Guillermo de Bernardo
University of A Coruña
string processing and information retrieval | 2013
Guillermo de Bernardo; Sandra Álvarez-García; Nieves R. Brisaboa; Gonzalo Navarro; Oscar Pedreira
In Geographic Information Systems (GIS) the attributes of the space (altitude, temperature, etc.) are usually represented using a raster model. There are no compact representations of raster data that provide efficient query capabilities. In this paper we propose compact representations to efficiently store and query raster datasets in main memory. We experimentally compare our proposals with traditional storage mechanisms for raster data, showing that our structures obtain competitive space performance while efficiently answering range queries involving the values stored in the raster.
data compression conference | 2012
Nieves R. Brisaboa; Guillermo de Bernardo; Gonzalo Navarro
We introduce a dynamic data structure for the compact representation of binary relations R ⊆ A × B. Apart from checking whether two objects (a, b) ∈ A × B are related, and listing the objects of B related to some a ∈ A and vice versa, the structure allows inserting and deleting pairs (a, b) in the relation, as well as modifying the base sets A and B. The data structure is a dynamic variant of the k2-tree, a static compact representation that takes advantage of clustering in the binary relation to achieve compression. We apply our dynamic data structure to the representation of Web graphs and RDF databases, showing that it combines good compression ratios with fast query and update times.
data compression conference | 2013
Guillermo de Bernardo; Nieves R. Brisaboa; Diego Caro; M. A. Rodriguez
Summary form only given. In this paper we propose three compact data structures to answer queries on temporal graphs. We define a temporal graph as a graph whose edges appear or disappear along time. Possible queries are related to adjacency along time, for example, to get the neighbors of a node at a given time point or interval. A naive representation consists of a time-ordered sequence of graphs, each of them valid at a particular time instant. The main issue of this representation is the unnecessary use of space if many nodes and their connections remain unchanged during a long period of time. The work in this paper proposes to store only what changes at each time instant. The ttk2-tree is conceptually a dynamic k2-tree in which each leaf and internal node contains a change list of time instants when its bit value has changed. All the change lists are stored consecutively in a dynamic sequence. During query processing, the change lists are used to expand only valid regions in the dynamic k2-tree. It supports updates of the current or past states of the graph. The ltg-index is a set of snapshots and logs of changes between consecutive snapshots. The structure keeps a log for each node, storing the edge and the time where a change has been produced. To retrieve direct neighbors of a node, the previous snapshot is queried, and then the log is traversed adding or removing edges to the result. The differential k2-tree stores snapshots of some time instants in k2-trees. For the other time instants, a k2-tree is also built, but these are differential (they store the edges that differ from the last snapshot). To perform a query it accesses the k2-tree of the given time and the previous full snapshot. The edges that appear in exactly one of these two k2-trees will be the final results. We test our proposals using synthetic and real datasets. Our results show that the ltg-index obtains the smallest space in general. We also measure times for direct and reverse neighbor queries in a time instant or a time interval. For all these queries, the times of our best proposal range from tens of μs to several ms, depending on the size of the dataset and the number of results returned. The ltg-index is the fastest for direct queries (almost as fast as accessing a snapshot), but it is 5-20 times slower in reverse queries. The differential k2-tree is very fast in time instant queries, but slower in time interval queries. The ttk2-tree obtains similar times for direct and reverse queries and different time intervals, being the fastest in some reverse interval queries. It has also the advantage of being dynamic.
Journal of Discrete Algorithms | 2017
Sandra Álvarez-García; Guillermo de Bernardo; Nieves R. Brisaboa; Gonzalo Navarro
Abstract The representation of binary relations has been intensively studied and many different theoretical and practical representations have been proposed to answer the usual queries in multiple domains. However, ternary relations have not received as much attention, even though many real-world applications require the processing of ternary relations. In this paper we present a new compressed and self-indexed data structure that we call Interleaved K 2 -tree (I K 2 -tree), designed to compactly represent and efficiently query general ternary relations. The I K 2 -tree is an evolution of an existing data structure, the K 2 -tree [6] , initially designed to represent Web graphs and later applied to other domains. The I K 2 -tree is able to extend the K 2 -tree to represent a ternary relation, based on the idea of decomposing it into a collection of binary relations but providing indexing capabilities in all the three dimensions. We present different ways to use I K 2 -tree to model different types of ternary relations using as reference two typical domains: RDF and Temporal Graphs. We also experimentally evaluate our representations comparing them in space usage and performance with other solutions of the state of the art.
Information Systems | 2016
Nieves R. Brisaboa; Guillermo de Bernardo; Roberto Konow; Gonzalo Navarro; Diego Seco
Efficient processing of aggregated range queries on two-dimensional grids is a common requirement in information retrieval and data mining systems, for example in Geographic Information Systems and OLAP cubes. We introduce a technique to represent grids supporting aggregated range queries that requires little space when the data points in the grid are clustered, which is common in practice. We show how this general technique can be used to support two important types of aggregated queries, which are ranked range queries and counting range queries. Our experimental evaluation shows that this technique can speed up aggregated queries up to more than an order of magnitude, with a small space overhead. HighlightsSpace-efficient representation for two-dimensional grids.Efficient support for aggregated range queries.Proved performance in main memory.Results competitive with the state of the art.Applications to several domains: Geographic Information Systems, OLAP cubes, etc.
string processing and information retrieval | 2014
Nieves R. Brisaboa; Guillermo de Bernardo; Roberto Konow; Gonzalo Navarro
Efficient processing of top-k queries on multidimensional grids is a common requirement in information retrieval and data mining, for example in OLAP cubes. We introduce a data structure, the K 2-treap, that represents grids in compact form and supports efficient prioritized range queries. We compare the K 2-treap with state-of-the-art solutions on synthetic and real-world datasets, showing that it uses 30% of the space of competing solutions while solving queries up to 10 times faster.
Information Systems | 2017
Nieves R. Brisaboa; Ana Cerdeira-Pena; Guillermo de Bernardo; Gonzalo Navarro
Abstract We introduce a dynamic data structure for the compact representation of binary relations R ⊆ A × B . The data structure is a dynamic variant of the k2-tree, a static compact representation that takes advantage of clustering in the binary relation to achieve compression. Our structure can efficiently check whether two objects (a, b) ∈ A × B are related, and list the objects of B related to some a ∈ A and vice versa. Additionally, our structure allows inserting and deleting pairs (a, b) in the relation, as well as modifying the base sets A and B. We test our dynamic data structure in different contexts, including the representation of Web graphs and RDF databases. Our experiments show that our dynamic data structure achieves good compression ratios and fast query times, close to those of a static representation, while also providing efficient support for updates in the represented binary relation.
data compression conference | 2014
Sandra Álvarez García; Nieves R. Brisaboa; Guillermo de Bernardo; Gonzalo Navarro
We propose a new compressed and self-indexed data structure that we call Interleaved K2-tree (IK2-tree), designed to compactly represent and efficiently query general ternary relations. The IK2-tree is an evolution of the K2-tree, initially designed to represent Web graphs but later used to represent general binary relations. The IK2-tree represents at the same time the three dimensions in the ternary relation and provides indexing capabilities over the three of them, but it also offers other interesting features to improve some types of queries over one of the three dimensions, the dimension used in the nodes of the trees instead of in the organization of the branches.
advances in computer-human interaction | 2009
Guillermo de Bernardo; Ana Cerdeira-Pena; Oscar Pedreira; Ángeles S. Places; Diego Seco
We present in this paper a web-based version of a Scrabble game, describing its architecture and some implementation details. This architecture makes possible a high degree of interactivity, so that the players perceive the game as being played in real-time. Furthermore, no client-side plug-in or applet isused. These properties are achieved by means of a carefully designed architecture that uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) for data exchange. This architecture guarantees low load on the server, so complex computations relative to the game logic can be done in real-time. Moreover, data structures and algorithms were designed to efficiently access a custom Galician dictionary, which supports the game functionalities. We show in this paper how this data structures and algorithms provide an efficient method to create a Scrabble move generation algorithm. We also show how the combination of these with the architecture proposed provides a fully interactive web application that can handle complex calculations over a very large lexicon with real-time appearance.
data compression conference | 2015
Nieves R. Brisaboa; Guillermo de Bernardo; Gilberto Gutiérrez; Susana Ladra; Miguel R. Penabad; Brunny A. Troncoso
k2-trees have been proved successful to represent in avery compact way different kinds of binary relations, such as web graphs, RDFs or raster data. In order to be a fully functional succinct representation for these domains, the k2-tree must support all the required operations for binary relations. In their original description, the authors include how to answer some of the most relevant queries over the k2-tree. In this paper, we extend this functionality and detail the algorithms to efficiently compute the k2-tree resulting from the union, intersection, difference or complement of binary relations represented using k2-trees.