Gyula Surányi
University of Debrecen
Toxicon | 2009
Dániel Beyer; Gyula Surányi; Gábor Vasas; János Roszik; Ferenc Erdodi; Márta M-Hamvas; István Bácsi; Róbert Bátori; Zoltán Serfozo; Zsuzsa M. Szigeti; György Vereb; Zita Demeter; Sándor Gonda; Csaba Máthé
We aimed to study the histological and cytological alterations induced by cylindrospermopsin (CYN), a protein synthesis inhibitory cyanotoxin in roots of common reed (Phragmites australis). Reed is an ecologically important emergent aquatic macrophyte, a model for studying cyanotoxin effects. We analyzed the histology and cytology of reed roots originated from tissue cultures and treated with 0.5-40 microg ml(-1) (1.2-96.4 microM) CYN. The cyanotoxin decreased root elongation at significantly lower concentrations than the elongation of shoots. As general stress responses of plants to phytotoxins, CYN increased root number and induced the formation of a callus-like tissue and necrosis in root cortex. Callus-like root cortex consisted of radially swollen cells that correlated with the reorientation of microtubules (MTs) and the decrease of MT density in the elongation zone. Concomitantly, the cyanotoxin did not decrease, rather it increased the amount of beta-tubulin in reed plantlets. CYN caused the formation of double preprophase bands; the disruption of mitotic spindles led to incomplete sister chromatid separation and disrupted phragmoplasts in root tip meristems. This work shows that CYN alters reed growth and anatomy through the alteration of MT organization.
Aquatic Toxicology | 2009
Csaba Máthé; Dániel Beyer; Ferenc Erdodi; Zoltán Serfozo; Lóránt Székvölgyi; Gábor Vasas; Márta M-Hamvas; Katalin Jámbrik; Sándor Gonda; Andrea Kiss; Zsuzsa M. Szigeti; Gyula Surányi
Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) is a heptapeptide cyanotoxin, known to be a potent inhibitor of type 1 and 2A protein phosphatases in eukaryotes. Our aim was to investigate the effect of MC-LR on the organization of microtubules and mitotic chromatin in relation to its possible effects on cell and whole organ morphology in roots of common reed (Phragmites australis). P. australis is a widespread freshwater and brackish water aquatic macrophyte, frequently exposed to phytotoxins in eutrophic waters. Reed plantlets regenerated from embryogenic calli were treated with 0.001-40 microg ml(-1) (0.001-40.2 microM) MC-LR for 2-20 days. At 0.5 microg ml(-1) MC-LR and at higher cyanotoxin concentrations, the inhibition of protein phosphatase activity by MC-LR induced alterations in reed root growth and morphology, including abnormal lateral root development and the radial swelling of cells in the elongation zone of primary and lateral roots. Both short-term (2-5 days) and long-term (10-20 days) of cyanotoxin treatment induced microtubule disruption in meristems and in the elongation and differentiation zones. Microtubule disruption was accompanied by root cell shape alteration. At concentrations of 0.5-5 microg ml(-1), MC-LR increased mitotic index at long-term exposure and induced the increase of the percentage of meristematic cells in prophase as well as telophase and cytokinesis of late mitosis. High cyanotoxin concentrations (10-40 microg ml(-1)) inhibited mitosis at as short as 2 days of exposure. The alteration of microtubule organization was observed in mitotic cells at all exposure periods studied, at cyanotoxin concentrations of 0.5-40 microg ml(-1). MC-LR induced spindle anomalies at the metaphase-anaphase transition, the formation of asymmetric anaphase spindles and abnormal sister chromatid separation. This paper reports for the first time that MC-LR induces cytoskeletal changes that lead to alterations of root architecture and development in common reed and generally, in plant cells. The MC-LR induced alterations in cells of an ecologically important aquatic macrophyte can reveal the importance of the effects of a cyanobacterial toxin in aquatic ecosystems.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis | 2012
Sándor Gonda; Péter Parizsa; Gyula Surányi; Gyöngyi Gyémánt; Gábor Vasas
Saffron is an expensive spice, cultivated in many regions of the world. Its chief metabolites include crocins, which are responsible for the coloring ability, safranal, which is the main essential oil constituent, and picrocrocin which is the main bitter constituent of the spice. A simple micellar capillary electrochromatographic (MEKC) method capable of quantifying all three types of main constituents was established. The pH, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) content and electrolyte concentration of the background electrolyte was optimized. A simple extraction protocol was developed which can extract all metabolites of different polarity from the saffron stigmas. Optimal background electrolyte composed of 20 mM disodium phosphate, 5mM sodium tetraborate, 100 mM SDS, pH was set 9.5. Optimal extracting solvent was the background electrolyte, incubated with the sample for 60 min. The proposed method allows quantification of picrocrocin, safranal, crocetin- Di-(β-D-gentiobiosyl) ester and crocetin (β-D-glycosyl)-(β-D-gentiobiosyl) ester within 17.5 min, with limit of detection values ranging from 0.006 to 0.04 mg/ml, from a single stigma.
Hydrobiologia | 2010
Gábor Vasas; István Bácsi; Gyula Surányi; Márta Mikóné Hamvas; Csaba Máthé; Sándor Alex Nagy; György Borbély
Cyanobacterial species commonly occur in the phytoplankton of freshwater lakes and sometimes develop as toxin-producing blooms. Microcystis is one of the most common genera of freshwater cyanobacteria and is often the dominating phytoplankton of eutrophic lakes all over the world. In eutrophic lakes, large amounts of Microcystis may overwinter in the sediment and re-inoculate the water column in spring. In most cases, the overwintering pelagic population—if it exists—is small, and its role in re-inoculation has not been clear yet. In December 2005, we found large amounts of Microcystis on the surface, frozen in the ice cover in a eutrophic pond (Pond Hármashegy, Hungary). We identified the Microcystis species and investigated the viability and the toxicity of the frozen cells. The dominant species in the bloom samples was Microcystis viridis. Viability tests showed that the colonies isolated from the ice cover were composed of living cells. The isolated strain was found toxic, we analyzed the microcystin composition in the frozen planktonic Microcystis mass; in the investigated samples microcystin-RR was the main cyanotoxin.
Methods in Enzymology | 1988
George Borbély; Gyula Surányi
Publisher Summary This chapter concentrates primarily on techniques involved in studies of the heat-shock phenomenon in cyanobacteria. For convenience of discussion only the heat shock of Synechococcus Strain PCC 6301 is described, but these methods have direct applicability in studies directed toward the stress responses of other cyanobacterial strains as well. The techniques are simple and easy to execute. The specific pattern of protein synthesis can be monitored readily by use of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Growing cyanobacteria are strongly influenced by their nutritional, chemical, and physical environments. Of those factors, temperature plays a critical role: cyanobacteria exposed to temperatures higher than those for normal growth respond by altering patterns of growth and protein synthesis. One of the most emphasized aspects of light-dependent cyanobacterial gene expression is its pleiotropic nature; hence, a specific manipulation of cyanobacterial genes or regulons could simplify attempts to understand the regulation of gene expression in these organisms. Accordingly, studies on heat shock and other stress responses are of interest not only in their own right but from the viewpoint of light-dependent and regulated cyanobacterial gene expression as well.
Acta Biologica Hungarica | 2013
Csaba Máthé; Gábor Vasas; György Borbély; Ferenc Erdődi; Dániel Beyer; Andrea Kiss; Gyula Surányi; Sándor Gonda; Katalin Jámbrik; Márta M-Hamvas
This study compares the histological, cytological and biochemical effects of the cyanobacterial toxins microcystin-LR (MCY-LR) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN) in white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings, with special regard to the developing root system. Cyanotoxins induced different alterations, indicating their different specific biochemical activities. MCY-LR stimulated mitosis of root tip meristematic cells at lower concentrations (1 μg ml-1) and inhibited it at higher concentrations, while CYN had only inhibitory effects. Low CYN concentrations (0.01 μg ml-1) stimulated lateral root formation, whereas low MCY-LR concentrations increased only the number of lateral root primordia. Both inhibited lateral root development at higher concentrations. They induced lignifications, abnormal cell swelling and inhibited xylem differentiation in roots and shoots. MCY-LR and CYN induced the disruption of metaphase and anaphase spindles, causing altered cell divisions. Similar alterations could be related to decreased protein phosphatase (PP1 and PP2A) activities in shoots and roots. However, in vitro phosphatase assay with purified PP1 catalytic subunit proved that CYN in contrast to MCY-LR, decreased phosphatase activities of mustard in a non-specific way. This study intends to contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of toxic effects of a protein phosphatase (MCY-LR) and a protein synthesis (CYN) inhibitory cyanotoxin in vascular plants.
Acta Biologica Hungarica | 2010
Katalin Jámbrik; Csaba Máthé; Gábor Vasas; István Bácsi; Gyula Surányi; Sándor Gonda; György Borbély; Márta Mikóné Hamvas
The toxic effects of cylindrospermopsin (cyanobacterial toxin) on animals have been examined extensively, but little research has focused on their effects on plants. In this study cylindrospermopsin (CYN) caused alterations of growth, soluble protein content and protease enzyme activity were studied on two aquatic plants Lemna minor and Wolffia arrhiza in short-term (5 days) experiments. For the treatments we used CYN containing crude extracts of Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (BGSD-423) and purified CYN as well. The maximal inhibitory effects on fresh weight of L. minor and W. arrhiza caused by crude extract were 60% and 54%, respectively, while the maximum inhibitory effects were 30% and 43% in the case of purified CYN at 20 μg ml(-1) CYN content of culture medium. In CYN-treated plants the concentration of soluble protein showed mild increases, especially in W. arrhiza. Protease isoenzyme activity gels showed significant alterations of enzyme activities under the influence of CYN. Several isoenzymes were far more active and new ones appeared in CYN-treated plants. Treatments with cyanobacterial crude extract caused stronger effects than the purified cyanobacterial toxins used in equivalent CYN concentrations.
FEBS Letters | 1990
Thomas A. Teklemariam; Sándor Demeter; Zsuzsa Deák; Gyula Surányi; György Borbély
In Synechococcus sp. cells AS‐1 cyanophage infection gradually inhibits the photosystem II mediated photosynthetic electron flow whereas the activity of photosystem I is apparently unaffected by the cyanophage infection. Transient fluorescence induction and flash‐induced delayed luminescence decay studies revealed that the inhibition may occur at the level of the secondary acceptor, QB of photosystem II. In addition, the breakdown of D1‐protein is inhibited, comparable to DCMU‐induced protection of D1‐protein turnover, in AS‐1‐infected cells.
Acta Biologica Hungarica | 2014
Anna Resetár; Zita Demeter; Emese Ficsor; Andrea Balázs; Ágnes Mosolygó; Sándor Gonda; László Papp; Gyula Surányi; Csaba Máthé
In this study, we report on the production of bulb scale-derived tissue cultures capable of efficient shoot and plant regeneration in three genotypes of snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis L., Amaryllidaceae), a protected ornamental plant. For culture line A, high auxin and low cytokinin concentration is required for callus production and plant regeneration. The type of auxin is of key importance: α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in combination with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) at concentrations of 2 mg L-1 or 2-10 mg L-1 NAA with 1 mg L-1 N6-benzyladenine (BA), a cytokinin on full-strength media are required for regeneration. Cultures showing regeneration were embryogenic. When lines B and C were induced and maintained with 2 mg L-1 NAA and 1 mg L-1 BA, they produced mature bulblets with shoots, without roots. Line A produced immature bulblets with shoots under the above culture condition. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis showed that (i) genetic differences between line A and its bulb explants were not significant, therefore these tissue cultures are suitable for germplasm preservation, and (ii) different morphogenetic responses of lines A, B and C originated from genetic differences. Culture line A is suitable for field-growing, cultivation and germplasm preservation of G. nivalis and for the production of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids.
web science | 2011
J-A Fernández; Omar Santana; J-L Guardiola; R-V Molina; Pat Heslop-Harrison; George Borbély; Ferdinando Branca; Sergio Argento; Eleni Maloupa; T Talou; J-M Thiercelin; K Gasimov; H Vurdu; Marta Roldán; Marcela Santaella; E Sanchís; Amparo García-Luis; Gyula Surányi; Attila Molnár; Gábor Sramkó; Gergely Gulyás; L Balazs; O Horvat; M. D. Rodríguez; R Sánchez-Vioque; M-A Escolano; J-V Reina; Nikos Krigas; T Pastor; Begoña Renau-Morata
Since 2007, the European Commission AGRI GEN RES 018 “CROCUSBANK” action has permitted the creation of the alleged World Saffron and Crocus Collection (WSCC), a unique collection which contains a representation of the genetic variability present in saffron crop and wild relatives at global scale. At present the germplasm collection, housed at the Bank of Plant Germplasm of Cuenca (BGV-CU, Spain), consists of 572 preserved accessions representing 47 different Crocus species (including saffron Crocus) and is expected to increase up to more than 600 accessions by the end of CROCUSBANK action (May 2011). The preserved biodiversity of saffron (Crocussativus L.) covers a wide range of the genetic variability of the crop and currently consists of 220 accessions from 15 countries: 169 of these come from European cultivation countries, 18 from commercial areas in non EU countries, 26 from regions of minimal or relict production and/or from abandoned fields and 7 from commercial nurseries. The non-saffron Crocus collection currently comprises 352 accessions: 179 collected from the wild in 12 countries of natural distribution, 24 from donations of public and private institutions, 91 from commercial nurseries and 58 acquired from BGV-CU collection management. Here we provide a record of collections, activities concerns and current strategies for documentation, conservation, characterisation, and management of the collection as important tools for researchers with interest in these valuable genetic resources.