H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
Université du Québec
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2010
Philippe Bourassa; Charalabos D. Kanakis; Petros A. Tarantilis; M. G. Pollissiou; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
We report the complexation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with resveratrol, genistein, and curcumin, at physiological conditions, using constant protein concentration and various polyphenol contents. FTIR, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the ligand binding mode, the binding constant, and the effects of complexation on BSA stability and conformation. Structural analysis showed that polyphenols bind BSA via hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions with the number of bound polyphenol (n) being 1.30 for resveratrol-BSA, 1.30 for genistein-BSA, and 1.0 for curcumin-BSA. The polyphenol-BSA binding constants were K(Res-BSA) = 2.52(+/-0.5) x 10(4) M(-1), K(Gen-BSA) = 1.26(+/-0.3) x 10(4) M(-1), and K(Cur-BSA) = 3.33(+/-0.8) x 10(4) M(-1). Polyphenol binding altered BSA conformation with a major reduction of alpha-helix and an increase in beta-sheet and turn structures, indicating a partial protein unfolding.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2009
E. Froehlich; J. S. Mandeville; C. J. Jennings; R. Sedaghat-Herati; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
Dendrimers are synthetic, highly branched, spherical macromolecules with nanometer dimensions and potential applications in DNA and drug delivery systems. Human serum albumin (HSA) is a major transporter for delivering several endogenous compounds and drugs in vivo. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of human serum albumin with several dendrimers such as mPEG-PAMAM (G3), mPEG-PAMAM (G4), and PAMAM (G4) at physiological conditions, using constant protein concentration and various dendrimer compositions. FTIR, UV-visible, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to analyze macromolecule binding mode, the binding constant and the effects of dendrimers complexation on HSA stability and conformation. Structural analysis showed that dendrimers bind HSA via polypeptide polar groups (hydrophilic) with number of bound polymer (n) 1.08 (mPEG-PAMAM-G3), 1.50 (mPEG-PAMAM-G4), and 0.96 (PAMAM-G4). The overall binding constants estimated were of KmPEG-G3=1.3 (+/-0.2)x10(4) M(-1), KmPEG-G4=2.2 (+/-0.4)x10(4) M(-1), and KPAMAM-G4=2.6 (+/-0.5)x10(4) M(-1). HSA conformation was altered by dendrimers with a major reduction of alpha-helix and increase in random coil and turn structures suggesting a partial protein unfolding.
Biomacromolecules | 2010
S. Dubeau; P. Bourassa; T. J. Thomas; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
Biogenic polyamines are found to modulate protein synthesis at different levels, while polyamine analogues have shown major antitumor activity in multiple experimental models, including breast cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with biogenic polyamines, spermine and spermidine, and polyamine analogues 3,7,11,15-tetrazaheptadecane x 4 HCl (BE-333) and 3,7,11,15,19-pentazahenicosane x 5 HCl (BE-3333) in aqueous solution at physiological conditions. FTIR, UV-visible, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to determine the polyamine binding mode and the effects of polyamine complexation on protein stability and secondary structure. Structural analysis showed that polyamines bind BSA via both hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions. Stronger polyamine-protein complexes formed with biogenic than synthetic polyamines with overall binding constants of K(spm) = 3.56 (+/-0.5) x 10(5) M(-1), K(spmd) = 1.77 (+/-0.4) x 10(5) M(-1), K(BE-333) = 1.11 (+/-0.3) x 10(4) M(-1) and K(BE-3333) = 3.90 (+/-0.7) x 10(4) M(-1) that correlate with their positively charged amino group contents. Major alterations of protein conformation were observed with reduction of alpha-helix from 63% (free protein) to 55-33% and increase of turn 12% (free protein) to 28-16% and random coil from 6% (free protein) to 24-17% in the polyamine-BSA complexes, indicating a partial protein unfolding. These data suggest that serum albumins might act as polyamine carrier proteins in delivering polyamine analogues to target tissues.
Biomacromolecules | 2011
E. Froehlich; J. S. Mandeville; Carl M. Weinert; Laurent Kreplak; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
Dendrimers are unique synthetic macromolecules of nanometer dimensions with a highly branched structure and globular shape. Among dendrimers, polyamidoamine (PAMAM) have received most attention as potential transfection agents for gene delivery, because these macromolecules bind DNA at physiological pH. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of calf-thymus DNA with several dendrimers of different compositions, such as mPEG-PAMAM (G3), mPEG-PAMAM (G4), and PAMAM (G4) at physiological conditions, using constant DNA concentration and various dendrimer contents. FTIR, UV-visible, and CD spectroscopic methods, as well as atomic force microscopy (AFM), were used to analyze the macromolecule binding mode, the binding constant, and the effects of dendrimer complexation on DNA stability, aggregation, condensation, and conformation. Structural analysis showed a strong dendrimer-DNA interaction via major and minor grooves and the backbone phosphate group with overall binding constants of K(mPEG-G3) = 1.5 (±0.5) × 10(3) M(-1), K(mPEG-G4) = 3.4 (±0.80) × 10(3) M(-1), and K(PAMAM-G4) = 8.2 (±0.90) × 10(4) M(-1). The order of stability of polymer-DNA complexation is PAMAM-G4 > mPEG-G4 > mPEG-G3. Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions were observed for dendrimer-DNA complexes. DNA remained in the B-family structure, while biopolymer particle formation and condensation occurred at high dendrimer concentrations.
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2006
A. Ahmed-Ouameur; S. Diamantoglou; M. R. Sedaghat-Herati; Sh. Nafisi; R. Carpentier; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
We report different analytical methods used to study the effects of 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine, aspirin, taxol, cisplatin, atrazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic, biogenic, polyamines, chlorophyll, chlorophyllin, poly(ethylene glycol), vanadyl cation, vanadate anion, cobalt-hexamine cation, and As2O3, on the stability and secondary structure of human serum albumin (HSA) in aqueous solution, using capillary electrophoresis. Fourier transform infrared, ultraviolet visible, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic methods. The concentrations of HSA used were 4% to 2% or 0.6 to 0.3 mM, while different ligand concentrations were 1μM to 1 mM. Structural data showed drugs are mostly located along the polypeptide chains with both specific and nonspecific interactions. The stability of drug-protein complexes were in the order KVO2+ 1.2×108M−1>KAZT 1.9×106M−1>KPEG 4.1×105M−1>Katrazine 3.5×104M−1>Kchlorophyll 2.9×104M−1>K2,4-D2.5×104 M−1>Kspermine 1.7×104M−1>Ktaxol 1.43×104M−1>KCo3+>1.1×104M−1>Kaspirin 1.04×104i−1>Kchlorophyllin 7.0×103M−1×KVO3−6.0×103M−1>Kspermidine 5.4 ×103M−1>Kputrescine 3.9×103M−1>KAs2O3, 2.2×103M−1>Kcisplatin 1.2×102M−1. The protein conformation was altered (infrared and CD results) with major reduction of α-helix from 60 to 55% (free HSA) to 40 to 40% and increase of β-structure from 22 to 15% (free HSA) to 33 to 23% in the drug-protein complexes. The alterations of protein secondary, structure are attributed to partial, unfolding of HSA on drug complexation.
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2007
Charalabos D. Kanakis; Petros A. Tarantilis; Moschos G. Polissiou; S. Diamantoglou; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
In this report we are examining how the antioxidant flavonoids can prevent DNA damage and what mechanism of action is involved in the process. Flavonoids are strong antioxidants that prevent DNA damage. The anticancer and antiviral activities of these natural products are implicated in their mechanism of actions. We study the interactions of quercetin (que), kaempferol (kae), and delphinidin (del) with DNA and transfer RNA in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using constant DNA or RNA concentration 6.25xa0mmol (phosphate) and various pigment/polynucleotide(phosphate) ratios of 1/65 to 1 (DNA) and 1/48 to 1/8 (tRNA). The structural analysis showed quercetin, kaempferol, and delphinidin intercalate DNA and RNA duplexes with minor external binding to the major or minor groove and the backbone phosphate group with overall binding constants for DNA adducts Kquexa0=xa07.25 (±0.65)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1, Kkaexa0=xa03.60 (±0.33)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1, and Kdelxa0=xa01.66 (±0.25)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1 and for tRNA adducts Kquexa0=xa04.80 (±0.50)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1, Kkaexa0=xa04.65 (±0.45)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1, and Kdelxa0=xa09.47 (±0.70)xa0×xa0104xa0M−1. The stability of adduct formation is in the order of del>que>kae for tRNA and que>kae>del for DNA. Low flavonoid concentration induces helical stabilization, whereas high pigment content causes helix opening. A partial B to A-DNA transition occurs at high drug concentration, while tRNA remains in A-family structure. The antioxidant activity of flavonoids changes in order delphinidin>quercetin>kaempferol. The results show intercalated flavonoids can make them strong antioxidants to protect DNA from harmful free radical reactions.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2015
L. Bekale; D. Agudelo; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
We present a comprehensive study of the interactions between chitosan nanoparticles (15, 100 and 200 kDa with the same degree of deacetylation 90%) and two model proteins, i.e., bovine (BSA) and human serum albumins (HSA), with the aim of correlating chitosan molecular weight (Mw) and the binding affinity of these naturally occurring polymers to protein. The effect of chitosan on the protein secondary structure and the influence of protein complexation on the shape of chitosan nanoparticles are discussed. A combination of multiple spectroscopic methods, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and thermodynamic analysis were used to assess the polymer-protein complex formation. Results revealed that the three chitosan nanoparticles interact with BSA to form chitosan-BSA complexes, mainly through hydrophobic contacts with the affinity order: 200>100>15 kDa. However, HSA-chitosan complexation is mainly via electrostatic interactions with the stability order: 100>200>15 kDa. Furthermore, the association between polymer and protein causes a partial protein conformational change by a major reduction of α-helix from 63% (free BSA) to 57% (chitosan-BSA) and 57% (free HSA) to 51% (chitosan-HSA). Finally, TEM micrographs clearly revealed that the binding of serum albumins with chitosan nanoparticles induces a significant change in protein morphology and the shape of the polymer.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2013
Philippe Bourassa; Bariyanga J; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
The binding sites of antioxidant polyphenols resveratrol, genistein, and curcumin are located with milk α- and β-caseins in aqueous solution. FTIR, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods and molecular modeling were used to analyze polyphenol binding sites, the binding constant, and the effects of complexation on casein stability and conformation. Structural analysis showed that polyphenols bind casein via hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions with the number of bound polyphenol molecules (n) 1.20 for resveratrol, 1.42 for genistein, and 1.43 for curcumin with α-casein and 1.14 for resveratrol, 1.27 for genistein, and 1.27 for curcumin with β-casein. The overall binding constants of the complexes formed are K(res-α-casein) = 1.9 (±0.6) × 10(4) M(-1), K(gen-α-casein) = 1.8 (±0.4) × 10(4) M(-1), and K(cur-α-casein) = 2.8 (±0.8) × 10(4) M(-1) with α-casein and K(res-β-casein) = 2.3 (±0.3) × 10(4) M(-1), K(gen-β-casein) = 3.0 (±0.5) × 10(4) M(-1), and K(cur-β-casein) = 3.1 (±0.5) × 10(4) M(-1) for β-casein. Molecular modeling showed the participation of several amino acids in polyphenol-protein complexes, which were stabilized by the hydrogen bonding network with the free binding energy of -11.56 (resveratrol-α-casein), -12.35 (resveratrol-β-casein), -9.68 (genistein-α-casein), -9.97 (genistein-β-casein), -8.89 (curcumin-α-casein), and -10.70 kcal/mol (curcumin-β-casein). The binding sites of polyphenols are different with α- and β-caseins. Polyphenol binding altered casein conformation with reduction of α-helix, indicating a partial protein destabilization. Caseins might act as carriers to transport polyphenol in vitro.
DNA and Cell Biology | 2008
Shohreh Nafisi; Mehrdad Hashemi; Mehdi Rajabi; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi
Flavonoids have recently attracted a great interest as potential therapeutic drugs against a wide range of free-radical-mediated diseases. The anticancer and antiviral activities of these natural products are implicated in their mechanism of actions. While the antioxidant activity of these natural polyphenolic compounds is well known, their bindings to DNA are not fully investigated. This study was designed to examine the interactions of morin (Mor), naringin (Nar), and apigenin (Api) with calf thymus DNA in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using constant DNA concentration (6.25 mM) and various drug/DNA(phosphate) ratios of 1/40 to 1. FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were used to determine the ligand binding modes, the binding constant, and the stability of DNA in flavonoid-DNA complexes in aqueous solution. Spectroscopic evidence shows both intercalation and external binding of flavonoids to DNA duplex with overall binding constants of K(morin) = 5.99 x 10(3) M(-1), K(apigenin) = 7.10 x 10(4) M(-1), and K(naringin) = 3.10 x 10(3) M(-1). The affinity of ligand-DNA binding is in the order of apigenin > morin > naringin. DNA aggregation and a partial B- to A-DNA transition occurs upon morin, apigenin, and naringin complexation.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-biology | 2009
Charalabos D. Kanakis; Petros A. Tarantilis; Christos Pappas; J. Bariyanga; H.A. Tajmir-Riahi; M. Polissiou
Saffron is the red dried stigmas of Crocus sativus L. flowers and used both as a spice and as a drug in traditional medicine. Its numerous applications as an antioxidant and anticancer agent are due to its secondary metabolites and their derivatives (safranal, crocetin, dimethylcrocetin). In this work we are comparing the spectroscopic results and antioxidant activities of saffron components safranal, crocetin (CRT) and dimethylcrocetin (DMCRT) complexes with calf-thymus DNA (ctDNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) in aqueous solution at physiological conditions Intercalative and external binding modes of saffron compounds to DNA and RNA were observed with overall binding constants of K(safranal)=1.24x10(3)M(-1), K(CRT)=6.20x10(3)M(-1) and K(DMCRT)=1.85x10(5)M(-1), for DNA adducts and K(safranal)=6.80x10(3)M(-1), K(CRT)=1.40x10(4)M(-1) and K(DMCRT)=3.40x10(4)M(-1) for RNA complexes. A partial B- to A-DNA transition occurred at high ligand concentrations, while tRNA remained in A-conformation in saffron-RNA complexes. The antioxidant activity of CRT, DMCRT and safranal was also tested by the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) antioxidant activity assay and their IC(50) values were compared to that of well known antioxidants such as Trolox and Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT). The IC(50) values were 95+/-1microg/mL for safranal and 18+/-1microg/mL for crocetin. The inhibition of DMCRT reached a point of 38.8%, which corresponds to a concentration of 40microg/mL.