Hans U. Zollinger
University of Zurich
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Featured researches published by Hans U. Zollinger.
Virchows Archiv | 1953
Hans U. Zollinger
Jeder zus~itzlich zum bisher Bekarmten entdeckte experimentel le Erzeugungsmodus flit Tu lnoren erSffnet zug]eich weitere Perspekt iven der Tumor~tiologie beim Menschen. Ferner weist er meist auch neue Wege zur Abkl~rung der Tumorgenese. Voraussetzung ist jedoch, dab die Nachtei le des Tierversuches wie Speciesunterschiede, unphysiologisehe Quan t i t~ ten der tumorerzeugenden Agent ien usw. n icht aul~er acht gelassen werden. I n einer kleineren Serie yon f u n d 100 ~ a t t e n erzeugten wit eine chronische Bleivergif tung in der Absicht, un te r anderem die Beziehungen z~dschen Blutdrueks te igerung und Gefi~l~system zu untersuehen. (Tber die Ergebnisse werden wit mi t COT~IE~ und K u x z an anderer Stelle berichten. Bei einzelnell l~inger i iber lebenden Tieren stel l ten sich n u n Nie ren tumoren ein, welche uns veran]ai~ten, eine neue, grSl~ere Versuchsserie anzusetzen, u m diesen Bi ldungen nachzugehen.
Skeletal Radiology | 1997
Marco Zanetti; C. De Simoni; H. H. Wetz; Hans U. Zollinger; Jürg Hodler
Abstract Objective. To predict clinical outcome after ankle sprains on the basis of magnetic resonance (MR) findings. Design and patients. Twenty-nine consecutive patients (mean age 32.9 years, range 13–60 years) were examined clinically and with MR imaging both after trauma and following standardized conservative therapy. Various MR abnormalities were related to a clinical outcome score. Results. There was a tendency for a better clinical outcome in partial, rather than complete, tears of the anterior talofibular ligament and when there was no fluid within the peroneal tendon sheath at the initial MR examination (P=0.092 for either abnormality). A number of other MR features did not significantly influence clinical outcome, including the presence of a calcaneofibular ligament lesion and a bone bruise of the talar dome. Conclusion. Clinical outcome after ankle sprain cannot consistently be predicted by MR imaging, although MR imaging may be more accurate when the anterior talofibular ligament is only partially torn and there are no signs of injury to the peroneal tendon sheath.
Foot & Ankle International | 1999
Nicola Biasca; Marco Zanetti; Hans U. Zollinger
Our purpose was to evaluate the reliability of preoperative case histories, clinical findings, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in substantiating the diagnosis of Mortons neuroma and in predicting clinical outcomes after surgical intermetatarsal neurectomy. We studied 19 consecutive patients with histologically proved Mortons neuroma. All had preoperative MRI of the forefoot. Partial neurectomy was performed when there was forefoot pain with transmetatarsal compression and positive findings on MRI scans. Case histories, clinical findings, and findings on MRI scans were correlated with clinical outcomes. Preoperative clinical findings including localization correlated with intraoperative findings in 11 of 19 patients (58%), and MRI scans correlated in 16 of 19 patients (84%). Of the 19 patients, 74% achieved satisfactory outcomes. Neither reliable clinical findings or findings on MRI scans nor confirmation of clinical findings by MRI correlated with a superior result, but 77% of patients with neuromas measuring more than 5 mm in transverse measurement on MRI scans had good outcomes; only 17% with neuromas measuring 5 mm or less had good outcomes. Preoperative localization and diagnosis of Mortons neuroma is better achieved with MRI than through clinical findings. A more favorable clinical outcome can be expected after surgical intermetatarsal neurectomy when a Mortons neuroma has a transverse measurement larger than 5 mm on MRI scans.
Foot & Ankle International | 1996
C. De Simoni; H. H. Wetz; Marco Zanetti; J. Hodler; H. Jacob; Hans U. Zollinger
This is a prospective clinical study of treatment of ankle sprains with an ankle brace that permits ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of 20°, but limits inversion and eversion for 6 weeks. The ankle brace is followed by physiotherapy for another 6 weeks. Thirty patients were evaluated with clinical examination and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging before treatment and after 12 weeks of treatment. MR imaging revealed acute tears in the anterior talofibular ligament in all 30 ankles (100%) and tears in the calcaneofibular ligament in 25 of 30 ankles (83%). At 12 weeks after injury, MR evidence of healing was present for the anterior talofibular ligament in 22 of 30 ankles (73%) and for the calcaneofibular ligament in 23 of 25 ankles (92%). Postural sway analysis after therapy was used to quantify functional stability of the ankle. There was no correlation with MR findings, but there was a correlation with the subjective impression of functional instability. Twenty-eight of 30 patients (93%) had a functionally stable ankle after 12 weeks of treatment. MR findings after ankle sprain could not predict clinical outcome.
Virchows Archiv | 1941
Hans U. Zollinger
Es wird ein Fall von diffus-knötchenförmiger Granulomatose des Gehirns bei einem 21jährigen Mann beschrieben, wobei die Einzelgranulome tuberkuloiden Aufbau aufweisen, jedoch keine Neigung zu Verkäsung zeigen. An anderen Körperveränderungen wurden außer den Zeichen einer zentral bedingten Erstickung nur ein verkalkter Bronchiallymphknoten und ein Paratracheallymphknoten mit produktiv hyaliner Granulomatose gefunden. Die Granulome im Hirn wie in diesem Lymphknoten bestehen vorwiegend aus Epitheloidzellen und typischenLanghansschen Riesenzellen; sie sind von einem schmalen Lymphocytensaum umgeben. Es wird angenommen, daß es sich dabei um den seltenen Fall einer rein cerebralen Streuung eines Morbus Boeck handelt. Obschon der Nachweis von Bacillen nicht gelang, wurde doch wegen des histologischen Bildes, bestärkt noch durch die Veränderung der erwähnten Lymphknoten, die Vermutung ausgesprochen, die Veränderung sei—wie dies heute die Großzahl der Untersucher annimmt—tuberkulös bedingt. Ferner wurde der Vermutung Ausdruck gegeben, es könnten auch die übrigenBoeck-Fälle der Literatur, welche mit Symptomen von seiten des Nervensystems vergesellschaftet sind (speziell die Uveo-parotitisHeerford), auf ähnlichen Veränderungen beruhen, wie sie der vorliegende Fall aufweist. Der wellenförmig progrediente Verlauf derBoeck-Fälle mit cerebraler Mitbeteiligung scheint dabei recht typisch zu sein. Auf die Verwechslungsmöglichkeit mit der multiplen Sklerose wird hingewiesen. Auch der „Affe in der Medizin” (Multiple Sklerose) kann demnach einmal nachgeäfft werden!
Beiträge zur Pathologie | 1973
Hans U. Zollinger; Joachim Torhorst; U.N. Riede; Vittorino von Toenges; Beat Geering; Hans-Peter Rohr
Abstract In approximately 20,000 autopsies of adults 64 cases with unilateral shrinkage of the kidney due to renal artery stenosis were found. The most frequent cause is arteriosclerosis of the renal artery or of one of its main branches with or without thrombosis. An embolus was observed in only few cases. The mean age of the patients was 73 years. 84% of the cases were associated with definite hypertension; in 12.5% of the cases it could be excluded. Apparently there is no relationship between the extent of the renal shrinkage and the degree of hypertension. Grossly, the kidney showed diffuse or focal contraction (occlusion of a polar vessel or interlobular artery) with a dark-red, finely granular surface. Microscopically, the renal cortex is narrowed. As shown by morphometry, the glomeruli are closely apposed. They show only slight undulation and, under the electron microscope, a thickened basement membrane and increased nuclear volume. Due to proliferation of the endothelial cells and a slight increase of the number of nuclei, these changes, secondary to a decrease in blood supply, may later lead to typical hyalinosis of the glomeruli. The volume of the cortical tubules is highly reduced. Some of their cells (light tubular cells) are dedifferentiated and extend through the focally thinned basement membrane, so that they lay in the slightly widened interstitial space. However, in most cases, the tubular basement membrane is markedly thickened and has lamellar appearance. These changes are interpreted as a consequence of hypoxia. To a large extent. the degree of the renal shrinkage parallels that of the tubular atrophy. In about 50% of the cases, the juxtaglomerular apparatus is hyperplastic. The large arteries frequently show a high-grade adaptive fibrosis of the arterial intima.
Pathobiology | 1948
Albert Banzer; H. Mooser; A. Grumbach; R. Regamey; J. Steinmann; Manuel Armangué; H. Braun; T. Péterfi; W. Silberstein; M. Messerli; A. Leemann; J.G. Baer; Ch. Joyeux; M. Düggeli; M. Neyroud; L. Calpini; R. Ballinari; E. Novel; Willy Dorner; A.v. Albertini; Ch. Wunderly; K.C. Winkler; H.W. Julius; F. Klein; Hans Buser; G. Ivánovics; Hans Seemüller; Fern Chodat; Sophie Soloweitchik; Charlotte Dalphin
Buchbesprechungen – Books Review – Livres Nouveaux Paul Hauduroy, Professeur de Bactériologie et d’Hygiène à la Faculté de Mé-decine de Lausanne: Inventaire et description des bacilles paratubercu-leux. Masson et Cie, Paris 1946. Mit d1⁄8m vorliegenden Inventar der Paratuberkelbazillen erwies· Hau duroy zweifellos all den Autoren, die sich um diese Bakterien interessieren, einen außerordentlichen Dienst. Er hat die sämtlichen in der Lileratur niedergelegten Beschreibungen von säureund alkoholfesten Bakterien gesammelt, nach den entsprecheπdten Autoren alpbabetisch geor·dnet und numeriert. Insgesamt liegen Beschreibungen von 160 Stämmen vor, die in einem zweiten Kapitel nach Autoren und Wachstumsanspruchen zusammen > gefaßt werden. In kurzen weiteren Abschnitten werden die Beobachtungen über das Vorkommen von Paratuberkelbazillen in menschiichen und tierischen Produkten resümiert, grunidsätzliche Betrachtungen über ihre pathogenen Bedeutunigen angestellt und abschließend die Paratuberkul1⁄8e behandelt. A. Grumbach.
Radiology | 2003
Marco Zanetti; Alexander Metzdorf; Hans-Peter Kundert; Hans U. Zollinger; Patrick Vienne; Burkhardt Seifert; Juerg Hodler
Radiology | 1997
Marco Zanetti; J K Strehle; Hans U. Zollinger; Jürg Hodler
Radiology | 1999
Marco Zanetti; Josef K. Strehle; Hans-Peter Kundert; Hans U. Zollinger; Juerg Hodler