
Nuclear Physics | 1976

ϱ0 and f production in π+p interactions

M. Deutschmann; H. Kirk; P. Sixel; M. Klein; M. Walter; K. Böckmann; R. Hartmann; J. Hofmann; V.T. Cocconi; M.J. Counihan; P. Kostka; P.K. Malhotra; D.R.O. Morrison; H. Saarikko; P. Schmid; D. Kisielewska; E. Leitner; J. Stiewe; T. Hofmokl; A. Zieminski

Abstract Inclusive ϱ 0 and f(1270) production are analysed in π + p collisions at 8, 16 and 23 GeV/ c . The ϱ 0 cross section increases with energy such that the ϱ 0 /π − ratio remains constant. Emphasis is laid on cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum and of the Feynman x variable. The ϱ 0 s can be attributed to two sources: some ϱ 0 s are centrally produced, but there is a pronounced forward peak. The distribution of leptons coming from ϱ 0 decay is discussed.

Nuclear Physics | 1973

Inclusive single-particle distributions in π±p reactions at 8 and 16 GeV/c

P. Bosetti; H. Grässler; H. Kirk; M. Matziolis; U. Gensch; P. Kostka; K. Böckmann; G.J. Bossen; J. Lowsky; M. Rost; T. Besliu; V.T. Cocconi; P.F. Dalpiaz; P. Duinker; S. Matsumoto; D.R.O. Morrison; R. Stroynowski; H. Wahl; T. Coghen; W. Zielinski; S. Brandt; M. Bardadin-Otwinowska; T. Hofmokl

Abstract Invariant single-particle cross sections for pion and proton production in π ± p interactions at 8 and 16 GeV/ c are presented in terms of integrated distributions as functions of x , reduced rapidity ζ and p ⊥ 2 , and also in terms of double differential cross sections E d 2 σ /(d x d p ⊥ 2 ) and d ζ d p ⊥ 2 ). A comparison of π ± and π − induced reactions is made and the energy dependence is discussed. It is shown that the single-particle structure function cannot be factorized in its dependece on transverse and longitudinal momentum. For the beam-unlike pion, there is an indication for factorizability in terms of rapidity and transverse momentum in a small central region.

Nuclear Physics | 1976

Production of ρ0 and f in π−p interactions at 16 GeV/c and separation into fragmentation and central components

J. Bartke; H. Kirk; P. Sixel; H. Nowak; M. Walter; K. Böckmann; J. Lowsky; R. Roedel; G. Zobernig; V.T. Cocconi; Martin J Counihan; G. Kellner; P.K. Malhotra; D. R. O. Morrison; H. Saarikko; E. Leitner; J. Stiewe; T. Coghen; A. Guła; H. Abramowicz; A. Zieminski

The production of ρ0(770) and f(1270) is studied in π−p interactions at 16 GeV/c. By comparison with inclusive K∗0 production in the reaction K−p → K∗0 + anything, and with inclusive ρ0 production in the reaction pp → ρ0 + anything, it is found that the data can be interpreted in terms of two production processes: the central production of resonances and the fragmentation of the beam particle. For the π−p reaction, the inclusive ρ0 beam fragmentation cross section is 3.1 ± 0.3 mb while that for central production is 1.6 ± 0.5 mb. The ρ0 central production cross section is consistent with increasing with energy as ln s behaviour. The ratio of ρ0 to π− inclusive cross sections (excluding the leading π−) is ∼0.2, independent of energy. The ρ0 to π− ratio increases as a function of pT to a constant value of ∼12 above 1 GeV/c. The ρ (charged and neutral) and f decays account for (25 ± 4)% and (1.4 ± 0.3)%, respectively, of all pions produced.

Nuclear Physics | 1976

Inclusive production of K̄∗(890) and K̄∗(1420) in K̄−p interactions at 10 and 16 GeV/c

H. Kirk; R. Schulte; P. Sixel; M. Klein; M. Walter; M.J. Counihan; D.J. Kocher; P. Kostka; P.K. Malhotra; D.R.O. Morrison; H. Saarikko; K.L. Wernhard; K.W.J. Barnham; R.M. Eason; D.P. Dallman; F. Mandl; M. Markytan

Abstract The inclusive production of K∗(890) and K∗(1420) is studied in K−p interactions at 10 and 16 GeV/c. At 10 GeV/c an enhancement in the ( K 0 π − ) mass distribution is found at 1.74 GeV, but no clear signal is seen at 16 GeV/c. The fraction of K 0 s coming from decay of the K ∗ (890) or K ∗ (1420) is large, being (50 ± 6)% and (45 ± 5)% at 10 and 16 GeV/c, respectively. The inclusive cross sections for K∗−(890) and K ∗0 (890) production are almost constant with energy from 8 to 32 GeV/c with values of 3.5 and 3.3 mb, respectively. The K ∗ (890) production cross section is studied as a function of transverse and longitudinal variables and found to derive mainly from fragmentation of the incident K− meson. The spectra of K 0 s resulting from the decay of K ∗ (890) are studied.

Nuclear Physics | 1976

Determination of the fire-ball dimensions from second-order interference between two pions

M. Deutschmann; R. Hartmann; R. Honecker; E. Leitner; P. Schmid; J Stiewe; G. Kellner; A. Zalewska; H. Kirk; J. Krolikowski; R. Stroynowski; K. Dziunikowska; R. Nahnhauer; A. Wróblewski; V.T. Cocconi; M.J. Counihan; S. Humble; J. Figiel; A. Para; H. Plothow; T. Coghen; D.R.O. Morrison; M. Klein; L. Aniola

Abstract Positive correlations are observed for pion pairs of equal charge and similar momentum vectors, produced in the reactions π p→p+5 π and π p→p + 7 π at 4 to 25 GeV/ c . The results are consistent with being due to the second-order interference effects expected for pairs of identical bosons and lead to the determination of the average dimension of the “fire-ball’ from which the pions are emitted (〈 R 〉 = 1.0 ± −0.2 +0.4 fm). Attempts are made to study the fire-ball shape by selecting pions pair emitted in various polar and azimuthal directions.

Nuclear Physics | 1973

Study of momentum distributions of particles produced in K−p interactions at 10 and 16 GeV/c

P. Bosetti; M. Deutschmann; H. Kirk; M. Matziolis; R. Speth

The momentum distributions of particles produced in K−p interactions at 10 and 16 GeV/c are studied. In particular the average transverse momentum is presented as a function of the reduced longitudinal momentum for six different secondary particles, namely: π+, π−, K−, K0, p and Λ. The average transverse momentum increases with increasing mass of the particle produced and tends to increase with increasing energy.

Nuclear Physics | 1977

Simplicity of “transverse energy” spectra of hadrons

J. Bartke; M. Deutschmann; H. Kirk; P. Sixel; H.H. Kaufmann; M. Klein; K. Böckmann; R. Hartmann; D.J. Kocher; P.K. Malhotra; D.R.O. Morrison; P. Porth; F.A. Triantis; J. Zaorska; W. Zieliński; J. Krolikowski

Abstract Using data from a 16 GeV/c π+p bubble chamber experiment, we have studied the production of pions and meson resonances in the central region. Transverse spectra have been analysed in terms of the transverse energy variable Et=√pt2+M2. We find that the Et spectra of “stable” particles, of resonances like ϱ, ω and f, and of corresponding non-resonant two- and three-pion systems all follow one simple exponential in Et over several orders of magnitude in cross section. All spectra are consistent with one common slope parameter of approximately (120 MeV)−1.

Nuclear Physics | 1977

Eta and omega meson production in medium energy π+-p and K−p interactions

J. Bartke; H. Kirk; J. Kaltwasser; J. Klabuhn; K. Böckmann; G. Zobernig; H. Bohr; M.J. Counihan; P.K. Malhotra; D.R.O. Morrison; H. Saarikko; K. Śliwa; T.C. Bacon; P.J. Dornan; F. Mandl; M. Markytan; M. Bardadin-Otwinowska; A. Wróblewski

The production of η(550) and ω(780) mesons is studied in π±p interactions at 16 GeV/c and K−p interactions at 10 and 16 GeV/c. Cross sections for exclusive channels are presented, and for the π+p data differential cross sections are given for quasi-inclusive production where the η or ω is required to be accompanied by charged particles only. Close similarities are observed between η, ω and also ϱ0(770) production in terms of longitudinal and transverse variables. By a rough estimate, the η, ω and ϱ0 inclusive yields are found to be in the ratio 0.32 : 0.85 : 1, respectively, for 16 GeV/c π+p collisions. For non-peripheral production we estimate this same ratio to be 0.34 : 0.9 : 1.

Nuclear Physics | 1974

Pomeron dominance in a triple-Regge representation of inclusive Δ++ production in K−p and π−p reactions

P. Bosetti; H. Kirk; M. Matziolis

Data are presented on the reactions K−p → Δ++ + anything at 10 and 16 GeV/c and π−p → Δ++ + anything at 16 GeV/c. In the K−p reaction, scaling is observed between 10 and 16 GeV/c in the variable M2/s. The scaling occurs at relatively low values of M in marked contrast to the reaction π+p → Δ++ + anything. This result can be explained by duality arguments on a triple Regge picture, since the exchanged reggeon-incident particle scattering is exotic. Comparison of the π−p reaction, which is similarly exotic, with the K−p reaction at the same energy gives further evidence for factorization in pomeron-dominated inclusive reactions.

Nuclear Physics | 1974

Transverse spectra in π±p and K−p interactions between 8 and 16 GeV/c

M. Deutschmann; H. Grässler; H. Kirk; P. Sixel; R. Speth; W. Sturm; H. Novak; U. Kundt; G.J. Bossen; E. Propach; M. Rost; B.U. Stöcker; T. Besliu; P. Duinker; D.R.O. Morrison; R. Stroynowski; H. Wahl; J. Zaorska; T. Hirose; J. Stiewe; A.A. Azooz; Peter Schmid; B. Buschbeck; H.P. Gerhold; H. Białkowska

Abstract Using data from several bubble chamber experiments, we have studied the inclusive reactions π ± p → π − + X, K − p → K 0 + X and K−p → Λ + X at incident momenta ranging from 8 to 16 GeV/c. Single particle spectra are given as functions of the transverse energy E ⊥ = (p ⊥ 2 + m 2 ) 1 2 for selected intervals of the longitudinal rapidity y. Using these two variables we find a simple, mass independent, representation of all particle spectra. Within a large range of y, non-Lorentz-invariant E⊥ distributions are nearly exponential and, over several orders of magnitude in cross section, can be fitted well with the single-parameter function (eE⊥/T −1)−1. The slope parameter T is shown to depend on y but, in the central region, it appears to be independent of the particle mass and gives indications of approaching a limiting value of approximately 120 MeV. Implications of these results with regard to thermodynamic models are briefly discussed.

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