Hajrial Aswidinnoor
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Hajrial Aswidinnoor.
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | 2016
Yudhistira Nugraha; Sintho Wahyuning Ardie; Munif Ghulammahdi; Suwarno; Hajrial Aswidinnoor
The breeding for iron toxicity tolerant rice needs an effective, efficient, and reliable screening method. The study was aimed to evaluate the best method for screening iron tolerant genotypes at the seedling stage in the greenhouse. Two rice genotypes, Mahsuri (tolerant) and IR64 (sensitive) were grown in three modified media solutions namely, Yoshida-conventional solution (YCS), Yoshida with etylenediamintetraacetic acid (1:2) (YES), and Yoshida with 0.2% agar (YAS). Three levels of iron were tested to observe the severity of their leaf bronzing score (LBS). The optimized solution in the greenhouse was then evaluated using 24 rice genotypes. Using the same genotypes interrelationship, the LBS in the greenhouse with grain yield and its attributes was validated under acute and moderate Fe toxicity in the field. The results showed that the optimized media culture was YAS with 400 mg L-1 of FeSO4. This media had more stable pH and redox potential, it could maintain sufficient Fe2+ supply over 10 days, and it could discriminate of LBS between tolerant and sensitive genotypes. Evaluation using the optimized media solution showed that there was a significant variation among genotypes in shoot dry weight and a significant correlation of relative reduction of shoot dry weight with LBS. The LBS in the greenhouse was correlated with LBS in acute iron stress in the field (r=0.673**) and the grain yield (r= -0.618**). This study has proven that YAS culture media can be used as early identification of iron toxicity tolerant genotypes for supporting breeding programs.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Dwinita Wikan Utami; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Sugiono Moeljopawiro; Ida Hanarida; Reflinur Reflinur
Both Lumbricus rubellus and Pseudomonas putida decompose soil organic matters. The population of P. putida Pf-20 increased if L. rubellus was introduced to the cucumber growth medium. The process of organic decomposition was much better if the medium was introduced with both L. rubellus and P. putida Pf-20, compared to the medium contained only either one of those organisms. The activity of L. rubellus may serve to provide nutrients for both the cucumber and P. putida. The role of P. putida to reduce disease severity was increased if L. rubellus was introduced to the growth medium. The synergism of these two organisms, reduced either the level of disease severity to CMV-48 and C/N ratio of medium, but increased the content of available phosphor and potassium. Key words: Lumbricus rubellus, Pseudomonas putida Pf-20, disease severity of CMV
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Dwinita Wikan Utami; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Sugiono Moeljopawiro; Ida Hanarida; Reflinur
Blast disease affected by Pyricularia grisea causes high percentage of yield losses in rice production. The improvement of durable Blast resistance is difficult due to the complexity of the inheritance of this trait. This study was conducted to evaluate the genetic control and inheritance of Blast resistance trait in interspesific population between IR 64 (accepted Indonesian rice type, medium resistant to Indonesian Blast pathogen) and Oryza rufipogon (AA genome; acc. No.IRGC#105491; donor for Blast resistance). Six populations, i.e. P 1 , P 2 , F 1 , F 2 , BCP 1 , and BCP 2 , were inoculated with three Indonesian races of Blast pathogen. The disease intensity was determined on the basis of disease leaf area (DLA). The three types of gene interactions (additive, dominance, and epistatis) were significantly involved in this trait. Among the digenic epistasis interactions, all of the additive x additive [i], additive x dominance (j) and dominance x dominance (l) contributed to the trait. Broad-sense heritability ranged from 50.30 up to 91.20%, while the narrow heritability ranged from 16.98 up to 73.20%. The presence of additive gene effect indicated that selection of this trait is promising.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan | 2017
Rini Hermanasari; Sintho Wahyuning Ardie; Suwarno Suwarno; Munif Ghulamahdi; Hajrial Aswidinnoor
Phosphorus deficiency is common in rice cultivated soils and particularly acting as a limiting factor in the acid sulfate and acid upland soils. Improved variety adapted to low soil-P condition is needed to reduce the need of P fertilizer and to increase rice yield. A study was conducted on the application of modified bulk selection method in rice breeding to develop lines adapted to low soil-P condition. The materials used in the study were two populations of F3 generation derived from crosses of IR6008023/Bernas Prima and Gampai/Progol. The materials were planted on P sub-optimum condition at Muara Experiment Station, Bogor, West Java, to obtain F4 and F5 population, selected using modified bulk method. The F5 population were planted on two environment conditions, namely on P optimum (36 kg/ha P2O5) and on P sub-optimum (without P fertilizer) to obtain F6 population. A total of 40 lines from each population were selected, so that 160 F6 lines were obtained. The F6 lines were evaluated on P+ and P- conditions, using augmented design. Result showed that selection for lines adapted to P- should be done on P- condition, whereas for those adapted to P+ could be done on either P+ or P- condition. Lines selected for P- were different from those selected for P+, and some lines selected for both P- and P+ felt at different yield ranks. It was concluded that modified bulk method followed by line selection was effective to develop breeding lines adapted to P- or P+. For P-, the modified bulk and line selection should be conducted in P-, whereas for P+, the modified bulk could be planted on P+ or P-, but the line selection should be conducted on P+ condition.
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian | 2014
Ahmad Riduan; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Sudarsono; Djoko Santoso; Endrizal
Assessment on Application of Technology in Farming Production of Robusta Coffee in Prima Tani Location in Pasuruan District. Coffee is main commodity in desa Tutur, Prima Tani location of kabupaten Pasuruan, East Java. The low coffee productivity and high leaf rust severity are still coffee farming problems. Accordingly, on Prima Tani activity introduced a technology innovation formulated in an assessment. The objective of the assessment was to know the effect of recommended production technology towards leaf rust severity and coffee productivity. Assessment was conducted since September 2007 till September 2008, using a separate plot design with two treatments. The treatments assessed were recommended production technology (T1), and farmer’s practices (T2). Each treatment was applied on Five farmer’s Robusta coffee planting (2.5 ha and 5-10 years age, 1,000 trees/ha) as a replicate, following 10 farmers participatory. Data of leaf rust severity, production and cost production were collected to be analyzed statistically and economically to identify the farming profit. The result of the assessment showed that the recommended production technology decrease the leaf rust severity of 60%, increase the coffee productivity of 89,5%, and increase the farming profit of 120%. Key words: Production technology, coffee farming, leaf rust disease, productivity Kopi adalah komoditas unggulan di lokasi Prima Tani Desa Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Rendahnya produktivitas dan tingginya penyakit karat daun masih merupakan kendala pada budidaya kopi. Untuk itu pada kegiatan Prima Tani dilakukan introduksi inovasi teknologi dalam bentuk suatu pengkajian. Tujuan pengkajian adalah mengetahui kinerja teknologi produksi rekomendasi terhadap perkembangan penyakit karat daun dan produktivitas tanaman kopi. Pengkajian dilaksanakan mulai September 2007 sampai dengan September 2008, menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah, terdiri dari dua perlakuan yaitu: (1) penerapan teknologi produksi sesuai rekomendasi (T1), dan (2) penerapan teknologi petani (T2). Masing-masing perlakuan diterapkan pada lima kebun kopi Robusta (sebagai ulangan) seluas 2,5 ha, umur tanaman kopi 5-10 tahun, melibatkan 10 petani secara partisipatif. Rata-rata populasi tanaman kopi 1.000 pohon/ha. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi tingkat kerusakan tanaman oleh penyakit karat daun yang didasarkan pada skor kerusakan, produksi, dan biaya produksi. Data dianalisis secara statistik, dan ekonomis untuk mengetahui keuntungan usahatani. Hasil kajian menujukkan bahwa kinerja teknologi produksi rekomendasi menurunkan tingkat kerusakan tanaman oleh penyakit karat daun rata-rata 60%, serta meningkatkan produktivitas 89,5%, dan meningkatkan pendapatan usahatani 120%. Kata kunci: Teknologi produksi, usahatani kopi, penyakit karat daun, produktivitasAssessment on Utilization of Grain Threshers and Dryer Machine for Lowland Rice in West Java. The main problem in rice production is high loss (more than 20%) due to limited implementation of post harvest technology, especially during rice trashing. The objectives of study are to evaluate the existing performance and feasibility of thresher and dryer utilization in lowland rice farming system Assessment on thresher and dryer utilization in lowland rice in West Java. The study was conducted from January to December, 2008 in the districts of Karawang, Indramayu, Bandung, Cianjur, Ciamis and Garut. The study was conducted through two approaches, namely: Participatery Rural Appraisal and survey. Results of the study showed that: (1) Rental business of thresher and dryer were relatively profitable as indicated by the value of R/C of greater than one (1.52 for thresher and 1.9 for dryer), pay back period of 2.42 years for thresher and 5,84 years for dryer (less than its economic value of 5 years and 7 years, respectively), and break event point of 122,2t/year for thresher and 261,52 t/years (less than its capacity of 50 and 300 t/year, respectively); (2) The kind of thresher which suitable to be developed in West Java was characterized by not heavy so its very easy to operate under various lowland rice conditions, easily maintenance as well as produced by local industry. Key words: Thresher, dryer, performance, feasibility Salah satu masalah penting dalam produksi padi adalah tingkat kehilangan hasil panen yang masih tinggi, sekitar 20%, yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh masih terbatasnya penerapan teknologi pada pascapanen, terutama pada perontokan padi. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa penggunaan pedal thresher dan power thresher dapat menekan kehilangan hasil dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas gabah. Tujuan pengkajian adalah mengevaluasi keragaan dan kelayakan penggunaan thresher dan dryer pada padi sawah di Jawa Barat. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada Januari sampai Desember 2008 di enam kabupaten, yaitu: Karawang, Indramayu, Bandung, Cianjur, Ciamis, dan Garut, dilaksanakan dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu Pemahaman Pedesaan Secara Partisipatif dan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisa finansial berupa Net Revenue Cost ratio (Net R/C), Titik Impas, dan Pay Back Period (PBP). Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa usaha jasa power thresher dan dryer layak diusahakan karena masing-masing memberikan nilai Revenue-Cost Rasio (R/C) 1,52 dan 1,88; nilai Pay Back Period (PBP) 2,42 tahun dan 5,84 tahun (lebih rendah dari nilai ekonomisnya yaitu 5 tahun dan 7 tahun), dan Titik Impas 122,2 dan 261,5 t/th (lebih rendah dari kapasitasnya yaitu 50 t/th dan 300 t/th). Jenis thresher yang sesuai dikembangkan di Jawa Barat adalah dengan karakteristik yang relatif ringan sehingga mudah melintasi berbagai medan seperti pematang sawah dan petakan kecil, perbaikan dan perawatan mudah, serta mudah diproduksi oleh pengrajin. Kata kunci: Thresher, dryer, keragaan, kelayakan usahaTolerance of Transgenic Tobacco Expressing P5CS Gene Against Drought Stress. Drought is major osmotic stress that dramatically limit plant growth and productivity. Proline accumulation has been correlated with tolerance to drought stress in plants. Therefore, overproduction of proline in plants may lead to increased tolerance against these abiotic stresses. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of drought stress at the period of 15 – 90 days after planting (DAP) on growth of T1 plants derived from transgenic GS tobacco, to evaluate their tolerance against drought stress, and to determine their leaf proline content. One group of the tobacco plants were grown in plastic pots and subjected to stress condition during the period of 15 – 90 DAP. The other group was grown optimally in plastic pot up to harvest period. All tobacco plants were harvested at 91 DAP. Leaf proline content was determined at 63 DAP (after six periods of stress). The results indicated reduced plant height, shoot diameter, leaf number, leaf dry weight and leaf area of all tobacco plants. Stress sensitivity index calculated using leaf dry weight character grouped T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenic GS tobacco into tolerance, medium tolerance and sensitive against drought stress while that of non-transgenic GS tobacco were only medium tolerance and sensitive against drought stress. Higher leaf proline content under drought stress was observed in all T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenic tobacco than that of non-transgenic GS tobacco. These data demonstrated that proline accumulation as an osmoprotectant and that over-expression P5CS gene results in the increased tolerance to osmotic stress in T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenic tobacco. Key words: Proline biosynthesis, proline accumulation, sensitivity index, biomass yield Stres kekeringan merupakan masalah utama stres osmotik yang dapat menjadi faktor pembatas pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman. Akumulasi prolina berkorelasi dengan tingkat toleransi tanaman terhadap stres kekeringan. Oleh karena itu over-produksi prolina diduga dapat meningkatkan toleransi tanaman terhadap stres kekeringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh stres kekeringan melalui pengurangan air terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman TI zuriat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CS generasi TO, (2) menganalisis akumulasi prolina daun tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CS generasi TO kondisi stres dan non-stres, serta (3) menganalisis hubungan antara akumulasi prolina daun pada kondisi stres kekeringan dengan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman. Percobaan dua faktor (tembakau transgenik stres kekeringan) disusun dengan rancangan acak kelompok. Sebagian tanaman yang diuji disiram setiap hari hingga mencapai kondisi kapasitas lapang dari awal tanam sampai dengan 90 HST dan digunakan sebagai perlakuan non-stres. Sedangkan kelompok tanaman yang lain dipelihara dalam kondisi kapasitas lapang hingga 14 HST dan diberi perlakuan stres kekeringan dari umur 15 HST hingga panen (90 HST). Kandungan prolina diukur pada umur 63 HST (setelah 6x periode stres). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua tanaman tembakau yang diuji mempunyai tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah, berat kering dan luas daun yang lebih rendah akibat perlakuan stres kekeringan yang diberikan dibandingkan dengan kondisi non-stres. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan indeks sensitivitas terhadap stres kekeringan menggunakan peubah bobot daun kering per tanaman maka tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CS generasi TO yang diuji bersegregasi untuk kategori toleran, medium toleran dan peka, sedangkan tembakau GS non-transgenik dikategorikan sebagai medium toleran dan peka terhadap stres kekeringan. Tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CS generasi TO menunjukkan kandungan prolina yang lebih tinggi dalam kondisi stres kekeringan dibandingkan dengan tembakau GS non-transgenik. Peningkatan akumulasi prolina yang cukup tinggi akibat over-ekspresi dari gen P5CS diduga berkorelasi dengan peningkatan toleransi tanaman terhadap stres kekeringan. Kata kunci : Biosintesis prolina, akumulasi prolina, indeks sensitivitas terhadap stres, produksi biomasa
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan | 2014
Muhammad Azrai; Made Jana Mejaya; Hajrial Aswidinnoor
Quality Protein Maize (QPM) is a special maize functioning as source of carbohydrate and protein, which contain protein components lysine and tryptophan higher than that of normal maize. Experiment was carried out to evaluate the combining abilities of inbred lines introgressed with opaque-2 mutant gene and their hybrid performances on grain yield and other agronomic characters. Genotype test consisted of eight lines, eight testers, sixty four hybrid crosses between lines x tester and four check varieties. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, with two replications, on the lowland in Walenreng (Bone) and on dry land in Bajeng (Gowa). Variance analyses were done following the line x tester model. Results showed that the effect of genotype x location interactions were significant for ear weight and yield characters. The grain yields of three lines showed positive and significant general combining ability those were Nei9008+o2-09 (L1), Nei9008+o2-14 (L3) and Nei9008 + o2-27 (L7), but for the tester was only MR10+o2-31 (T7). Another eight crosses were showing significant effect for specific combining ability, but only combination of Nei9008+o2-09 and o2+MR10-31 lines was significantly superior to all check hybrids.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan | 2014
Indrastuti A. Rumanti; Bambang Sapto Purwoko; Iswari S. Dewi; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Satoto Satoto
Good male sterile lines should have high and stable sterility, as well as have good characters of flowers that enhances the outcrossing ability. Research was conducted at Sukamandi field station during DS of 2010 to study the character and flowering behaviour and their genetic variability among the new CMS lines. Five new CMS lines were tested in the field in three replicates of randomized complete block design. The results showed that CMS derived from the Wild Abortive, Kalinga and Gambiaca all were early flowering. The new CMS lines have better flower characters than that of IR58025A, including the following: bigger stigma, higher stigma exsertion percentage, wider degree of glume opening, and longer duration of glume opening. Better flowering behaviour enhanced the ability of outcrossing, and resulted in seed set obtained from CMS lines, up to 25.90%; the traditional IR58025A CMS line produced seed set of only 2.98%. The significant positive correlation was found between seed set with stigma width (r = 0.44*), with stigma exsertion (r = 0.54*); and with degree of glume opening of male sterile lines (r = 0.42*); also with filament length (r = 0.47*) and degree of glume opening of maintainer line (r = 0.57**). Those characters are important for the seed set of CMS lines in the hybrid seed production.
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia | 2005
Sholeh Avivi; Sudarsono Sudarsono; Satriyas Ilyas; Hajrial Aswidinnoor
The aims of this research were: (1) to obtain the transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana T0 which have various cp Peanut stripe virus (PStV) genes construct (pBINRCP 1, pBINRCP2, pBINRCP3, and pBINRCP4); (2) to investigate the resistance of transgenic N. benthamiana T0 toward PStV infection; (3) to investigate the effectiveness of those construct to protect N. benthamiana T0 toward PStV infection. To achieve those objectives N. benthamiana T0 (70 plants) were regenerated, PCR tested and infected with PStV using biological analysis methods. The result showed that all of PStV construct gave the resistancy toward PStV infection. The phenotypic respon of those plants were the PBINRCPl plants 35.7% resistance, 0% recovery, and 64.3% susceptible, the PBINRCP2 plants 41.7%, resistance, 0% recovery, and 58,3% susceptible, the PBINRCP3 plants 71.4% resistance, 0% recovery, and 28.6% susceptible, and the PBINRCP4 plants 25.0% resistance, 25.0% recovery, and 50.0% susceptible.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2005
Ahmad Riduan; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Jajah Koswara; Sudarsono
The objectives of this experiments were to determine the effects of drought stress initiated at vegetative growth stage on yield of peanut, to evaluate the tolerance of six peanut cultivars against drought stress, and to determine their leaf prolin and total sugar content. One group of peanut plants were grown in plastic pots and subjected to stress condition during the period of 15-45 days (Experiment I) or 15-80 days (Experiment II) by watering them only in every 4-7 days and were harvested at days 75 (Experiment I) or at maturity (Experiment II). The other group was grown optimally in plastic pot up to harvest period. Leaf prolin content was determined at 12 (before stress), 30 (after three periods of stress), 47 (after six periods of stress), and 64 days in Experiment I and only after six periods of drought stress in Experiment II. Results indicated that drought stress that was initiated at vegetative growth stage reduced plant height, branches number, shoot and root dry weight, and peanut yield. Sensitivity index calculated based on peanut yield showed that peanut cv. Jerapah and Singa were a medium tolerance while Gajah, Kelinci, Macan, and Simpai were sensitive against drought stress. Higher increased in leaf proline content after drought stress was observed in peanut cv. Jerapah and Singa, while less increased was observed in peanut cv. Gajah, Kelinci, Macan and Simpai. Total leaf sugar content of peanut cv. Jerapah, Gajah, Macan and Simpai decreased under drought stress while that of Singa and Kelinci were the same as that under optimal condition. The ability to increase leaf proline content and maintain total leaf sugar content under drought stress could be used as indicators of drought tolerance in peanut cultivars.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2005
Ahmad Riduan; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Jajah Koswara; Sudarsono Sudarsono
Since the discovery of cryopreservation method for bull semen, cryopreservation become an alternative method for maintaining gamet resources of certain animal which is threatened or near extinction. This technology was then applied to the preservation of embryo, oocyte, ovary and testis. The application of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for which sperm motility is unnecessary had supported the effort to create simplified method such as freeze-drying for sperm preservation. Due to the benefit of ICSI over the conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) the spermatozoon could be mechanically driven to pass through the zona pellucida and entering the cytoplasm of oocytes prior to fertilization. The freeze-drying method is an alternative method in sperm preservation which ignored the motility of sperm. The sperm resulted from this technique is in drying state, therefore, it might be stored in room temperature or in refrigerator. Many reports have claimed that freeze-dried sperm which is not motile but has an intact DNA was able to fertilize oocytes, even produced offspring in mouse.A screening for antiinflammatory effects was performed on several Indonesian Umbelliferae plants based on the contents of saponins and flavonoids. They were compared with Bupleurum falcatum L. as an introduced antiinflammatory plant. Roots and grains of each plant were collected, dried, and extracted with ethanol. The ethanolic extracts were then analyzed for their saponin and flavonoid contents by gravimetric and UV-vis spectrophotometric method. Antiinflammatory activity test was conducted on carragenin induced rat paw oedema. The results showed that the highest contents of saponin and flavonoid were found in the grains of Apium graveolens L. and showed antiinflammatory effect that was equivalent to that of the root of B. falcatum.