
Featured researches published by Hannes Moser.

algorithmic game theory | 2010

Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Cluster Vertex Deletion

Falk Hüffner; Christian Komusiewicz; Hannes Moser; Rolf Niedermeier

We initiate the first systematic study of the NP-hard Cluster Vertex Deletion (CVD) problem (unweighted and weighted) in terms of fixed-parameter algorithmics. In the unweighted case, one searches for a minimum number of vertex deletions to transform a graph into a collection of disjoint cliques. The parameter is the number of vertex deletions. We present efficient fixed-parameter algorithms for CVD applying the fairly new iterative compression technique. Moreover, we study the variant of CVD where the maximum number of cliques to be generated is prespecified. Here, we exploit connections to fixed-parameter algorithms for (weighted) Vertex Cover.

Journal of Discrete Algorithms | 2009

Parameterized complexity of finding regular induced subgraphs

Hannes Moser; Dimitrios M. Thilikos

The r-Regular Induced Subgraph problem asks, given a graph G and a non-negative integer k, whether G contains an r-regular induced subgraph of size at least k, that is, an induced subgraph in which every vertex has degree exactly r. In this paper we examine its parameterization k-Sizer-Regular Induced Subgraph with k as parameter and prove that it is W[1]-hard. We also examine the parameterized complexity of the dual parameterized problem, namely, the k-Almostr-Regular Graph problem, which asks for a given graph G and a non-negative integer k whether G can be made r-regular by deleting at most k vertices. For this problem, we prove the existence of a problem kernel of size O(kr(r+k)^2).

Discrete Applied Mathematics | 2009

The parameterized complexity of the induced matching problem

Hannes Moser; Somnath Sikdar

Given a graph G and an integer k>=0, the NP-complete Induced Matching problem asks whether there exists an edge subset M of size at least k such that M is a matching and no two edges of M are joined by an edge of G. The complexity of this problem on general graphs, as well as on many restricted graph classes has been studied intensively. However, other than the fact that the problem is W[1]-hard on general graphs, little is known about the parameterized complexity of the problem in restricted graph classes. In this work, we provide first-time fixed-parameter tractability results for planar graphs, bounded-degree graphs, graphs with girth at least six, bipartite graphs, line graphs, and graphs of bounded treewidth. In particular, we give a linear-size problem kernel for planar graphs.

Optimization Letters | 2012

Parameterized computational complexity of finding small-diameter subgraphs

Alexander Schäfer; Christian Komusiewicz; Hannes Moser; Rolf Niedermeier

Finding subgraphs of small diameter in undirected graphs has been seemingly unexplored from a parameterized complexity perspective. We perform the first parameterized complexity study on the corresponding NP-hard s-Club problem. We consider two parameters: the solution size and its dual.

Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks | 2009

Iterative Compression for Exactly Solving NP-Hard Minimization Problems

Jiong Guo; Hannes Moser; Rolf Niedermeier

We survey the conceptual framework and several applications of the iterative compression technique introduced in 2004 by Reed, Smith, and Vetta. This technique has proven very useful for achieving a number of recent breakthroughs in the development of fixed-parameter algorithms for NP-hard minimization problems. There is a clear potential for further applications as well as a further development of the technique itself. We describe several algorithmic results based on iterative compression and point out some challenges for future research.

conference on current trends in theory and practice of informatics | 2009

A Problem Kernelization for Graph Packing

Hannes Moser

For a fixed connected graph H, we consider the NP-complete H-packing problem, where, given an undirected graph G and an integer k e 0, one has to decide whether there exist k vertex-disjoint copies of H in G. We give a problem kernel of O(k |V(H)| 1) vertices, that is, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm that reduces a given instance of H-packing to an equivalent instance with at most O(k |V(H)| 1) vertices. In particular, this result specialized to H being a triangle improves a problem kernel for Triangle Packing from O(k 3) vertices by Fellows et al. [WG 2004] to O(k 2) vertices.

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics | 2009

On Generating Triangle-Free Graphs

Daniel Brügmann; Christian Komusiewicz; Hannes Moser

We show that the problem to decide whether a graph can be made triangle-free with at most k edge deletions remains NP-complete even when restricted to planar graphs of maximum degree seven. In addition, we provide polynomial-time data reduction rules for this problem and obtain problem kernels consisting of 6k vertices for general graphs and 11k/3 vertices for planar graphs.

Theoretical Computer Science | 2009

Isolation concepts for efficiently enumerating dense subgraphs

Christian Komusiewicz; Falk Hüffner; Hannes Moser; Rolf Niedermeier

In an undirected graph G=(V,E), a set of k vertices is called c-isolated if it has less than c@?k outgoing edges. Ito and Iwama [H. Ito, K. Iwama, Enumeration of isolated cliques and pseudo-cliques, ACM Transactions on Algorithms (2008) (in press)] gave an algorithm to enumerate all c-isolated maximal cliques in O(4^c@?c^4@?|E|) time. We extend this to enumerating all maximal c-isolated cliques (which are a superset) and improve the running time bound to O(2.89^c@?c^2@?|E|), using modifications which also facilitate parallelizing the enumeration. Moreover, we introduce a more restricted and a more general isolation concept and show that both lead to faster enumeration algorithms. Finally, we extend our considerations to s-plexes (a relaxation of the clique notion), providing a W[1]-hardness result when the size of the s-plex is the parameter and a fixed-parameter algorithm for enumerating isolated s-plexes when the parameter describes the degree of isolation.

Information Processing Letters | 2007

Feedback arc set in bipartite tournaments is NP-complete

Jiong Guo; Falk Hüffner; Hannes Moser

The Feedback Arc Set problem asks whether it is possible to delete at most k arcs to make a directed graph acyclic. We show that Feedback Arc Set is NP-complete for bipartite tournaments, that is, directed graphs that are orientations of complete bipartite graphs.

workshop on graph theoretic concepts in computer science | 2010

Measuring indifference: unit interval vertex deletion

René van Bevern; Christian Komusiewicz; Hannes Moser; Rolf Niedermeier

Making a graph unit interval by a minimum number of vertex deletions is NP-hard. The problem is motivated by applications in seriation and measuring in difference between data items. We present a fixed-parameter algorithm based on the iterative compression technique that finds in O((14k+14)k+1kn6) time a set of k vertices whose deletion from an n-vertex graph makes it unit interval. Additionally, we show that making a graph chordal by at most k vertex deletions is NP-complete even on {claw, net, tent}-free graphs.

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