
Contemporary Clinical Trials | 2012

A phase I trial of carboplatin administered by convection-enhanced delivery to patients with recurrent/progressive glioblastoma multiforme

Edward White; Alison Bienemann; Hannah Taylor; Kirsten Hopkins; Alison Cameron; Steven S. Gill

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the commonest primary malignant brain tumour in adults. Standard treatment comprises surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy; however this condition remains incurable as these tumours are highly invasive and involve critical areas of the brain making it impossible to remove them surgically or cure them with radiotherapy. In the majority of cases the tumour recurs within 2 to 3 cm of the original site of tumour resection. Furthermore, the blood-brain barrier profoundly limits the access of many systemically administered chemotherapeutics to the tumour. Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) is a promising technique of direct intracranial drug delivery involving the implantation of microcatheters into the brain. Carboplatin represents an ideal chemotherapy to administer using this technique as glioblastoma cells are highly sensitive to carboplatin in vitro at concentrations that are not toxic to normal brain in vivo. This protocol describes a single-centre phase I dose-escalation study of carboplatin administered by CED to patients with recurrent or progressive GBM despite full standard treatment. This trial will incorporate 6 cohorts of 3 patients each. Cohorts will be treated in a sequential manner with increasing doses of carboplatin, subject to dose-limiting toxicity not being observed. This protocol should facilitate the identification of the maximum-tolerated infused concentration of carboplatin by CED into the supratentorial brain. This should facilitate the safe application of this technique in a phase II trial, treating patients with GBM, as well as for the treatment of other forms of malignant brain tumours, including metastases.

Molecular Therapy | 2015

Enhanced Efficacy of the CDNF/MANF Family by Combined Intranigral Overexpression in the 6-OHDA Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease

Oscar Cordero-Llana; Benjamin C Houghton; Federica Rinaldi; Hannah Taylor; Rafael J. Yáñez-Muñoz; James B. Uney; Liang-Fong Wong; Maeve A. Caldwell

Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor (CDNF) and Mesencephalic Astrocyte-derived Neurotrophic factor (MANF) are members of a recently discovered family of neurotrophic factors (NTFs). Here, we used intranigral or intrastriatal lentiviral vector-mediated expression to evaluate their efficacy at protecting dopaminergic function in the 6-OHDA model of Parkinsons disease (PD). In contrast to the well-studied Glial-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF), no beneficial effects were demonstrated by striatal overexpression of either protein. Interestingly, nigral overexpression of CDNF decreased amphetamine-induced rotations and increased tyroxine hydroxylase (TH) striatal fiber density but had no effect on numbers of TH(+) cells in the SN. Nigral MANF overexpression had no effect on amphetamine-induced rotations or TH striatal fiber density but resulted in a significant preservation of TH(+) cells. Combined nigral overexpression of both factors led to a robust reduction in amphetamine-induced rotations, greater increase in striatal TH-fiber density and significant protection of TH(+) cells in the SN. We conclude that nigral CDNF and MANF delivery is more efficacious than striatal delivery. This is also the first study to demonstrate that combined NTF can have synergistic effects that result in enhanced neuroprotection, suggesting that multiple NTF delivery may be more efficacious for the treatment of PD than the single NTF approaches attempted so far.

Stem Cell Research | 2013

Stepwise, non-adherent differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to generate basal forebrain cholinergic neurons via hedgehog signaling

Lucy A. Crompton; Meg L. Byrne; Hannah Taylor; Talitha L. Kerrigan; Gilles Bru-Mercier; Jennifer L. Badger; Peter A. Barbuti; Jihoon Jo; Sue J. Tyler; Shelley J Allen; Tilo Kunath; Kwangwook Cho; Maeve A. Caldwell

Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (bfCNs) which provide innervation to the hippocampus and cortex, are required for memory and learning, and are primarily affected in Alzheimers Disease (AD), resulting in related cognitive decline. Therefore generation of a source of bfCNs from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) is crucial for in vitro disease modeling and development of novel AD therapies. In addition, for the advancement of regenerative approaches there is a requirement for an accurate developmental model to study the neurogenesis and survival of this population. Here we demonstrate the efficient production of bfCNs, using a novel embryoid body (EB) based non-adherent differentiation (NAdD) protocol. We establish a specific basal forebrain neural stem cell (NSC) phenotype via expression of the basal forebrain transcription factors NKX2.1 and LHX8, as well as the general forebrain marker FOXG1. We present evidence that this lineage is achieved via recapitulation of embryonic events, with induction of intrinsic hedgehog signaling, through the use of a 3D non-adherent differentiation system. This is the first example of hPSC-derived basal forebrain-like NSCs, which are scalable via self-renewal in prolonged culture. Furthermore upon terminal differentiation these basal forebrain-like NSCs generate high numbers of cholinergic neurons expressing the specific markers ChAT, VACht and ISL1. These hPSC-derived bfCNs possess characteristics that are crucial in a model to study AD related cholinergic neuronal loss in the basal forebrain. Examples are expression of the therapeutic target p75(NTR), the release of acetylcholine, and demonstration of a mature, and functional electrophysiological profile. In conclusion, this work provides a renewable source of human functional bfCNs applicable for studying AD specifically in the cholinergic system, and also provides a model of the key embryonic events in human bfCN development.

Journal of Controlled Release | 2014

PEGylation improves the receptor-mediated transfection efficiency of peptide-targeted, self-assembling, anionic nanocomplexes

Aristides D. Tagalakis; Gavin D. Kenny; Alison Bienemann; David McCarthy; Mustafa M. Munye; Hannah Taylor; Marcella Wyatt; Mark F. Lythgoe; Edward White; Stephen L. Hart

Non-viral vector formulations comprise typically complexes of nucleic acids with cationic polymers or lipids. However, for in vivo applications cationic formulations suffer from problems of poor tissue penetration, non-specific binding to cells, interaction with serum proteins and cell adhesion molecules and can lead to inflammatory responses. Anionic formulations may provide a solution to these problems but they have not been developed to the same extent as cationic formulations due to difficulties of nucleic acid packaging and poor transfection efficiency. We have developed novel PEGylated, anionic nanocomplexes containing cationic targeting peptides that act as a bridge between PEGylated anionic liposomes and plasmid DNA. At optimized ratios, the components self-assemble into anionic nanocomplexes with a high packaging efficiency of plasmid DNA. Anionic PEGylated nanocomplexes were resistant to aggregation in serum and transfected cells with a far higher degree of receptor-targeted specificity than their homologous non-PEGylated anionic and cationic counterparts. Gadolinium-labeled, anionic nanoparticles, administered directly to the brain by convection-enhanced delivery displayed improved tissue penetration and dispersal as well as more widespread cellular transfection than cationic formulations. Anionic PEGylated nanocomplexes have widespread potential for in vivo gene therapy due to their targeted transfection efficiency and ability to penetrate tissues.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2012

The development of an implantable catheter system for chronic or intermittent convection-enhanced delivery

Alison Bienemann; E. White; Max Woolley; Emma Castrique; D.E. Johnson; Marcella Wyatt; G. Murray; Hannah Taylor; Neil U. Barua; Steven S. Gill

Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) is a promising technique for the administration of therapeutic agents such as cytotoxics, neurotrophins and enzymes to the brain. In this study we describe the development of an implantable catheter system that is compatible with long-term intermittent CED. Catheters made from fused silica, PEEK or carbothane, and of various internal and external diameters were implanted in the striatum of rats and assessed for patency at 21 or 28 days. A high-rate of catheter blockage was observed with all fused silica and PEEK catheters. Carbothane catheters with an outer diameter of 0.6mm and an inner diameter of 0.35 mm had significantly lower rates of blockage (P≤0.01). Carbothane catheters were then implanted into 4 Large White/Landrace pigs and 4 NIH miniature pigs and infusions undertaken at monthly intervals to evaluate catheter patency and infusate distribution. Catheter patency was demonstrated for a maximum period of 163 days in one animal. Widespread and reproducible intraputamenal CED could be achieved with intermittent drug delivery at flow-rates as high as 5 μl/min. Problems were encountered using the pig model due to catheter distortion from rapid animal growth. In conclusion, it is possible to achieve intermittent high-flow CED with a chronic implanted carbothane catheter with a low rate of catheter blockage.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2011

A robust MRI-compatible system to facilitate highly accurate stereotactic administration of therapeutic agents to targets within the brain of a large animal model

E. White; Max Woolley; Alison Bienemann; D.E. Johnson; Marcella Wyatt; G. Murray; Hannah Taylor; Steven S. Gill

Research highlights ▶ Development of a highly accurate and robust method for MRI-guided, stereotactic delivery of catheters into the brain of pigs. ▶ Reliable head immobilisation, acquisition of high-resolution MR images, precise co-registration of MRI and stereotactic spaces to facilitate accurate burr hole-generation and catheter implantation. ▶ Implants were accurately placed into the putamen with a mean Euclidean distance of 0.623 mm (standard deviation of 0.33 mm).

Human Gene Therapy | 2011

Evaluation and Optimization of the Administration of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors (Serotypes 2/1, 2/2, 2/rh8, 2/9, and 2/rh10) by Convection-Enhanced Delivery to the Striatum

Edward White; Alison Bienemann; Miguel Sena-Esteves; Hannah Taylor; Chotirote Bunnun; Emma Castrique; Steven S. Gill

Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors is a promising approach for delivery of therapeutic transgenes to the brain. In this study we have systematically examined vector dosing in vivo. Infusions of rAAV serotypes 2/1, 2/2, 2/rh8, 2/9, and 2/rh10 expressing an enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter gene were undertaken into the striatum of rats and pigs using CED. Vector distribution, as defined by the volume of distribution and number of transduced cells following each infusion, was determined using stereological methods. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the transductional tropism of serotypes and to evaluate for the presence of immune cell infiltration into the brain. Vector distribution was highly variable between serotypes. Infusion rate had no significant effect on vector distribution or the occurrence of tissue damage. For serotypes 2/1, 2/2 and 2/rh10, as the vector concentration was increased beyond 10(12) vg/ml, no increase in vector distribution was observed. In contrast, for serotypes 2/rh8 and 2/9, retrograde axonal transport was observed above this threshold concentration. Cell transduction was principally neuronal for all serotypes and was associated with a low-level immune response. In planning clinical trials it is critical that these observations are considered in order to achieve optimal vector dosing.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Clearance and Toxicity of Recombinant Methionyl Human Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (r-metHu GDNF) Following Acute Convection-Enhanced Delivery into the Striatum

Hannah Taylor; Neil Barua; Alison Bienemann; Marcella Wyatt; Emma Castrique; Rebecca R. Foster; Matthias Luz; Christian Fibiger; Erich Mohr; Steven S. Gill

Background Despite promising early results, clinical trials involving the continuous delivery of recombinant methionyl human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (r-metHuGDNF) into the putamen for the treatment of Parkinsons disease have shown evidence of poor distribution and toxicity due to point-source accumulation. Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) has the potential to facilitate more widespread and clinically effective drug distribution. Aims We investigated acute CED of r-metHuGDNF into the striatum of normal rats in order to assess tissue clearance, toxicity (neuron loss, gliosis, microglial activation, and decreases in synaptophysin), synaptogenesis and neurite-outgrowth. We investigated a range of clinically relevant infused concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 µg/µL) and time points (2 and 4 weeks) in order to rationalise a dosing regimen suitable for clinical translation. Results Two weeks after single dose CED, r-metHuGDNF was below the limit of detection by ELISA but detectable by immunohistochemistry when infused at low concentrations (0.1 and 0.2 µg/µL). At these concentrations, there was no associated neuronal loss (neuronal nuclei, NeuN, immunohistochemistry) or synaptic toxicity (synaptophysin ELISA). CED at an infused concentration of 0.2 µg/µL was associated with a significant increase in synaptogenesis (p<0.01). In contrast, high concentrations of r-metHuGDNF (above 0.6 µg/µL) were associated with neuronal and synaptic toxicity (p<0.01). Markers for gliosis (glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP) and microglia (ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1, Iba1) were restricted to the needle track and the presence of microglia had diminished by 4 weeks post-infusion. No change in neurite outgrowth (Growth associated protein 43, GAP43, mRNA) compared to artificial cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF) control was observed with any infused concentration. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that acute CED of low concentrations of GDNF, with dosing intervals determined by tissue clearance, has most potential for effective clinical translation by optimising distribution and minimising the risk of toxic accumulation.

Current Biology | 2017

Ephs and ephrins

Hannah Taylor; Jessica Campbell; Catherine D. Nobes

Eph receptors comprise the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), with fourteen receptors divided into two subfamilies - EphAs and EphBs. Yet, despite their multitude of functions in almost all tissues of the body, these receptors represent one of the most underappreciated RTK families. What makes Eph receptors unique is that their cognate ligands, the ephrins, are tethered to the cell surface, in contrast to other RTKs whose ligands are generally soluble. This phenomenon means that signalling through Eph receptors is largely dependent on cell-cell contact. In this way, Eph receptors allow cells to sense their immediate surrounding cellular microenvironment and make appropriate behavioural decisions. For example, Eph receptors control whether two contacting cells are repelled by, or attracted to, each other. As such, they play an important role in normal physiological processes, including embryonic tissue boundary formation and directional guidance of developing axons, while in adult tissues they aid in wound healing and the maintenance of intestinal cell populations in particular compartments. Aberrant expression of these receptors, however, has been implicated in many pathologies, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. In this Primer we will discuss some of the key aspects of signalling by Ephs and ephrins that make them pivotal players in health and disease.

Human Gene Therapy | 2012

Distribution properties of lentiviral vectors administered into the striatum by convection-enhanced delivery

Edward White; Alison Bienemann; Lisa Megraw; Chotirote Bunnun; Marcella Wyatt; Hannah Taylor; Steven S. Gill

Before the successful use of lentiviral vectors in clinical trials it is essential that strategies for direct vector delivery into the brain be evaluated in vivo, particularly as these vectors are significantly larger than the brain extracellular space. To date no such studies have been undertaken. In this study, convection-enhanced delivery (CED) was employed in an attempt to achieve widespread lentiviral delivery in the striatum. Infusions of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) and HIV vector constructs expressing the reporter gene β-galactosidase (β-Gal) were undertaken into the striatum at a range of flow rates and viral titers. In rats, all EIAV and HIV infusions led to the extensive transduction of cells in perivascular spaces throughout the brain. Although infusions were performed under standardized conditions, the number and volume of distribution of transduced cells were highly variable, with approximately one-third of EIAV infusions leading to no concentrated cell transduction in the striatum. Heparin coinfusion had no effect on EIAV distribution, although coinfusion of nimodipine resulted in a significant reduction in the number and volume of distribution of transduced cells. Intrastriatal EIAV delivery in pigs led to extensive transduction of mainly neurons, which could be effectively visualized in real time by T(2)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. No infusions were associated with a significant inflammatory response. Therefore, despite its large size, lentiviral vectors can be administered by CED to the striatum in both small and large animal models. However, the variability in vector distribution under standardized conditions and widespread vector distribution through the perivascular spaces raise serious concerns regarding the practicality of lentivirus-mediated gene therapy in the brain in clinical practice.

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