Guillaume Duc
Télécom ParisTech
annual computer security applications conference | 2006
Guillaume Duc; Ronan Keryell
Several secure computing hardware architectures using memory encryption and memory integrity checkers have been proposed during the past few years to provide applications with a tamper resistant environment. Some solutions, such as Hide, have also been proposed to solve the problem of information leakage on the address bus. We propose the CryptoPage architecture which implements memory encryption, memory integrity protection checking and information leakage protection together with a low performance penalty (3% slowdown on average) by combining the counter mode of operation, local authentication values and Merkle trees
design, automation, and test in europe | 2010
Maxime Nassar; Shivam Bhasin; Jean-Luc Danger; Guillaume Duc; Sylvain Guilley
In this paper, we present BCDL (Balanced Cell-based Dual-rail Logic), a new counter-measure against Side Channel Attacks (SCA) on cryptoprocessors implementing symmetrical algorithms on FPGA. BCDL is a DPL (Dual-rail Precharge Logic), which aims at overcoming most of the usual vulnerabilities of such counter-measures, by using specific synchronization schemes, while maintaining a reasonable complexity. We compare our architecture in terms of complexity, performances and easiness to design with other DPLs (WDDL, IWDDL, MDPL, iMDPL, STTL, DRSL, SecLib). It is shown that BCDL can be optimized to achieve higher performances than any other DPLs (more than 1/2 times the nominal data rate) with an affordable complexity. Finally, we implement a BCDL AES on an FPGA and compare its robustness against DPA by using the number of Measurements To Disclosure (MTD) required to find the key with regards to unprotected AES. It is observed that the SCA on a BCDL implementation failed for 150,000 power consumption traces which represents a gain greater than 20 w.r.t. the unprotected version. Moreover the fault attack study has pointed out the natural resistance of BCDL against simple faults attacks.
smart card research and advanced application conference | 2011
Guillaume Barbu; Guillaume Duc; Philippe Hoogvorst
Until 2009, Java Cards have been mainly threatened by Logical Attacks based on ill-formed applications. The publication of the Java Card 3.0 Connected Edition specifications and their mandatory on-card byte code verification may have then lead to the end of software-based attacks against such platforms. However, the introduction in the Java Card field of Fault Attacks, well-known from the cryptologist community, has proven this conclusion wrong. Actually, the idea of combining Fault Attacks and Logical Attacks to tamper with Java Cards appears as an even more dangerous threat. Although the operand stack is a fundamental element of all Java Card Virtual Machines, the potential consequences of a physical perturbation of this element has never been studied so far. In this article, we explore this path by presenting both Fault Attacks and Combined Attacks taking advantage of an alteration of the operand stack. In addition, we provide experimental results proving the practical feasibility of these attacks and illustrating their efficiency. Finally, we describe different approaches to protect the operand stacks integrity and compare their cost with a particular interest on the time factor.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | 2014
Christophe Clavier; Jean-Luc Danger; Guillaume Duc; M. Abdelaziz Elaabid; Benoît Gérard; Sylvain Guilley; Annelie Heuser; Michael Kasper; Yang Li; Victor Lomné; Daisuke Nakatsu; Laurent Sauvage; Werner Schindler; Marc Stöttinger; Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon; Matthieu Walle; Antoine Wurcker
Side-channel analyses constitute a major threat for embedded devices, because they allow an attacker to recover secret keys without the device being aware of the sensitive information theft. They have been proved to be efficient in practice on many deployed cryptosystems. Even during the standardization process for the AES, many scientists have raised the attention on the potential vulnerabilities against implementation-level attacks Chari et al. (A Cautionary Note Regarding Evaluation of AES Candidates on Smart-cards, 133–147, 1999). The evaluation of devices against side-channel attacks is now common practice, especially in ITSEFs. This procedure has even been formalized recently Standaert et al. (EUROCRYPT LNCS 5479:443–461, 2009). The framework suggests to estimate the leakage via an information theoretic metric, and the performance of real attacks thanks to either the success rates or the guessing entropy metrics. The DPA contests are a series of international challenges that allow researchers to improve existing side-channel attacks or develop new ones and compare their effectiveness on several reference sets of power consumption traces using a common methodology. In this article, we focus on the second edition of this contest, which targeted a FPGA-based implementation of AES. This article has been written jointly with several of the participants who describe their tactics used in their attacks and their improvements beyond the state of the art. In particular, this feedback puts to the fore some considerations seldom described in the scientific literature, yet relevant to increase the convergence rate of attacks. These considerations concern in particular the correction of acquisition defects such as the drifting side-channel leakage, the identification of the most leaking samples, the order in which subkeys are attacked, how to exploit subkeys that are revealed easily to help retrieve subkeys that leak less, and non-linear leakage models.
ieee international symposium on parallel & distributed processing, workshops and phd forum | 2011
Pascal Cotret; Jérémie Crenne; Guy Gogniat; Jean-Philippe Diguet; Lubos Gaspar; Guillaume Duc
The need for security in embedded systems has strongly increased since several years. Nowadays, it is possible to integrate several processors in a single chip. The design of such multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC) must be done with a lot of care as the execution of applications may lead to potential vulnerabilities such as revelation of critical data and private information. Thus it becomes mandatory to deal with security issues all along the design cycle of the MPSoC in order to guarantee a global protection. Among the critical points, the protection of the communications is very sensible as most of the data are exchanged through the communication architecture of the system. This paper targets this point and proposes a solution with distributed enhancements to secure data exchanges and to monitor communications within a MPSoC. In order to validate our contribution, a case study based on a generic multiprocessor architecture is considered.
international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing | 2010
Youssef Souissi; Sylvain Guilley; Jean-Luc Danger; Sami Mekki; Guillaume Duc
Power analysis attacks are non intrusive and easily mounted. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in efficient implementation of these attacks against block cipher algorithms such as Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). In our paper we propose a new technique based on the Kalman theory. We show how this technique could be useful for the cryptographic domain by making power analysis attacks faster. Moreover we prove that the Kalman filter is more powerful than the High Order Statistics technique.
mobile cloud computing & services | 2014
Jeremie Brunel; Renaud Pacalet; Salaheddine Ouaarab; Guillaume Duc
Embedded systems are ubiquitous nowadays. In many cases, they manipulate sensitive applications or data and may be the target of logical or physical attacks. On systems that contain a System-on-Chip connected to an external memory, which is the case of numerous medium to large-size embedded systems, the content of this memory is relatively easy to retrieve or modify. This attack can be performed by probing the memory bus, dumping the content of the memory (cold boot attack) or by exploiting flaws in DMA-capable devices. Thus, if the embedded system manipulates sensitive applications or data, the confidentiality and the integrity of data in memory shall be protected. SecBus is a combined hardware/software architecture that guarantees these two security properties. This paper describes the different software components that are in charge of the management of the SecBus platform, from the early initialization to their use by the sensitive applications.
Technique Et Science Informatiques | 2005
Guillaume Duc; Ronan Keryell; Cédric Lauradoux
Computers are widely used and interconnected but are not as secure as we could expect. For example, a secure execution cannot even be achieved or proved against a software (the system administrator) or hardware attacker (a logical analyzer on the computer buses). In this article a strong cryptography-based architecture with an operating system support is presented to reach such security levels without reducing the performance. A cache line cipher and a memory verifier based on MERKLE tree hash function is added to the internal cache in order to resist to various attacks and even replay attacks. Then the impact on the operating system and some applications are described.
annual computer security applications conference | 2015
Letitia W. Li; Guillaume Duc; Renaud Pacalet
The FPGA world recently experienced significant changes with the introduction of new Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) embedding high-end microprocessors and programmable logic on the same integrated circuit. The architecture of these SoCs can be exploited to offer an unprecedented level of monitoring of the memory accesses of running software components, a key element of performance, safety and security analysis. This paper presents the hardware / software implementation of such a memory tracing tool on one of these SoCs. It also proposes example applications in the security field and two attacks --- a pass-phrase retrieval and an access control bypass --- to demonstrate the power of hardware-assisted memory tracing.
international conference on design and technology of integrated systems in nanoscale era | 2011
Sylvain Guilley; Olivier Meynard; Maxime Nassar; Guillaume Duc; Philippe Hoogvorst; Houssem Maghrebi; Aziz Elaabid; Shivam Bhasin; Youssef Souissi; Nicolas Debande; Laurent Sauvage; Jean-Luc Danger
Implementation-level attacks are nowadays well known and most designers of security embedded systems are aware of them. However, both the number of vulnerabilities and of protections have seriously grown since the first public reporting of these threats in 1996. It is thus difficult to assess the correct countermeasures association to cover all the possible attack paths. The goal of this paper is to give a clear picture of the possible adequation between actually risks and mitigation techniques. A specific focus is made on two protection techniques addressing primarily side-channel attacks: masking and hiding. For the first time, we provide with a way to estimate a tradeoff depending on the environmental conditions (amount of noise) and on the designer skills (ability to balance the design). This tradeoff is illustrated in a decision diagram, helpful for the security designer to justify choices and to account for the cost overhead.