Guy Iverson
East Carolina University
Water Science and Technology | 2015
Charles Humphrey; Algernon Finley; Michael A. O'Driscoll; Alex K. Manda; Guy Iverson
The goal of this study was to determine if onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWS) were influencing groundwater and surface water Escherichia coli concentrations in a coastal plain watershed. Piezometers for groundwater monitoring were installed at four residences served by OWS and five residences served by a municipal wastewater treatment system (MWS). The residences were located in two different, but nearby (<3 km), watersheds. Effluent from the four septic tanks, groundwater from piezometers, and the streams draining the OWS and MWS watersheds were sampled on five dates between September 2011 and May 2012. Groundwater E. coli concentrations and specific conductivity were elevated within the flow path of the OWS and near the stream, relative to other groundwater sampling locations in the two watersheds. Groundwater discharge in the OWS watershed could be a contributor of E. coli to the stream because E. coli concentrations in groundwater at the stream bank and in the stream were similar. Stream E. coli concentrations were higher for the OWS in relation to MWS watersheds on each sampling date. Water quality could be improved by ensuring OWS are installed and operated to maintain adequate separation distances to water resources.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2017
Guy Iverson; Charles Humphrey; M. H. Postma; M. A. O’Driscoll; Alex K. Manda; A. Finley
Elevated bacteria concentrations have led to the impairment (e.g., closures of shellfisheries and recreational beaches) of coastal waters. Although many previous studies have suggested that wastewater inputs can lead to elevated fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentrations in surface waters, few studies have quantified wastewater-associated FIB exports at the watershed scale. The goal of this study was to estimate bacterial exports at the watershed scale based on wastewater management approach (septic vs. sewer). Six watersheds (three exclusively on septic and three exclusively served by a sewer system) were selected for water quality assessment and comparison. Streams were monitored approximately monthly from August 2011 to June 2012 during baseflow conditions. Additionally, three storms were monitored. Samples were collected in sterile 100-mL bottles and analyzed for Escherichia coli concentrations. Discharge from streams was measured and bacterial exports were estimated by multiplying discharge by E. coli concentration. The results revealed that (1) during baseflow conditions, septic watersheds contained elevated stream discharge and E. coli concentrations and exports as compared to sewer watersheds; (2) warmer months had elevated E. coli watershed exports compared to colder months in both septic and sewer watersheds; and (3) storms significantly increased watershed E. coli exports in both septic and sewer watersheds. Storms significantly increased watershed E. coli exports in both septic and sewered watersheds, but E. coli counts in sewered watersheds were considerably greater likely due to greater impervious surface coverage and or leaky sewer infrastructure. These findings in conjunction with previous studies suggest that septic systems may play a pivotal role in the delivery of FIB to receiving waters, particularly during baseflow conditions.
Journal of Environmental Management | 2018
Guy Iverson; Charles Humphrey; Michael A. O'Driscoll; C. Sanderford; Jordan Jernigan; Brent Serozi
Septic systems (SSs) have been shown to be a significant source of nitrogen and phosphorus to nutrient-sensitive coastal surface and groundwaters. However, few published studies have quantified the effects of SSs on nutrient inputs to water supply watersheds in the Piedmont region of the USA. This region consists of rolling hills at the surface underlain by clayey soils. There are nearly 1 million SSs in this region, which accounts for approximately 50% of all SSs in North Carolina. The goal of this study was to determine if significant differences in nutrient concentrations and exports exist between Piedmont watersheds with different densities of SSs. Water quality was assessed in watersheds with SSs (n = 11) and a sewer and a forested watershed, which were designated as controls. Stream flow and environmental readings were recorded and water samples were collected from the watersheds from January 2015-December 2016. Additional samples were collected from sand filter watersheds in April 2015-March 2016 to compare to septic and control watersheds. Samples were analyzed for total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and orthophosphate (PO4-P). Results indicated that watersheds served by a high-density (HD) of SSs (4.9 kg-N yr-1 ha-1; 0.2 kg-P yr-1 ha-1) exported more than double the median masses of TDN and PO4-P, respectively, relative to low-density (1.0 kg-N yr-1 ha-1; <0.1 kg-P yr-1 ha-1) and control watersheds (1.4 kg-N yr-1 ha-1; <0.1 kg-P yr-1 ha-1) during baseflow. Isotopic analysis indicated that wastewater was the most likely source of nitrate-N in HD watersheds. In all other watersheds, isotopic results suggested non-wastewater sources as the dominant nitrate-N provider. These findings indicated that SS density was a significant factor in the delivery of septic-derived nutrients to these nutrient-sensitive, water supply watersheds of the North Carolina Piedmont.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2015
Charles Humphrey; Eliot Anderson-Evans; Michael O’Driscoll; Alex K. Manda; Guy Iverson
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2015
Guy Iverson; Michael O’Driscoll; Charles Humphrey; Alex K. Manda; Eliot Anderson-Evans
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2016
Charles Humphrey; Jordan Jernigan; Guy Iverson; Brent Serozi; Michael O’Driscoll; Sushama Pradhan; Eban Bean
Clean-soil Air Water | 2017
Charles Humphrey; Guy Iverson; Michael A. O'Driscoll
Water Science and Technology | 2016
Charles Humphrey; Brent Serozi; Guy Iverson; Jordan Jernigan; Sushama Pradhan; Michael A. O'Driscoll; Eban Bean
American Journal of Environmental Sciences | 2015
Charles Humphrey; Sushama Pradhan; Eban Bean; Michael A. O'Driscoll; Guy Iverson
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2018
Charles Humphrey; Christa Sanderford; Guy Iverson