H.I. Park
Texas A&M University
Physical Review C | 2010
V. E. Iacob; John C. Hardy; A. Banu; Lin Chen; V. V. Golovko; J. Goodwin; V. Horvat; N. Nica; H.I. Park; L. Trache; R. E. Tribble
We have measured the half-life of the superallowed 0+ -to- 0+ beta+ emitter 26Si to be 2245.3(7) ms. We used pure sources of 26Si and employed a high-efficiency gas counter, which was sensitive to positrons from both this nuclide and its daughter 26mAl. The data were analyzed as a linked parent-daughter decay. To contribute meaningfully to any test of the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, the ft value of a superallowed transition must be determined to a precision of 0.1% or better. With a precision of 0.03% the present result is more than sufficient to be compatable with that requirement. Only the branching ratio now remains to be measured precisely before a +/-0.1% ft value can be obtained for the superallowed transition from 26Si.
Physical Review Letters | 2011
Dan Melconian; S. Triambak; C. Bordeanu; A. García; J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; N. Nica; H.I. Park; G. Tabacaru; L. Trache; I. S. Towner; R. E. Tribble; Y. Zhai
A precision measurement of the γ yields following the β decay of (32)Cl has determined its isobaric-analogue branch to be (22.47(-0.18)(+0.21))%. Since it is an almost pure-Fermi decay, we can also determine the amount of isospin-symmetry breaking in this superallowed transition. We find a very large value, δ(C) = 5.3(9)%, in agreement with a shell-model calculation. This result sets a benchmark for isospin-symmetry-breaking calculations and lends support for similarly calculated, yet smaller, corrections that are currently applied to 0+ → 0 + transitions for tests of the standard model.
Physical Review C | 2012
H.I. Park; J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; Lin Chen; J. Goodwin; N. Nica; E. Simmons; L. Trache; R. E. Tribble
The half-life of 46V has been measured to be 422.66(6) ms, which is a factor of two more precise than the best previous measurement. Our result is also consistent with the previous measurements, with no repeat of the disagreement recently encountered with Q_{EC} values measured for the same transition. The Ft value for the 46V superallowed transition, incorporating all world data, is determined to be 3074.1(26) s, a result consistent with the average Ft value of 3072.08(79) s established from the 13 best-known superallowed transitions.
Physical Review C | 2012
D. Melconian; Smarajit Triambak; C. Bordeanu; A. García; J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; N. Nica; H.I. Park; G. Tabacaru; L. Trache; I. S. Towner; R. E. Tribble; Y. Zhai
Background: Models to calculate small isospin-symmetry-breaking effects in superallowed Fermi decays have been placed under scrutiny in recent years. A stringent test of these models is to measure transitions for which the correction is predicted to be large. The decay of 32Cl decay provides such a test case. Purpose: To improve the gamma yields following the beta decay of 32Cl and to determine the ft values of the the beta branches, particularly the one to the isobaric-analogue state in 32S. Method: Reaction-produced and recoil-spectrometer-separated 32Cl is collected in tape and transported to a counting location where beta-gamma coincidences are measured with a precisely-calibrated HPGe detector. Results: The precision on the gamma yields for most of the known beta branches has been improved by about an order of magnitude, and many new transitions have been observed. We have determined 32Cl-decay transition strengths extending up to E_x~11 MeV. The ft value for the decay to the isobaric-analogue state in 32S has been measured. A comparison to a shell-model calculation shows good agreement. CONCLUSIONS: We have experimentally determined the isospin-symmetry-breaking correction to the superallowed transition of this decay to be (\delta_C-\delta_NS)_exp=5.4(9)%, significantly larger than for any other known superallowed Fermi transition. This correction agrees with a shell-model calculation, which yields \delta_C-\delta_NS=4.8(5)%. Our results also provide a way to improve the measured ft values for the beta decay of 32Ar.
Physical Review C | 2014
P. Shidling; D. Melconian; S. Behling; B. Fenker; J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; E. McCleskey; M. McCleskey; M. Mehlman; H.I. Park; B. T. Roeder
The half-life of \tsups{37}K has been measured to be
Physical Review C | 2014
P. Shidling; B. T. Roeder; D. Melconian; V. E. Iacob; J.C. Hardy; H.I. Park; M. McCleskey; B. Fenker; M. Mehlman; S. Behling; E. McCleskey
Physical Review C | 2014
P. Shidling; D. Melconian; S. Behling; B. Fenker; J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; E. McCleskey; M. McCleskey; M. Mehlman; H.I. Park; B. T. Roeder
, a value nearly an order of magnitude more precise than the best previously reported. The
Applied Radiation and Isotopes | 2014
J.C. Hardy; V. E. Iacob; H.I. Park; Lie-Wen Chen; N. Nica; V. Horvat; R. E. Tribble; I. S. Towner
Physical Review C | 2008
V. E. Iacob; John C. Hardy; V. V. Golovko; J. Goodwin; N. Nica; H.I. Park; L. Trache; R. E. Tribble
decay of \tsups{37}K occurs mainly via a superallowed branch to the ground-state of its
Physical Review C | 2007
V. E. Iacob; J.C. Hardy; V. V. Golovko; J. Goodwin; N. Nica; H.I. Park; L. Trache; R. E. Tribble