Gwang Joo Jeon
Hankyong National University
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Featured researches published by Gwang Joo Jeon.
Genes & Genomics | 2011
Jiyeon Seong; Jae Don Oh; Il Cheong Cheong; Kun-Woo Lee; Hak Kyo Lee; Dong Sang Suh; Gwang Joo Jeon; Kyung Do Park; Hong Sik Kong
Myogenic factor 5 (Myf5) and POU class 1 homeobox 1 (POU1F1) genes play important roles in growth and development of mammals. Bovine Myf5 and POU1F1 were characterized to detect genetic variation at these loci and to replace them to economic traits in 367 cattle representing Hanwoo (325) and Angus (37). Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in intron 2 (A1948G SNP) of Myf5 and exon 6 (A15635G SNP) of POU1F1 by sequence analyses of genomic DNA. Statistical analysis indicated that the Myf5 polymorphisms significantly (0.05) associated backfat thickness and live weight at 6-months-of-age and that POU1F1 polymorphisms significantly influenced carcass weight and live weight at 24-month of age, and backfat thickness. The interaction between Myf5 and POU1F1 was significant on carcass weight, M. longissimus dorsi area, backfat thickness and marbling score. The results implicate Myf5 and POU1F1 as candidate genes of growth and carcass traits, and suggest that the interaction between Myf5 and POU1F1 strongly affect growth and carcass traits in cattle.
Genes | 2016
Jiyeon Seong; Se Won Kang; Bharat Bhusan Patnaik; So Young Park; Hee Ju Hwang; Jong Min Chung; Dae Kwon Song; Mi Young Noh; Seung-Hwan Park; Gwang Joo Jeon; Hong Sik Kong; Soonok Kim; Ui Wook Hwang; Hong Seog Park; Yeon Soo Han; Yong Seok Lee
The tadpole shrimp (Triops longicaudatus) is an aquatic crustacean that helps control pest populations. It inhabits freshwater ponds and pools and has been described as a living fossil. T. longicaudatus was officially declared an endangered species South Korea in 2005; however, through subsequent protection and conservation management, it was removed from the endangered species list in 2012. The limited number of available genetic resources on T. longicaudatus makes it difficult to obtain valuable genetic information for marker-aided selection programs. In this study, whole-transcriptome sequencing of T. longicaudatus generated 39.74 GB of clean data and a total of 269,822 contigs using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. After clustering, a total of 208,813 unigenes with an N50 length of 1089 bp were generated. A total of 95,105 unigenes were successfully annotated against Protostome (PANM), Unigene, Eukaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG), Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases using BLASTX with a cut-off of 1E−5. A total of 57,731 unigenes were assigned to GO terms, and 7247 unigenes were mapped to 129 KEGG pathways. Furthermore, 1595 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were detected from the unigenes with 1387 potential SSR markers. This is the first report of high-throughput transcriptome analysis of T. longicaudatus, and it provides valuable insights for genetic research and molecular-assisted breeding of this important species.
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2016
Somkiat Seilsuth; Joo Hee Seo; Hong Sik Kong; Gwang Joo Jeon
The genetic relationships between different populations and breeds of exotic dairy goats in Thailand were studied using 12 microsatellite markers. Blood samples were obtained from 211 goats from Department of Livestock Development breeding and research farms: 29 Anglonubian (AN), 21 Alpine (AP), 23 Jamunapari (JAM), 50 Saanen (SN), and 88 Toggenburg (TG). Five of the 12 microsatellite markers were found to be polymorphic. A mean of 7.40 alleles per locus was found, with a range from 5 (SPS115 and ETH225) to 11 (TGLA122). We found 24, 27, 19, 32, and 24 alleles in the AN, AP, JAM, SN, and TG breeds, respectively; 37 alleles were present in all breeds. The mean number of alleles in each population ranged from 3.2 (ETH225 locus) to 7.6 (TGLA122 locus). Genetic variability within the breeds was moderate as evidenced by the mean expected heterozygosity of 0.539. The average observed heterozygosity across the 5 markers in all breeds was 0.529 with the maximum observed at the BM1818 locus (0.772) and the minimum at the ETH225 locus (0.248). The observed and expected heterozygosity for all breeds for the 5 microsatellite markers ranged from 0.419 to 0.772 and 0.227 to 0.792, respectively. On the basis of their means, the TGLA122 and BM1818 loci were the most suitable markers for distinguishing genetic diversity among the goats. The estimated average Fis value for the breeds ranged from −0.044 (ETH225) to 0.180 (SPS115), while the estimated average Fst value ranged from 0.021 (SPS115) to 0.104 (ETH10). These results indicated that TGLA122 and BM1818 markers are suitable to be used for aiding conservation and breeding improvement strategies of dairy.
Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2008
Kyung Do Park; Hak Kyo Lee; Gwang Joo Jeon; Hong Sik Kong; Byung Wook Cho; Kwang-Hyun Cho; Sam Kyu Son
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to calculate genetic trends on racing speed traits of Thoroughbred racehorses, using a total 208,043 racing records of 9,934 heads collected from January, 1990 to December, 2006 in Gwacheon racecourse. Repeated time, winning time and annual best time were used racing speed traits. The estimated heritabilities and repeatabilities for repeated time, winning time and annual best time were 0.288, 0.275, 0.341 and 0.502, 0.475, 0.496, respectively. Average phenotypic improvement per race year for racing speed traits were ranged from 0.115 to 0.148 second. The other side, the genetic improvement per race year for repeated time was 0.027 second but winning time and annual best time were not shown consistent trends. Therefore, we concluded that repeated time is recommended improvement trait of Thoroughbred racehorses.( Key words : Repeated time, Winning time, Annual best time, Genetic trend) . 서 론 1922년 경마가 도입된 이래 국내 말 산업은 한국마사회를 중심으로 말의 사육, 조련, 경마의 시행, 경주능력의 향상 등 우수한 국내산마 육성과 국제적 입지구축에 노력해 온 반면, 말 관련 연구는 한국마사회의 출연금 등으로 일부 대학에서 산발적으로 수행하는 정도이다. 2007년 통계에 따르면 경마매출 총액은 6조5천억원, 연간 입장인원 2천2백만명으로 일일 평균 22만명이 경마공원을 찾고 있으며, 2008년 현재 마필 생산기반은 860여 농가에서 18,000여두 사육하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 말 산업이 경마에 심하게 편중되어지면서 사회적으로 사행성이 강조되는 현실이다 보니 말산업 육성 노력은 다소 미흡한 실정이었다. 이러한 현실 속에서 말 산업이 미래 성장산업으로서 농촌 신활력소득, 고용창출, 국민레저문화동력산업으로 정착되고 국산마의 능력을 획기적으로 개량하여 명마 수출국으로 전환함으로서 최우수 경마시행국 진입에 기여한다는 경마혁신대책이 발표되면서 경마의 부정적 이미지 탈피와 경주
Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2008
Jae Don Oh; Hong Sik Kong; Jae Hyeon Lee; Dae Yong Yang; Gwang Joo Jeon; Hak Kyu Lee
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the genetic variation and establish the relationship amongst Hanwoo, Angus and Holstein breed. The genetic characteristics and variability within Hanwoo (300), Angus(80) and Holstein (50) were estimated on the basis of relationships determined using the 10 kinds of microsatellite, which is located on different chromosomes. Frequencies of microsatellites markers were used to estimate heterozygosities, polymorphic information content (PIC) and genetic distances. The PICs ranged from 0.604 to 0.872 (Hanwoo), from 0.562 to 0.812 (Angus) and from 0.471 to 0.828 (Holstein). Observed heterozygosity and PIC of Hanwoo are the highest among the analyzed breeds. Additionally, Estimates of genetic distance can be utilized to identify genetic relationships between Hanwoo and the other breed. Genetic distances (0.233) between Hanwoo and Angus was lower than distances between Hanwoo and Holstein (2.283). Also, Genetic distances between Angus and Holstein was shown for (2,400). The other side, each individuals were not ramified to different group and were spread evenly in phylogenetic dendrogram about all the populations. (
Korean Journal of Poultry Science | 2013
Joo-Hee Seo; Jae Don Oh; Eun Ji Choi; Hee Kyong Lim; Jiyeon Seong; Ki Duk Song; Jun Heon Lee; Hak Kyo Lee; Hong Sik Kong; Gwang Joo Jeon; Young Gon Shon; Kang Duk Choi
GRRC, Hankyong National University, Anseong 456-749, KoreaABSTRACT Thyroid hormone (TH) plays a role in growth of the poultry. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates production and distribution of TH, and is a heterodimer which is formed by α- and β-subunits. Most of TSH activity is known to rely on β-subunit. TSH-β gene is located on chicken chromosome 26 and associated with growth performances. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association of TSH- β SNP (G1031C) with economic traits (layday, layw, layno, bw150, bw270, layw270) in Korean Native Black chicken, Rhode Island Red and Cornish. Allele frequency of GG genotype in Rhode Island Red (RIR) was found to be 1.00 in this study. A significant effect was only observed on body weight at day 150 in Cornish. In Cornish, body weights of chicken with the CC genotype (302.15±6.336) were significantly higher than that of the GG genotype (294.56±4.537) (p<0.05). These findings suggest that the G1031C SNP of TSH-β gene can be used for improvement of growth-related traits in Cornish.(Key words : thyroid-stimulating hormone-β, single nucleotide polymorphism, allele frequency, body weight, Cornish)
Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2003
Hong-Gu Lee; Bong-Hwan Choi; Tae-Hun Kim; Eung-Woo Park; Duhak Yoon; Hak-Kyo Lee; Gwang Joo Jeon; I.C. Cheong; Ki Chang Hong
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify the quantitative traits loci(QTL) for economically important traitssuch as growth, carcass and meat quality on pig chromosome 6. A three generation resource population wasconstructed from cross between Korean native boars and Landrace sows. A total of 240 F 2 animals wereproduced using intercross between 10 boars and 31 sows of F 1 animals. Phenotypic data including body weightat 3 weeks, backfat thickness, muscle pH, shear force and crude protein level were collected from F animals.Animals including grandparents(F 0 ), parents(F 1 ) and offspring(F 2 ) were genotyped for 29 microsatellitemarkers and PCR-RFLP marker on chromosome 6. The linkage analysis was performed using CRI-MAPsoftware version 2.4(Green et al ., 1990) with FIXED option to obtain the map distances. The total length ofSSC6 linkage map estimated in this study was 169.3cM. The average distance between adjacent markers was6.05cM. For mapping of QTL, we used F 2 QTL Analysis Servlet of QTL express, a web-based QTL mappingtool( QTLs were detected at 5% chromosome-wide level for body weight of 3 weeks of age, shear force,meat pH at 24 hours after slaughtering, backfat thickness and crude protein level on SSC6.(
Korean Journal of Poultry Science | 2013
Hee Kyong Lim; Jung-Min Han; Jae Don Oh; Hak Kyo Lee; Gwang Joo Jeon; Jun Heon Lee; Dong-Won Seo; Muhammad Cahyadi; Ki Duk Song; Kang Duk Choi; Hong Sik Kong
Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, KoreaABSTRACT iNOS (Inducible nitric oxide synthase) and TLR-4 (Toll-like Receptor-4) play crucial roles in innate immunity of poultry. iNOS has been mapped to chicken chromosome 14 and implicated in a variety of chicken diseases. iNOS possesses potent antimicrobial activity, including the inhibition of microbes replication in vitro. TLR-4 is a pathogen associated molecular- pattern receptor for bacterial product, such as LPS (lipopolysaccharides) found in Gram negative bacteria, that triggers pro-inflammatory cytokine expression after engagement with ligands. In the previous studies, genetic analysis of iNOS and TLR-4 revealed the possible association of mutation in these genes with the intestinal microflora of cecum when infected with Salmonella spp. This study was aimed to augment previous findings, which show the association of iNOS (C14513T) and TLR-4 (G4409T) polymorphisms with economic traits in Korean Native Black (KNB), Rhode Island Red (RIR) and Cornish chickens. Investigation in the effect of SNPs on economic traits (layday, layw, layno, bw150, bw270, layw270) was conducted. iNOS (C14513T) had a significant effect on the average body weight at 270 days of age (p 0.05). The results obtained from using the candidate genes can be useful for the genetic improvement of body weight in both KNB and RIR breeds.(Key words : chicken, Korea Native Chicken, Cornish, Rhode Island Red, iNOS, TLR-4)
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2006
Hong-Sik Kong; J. D. Oh; Jun-Heon Lee; K. J. Jo; B. D. Sang; C. H. Choi; Sidong Kim; S. J. Lee; S. H. Yeon; Gwang Joo Jeon; H. K. Lee
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2006
Byung Don Sang; Hong Sik Kong; Hak Kyu Kim; Chul Hwan Choi; Si Dong Kim; Yong Min Cho; Byung Chan Sang; Jun Heon Lee; Gwang Joo Jeon; Hak Kyo Lee