H.Y. Kim
Kangwon National University
Transactions of materials processing | 2008
Myeong Han Lee; K.K. Kim; H.Y. Kim; Soo-Ik Oh
In this study, a forming magnesium alloy circular cup was simulated accounting for heat transfer at elevated temperatures. In order to predict the failure of magnesium alloy sheet during simulation, the forming limit diagram, which is used in sheet metal forming analysis to determine the criterion for failure, was investigated. For the failure prediction in the simulation accounting for heat transfer, the forming limit diagram for a temperature the same as the temperature of the blank element was used. The result of the simulation showed that the drawn depth increases with the increase of the die-holder temperature, and is in accord with the experimental results above the die-holder temperature of . The forming limit diagram provided a good guide for the failure prediction of warm forming simulation accounting for heat transfer. In addition, the effect of the tool shoulder radius on the drawn depth at various tool temperatures is verified using the simulation conditions which agreed with the experimental results.
Transactions of materials processing | 2007
Myeong Han Lee; H.Y. Kim; H.J. Kim; Heung-Kyu Kim; Soo-Ik Oh
Due to the low densities and high specific strength and stiffness, magnesium alloy sheets are very attractive lightweight materials for automotive and electrical products. However, the magnesium alloy sheets should be usually formed at elevated temperature because of their poor formability at room temperature. For the use of the magnesium alloy sheets for an industrial, their mechanical properties at elevated temperature and appropriate forming process conditions have to be developed. In this study, non-isothermal simulation of a square cup drawing of magnesium alloy sheets have been conducted to evaluate a proper forming process conditions such as the tool temperature, the tool shoulder radius, friction between the blank and the tools. According to this study, appropriate forming process conditions of square cup drawing at elevated temperature from magnesium alloy sheets are suggested.
Transactions of materials processing | 2005
J S Kim; J.K. Lee; J Y Park; D J Lee; H.Y. Kim; H.J. Kim
A tube hydroformability testing system was designed and fabricated enabling to apply the forming condition along arbitrarily pre-programmed internal pressure-axial feed path. The free-bulging and T-forming tests were carried out on the extruded aluminum (A6063) tube specimens with 40.6 mm outer diameter and 2.25 mm thickness. Nine different combinations of internal pressure and axial feed, yielding different strain paths from one another, were taken into consideration in order to induce bursting at various deformation modes. Major and minor strains were automatically measured from deformed grids around the fracture using a stereo-vision-based surface strain measurement system, named ASIAS. The forming limit diagram of the A6063 tube material was successfully obtained. Most of the data points acquired from free bulging and T-forming tests appeared in the range of negative minor strain on the FLD and are mostly located near the strain paths calculated from explicit finite element simulations. The forming limit obtained from tests after pre-tension was considerably lower than that from tests without pre-tension, which showed the strain path-dependency of the forming limit as well known in the sheet forming fold.
MATERIALS PROCESSING AND DESIGN; Modeling, Simulation and Applications; NUMIFORM '07; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes | 2007
Myoung-Gyu Lee; Kun Piao; R.H. Wagoner; J.K. Lee; K. Chung; H.Y. Kim
Magnesium alloy sheets have unique mechanical properties: high in‐plane anisotropy/asymmetry of yield stress and hardening response, which have not been thoroughly studied. The unusual mechanical behavior of magnesium alloys has been understood by the limited symmetry crystal structure of h.c.p metals and thus by deformation twinning. In this paper, the phenomenological continuum plasticity models considering the unusual plastic behavior of magnesium alloy sheet were developed for a finite element analysis. A new hardening law based on two‐surface model was developed to consider the general stress‐strain response of metal sheets such as Bauschinger effect, transient behavior and the unusual asymmetry. Three deformation modes observed during the continuous tension/compression tests were mathematically formulated with simplified relations between the state of deformation and their histories. In terms of the anisotropy and asymmetry of the initial yield stress, the Drucker‐Prager’s pressure dependent yield s...
Transactions of materials processing | 2012
J.H. Park; J.K. Lee; H.Y. Kim
Abstract The automotive and electronic industries have seriously considered the use of magnesium alloys because of their excellent properties such as strength to weight ratio, EMI shielding capability, etc. However, it is difficult to form magnesium alloys at room temperature because of the mechanical deformation related to twinning. Hence, magnesium alloys are normally formed at elevated temperatures. In this study, a temperature dependent constitutive model, the C-H/V model, for the magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet is proposed. A hardening law based on nonlinear kinematic and H/V (Hollomon/Voce) hardening model is used to properly characterize the Bauschinger effect and the stabilization of the flow stress. Material parameters were determined from a series of uni-axial cyclic experiments(C-T-C) with the temperature ranging between 150 and 250℃. The developed models are fit to experimental data and a comparison is made. Key Words : Magnesium Alloy, C-H/V Constitutive Model, Bauschinger Effect, Stabilization of Flow Stress
Transactions of materials processing | 2008
Myoung-Gyu Lee; K. Chung; Sung-Joon Kim; H.Y. Kim
Unique constitutive behavior of magnesium alloys as one of hexagonal close packed(hcp) metals has been implemented into the commercial finite element program ABAQUS. The constitutive equations can represent asymmetry in tension-compression yield stresses and flow curves. For the verification purpose, the springback of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet was measured using the unconstrained cylindrical bending test proposed in Numisheet`2002 benchmark committee. Besides the developed constitutive models, the isotropic models based on tensile and compressive properties were also considered for comparison purpose. The predicted results by the finite element analysis and corresponding experiments showed enhanced prediction capability in springback analysis.
Transactions of materials processing | 2007
Myoung-Gyu Lee; K. Chung; H.Y. Kim
Magnesium alloy sheets in room temperature have unusual mechanical properties such as high in-plane anisotropy/asymmetry of yield stress and hardening behavior. In this paper, the continuum plasticity models considering the plastic behavior of AZ31B Mg alloy sheet were derived. A new hardening law based on modified two-surface model was developed to consider the general stress-strain response of metals including Bauschinger effect, transient behavior and the unusual asymmetry. Three deformation modes observed during the continuous tension/compression tests were mathematically formulated with simplified relations between the state of deformation and their histories. To include the anisotropy and asymmetry of the initial yield stress, the Drucker-Prager`s pressure dependent yield surface was modified by adding anisotropic constants.
Transactions of materials processing | 2006
H.T. Lim; H.J. Kim; D.J. Lee; H.Y. Kim
A tube hydroformability testing system was designed and manufactured to observe the forming steps and to provide arbitrary combination of internal pressure and axial fred. The forming limit diagram of an aluminum tube was obtained from the free bulge test and the T-shape forming test using this system, giving the criteria for predicting failure in the hydroforming process. The hydroformability of aluminum tube according to different conditions of a prebending process was discussed, based on the finite element analysis and the forming limit test. The effects of 2D and 3D pretending on the tube hydroforming process of an automotive trailing arm were evaluated and compared with each other.
International Journal of Plasticity | 2009
Myoung-Gyu Lee; Sung-Joon Kim; R.H. Wagoner; K. Chung; H.Y. Kim
International Journal of Plasticity | 2009
Myoung-Gyu Lee; Jonghan Kim; K. Chung; Sung-Joon Kim; R.H. Wagoner; H.Y. Kim