
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011

Dissociation and multiple ionization energies for five polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules

Anne I. S. Holm; H A B Johansson; H. Cederquist; Henning Zettergren

We have performed density functional theory calculations for a range of neutral, singly, and multiply charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and their fragmentation products for H-, H(+)-, C(2)H(2)-, and C(2)H(2)(+)-emissions. The adiabatic and vertical ionization energies follow linear dependencies as functions of charge state for all five intact PAHs (naphthalene, biphenylene, anthracene, pyrene, and coronene). First estimates of the total ionization and fragmentation cross sections in ion-PAH collisions display markedly different size dependencies for pericondensed and catacondensed PAH species, reflecting differences in their first ionization energies. The dissociation energies show that the PAH(q+)-molecules are thermodynamically stable for q ≤ 2 (naphthalene, biphenylene, and anthracene), q ≤ 3 (pyrene), and q ≤ 4 (coronene). PAHs in charge states above these limits may also survive experimental time scales due to the presence of reaction barriers as deduced from explorations of the potential energy surface regions for H(+)-emissions from all five PAHs and for C(2)H(2)(+)-emission from naphthalene--the smallest PAH.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2010

Magic and hot giant fullerenes formed inside ion irradiated weakly bound C60 clusters

Henning Zettergren; H A B Johansson; H. T. Schmidt; Jens Jensen; P. Hvelplund; S. Tomita; Yang Wang; F Martín; Manuel Alcamí; B. Manil; L. Maunoury; B. A. Huber; H. Cederquist

We find that the most stable fullerene isomers, C(70)-C(94), form efficiently in close-to central collisions between keV atomic ions and weakly bound clusters of more than 15 C(60)-molecules. We observe extraordinarily high yields of C(70) and marked preferences for C(78) and C(84). Larger even-size carbon molecules, C(96)-C(180), follow a smooth log-normal (statistical) intensity distribution. Measurements of kinetic energies indicate that C(70)-C(94) mainly are formed by coalescence reactions between small carbon molecules and C(60), while C(n) with n≥96 are due to self-assembly (of small molecules) and shrinking hot giant fullerenes.

Journal of Physics B | 2010

Angular scattering in fast ion-atom electron-transfer collisions: Projectile wave diffraction and Thomas mechanisms

Magnus Gudmundsson; D Fischer; Nicole Haag; H A B Johansson; Deepankar Misra; Peter Reinhed; H. Schmidt-Böcking; R. Schuch; M. Schöffler; K Støchkel; H. T. Schmidt; H. Cederquist

We report experimental angular differential cross sections for double-electron capture in He2+ + He collisions and single-electron capture in H+ + He collisions for the 1.3-12.5 MeV kinetic energy range. In all cases, the total cross sections are dominated by forward scattering peaks in d sigma/d Omega. The shapes and widths (but not the magnitudes) of these peaks are very similar for all energies and for capture of one or two electrons corresponding also to our measured linear increases in the transverse momentum transfers with increasing projectile velocities. These observations may be ascribed to diffraction limitations which are connected to electron transfer probabilities P(b) which are significant in limited regions of b only. For the H+ + He single-electron capture we observe two additional maxima in the angular differential cross sections. We conclude that while the secondary maxima at similar to 0.5 mrad probably have large contributions from the Thomas proton-electron-nucleus scattering mechanism, the third maxima at similar to 0.75 mrad are most likely mainly due to projectile de Broglie wave diffraction.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-isomer fragmentation pathways: Case study for pyrene and fluoranthene molecules and clusters

Fabian Seitz; Anne I. S. Holm; Henning Zettergren; H A B Johansson; S. Rosén; H. T. Schmidt; A. Ławicki; Jimmy Rangama; Patrick Rousseau; Michael Capron; Rémi Maisonny; A. Domaracka; L. Adoui; A. Méry; B Manil; B. A. Huber; H. Cederquist

We report on measurements of the ionization and fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) targets in Xe(20+) + C(16)H(10) and Xe(20+) + [C(16)H(10)](k) collisions and compare results for the two C(16)H(10) isomers: pyrene and fluoranthene. For both types of targets, i.e., for single PAH molecules isolated in vacuum or for isomerically pure clusters of one of the molecules, the resulting fragment spectra are surprisingly similar. However, we do observe weak but significant isomer effects. Although these are manifested in very different ways for the monomer and cluster targets, they both have at their roots small differences (<2.5 eV) between the total binding energies of neutral, and singly and multiply charged pyrene and fluoranthene monomers. The results will be discussed in view of the density functional theory calculations of ionization and dissociation energies for fluoranthene and pyrene. A simple classical over-the-barrier model is used to estimate cross sections for single- and multiple-electron transfer between PAHs and ions. Calculated single and multiple ionization energies, and the corresponding model PAH ionization cross sections, are given.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011

Electron capture induced dissociation of doubly protonated pentapeptides : Dependence on molecular structure and charge separation

Nicole Haag; Anne I. S. Holm; H A B Johansson; Henning Zettergren; H. T. Schmidt; S. Brøndsted Nielsen; P. Hvelplund; H. Cederquist

We have studied electron capture induced dissociation of a set of doubly protonated pentapeptides, all composed of one lysine (K) and either four glycine (G) or four alanine (A) residues, as a function of the sequence of these building blocks. Thereby the separation of the two charges, sequestered on the N-terminal amino group and the lysine side chain, is varied. The characteristic cleavage of N-C(α) bonds is observed for all peptides over the whole backbone length, with the charge carrying fragments always containing K. The resulting fragmentation patterns are very similar if G is replaced by A. In the case of [XKXXX+2H](2+) (X=A or G), a distinct feature is observed in the distribution of backbone cleavage fragments and the probability for ammonia loss is drastically reduced. This may be due to an isomer with an amide oxygen as protonation site giving rise to the observed increase in breakage at a specific site in the molecule. For the other peptides, a correlation with the distance between amide oxygen and the charge at the lysine side chain has been found. This may be an indication that it is only the contribution from this site to the charge stabilization of the amide π(*) orbitals which determines relative fragment intensities. For comparison, complexes with two crown ether molecules have been studied as well. The crown ether provides a shielding of the charge and prevents the peptide from folding and internal hydrogen bonding, which leads to a more uniform fragmentation behavior.

ChemPhysChem | 2009

Electron‐Capture‐Induced Dissociation of Microsolvated Di‐ and Tripeptide Monocations: Elucidation of Fragmentation Channels from Measurements of Negative Ions

Henning Zettergren; L. Adoui; Virgile Bernigaud; H. Cederquist; Nicole Haag; Anne I. S. Holm; B. A. Huber; P. Hvelplund; H A B Johansson; Umesh Kadhane; Mikkel Kofoed Larsen; Bo Liu; B. Manil; Steen Brøndsted Nielsen; Subhasis Panja; Jimmy Rangama; Peter Reinhed; H. T. Schmidt; Kristian Støchkel

The results from an experimental study of bare and microsolvated peptide monocations in high-energy collisions with cesium vapor are reported. Neutral radicals form after electron capture from cesium, which decay by H loss, NH(3) loss, or N-C(alpha) bond cleavage into characteristic z(*) and c fragments. The neutral fragments are converted into negatively charged species in a second collision with cesium and are identified by means of mass spectrometry. For protonated GA (G = glycine, A = alanine), the branching ratio between NH(3) loss and N-C(alpha) bond cleavage is found to strongly depend on the molecule attached (H(2)O, CH(3)CN, CH(3)OH, and 18-crown-6 ether (CE)). Addition of H(2)O and CH(3)OH increases this ratio whereas CH(3)CN and CE decrease it. For protonated AAA ([AAA+H](+)), a similar effect is observed with methanol, while the ratio between the z(1) and z(2) fragment peaks remains unchanged for the bare and microsolvated species. Density functional theory calculations reveal that in the case of [GA+H](+)(CE), the singly occupied molecular orbital is located mainly on the amide group in accordance with the experimental results.

European Journal of Mass Spectrometry | 2009

On the hydrogen loss from protonated nucleobases after electronic excitation or collisional electron capture

H. Cederquist; Nicole Haag; B. A. Huber; P. Hvelplund; H A B Johansson; Rémi Maisonny; Steen Brøndsted Nielsen; Jimmy Rangama; Patrick Rousseau; H. T. Schmidt

In this work, we have subjected protonated nucleobases MH+ (M = guanine, adenine, thymine, uracil and cytosine) to a range of experiments that involve high-energy (50 keV) collision-induced dissociation (CID) and electron capture-induced dissociation. In the latter case, both neutralisation reionisation and charge reversal were done. For the CID experiments, the ions interacted with O2. In neutral reionisation, caesium atoms were used as the target gas and the protonated nucleobases captured electrons to give neutrals. These were reionised to cations a microsecond later in collisions with O2. In choosing Cs as the target gas, we have ensured that the first electron transfer process is favourable (by about 0.1–0.8 eV depending on the base). In the case of protonated adenine, charge reversal experiments (two Cs collisions) were also carried out, with the results corroborating those from the neutralisation–reionisation experiments. We find that while collisional excitation of protonated nucleobases in O2 may lead to hydrogen loss with limited probabilities, this channel becomes dominant for electron capture events. Indeed, when sampling reionised neutrals on a microsecond timescale, we see that the ratio between MH+ and M+ is 0.2–0.4 when one electron is captured from Cs. There are differences in these ratios between the bases but no obvious correlation with recombination energies was found.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2009

The DESIREE project – a status report

H. T. Schmidt; Richard D. Thomas; Deepankar Misra; Mats Larsson; S. Rosén; Peter Reinhed; H A B Johansson; Nicole Haag; Fabian Seitz; H. Danared; Patrik Löfgren; Ansgar Simonsson; Karl-Gunnar Rensfelt; A. Källberg; L. Liljeby; H. Cederquist

We are in the process of constructing the double electrostatic storage ring DESIREE at Stockholm University and AlbaNova University Centre. DESIREE with its two 8.8 meters circumference ion storage rings with a common section for tuning the collision energy down to 10 meV will be operated at cryogenic temperatures. The two separate ion source platforms, with maximum floating potentials of 100 keV and 25 keV, respectively, will be equipped with different types of ion sources, e.g. electrospray sources, and equipment for cryogenic cooling of ions before injection in DESIREE. In this poster presentation we will give a status report of the project.

RADIATION DAMAGE IN BIOMOLECULAR SYSTEMS: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference (RADAM 2008) | 2008

Fragmentation of isolated and nanosolvated biomolecular systems

B. A. Huber; L. Adoui; Virgile Bernigaud; B. Manil; L. Maunoury; Jimmy Rangama; Patrick Rousseau; Nicole Haag; H A B Johansson; H. T. Schmidt; H. Cederquist; S. Bro; ndsted Nielsen; B. Liu; H. Zettergren; P. Hvelplund; F. Alvarado; Sadia Bari; Ronnie Hoekstra; J. Postma; Thomas Schlathölter

In the present communication we discuss different collision processes leading to the damage of biomolecular species. During the collision either an electron is attached or removed from the biomolecule or only energy is transferred without changing their charge state. In particular, we discuss the influence of the environment, i.e. the fact whether fragmentation processes are studied with isolated molecules in the gas phase, or whether they are embedded in a more realistic environment, i.e. surrounded by similar molecules in a cluster system or solvated in a given number of water molecules.


Fragmentation dynamics of complex molecules and their clusters

Sylvain Maclot; Michael Capron; Rémi Maisonny; A Lawicki; J.-Y. Chesnel; A. Domaracka; A. Méry; Jean-Christophe Poully; Jimmy Rangama; Anne I. S. Holm; H A B Johansson; F Seitz; S Rosén; H. T. Schmidt; Henning Zettergren; Patrick Rousseau; H. Cederquist; B. A. Huber; L. Adoui

Complex molecular systems such as large molecules or clusters are characterised by a large number of degrees of freedom. Energies well in excess of individual thresholds for fragmentation can be stored for long times and metastable excited states become important. We will concentrate in this paper on the study of the response of such nanoscale systems, i.e. we will study excitation and fragmentation mechanisms induced by highly charged ion radiation, reflecting dynamic energy and charge flow processes. We will illustrate these relaxation processes for different molecular systems from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, water or biomolecule targets and their clusters in collision with multiply charged ions. We will emphasize that slow multiply charged ions provide an efficient way to study the stability of complex systems. Indeed, such ions are known to remove several electrons at large impact parameters resulting in a fast and gentle ionization.

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