
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2009

Probing the hydrogen-bond network of water via time-resolved soft X-ray spectroscopy

Nils Huse; Haidan Wen; Dennis Nordlund; Erzsi Szilagyi; Dan Daranciang; Timothy A. Miller; Anders Nilsson; Robert W. Schoenlein; Aaron M. Lindenberg

We report time-resolved studies of hydrogen bonding in liquid H(2)O, in response to direct excitation of the O-H stretch mode at 3 mum, probed via soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the oxygen K-edge. This approach employs a newly developed nanofluidic cell for transient soft X-ray spectroscopy in the liquid phase. Distinct changes in the near-edge spectral region (XANES) are observed, and are indicative of a transient temperature rise of 10 K following transient laser excitation and rapid thermalization of vibrational energy. The rapid heating occurs at constant volume and the associated increase in internal pressure, estimated to be 8 MPa, is manifested by distinct spectral changes that differ from those induced by temperature alone. We conclude that the near-edge spectral shape of the oxygen K-edge is a sensitive probe of internal pressure, opening new possibilities for testing the validity of water models and providing new insight into the nature of hydrogen bonding in water.

Nature Communications | 2013

The mechanism of ultrafast structural switching in superionic copper (I) sulphide nanocrystals

Timothy A. Miller; Joshua S. Wittenberg; Haidan Wen; Steve T. Connor; Yi Cui; Aaron M. Lindenberg

Superionic materials are multi-component solids with simultaneous characteristics of both a solid and a liquid. Above a critical temperature associated with a structural phase transition, they exhibit liquid-like ionic conductivities and dynamic disorder within a rigid crystalline structure. Broad applications as electrochemical storage materials and resistive switching devices follow from this abrupt change in ionic mobility, but the microscopic pathways and speed limits associated with this switching process are largely unknown. Here we use ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy and scattering techniques to obtain an atomic-level, real-time view of the transition state in copper sulphide nanocrystals. We observe the transformation to occur on a twenty picosecond timescale and show that this is determined by the ionic hopping time.

Physical Review Letters | 2014

Localized excited charge carriers generate ultrafast inhomogeneous strain in the multiferroic BiFeO3.

Daniel Schick; Marc Herzog; Haidan Wen; Pice Chen; Carolina Adamo; Peter Gaal; Darrell G. Schlom; Paul G. Evans; Yuelin Li; Matias Bargheer

We apply ultrafast x-ray diffraction with femtosecond temporal resolution to monitor the lattice dynamics in a thin film of multiferroic BiFeO3 after above-band-gap photoexcitation. The sound-velocity limited evolution of the observed lattice strains indicates a quasi-instantaneous photoinduced stress which decays on a nanosecond time scale. This stress exhibits an inhomogeneous spatial profile evidenced by the broadening of the Bragg peak. These new data require substantial modification of existing models of photogenerated stresses in BiFeO3: the relevant excited charge carriers must remain localized to be consistent with the data.

Applied Physics Letters | 2011

Single-cycle Terahertz Pulses with >0.2 V/A Field Amplitudes via Coherent Transition Radiation

Dan Daranciang; John Goodfellow; M. Fuchs; Haidan Wen; Shambhu Ghimire; David A. Reis; Henrik Loos; Alan S. Fisher; Aaron M. Lindenberg

We demonstrate terahertz pulses with field amplitudes exceeding 0.2 V/A generated by coherent transition radiation. Femtosecond, relativistic electron bunches generated at the Linac Coherent Light Source are passed through a beryllium foil, and the emitted radiation is characterized as a function of the bunch duration and charge. Broadband pulses centered at a frequency of 10 THz with energies of 140 μJ are measured. These far-below-bandgap pulses drive a nonlinear optical response in a silicon photodiode, with which we perform nonlinear autocorrelations that yield information regarding the terahertz temporal profile. Simulations of the spatiotemporal profile agree well with experimental results.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2009

Ultrafast conversions between hydrogen bonded structures in liquid water observed by femtosecond x-ray spectroscopy

Haidan Wen; Nils Huse; Robert W. Schoenlein; Aaron M. Lindenberg

We present the first femtosecond soft x-ray spectroscopy in liquids, enabling the observation of changes in hydrogen bond structures in water via core-hole excitation. The oxygen K-edge of vibrationally excited water is probed with femtosecond soft x-ray pulses, exploiting the relation between different water structures and distinct x-ray spectral features. After excitation of the intramolecular OH stretching vibration, characteristic x-ray absorption changes monitor the conversion of strongly hydrogen-bonded water structures to more disordered structures with weaker hydrogen-bonding described by a single subpicosecond time constant. The latter describes the thermalization time of vibrational excitations and defines the characteristic maximum rate with which nonequilibrium populations of more strongly hydrogen-bonded water structures convert to less-bonded ones. On short time scales, the relaxation of vibrational excitations leads to a transient high-pressure state and a transient absorption spectrum different from that of statically heated water.

Scientific Reports | 2017

Real-time monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process using high-speed X-ray imaging and diffraction

Cang Zhao; Kamel Fezzaa; Ross Cunningham; Haidan Wen; Francesco De Carlo; Lianyi Chen; Anthony D. Rollett; Tao Sun

We employ the high-speed synchrotron hard X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques to monitor the laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process of Ti-6Al-4V in situ and in real time. We demonstrate that many scientifically and technologically significant phenomena in LPBF, including melt pool dynamics, powder ejection, rapid solidification, and phase transformation, can be probed with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. In particular, the keyhole pore formation is experimentally revealed with high spatial and temporal resolutions. The solidification rate is quantitatively measured, and the slowly decrease in solidification rate during the relatively steady state could be a manifestation of the recalescence phenomenon. The high-speed diffraction enables a reasonable estimation of the cooling rate and phase transformation rate, and the diffusionless transformation from β to α’ phase is evident. The data present here will facilitate the understanding of dynamics and kinetics in metal LPBF process, and the experiment platform established will undoubtedly become a new paradigm for future research and development of metal additive manufacturing.

Physical Review B | 2013

Structural and electronic recovery pathways of a photoexcited ultrathin VO 2 film

Haidan Wen; Lu Guo; Eftihia Barnes; June Hyuk Lee; Donald A. Walko; Richard D. Schaller; Jarrett A. Moyer; Rajiv Misra; Yuelin Li; Eric M. Dufresne; Darrell G. Schlom; Venkatraman Gopalan; J. W. Freeland

The structural and electronic recovery pathways of a photoexcited ultrathin VO2 film at nanosecond time scales have been studied using time-resolved x-ray diffraction and transient optical absorption techniques. The recovery pathways from the tetragonal metallic phase to the monoclinic insulating phase are highly dependent on the optical pump fluence. At pump fluences higher than the saturation fluence of 14.7 mJ/cm2, we observed a transient structural state with lattice parameter larger than that of the tetragonal phase, which is decoupled from the metal-to-insulator phase transition. Subsequently, the photoexcited VO2 film recovered to the ground state at characteristic times dependent upon the pump fluence, as a result of heat transport from the film to the substrate. We present a procedure to measure the time-resolved film temperature by correlating photoexcited and temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction measurements. A thermal transport model that incorporates changes of the thermal parameters across the phase transition reproduces the observed recovery dynamics. The optical excitation and fast recovery of ultrathin VO2 films provides a practical method to reversibly switch between the monoclinic insulating and tetragonal metallic state at nanosecond time scales.

Applied Physics Letters | 2013

Nanoscale structural evolution of electrically driven insulator to metal transition in vanadium dioxide

Eugene Freeman; Greg Stone; Nikhil Shukla; Hanjong Paik; Jarrett A. Moyer; Zhonghou Cai; Haidan Wen; Roman Engel-Herbert; Darrell G. Schlom; Venkatraman Gopalan; Suman Datta

The structural evolution of tensile strained vanadium dioxide thin films was examined across the electrically driven insulator-to-metal transition by nanoscale hard X-ray diffraction. A metallic filament with rutile (R) structure was found to be the dominant conduction pathway for an electrically driven transition, while the majority of the channel area remained in the monoclinic M1 phase. The filament dimensions were estimated using simultaneous electrical probing and nanoscale X-ray diffraction. Analysis revealed that the width of the conducting channel can be tuned externally using resistive loads in series, enabling the M1/R phase ratio in the phase coexistence regime to be tuned.

Advanced Materials | 2015

Ultrafast Terahertz Gating of the Polarization and Giant Nonlinear Optical Response in BiFeO3 Thin Films

Frank Chen; John Goodfellow; Shi Liu; Ilya Grinberg; Matthias C. Hoffmann; Anoop R. Damodaran; Yi Zhu; Peter Zalden; Xiaohang Zhang; Ichiro Takeuchi; Andrew M. Rappe; Lane W. Martin; Haidan Wen; Aaron M. Lindenberg

Terahertz pulses are applied as an all-optical bias to ferroelectric thin-film BiFeO3 while monitoring the time-dependent ferroelectric polarization through its nonlinear optical response. Modulations in the intensity of the second harmonic light generated by the film correspond to on-off ratios of 220× gateable on femtosecond timescales. Polarization modulations comparable to the built-in static polarization are observed.

Physical Review B | 2016

Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO3

Frank Chen; Yi Zhu; Shi Liu; Yubo Qi; Harold Y. Hwang; Nathaniel C. Brandt; Jia Grace Lu; Florian Quirin; Henrik Enquist; Peter Zalden; Te Hu; John Goodfellow; Meng-Ju Sher; Matthias C. Hoffmann; Diling Zhu; Henrik T. Lemke; James M. Glownia; Matthieu Chollet; Anoop R. Damodaran; J. Park; Z. Cai; I. W. Jung; M. J. Highland; Donald A. Walko; J. W. Freeland; Paul G. Evans; Arturas Vailionis; Jörgen Larsson; Keith A. Nelson; Andrew M. Rappe

The dynamical processes associated with electric field manipulation of the polarization in a ferroelectric remain largely unknown but fundamentally determine the speed and functionality of ferroelectric materials and devices. Here we apply subpicosecond duration, single-cycle terahertz pulses as an ultrafast electric field bias to prototypical BaTiO3 ferroelectric thin films with the atomic-scale response probed by femtosecond x-ray-scattering techniques. We show that electric fields applied perpendicular to the ferroelectric polarization drive large-amplitude displacements of the titanium atoms along the ferroelectric polarization axis, comparable to that of the built-in displacements associated with the intrinsic polarization and incoherent across unit cells. This effect is associated with a dynamic rotation of the ferroelectric polarization switching on and then off on picosecond time scales. These transient polarization modulations are followed by long-lived vibrational heating effects driven by resonant excitation of the ferroelectric soft mode, as reflected in changes in the c-axis tetragonality. The ultrafast structural characterization described here enables a direct comparison with first-principles-based molecular-dynamics simulations, with good agreement obtained. (Less)

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