentrated near excitable membranes. These results indicate that NOS is well-positioned within the electromotor system to regulate the frequency, precision, amplitude, and waveform of EODs.
BMC Genomics | 2015
Lindsay L. Traeger; Jeremy D. Volkening; Howell F. Moffett; Jason R. Gallant; Po-Hao Chen; Carl D. Novina; George N. Phillips; Rene Anand; Gregg B. Wells; Matthew Pinch; Robert Güth; Graciela A. Unguez; James S. Albert; Harold H. Zakon; Michael R. Sussman; Manoj P. Samanta
BackgroundWith its unique ability to produce high-voltage electric discharges in excess of 600 volts, the South American strong voltage electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) has played an important role in the history of science. Remarkably little is understood about the molecular nature of its electric organs.ResultsWe present an in-depth analysis of the genome of E. electricus, including the transcriptomes of eight mature tissues: brain, spinal cord, kidney, heart, skeletal muscle, Sachs’ electric organ, main electric organ, and Hunter’s electric organ. A gene set enrichment analysis based on gene ontology reveals enriched functions in all three electric organs related to transmembrane transport, androgen binding, and signaling. This study also represents the first analysis of miRNA in electric fish. It identified a number of miRNAs displaying electric organ-specific expression patterns, including one novel miRNA highly over-expressed in all three electric organs of E. electricus. All three electric organ tissues also express three conserved miRNAs that have been reported to inhibit muscle development in mammals, suggesting that miRNA-dependent regulation of gene expression might play an important role in specifying an electric organ identity from its muscle precursor. These miRNA data were supported using another complete miRNA profile from muscle and electric organ tissues of a second gymnotiform species.ConclusionsOur work on the E. electricus genome and eight tissue-specific gene expression profiles will greatly facilitate future research on determining the coding and regulatory sequences that specify the function, development, and evolution of electric organs. Moreover, these data and future studies will be informed by the first comprehensive analysis of miRNA expression in an electric fish presented here.
Cells Tissues Organs | 2000
Graciela A. Unguez; Robert J. Talmadge; Roland R. Roy; Donny Dalponte; V. Reggie Edgerton
The expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms leading to adult fiber phenotypes in the tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus muscles of the cat were investigated from embryonic day 35 to 1 year after birth. Electrophoresis and immunoblotting of myofibrils demonstrated the expression of 5 different MHC isoforms, i.e. I, IIa, IIx, embryonic, and neonatal, during development. Based on electrophoresis, the adult-like MHC composition of the soleus and TA were not observed until postnatal day 40 (P40) and 120 (P120), respectively. In contrast, immunohistochemical analyses revealed that the adult-like fiber phenotype composition was attained much later (P120) in the soleus. The existence of multiple MHC isoforms in individual fibers suggested that transitions occurred until P120 in both muscles. Adult type I fibers were first observed at P1. Adult IIA fibers were first observed at P30 in the TA and P40 in the soleus. IIX fibers were not identified until P40 in the TA. The transition to the predominantly slow phenotype of the soleus involved a gradual loss of embryonic and fast isoforms accompanied by an accumulation of slow MHC. In contrast, the expression of slow and fast MHC in the fast TA muscle was relatively unchanged throughout development. These results show that the establishment of a given MHC-based fiber phenotype varies significantly between slow and fast muscles in the kitten.