
Physics Letters B | 1991

Analyzing power in inclusive π+ and π− production at high xF with a 200 GeV polarized proton beam☆

D. L. Adams; N. Akchurin; N.I. Belikov; B. E. Bonner; J.A. Buchanan; J. Bystricky; J.M. Clement; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; K.W. Krueger; K. Kuroda; Langland J; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki; S. Makino; A. Masaike

The analyzing power in inclusive charged pion production has been measured using the 200 GeV Fermilab polarized proton beam. A striking dependence in x(F) is observed in which A(N) increases from 0 to 0.42 with increasing x(F) for the pi+ data and decreases from 0 to -0.38 with increasing x(F) for pi- data. The kinematic range covered is 0.2 less-than-or-equal-to x(F) less-than-or-equal-to 0.9 and 0.2 less-than-or-equal-to p(T) 2.0 GeV/c. In a simple model our data indicate that at large x(F) the transverse spin of the proton is correlated with that of its quark constituents.

Physical Review Letters | 2006

Experimental signature of medium modifications for rho and omega mesons in the 12 GeV p+A reactions.

M. Naruki; Yoshio Fukao; H. Funahashi; M. Ishino; H. Kanda; Masaaki Kitaguchi; S. Mihara; K. Miwa; T. Miyashita; T. Murakami; T. Nakura; F. Sakuma; M. Togawa; S. Yamada; Y. Yoshimura; H. En'yo; Ryotaro Muto; T. Tabaru; S. Yokkaichi; J. Chiba; M. Ieiri; O. Sasaki; M. Sekimoto; K.H. Tanaka; H. Hamagaki; K. Ozawa

The invariant mass spectra of e+e- pairs produced in 12 GeV proton-induced nuclear reactions are measured at the KEK Proton Synchrotron. On the low-mass side of the meson peak, a significant enhancement over the known hadronic sources has been observed. The mass spectra, including the excess, are well reproduced by a model that takes into account the density dependence of the vector meson mass modification, as theoretically predicted.

Physical Review Letters | 2007

Evidence for in-medium modification of the phi meson at normal nuclear density.

Ryotaro Muto; J. Chiba; H. En'yo; Yoshio Fukao; H. Funahashi; H. Hamagaki; M. Ieiri; M. Ishino; H. Kanda; Kitaguchi M; S. Mihara; K. Miwa; T. Miyashita; T. Murakami; T. Nakura; M. Naruki; K. Ozawa; F. Sakuma; O. Sasaki; Sekimoto M; T. Tabaru; K.H. Tanaka; M. Togawa; S. Yamada; S. Yokkaichi; Y. Yoshimura

Invariant mass spectra of e(+) e(-) pairs have been measured in 12 GeV p + A reactions to detect possible in-medium modification of vector mesons. Copper and carbon targets are used to study the nuclear-size dependence of e(+) e(-) invariant mass distributions. A significant excess on the low-mass side of the phi meson peak is observed in the low betagamma(= beta/square root(1-beta(2))) region of phi mesons (betagamma < 1.25) with copper targets. However, in the high betagamma region (betagamma > 1.25), spectral shapes of phi mesons are well described by the Breit-Wigner shape when experimental effects are considered. Thus, in addition to our earlier publications on rho/omega modification, this study has experimentally verified vector meson mass modification at normal nuclear density.

Physical Review Letters | 2001

Observation of rho/omega meson modification in nuclear matter.

K. Ozawa; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Masaaki Kitaguchi; M. Ishino; H. Kanda; S. Mihara; Takaaki Miyashita; T. Murakami; R. Muto; M. Naruki; F. Sakuma; Humitaka Sato; T. Tabaru; S. Yamada; S. Yokkaichi; Y. Yoshimura; J. Chiba; M. Ieiri; M. Nomachi; O. Sasaki; M. Sekimoto; K.H. Tanaka; H. Hamagaki

We measured the invariant mass spectra of electron-positron pairs in the target rapidity region of 12-GeV p+A reactions. We have observed a significant difference in the mass spectra below the omega meson between p+C and p+Cu interactions. This difference indicates that the spectral shape of mesons is modified at normal nuclear-matter density.

Physical Review C | 2008

Photoproduction of Lambda(1405) and Sigma0(1385) on the proton at E(gamma) = 1.5-2.4-GeV

M. Niiyama; H. Fujimura; D. S. Ahn; J. K. Ahn; S. Ajimura; H. Bhang; T. H. Chang; W. C. Chang; J. Y. Chen; S. Daté; S. Fukui; H. Funahashi; K. Hicks; K. Horie; T. Hotta; K. Imai; T. Ishikawa; Y. Kato; K. Kino; H. Kohri; S. Makino; T. Matsumura; T. Mibe; K. Miwa; M. Miyabe; N. Muramatsu; M. Nakamura; T. Nakano; Y. Nakatsugawa; Y. Ohashi

Differential cross sections for {gamma}p{yields}K{sup +}{lambda}(1405) and {gamma}p{yields}K{sup +}{sigma}{sup 0}(1385) reactions have been measured in the photon energy range from 1.5 to 2.4 GeV and the angular range of 0.8<cos({theta})<1.0 for the K{sup +} scattering angle in the center-of-mass system. This data is the first measurement of the {lambda}(1405) photoproduction cross section. The line shapes of {lambda}(1405) measured in {sigma}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} and {sigma}{sup -}{pi}{sup +} decay modes were different with each other, indicating a strong interference of the isospin 0 and 1 terms of the {sigma}{pi} scattering amplitudes. The ratios of {lambda}(1405) production to {sigma}{sup 0}(1385) production were measured in two photon energy ranges: near the production threshold (1.5<E{sub {gamma}}<2.0 GeV) and far from it (2.0<E{sub {gamma}}<2.4 GeV). The observed ratio decreased in the higher photon energy region, which may suggest different production mechanisms and internal structures for these hyperon resonances.

Physical Review C | 2008

Photoproduction ofΛ(1405)andΣ0(1385)on the proton atEγ=1.5−2.4GeV

M. Niiyama; Hisashi Fujimura; D. S. Ahn; J. K. Ahn; S. Ajimura; H. Bhang; T. H. Chang; W. C. Chang; Jau-Ann Chen; S. Daté; S. Fukui; H. Funahashi; K. Hicks; K. Horie; T. Hotta; K. Imai; T. Ishikawa; Y. Kato; K. Kino; H. Kohri; S. Makino; T. Matsumura; T. Mibe; K. Miwa; M. Miyabe; N. Muramatsu; M. Nakamura; Tomoyuki Nakano; Y. Nakatsugawa; Y. Ohashi

Differential cross sections for {gamma}p{yields}K{sup +}{lambda}(1405) and {gamma}p{yields}K{sup +}{sigma}{sup 0}(1385) reactions have been measured in the photon energy range from 1.5 to 2.4 GeV and the angular range of 0.8<cos({theta})<1.0 for the K{sup +} scattering angle in the center-of-mass system. This data is the first measurement of the {lambda}(1405) photoproduction cross section. The line shapes of {lambda}(1405) measured in {sigma}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} and {sigma}{sup -}{pi}{sup +} decay modes were different with each other, indicating a strong interference of the isospin 0 and 1 terms of the {sigma}{pi} scattering amplitudes. The ratios of {lambda}(1405) production to {sigma}{sup 0}(1385) production were measured in two photon energy ranges: near the production threshold (1.5<E{sub {gamma}}<2.0 GeV) and far from it (2.0<E{sub {gamma}}<2.4 GeV). The observed ratio decreased in the higher photon energy region, which may suggest different production mechanisms and internal structures for these hyperon resonances.

Physics Letters B | 1996

Search for the H dibaryon in (K−, K+) reaction with scintillating fiber active target

J. K. Ahn; S. Aoki; K.S. Chung; M. S. Chung; H. En'yo; T. Fukuda; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; A. Higashi; M. Ieiri; T. Iijima; Masataka Iinuma; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Jong-Phil Lee; S. Makino; A. Masaike; Y. Matsuda; Y. Matsuyama; S. Mihara; C. Nagoshi; I. Nomura; I. S. Park; N. Saito; M. Sekimoto; Y.M. Shin; Kwang Souk Sim; R. Susukita; R. Takashima; F. Takeutchi

Abstract We have studied ( K − , K + ) reactions at P K − = 1.66 GeV/c by using a newly developed active target made of plastic scintillating fibers. The H dibaryon ( S = −2, I ( J π ) = 0(0 + )) has been searched for through the direct process, K − + C → K + + H + X , by the analysis of the K + momentum spectrum with the help of visual data of the scintillating fiber target. No evidence for the H production was observed. Upper limits for the differential cross section for the H production in the forward direction of the K + is 0.04–0.6 μb/sr at the 90% confidence level for the H mass range from 1850 to 2215 MeV/c 2 .

Nuclear Physics | 1992

(K−, K+) reaction on nuclear targets at PK = 1.65 G

T. Iijima; H. Funahashi; S. Hirata; M. Ieiri; K. Imai; T. Ishigami; Y. Itow; K. Kikuchi; M. Kobayashi; A. Masaike; Y. Matsuda; C. Nagoshi; M. Nakamura; S. Nakanishi; Takafumi Nakano; H. Shibuya; H. Shimizu; Hiroyasu Tajima; R. Takashima; F. Takeutchi; H. Togawa

Abstract The forward-angle cross sections of the (K − , K + ) reaction on nuclear targets of C, Al, Cu, Ag and Pb have been measured at the K − incident momentum of 1.65 GeV/ c in a side range K + momentum. The obtained K + momentum spectrum for each target nucleus is characterized by a peak in the high-momentum region ( p K + > 0.95 GeV/ c ) and a broad bump in the low-momentum region ( p K + c ). A comparison of the measured spectrum with a DWIA calculation indicates that the quasifree process, K − (p) → K + Ξ − , is dominant in the high-momentum region. The target mass-number dependence of the cross section is well fitted with A α , where α is 0.38 ± 0.03 for the high-momentum region and 0.56 ± 0.02 for the low-momentum region. The result indicates that the quasifree process takes place at the peripheral of the target nucleus, whereas the two-step processes are dominant in the low-momentum region.

Physics Letters B | 1998

Enhanced ΛΛ production near threshold in the 12C(K−,K+) reaction

J.K. Ahn; S. Aoki; K.S. Chung; M. S. Chung; H. En'yo; T. Fukuda; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; A. Higashi; M. Ieiri; T. Iijima; Masataka Iinuma; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Jong-Phil Lee; S. Makino; A. Masaike; Y. Matsuda; Y. Matsuyama; S. Mihara; C. Nagoshi; I. Nomura; I. S. Park; N. Saito; M. Sekimoto; Y.M. Shin; K. S. Sim; R. Susukita; R. Takashima; F. Takeutchi

Abstract Enhanced production of ΛΛ pairs, above levels predicted by a two-step process model, has been observed near threshold (in the mass range 2.23-2.26 GeV/c2) in the 12C(K−,K+) reaction at 1.66 GeV/c using a scintillating fiber target. The differential cross section for ΛΛ production in the momentum region 0.95≤pK+≤1.3 GeV/c averaged over the range 2.3o≤θK+≤14.7o was found to be 7.6±1.3 ±0.9 μ b/sr, and that for the enhancement was found to be approximately 3 μ b/sr.

European Physical Journal A | 1992

Large-xF spin asymmetry inπ0 production by 200-GeV polarized protons

D. L. Adams; N. Akchurin; N.I. Belikov; J. Bystricky; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; K.W. Krueger; K. Kuroda; M. Laghai; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki; S. Makino; A. Masaike; Yu. A. Matulenko; A.P. Meschanin; A. Michalowicz

The spin asymmetryAN for inclusive π0 production by 200-GeV transversely-polarized protons on a liquid hydrogen target has been measured at Fermilab over a wide range ofxF, with 0.5<pT<2 GeV/c. AtxF>0.3, the asymmetry rises with increasingxF and reaches a value ofAN=0.15±0.03 in the region 0.6<xF<0.8. This result provides new input regarding the question of the internal spin structure of transversely-polarized protons.

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