
Physics of Plasmas | 2011

Point design targets, specifications, and requirements for the 2010 ignition campaign on the National Ignition Facility

S. W. Haan; J. D. Lindl; D. A. Callahan; D. S. Clark; J. D. Salmonson; B. A. Hammel; L. J. Atherton; R. Cook; M. J. Edwards; S. H. Glenzer; Alex V. Hamza; S. P. Hatchett; Mark Herrmann; D. E. Hinkel; D. Ho; H. Huang; O. S. Jones; J. L. Kline; G. A. Kyrala; O. L. Landen; B. J. MacGowan; M. M. Marinak; D. D. Meyerhofer; J. L. Milovich; K. A. Moreno; E. I. Moses; David H. Munro; A. Nikroo; R. E. Olson; Kyle Peterson

Point design targets have been specified for the initial ignition campaign on the National Ignition Facility [G. H. Miller, E. I. Moses, and C. R. Wuest, Opt. Eng. 443, 2841 (2004)]. The targets contain D-T fusion fuel in an ablator of either CH with Ge doping, or Be with Cu. These shells are imploded in a U or Au hohlraum with a peak radiation temperature set between 270 and 300 eV. Considerations determining the point design include laser-plasma interactions, hydrodynamic instabilities, laser operations, and target fabrication. Simulations were used to evaluate choices, and to define requirements and specifications. Simulation techniques and their experimental validation are summarized. Simulations were used to estimate the sensitivity of target performance to uncertainties and variations in experimental conditions. A formalism is described that evaluates margin for ignition, summarized in a parameter the Ignition Threshold Factor (ITF). Uncertainty and shot-to-shot variability in ITF are evaluated, and...

Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2002

On validating an astrophysical simulation code

Alan Clark Calder; Bruce Fryxell; T. Plewa; R. Rosner; L. J. Dursi; V. G. Weirs; Todd Dupont; H. F. Robey; Jave O. Kane; B. A. Remington; R. P. Drake; Guy Dimonte; Michael Zingale; F. X. Timmes; K. Olson; Paul M. Ricker; P. J. MacNeice; Henry M. Tufo

We present a case study of validating an astrophysical simulation code. Our study focuses on validating FLASH, a parallel, adaptive-mesh hydrodynamics code for studying the compressible, reactive flows found in many astrophysical environments. We describe the astrophysics problems of interest and the challenges associated with simulating these problems. We describe methodology and discuss solutions to difficulties encountered in verification and validation. We describe verification tests regularly administered to the code, present the results of new verification tests, and outline a method for testing general equations of state. We present the results of two validation tests in which we compared simulations to experimental data. The first is of a laser-driven shock propagating through a multilayer target, a configuration subject to both Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities. The second test is a classic Rayleigh-Taylor instability, where a heavy fluid is supported against the force of gravity by a light fluid. Our simulations of the multilayer target experiments showed good agreement with the experimental results, but our simulations of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability did not agree well with the experimental results. We discuss our findings and present results of additional simulations undertaken to further investigate the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.

Physics of Plasmas | 2006

High-energy Kα radiography using high-intensity, short-pulse lasersa)

H.-S. Park; D. M. Chambers; H.-K. Chung; R. J. Clarke; R. Eagleton; E. Giraldez; T. Goldsack; R. Heathcote; N. Izumi; M.H. Key; J. A. King; J. A. Koch; O. L. Landen; A. Nikroo; P. K. Patel; D. Price; B. A. Remington; H. F. Robey; Richard Adolph Snavely; D Steinman; R.B. Stephens; C. Stoeckl; M. Storm; Max Tabak; W. Theobald; R. P. J. Town; J. E. Wickersham; B. Zhang

The characteristics of 22–40keV Kα x-ray sources are measured. These high-energy sources are produced by 100TW and petawatt high-intensity lasers and will be used to develop and implement workable radiography solutions to probe high-Z and dense materials for the high-energy density experiments. The measurements show that the Kα source size from a simple foil target is larger than 60μm, too large for most radiography applications. The total Kα yield is independent of target thicknesses, verifying that refluxing plays a major role in photon generation. Smaller radiating volumes emit brighter Kα radiation. One-dimensional radiography experiments using small-edge-on foils resolved 10μm features with high contrast. Experiments were performed to test a variety of small volume two-dimensional point sources such as cones, wires, and embedded wires, measured photon yields, and compared the measurements with predictions from hybrid-particle-in-cell simulations. In addition to high-energy, high-resolution backlighte...

Physics of Plasmas | 2011

Capsule implosion optimization during the indirect-drive National Ignition Campaign

O. L. Landen; John Edwards; S. W. Haan; H. F. Robey; J. L. Milovich; B. K. Spears; S. V. Weber; D. S. Clark; J. D. Lindl; B. J. MacGowan; E. I. Moses; J. Atherton; Peter A. Amendt; T. R. Boehly; David K. Bradley; David G. Braun; D. A. Callahan; Peter M. Celliers; G. W. Collins; E. L. Dewald; L. Divol; J. A. Frenje; S. H. Glenzer; Alex V. Hamza; B. A. Hammel; D. G. Hicks; Nelson M. Hoffman; N. Izumi; O. S. Jones; J. D. Kilkenny

Capsule performance optimization campaigns will be conducted at the National Ignition Facility [G. H. Miller, E. I. Moses, and C. R. Wuest, Nucl. Fusion 44, 228 (2004)] to substantially increase the probability of ignition. The campaigns will experimentally correct for residual uncertainties in the implosion and hohlraum physics used in our radiation-hydrodynamic computational models using a variety of ignition capsule surrogates before proceeding to cryogenic-layered implosions and ignition experiments. The quantitative goals and technique options and down selections for the tuning campaigns are first explained. The computationally derived sensitivities to key laser and target parameters are compared to simple analytic models to gain further insight into the physics of the tuning techniques. The results of the validation of the tuning techniques at the OMEGA facility [J. M. Soures et al., Phys. Plasmas 3, 2108 (1996)] under scaled hohlraum and capsule conditions relevant to the ignition design are shown ...

Physics of Plasmas | 2014

The high-foot implosion campaign on the National Ignition Facilitya)

O. A. Hurricane; D. A. Callahan; D. T. Casey; E. L. Dewald; T. R. Dittrich; T. Döppner; M. A. Barrios Garcia; D. E. Hinkel; L. Berzak Hopkins; P. Kervin; J. L. Kline; S. Le Pape; T. Ma; A. G. MacPhee; J. L. Milovich; J. D. Moody; A. Pak; P. K. Patel; H.-S. Park; B. A. Remington; H. F. Robey; J. D. Salmonson; P. T. Springer; R. Tommasini; L. R. Benedetti; J. A. Caggiano; Peter M. Celliers; C. Cerjan; Rebecca Dylla-Spears; D. H. Edgell

The “High-Foot” platform manipulates the laser pulse-shape coming from the National Ignition Facility laser to create an indirect drive 3-shock implosion that is significantly more robust against instability growth involving the ablator and also modestly reduces implosion convergence ratio. This strategy gives up on theoretical high-gain in an inertial confinement fusion implosion in order to obtain better control of the implosion and bring experimental performance in-line with calculated performance, yet keeps the absolute capsule performance relatively high. In this paper, we will cover the various experimental and theoretical motivations for the high-foot drive as well as cover the experimental results that have come out of the high-foot experimental campaign. At the time of this writing, the high-foot implosion has demonstrated record total deuterium-tritium yields (9.3×1015) with low levels of inferred mix, excellent agreement with implosion simulations, fuel energy gains exceeding unity, and evidenc...

Physics of Plasmas | 2012

Implosion dynamics measurements at the National Ignition Facility

Damien G. Hicks; N. B. Meezan; E. L. Dewald; A. J. Mackinnon; R.E. Olson; D. A. Callahan; T. Döppner; L. R. Benedetti; D. K. Bradley; Peter M. Celliers; D. S. Clark; P. Di Nicola; S. N. Dixit; E. G. Dzenitis; J. E. Eggert; D. R. Farley; J. A. Frenje; S. Glenn; S. H. Glenzer; Alex V. Hamza; R. F. Heeter; J. P. Holder; N. Izumi; D. H. Kalantar; S. F. Khan; J. L. Kline; J. J. Kroll; G. A. Kyrala; T. Ma; A. G. MacPhee

Measurements have been made of the in-flight dynamics of imploding capsules indirectly driven by laser energies of 1–1.7 MJ at the National Ignition Facility [Miller et al., Nucl. Fusion 44, 228 (2004)]. These experiments were part of the National Ignition Campaign [Landen et al., Phys. Plasmas 18, 051002 (2011)] to iteratively optimize the inputs required to achieve thermonuclear ignition in the laboratory. Using gated or streaked hard x-ray radiography, a suite of ablator performance parameters, including the time-resolved radius, velocity, mass, and thickness, have been determined throughout the acceleration history of surrogate gas-filled implosions. These measurements have been used to establish a dynamically consistent model of the ablative drive history and shell compressibility throughout the implosion trajectory. First results showed that the peak velocity of the original 1.3-MJ Ge-doped polymer (CH) point design using Au hohlraums reached only 75% of the required ignition velocity. Several capsu...

Physics of Plasmas | 2012

A high-resolution integrated model of the National Ignition Campaign cryogenic layered experiments

O. S. Jones; C. Cerjan; M. M. Marinak; J. L. Milovich; H. F. Robey; P. T. Springer; L. R. Benedetti; D. L. Bleuel; E. Bond; D. K. Bradley; D. A. Callahan; J. A. Caggiano; Peter M. Celliers; D. S. Clark; S. M. Dixit; T. Döppner; Rebecca Dylla-Spears; E. G. Dzentitis; D. R. Farley; S. Glenn; S. H. Glenzer; S. W. Haan; B. J. Haid; C. A. Haynam; Damien G. Hicks; B. J. Kozioziemski; K. N. LaFortune; O. L. Landen; E. R. Mapoles; A. J. Mackinnon

A detailed simulation-based model of the June 2011 National Ignition Campaign cryogenic DT experiments is presented. The model is based on integrated hohlraum-capsule simulations that utilize the best available models for the hohlraum wall, ablator, and DT equations of state and opacities. The calculated radiation drive was adjusted by changing the input laser power to match the experimentally measured shock speeds, shock merger times, peak implosion velocity, and bangtime. The crossbeam energy transfer model was tuned to match the measured time-dependent symmetry. Mid-mode mix was included by directly modeling the ablator and ice surface perturbations up to mode 60. Simulated experimental values were extracted from the simulation and compared against the experiment. Although by design the model is able to reproduce the 1D in-flight implosion parameters and low-mode asymmetries, it is not able to accurately predict the measured and inferred stagnation properties and levels of mix. In particular, the measu...

Physics of Plasmas | 2013

Detailed implosion modeling of deuterium-tritium layered experiments on the National Ignition Facilitya)

D. S. Clark; D. E. Hinkel; David C. Eder; O. S. Jones; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; M. M. Marinak; J. L. Milovich; H. F. Robey; L. J. Suter; R. P. J. Town

More than two dozen inertial confinement fusion ignition experiments with cryogenic deuterium-tritium layers have now been performed on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) [G. H. Miller et al., Opt. Eng. 443, 2841 (2004)]. Each of these yields a wealth of data including neutron yield, neutron down-scatter fraction, burn-averaged ion temperature, x-ray image shape and size, primary and down-scattered neutron image shape and size, etc. Compared to 2-D radiation-hydrodynamics simulations modeling both the hohlraum and the capsule implosion, however, the measured capsule yield is usually lower by a factor of 5 to 10, and the ion temperature varies from simulations, while most other observables are well matched between experiment and simulation. In an effort to understand this discrepancy, we perform detailed post-shot simulations of a subset of NIF implosion experiments. Using two-dimensional HYDRA simulations [M. M. Marinak, et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 2275 (2001).] of the capsule only, these simulations repre...

Physics of Plasmas | 2012

Shock timing experiments on the National Ignition Facility: Initial results and comparison with simulation

H. F. Robey; T. R. Boehly; Peter M. Celliers; Jon H. Eggert; Damien G. Hicks; R.F. Smith; R. Collins; M. W. Bowers; K. Krauter; P. S. Datte; D. H. Munro; J. L. Milovich; O. S. Jones; P. Michel; C. A. Thomas; R.E. Olson; Stephen M. Pollaine; R. P. J. Town; S. W. Haan; D. A. Callahan; D. S. Clark; J. Edwards; J. L. Kline; S. N. Dixit; M. B. Schneider; E. L. Dewald; K. Widmann; J. D. Moody; T. Döppner; H.B. Radousky

Capsule implosions on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) [Lindl et al., Phys. Plasmas 11, 339 (2004)] are underway with the goal of compressing deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel to a sufficiently high areal density (ρR) to sustain a self-propagating burn wave required for fusion power gain greater than unity. These implosions are driven with a carefully tailored sequence of four shock waves that must be timed to very high precision in order to keep the DT fuel on a low adiabat. Initial experiments to measure the strength and relative timing of these shocks have been conducted on NIF in a specially designed surrogate target platform known as the keyhole target. This target geometry and the associated diagnostics are described in detail. The initial data are presented and compared with numerical simulations. As the primary goal of these experiments is to assess and minimize the adiabat in related DT implosions, a methodology is described for quantifying the adiabat from the shock velocity measurements. Results ...

Physics of Plasmas | 2001

An experimental testbed for the study of hydrodynamic issues in supernovae

H. F. Robey; Jave O. Kane; B. A. Remington; R. P. Drake; O. A. Hurricane; H. Louis; R. J. Wallace; J. P. Knauer; P.A. Keiter; David Arnett; D. D. Ryutov

More than a decade after the explosion of supernova 1987A, unresolved discrepancies still remain in attempts to numerically simulate the mixing processes initiated by the passage of a very strong shock through the layered structure of the progenitor star. Numerically computed velocities of the radioactive 56Ni and 56Co, produced by shock-induced explosive burning within the silicon layer, for example, are still more than 50% too low as compared with the measured velocities. To resolve such discrepancies between observation and simulation, an experimental testbed has been designed on the Omega Laser for the study of hydrodynamic issues of importance to supernovae (SNe). In this paper, results are presented from a series of scaled laboratory experiments designed to isolate and explore several issues in the hydrodynamics of supernova explosions. The results of the experiments are compared with numerical simulations and are generally found to be in reasonable agreement.

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