
Transactions in Gis | 2018

Advancing New Testament interpretation through spatio‐temporal analysis: Demonstrated by case studies

Vincent van Altena; H.A. Bakker; J.E. Stoter

Abstract This article explores, via three case studies, how spatio‐temporal analysis can advance New Testament text interpretation. Acts 2, verse 9 to 11 is the text of study. Case study 1 applies network analysis to data representing the Roman road network constrained by parameters valid for ancient times. This analysis provided new information on the background of people attending a festival in Jerusalem. Case study 2 located geographical entities from the text in a cartographic visualization and provided supportive information to compare contemporary textual resources. For the disciplines of textual and conjectural criticism (case study 3), spatio‐temporal analysis opens a new window to study what would be the most probable variant of the original text. The case study puts emendations that have been proposed over centuries in a 3D spatial context and provides in this way a sophisticated tool to relate different alternative variants of a specific text. From the case studies, it can be concluded that spatializing, visualizing, and spatially analyzing geographical concepts from the texts in Acts 2 contributes to the field of New Testament interpretation. Further work will elaborate on the findings.

Church History and Religious Culture | 2015

Beyond the Measure of Man: About the Mystery of Socratic Martyrdom

H.A. Bakker

The article deals with the complex relationship between the religious revolution of late antiquity and cultural changes in the Roman world. It focuses on new attitudes to books, and analyses them in parallel with new conceptions of the self emerging in early Christianity. In particular, it seeks to understand the paradox of the early monks having been at once fierce opponents and carriers of Greco-Roman paideia.

Archive | 1980

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H.A. Bakker

Late Antique History and Religion | 2010

Cyprian's Christology and the Authenticity of 'Quod idola dii non sint'

J.C. van Loon; H.A. Bakker; P.J.J. van Geest

Soteria | 2017

Een olifant in de kerk? Maar niemand heeft het over de olifant!

H.A. Bakker

Soteria | 2017

Olifant in de kerk

H.A. Bakker

Archive | 2017

Smeltend ijs. : Olof de Vries over tijd en traditie, geschiedenis en gemeente

H.A. Bakker; T.L. Van der Leer

Archive | 2017

Typisch evangelisch: Een stroming in perspectief

H.A. Bakker; Laura Dijkhuizen

Samen ontdekken! De uitdaging van de vergader(en)de gemeente: samen de wil van Christus onderscheiden | 2016

Leren onderscheiden volgens het Nieuwe Testament

H.A. Bakker; I. Janssen-te Loo

Late Antique History and Religion | 2016

A Martyr's Pain is Not Pain: Mystagogical Directives in Tertullian's Ad martyras, and some other North African Martyr Texts

H.A. Bakker; P.J.J. van Geest

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