
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011

Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex

Zdravko Petanjek; Miloš Judaš; Goran Šimić; Mladen-Roko Rasin; H.B.M. Uylings; Pasko Rakic; Ivica Kostović

The major mechanism for generating diversity of neuronal connections beyond their genetic determination is the activity-dependent stabilization and selective elimination of the initially overproduced synapses [Changeux JP, Danchin A (1976) Nature 264:705–712]. The largest number of supranumerary synapses has been recorded in the cerebral cortex of human and nonhuman primates. It is generally accepted that synaptic pruning in the cerebral cortex, including prefrontal areas, occurs at puberty and is completed during early adolescence [Huttenlocher PR, et al. (1979) Brain Res 163:195–205]. In the present study we analyzed synaptic spine density on the dendrites of layer IIIC cortico–cortical and layer V cortico–subcortical projecting pyramidal neurons in a large sample of human prefrontal cortices in subjects ranging in age from newborn to 91 y. We confirm that dendritic spine density in childhood exceeds adult values by two- to threefold and begins to decrease during puberty. However, we also obtained evidence that overproduction and developmental remodeling, including substantial elimination of synaptic spines, continues beyond adolescence and throughout the third decade of life before stabilizing at the adult level. Such an extraordinarily long phase of developmental reorganization of cortical neuronal circuitry has implications for understanding the effect of environmental impact on the development of human cognitive and emotional capacities as well as the late onset of human-specific neuropsychiatric disorders.

Biological Psychiatry | 2004

Cellular changes in the postmortem hippocampus in major depression

Craig A. Stockmeier; Gouri J. Mahajan; Lisa Konick; James C. Overholser; George Jurjus; Herbert Y. Meltzer; H.B.M. Uylings; Lee Friedman; Grazyna Rajkowska

BACKGROUND Imaging studies report that hippocampal volume is decreased in major depressive disorder (MDD). A cellular basis for reduced hippocampal volume in MDD has not been identified. METHODS Sections of right hippocampus were collected in 19 subjects with MDD and 21 normal control subjects. The density of pyramidal neurons, dentate granule cell neurons, glia, and the size of the neuronal somal area were measured in systematic, randomly placed three-dimensional optical disector counting boxes. RESULTS In MDD, cryostat-cut hippocampal sections shrink in depth a significant 18% greater amount than in control subjects. The density of granule cells and glia in the dentate gyrus and pyramidal neurons and glia in all cornv ammonis (CA)/hippocampal subfields is significantly increased by 30%-35% in MDD. The average soma size of pyramidal neurons is significantly decreased in MDD. CONCLUSION In MDD, the packing density of glia, pyramidal neurons, and granule cell neurons is significantly increased in all hippocampal subfields and the dentate gyrus, and pyramidal neuron soma size is significantly decreased as well. It is suggested that a significant reduction in neuropil in MDD may account for decreased hippocampal volume detected by neuroimaging. In addition, differential shrinkage of frozen sections of the hippocampus suggests differential water content in hippocampus in MDD.

Neuroscience | 1987

Immunocytochemical localization of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex of the rat at the light and electron microscopical level

C.G. Van Eden; E.M.D. Hoorneman; R.M. Buijs; M.A.H. Matthijssen; M. Geffard; H.B.M. Uylings

In the present study the dopaminergic innervation of the prefrontal cortex was studied by means of a recently developed anti-dopamine serum. This method can demonstrate endogenous dopamine in a specific way, and offers the opportunity to study the distribution of dopaminergic fibres in the cortex in detail in counterstained sections. Furthermore, dopaminergic nerve endings can be visualized at the electron microscopic level. Light microscopic observations demonstrated that the highest density of dopaminergic fibres in the frontal cortex is found in the prefrontal cortex and the infralimbic cortex. Within the prefrontal cortex, a good correlation is found between regional differences in distribution of dopaminergic fibres and the cytoarchitectonic parcellation of this part of the cortex. Outside the prefrontal cortex dopaminergic fibres were observed in adjacent frontal areas, the cortex surrounding the entire rhinal sulcus and the retrosplenial cortex. Electron microscopic observations demonstrated dopaminergic terminals through all cortical layers. The majority of dopaminergic terminals in the prefrontal cortex from synaptic contacts with dendritic processes. The synaptic profiles were usually symmetric and were characterized by the presence of many clear vesicles and an occasional dense-core vesicle.

Journal of Psychopharmacology | 1997

The anatomical relationships of the prefrontal cortex with limbic structures and the basal ganglia

Henk J. Groenewegen; Christopher I. Wright; H.B.M. Uylings

This paper briefly discusses the anatomical criteria that have been used to delineate the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from the (pre)motor cortical areas in the frontal lobe. Single anatomical criteria, such as cytoarchitecture, connectivity with the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus or a dopaminergic innervation, are insufficient to unequivocally define the PFC. It is argued that, with respect to a number of structural aspects, the prefrontal and the (pre)motor cortical areas must be viewed as a continuum, whereas a (functional) differentiation is based on the type of information that is being processed in different parts of the frontal lobe. The involvement of the PFC, like the premotor cortex, in a number of basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits may be interpreted in the same way. The paper also summarizes the organization of the inputs from midline/intralaminar thalamic nuclei, the basal amygdaloid complex and the hippocampus into the PFC-ventral striatal system. The results of tracing studies in rats indicate that these thalamic and limbic inputs both at the level of the PFC and the ventral striatum show various patterns of convergence and segregation. This leads to the conclusion that the PFC-ventral striatal system consists of a number of smaller modules.

Progress in Brain Research | 1991

Chapter 9 Neuronal development in human prefrontal cortex in prenatal and postnatal stages

Ladislav Mrzljak; H.B.M. Uylings; Gorbert G. Van Eden; Miloš Judaš

Publisher Summary The mammalian cerebral cortex is organized in a complex way. Important histogenetic processes that lead to its formation are the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of neurons and glial cells, the growth of afferent and efferent fibers, synaptogenesis, and the elimination of certain cells and axonal collaterals. This chapter discusses the neuronal development in human prefrontal cortex in prenatal and postnatal stages. The neurons destined for the primate cerebral cortex originate prenatally in the germinal zones of the fetal telencephalic wall. The prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal dendritic and axonal (neuronal) development in the human PFC (prefrontal cortex) is traced through six different periods on the basis of data on changes in cortical histogenetic events. Period one represents the onset of dendritic differentiation of pyramidal neurons in the cortical plate (CP). Period two denotes late fetal or preterm infant period. Period three represents postnatal year––neonatal period and infancy. Period four is the second postnatal year, known as “early childhood period.” Period five is the period of childhood and adolescence, whereas period six represents the period of adult morphology.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 1986

The metric analysis of three-dimensional dendritic tree patterns: a methodological review

H.B.M. Uylings; Antonio Ruiz-Marcos; J. van Pelt

Metric analysis methods used to study neuronal arborizations are reviewed and discussed. The analysis methods considered are those examining the spatial orientation and density of the whole dendritic field of a neuron, the metrics of dendritic segments and the bifurcation angles. General variables indicating the size of the soma and the dendritic field are indicated. In addition, the instrumentation used for providing 3-dimensional data for metric analyses and the shrinkage of Golgi-stained neurons are discussed.

European Journal of Neuroscience | 1992

Heterotopic Cortical Afferents to the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in the Rat. A Combined Retrograde and Anterograde Tracer Study.

C.G. van Eden; V.A.F. Lamme; H.B.M. Uylings

Cortical afferent projections towards the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) were investigated with retrograde and anterograde tracer techniques. Heterotopical afferent projections to the medial prefrontal cortex arise in secondary, or higher order, sensory areas, motor areas and paralimbic cortices. On the basis of these projections three subfields can be discriminated within the mPFC. (1) The ventromedial part of mPFC, comprising the pre‐ and infralimbic areas, receives mainly projections from the perirhinal cortex. (2) The caudal two‐thirds of the dorsomedial PFC, comprising frontal area 2 and the dorsal anterior cingulate area, receives projections from the secondary visual areas, the posterior agranular insular area and the retrosplenial areas. (3) The rostral one‐third of the dorsomedial PFC is the main recipient of projections from the somatosensory and motor areas and the posterior agranular insular area. The laminar distribution of cells projecting to the mPFC varies considerably in the different cortical areas, just as the laminar distribution of termination of their fibres within the mPFC does. It is concluded that the corticocortical connections corroborate with subcortical connectivity in attributing to the mediodorsal projection cortex of the rat functions which are comparable to those of certain prefrontal, premotor and anterior cingulate areas in the monkey.

Neuroscience Letters | 2008

The orbital cortex in rats topographically projects to central parts of the caudate–putamen complex

Eduardo A. Schilman; H.B.M. Uylings; Yvonne Galis-de Graaf; Daphna Joel; Henk J. Groenewegen

Disturbances of the orbitofrontal-striatal pathways in humans have been associated with several psychopathologies including obsessive-compulsive disorder and drug addiction. In nonhuman primates, different subareas of the orbitofrontal cortex project topographically to central and ventromedial parts of the striatum. Relatively little is known about the anatomical organization of the rat orbital cortex while there is a growing interest in this cortical area from a functional and behavioral point of view. The aim of the present neuroanatomical tracing study was to determine in rats the striatal target area of the projections of the orbital cortex as well as the topographical organization within these projections. To this end, anterograde tracers were injected in the different cytoarchitectonically distinct subareas of the orbital cortex. The results show that the individual orbital areas, i.e. medial orbital area, ventral orbital area, ventrolateral orbital area and lateral orbital area, project to central parts of the caudate-putamen, exhibiting a mediolateral and, to a lesser degree, rostrocaudal topographical arrangement. Orbital projections avoid the most dorsal, as well as rostral and caudal parts of the caudate-putamen. Terminal fields from cytoarchitectonically different areas show a considerable overlap. Superficial cortical layers project preferentially to the striatal matrix, deep layers to the patch compartment. The projections from the ventrolateral orbital area are strongest and occupy the most extensive striatal area. In addition to projections to the caudate-putamen, the ventrolateral, lateral and dorsolateral orbital areas have a scarce projection to the most lateral part of the nucleus accumbens shell in the ventral striatum. In contrast to nonhuman primates, the remainder of the rat nucleus accumbens is virtually free of orbital projections.

NeuroImage | 2005

Neural correlates of a reversal learning task with an affectively neutral baseline: an event-related fMRI study

Peter L. Remijnse; Marjan M.A. Nielen; H.B.M. Uylings; Dick J. Veltman

Reversal learning may conceptually be dissected into acquiring stimulus-reinforcement associations and subsequently altering behavior by switching to new associations as stimulus-reinforcement contingencies reverse (i.e., affective switching). Previous imaging studies have found regions of the ventrolateral and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) to be involved in both subprocesses. However, these studies did not contain an affectively neutral baseline, which precluded adequate assessment of main effects of reward, punishment, and affective switching. We aimed to determine the neural substrate of these main effects, and of common and dissociable regions for reward and punishment. Furthermore, we aimed to discriminate between stimulus-punishment association and affective switching, i.e., to assess affective switching proper. To this end, we implemented a reversal learning task with an affectively neutral baseline condition that matched the experimental task in visual complexity and motor demands. Interestingly, we found dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and anterior PFC to be engaged in affective switching, a finding that has not been reported before to our knowledge. Enhanced responses in these areas may represent their involvement in cognitive set shifting per se unrelated to the affective context in a reversal learning design. In addition, OFC, insular and medial prefrontal cortex regions were involved in affective switching. Left medial and lateral OFC were shown to be common areas for feedback processing, whereas left ventral striatum and left lateral OFC were specifically activated by reward and punishment, respectively. These results extend our understanding of the neural substrate of reversal learning in humans.

Progress in Brain Research | 1991

Chapter 8 The development of the rat prefrontal cortex : Its size and development of connections with thalamus, spinal cord and other cortical areas

C.G. van Eden; Johan M. Kros; H.B.M. Uylings

Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on the development of the rat prefrontal cortex (PFC). It also describes the size and development of connections with the thalamus, spinal cord and, other cortical areas. It also explores whether or not the prefrontal cortex has a later or prolonged development in comparison with other cortical areas. The pre- and postnatal development of the rat cerebral cortex is also reviewed in the chapter. The cortical areas that attain an adult-like myelinization pattern prior to birth all belong to sensoric/motoric areas. The development of the cortical layers, ingrowth of thalamic and dopaminergic fibers, follow a scheme of development that is comparable to that of other cortical areas. Only the volumetric development seems to point to a delayed maturation of the prefrontal areas, especially the orbital PFC. Reciprocal projection from the prefrontal cortex to the mediodorsal thalamus is largely formed during the second week of postnatal life. A way to monitor the development of the PFC is to measure its increase in size during the first postnatal months.

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