Hanno Lefmann
Chemnitz University of Technology
Journal of Algorithms | 1994
Noga Alon; Richard A. Duke; Hanno Lefmann; Vojtech Rödl; Raphael Yuster
Abstract The regularity lemma of Szemeredi asserts that every graph can be partitioned in a certain regular way. This result has numerous applications, but its known proof is not algorithmic. Here we first demonstrate the computational difficulty of finding a regular partition; we show that deciding if a given partition of an input graph satisfies the properties guaranteed by the lemma is co-NP-complete. However, we also prove that despite this difficulty the lemma can be made constructive; we show how to obtain, for any input graph, a partition with the properties guaranteed by the lemma, efficiently. The desired partition, for an n -vertex graph, can be found in time O ( M ( n )), where M ( n ) = O ( n 2.376 ) is the time needed to multiply two n by n matrices with 0, 1-entries over the integers. The algorithm can be parallelized and implemented in NC 1 . Besides the curious phenomenon of exhibiting a natural problem in which the search for a solution is easy whereas the decision if a given instance is a solution is difficult (if P and NP differ), our constructive version of the regularity lemma supplies efficient sequential and parallel algorithms for many problems, some of which are naturally motivated by the study of various graph embedding and graph coloring problems.
SIAM Journal on Computing | 1995
Richard A. Duke; Hanno Lefmann; Vojte˘ch Rödl
In this paper we give an algorithm which, given a labeled graph on
Random Structures and Algorithms | 1995
Richard A. Duke; Hanno Lefmann; Vojtech Rödl
Journal of Combinatorial Theory | 1993
Hanno Lefmann; Vojtěch Rödl
vertices and a list of all labeled graphs on
symposium on discrete algorithms | 2000
Hanno Lefmann
SIAM Journal on Computing | 1999
Claudia Bertram-Kretzberg; Hanno Lefmann
vertices, provides for each graph
Combinatorica | 1995
Walter A. Deuber; Neil Hindman; Imre Leader; Hanno Lefmann
Discrete Mathematics | 1995
Arie Bialostocki; Paul Erdös; Hanno Lefmann
of this list an approximation to the number of induced copies of
Journal of Combinatorial Theory | 1996
Hanno Lefmann; Vojtech Rödl; Beata Wysocka
Combinatorica | 1995
Hanno Lefmann; Torsten Thiele