
Featured researches published by Harald Gaspar.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2008

Epigenetic mutations of the imprinted IGF2-H19 domain in Silver-Russell Syndrome (SRS): Results from a large cohort of patients with SRS and SRS-like phenotypes.

Deborah Bartholdi; Małgorzata Krajewska-Walasek; Katrin Õunap; Harald Gaspar; Krystyna H. Chrzanowska; Helena Ilyana; Hülya Kayserili; Iosif W. Lurie; Albert Schinzel; Alessandra Baumer

Background: Silver–Russell syndrome (SRS) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous condition characterised by severe intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation. Loss of DNA methylation at the telomeric imprinting control region 1 (ICR1) on 11p15 is an important cause of SRS. Methods: We studied the methylation pattern at the H19-IGF2 locus in 201 patients with suspected SRS. In an attempt to categorise the patients into different subgroups, we developed a simple clinical scoring system with respect to readily and unambiguously assessable clinical features. In a second step, the relationship between clinical score and epigenetic status was analysed. Results and conclusions: The scoring system emerged as a powerful tool for identifying those patients with both a definite SRS phenotype and carrying an epimutation at 11p15. 53% of the 201 patients initially enrolled fulfilled the criteria for SRS and about 40% of them exhibited an epimutation at the H19-IGF2 locus. Methylation defects were restricted to patients who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for SRS. Patients carrying epimutations had a more severe phenotype than either the SRS patients with mUPD7 or the idiopathic SRS patients. The majority of patients with methylation abnormalities showed hypomethylation at both the H19 and IGF2 genes. However, we also identified SRS patients where hypomethylation was restricted to either the H19 or the IGF2 gene. Interestingly, we detected epimutations in siblings of normal parents, most likely reflecting germ cell mosaicism in the fathers. In one family, we identified an epimutation in an affected father and his likewise affected daughter.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2007

SOS1 is the second most common Noonan gene but plays no major role in cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome

Martin Zenker; Denise Horn; Dagmar Wieczorek; Judith Allanson; Silke Pauli; Ineke van der Burgt; Helmuth-Guenther Doerr; Harald Gaspar; Michael Hofbeck; Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach; Andreas Koch; Peter Meinecke; Stefan Mundlos; Anja Nowka; Anita Rauch; Silke Reif; Christian von Schnakenburg; Heide Seidel; Lars-Erik Wehner; Christiane Zweier; Susanne Bauhuber; Verena Matejas; Christian P. Kratz; Christoph Thomas; Kerstin Kutsche

Background: Heterozygous gain-of-function mutations in various genes encoding proteins of the Ras-MAPK signalling cascade have been identified as the genetic basis of Noonan syndrome (NS) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS). Mutations of SOS1, the gene encoding a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras, have been the most recent discoveries in patients with NS, but this gene has not been studied in patients with CFCS. Methods and results: We investigated SOS1 in a large cohort of patients with disorders of the NS–CFCS spectrum, who had previously tested negative for mutations in PTPN11, KRAS, BRAF, MEK1 and MEK2. Missense mutations of SOS1 were discovered in 28% of patients with NS. In contrast, none of the patients classified as having CFCS was found to carry a pathogenic sequence change in this gene. Conclusion: We have confirmed SOS1 as the second major gene for NS. Patients carrying mutations in this gene have a distinctive phenotype with frequent ectodermal anomalies such as keratosis pilaris and curly hair. However, the clinical picture associated with SOS1 mutations is different from that of CFCS. These findings corroborate that, despite being caused by gain-of-function mutations in molecules belonging to the same pathway, NS and CFCS scarcely overlap genotypically.

Human Mutation | 2013


Bert Callewaert; Chi-Ting Su; Tim Van Damme; Philip Vlummens; Fransiska Malfait; Olivier Vanakker; Bianca Schulz; Meghan Mac Neal; Elaine C. Davis; Joseph G.H. Lee; Sheila Unger; Ketil Heimdal; Salome De Almeida; Uwe Kornak; Harald Gaspar; Jean-Luc Bresson; Katrina Prescott; Maria E. Gosendi; Sahar Mansour; Gérald Pierard; Suneeta Madan-Khetarpal; Frank C. Sciurba; Sofie Symoens; Paul Coucke; Lionel Van Maldergem; Zsolt Urban; Anne De Paepe

Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type I (ARCL type I) is characterized by generalized cutis laxa with pulmonary emphysema and/or vascular complications. Rarely, mutations can be identified in FBLN4 or FBLN5. Recently, LTBP4 mutations have been implicated in a similar phenotype. Studying FBLN4, FBLN5, and LTBP4 in 12 families with ARCL type I, we found bi‐allelic FBLN5 mutations in two probands, whereas nine probands harbored biallelic mutations in LTBP4. FBLN5 and LTBP4 mutations cause a very similar phenotype associated with severe pulmonary emphysema, in the absence of vascular tortuosity or aneurysms. Gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract involvement seems to be more severe in patients with LTBP4 mutations. Functional studies showed that most premature termination mutations in LTBP4 result in severely reduced mRNA and protein levels. This correlated with increased transforming growth factor‐beta (TGFβ) activity. However, one mutation, c.4127dupC, escaped nonsense‐mediated decay. The corresponding mutant protein (p.Arg1377Alafs*27) showed reduced colocalization with fibronectin, leading to an abnormal morphology of microfibrils in fibroblast cultures, while retaining normal TGFβ activity. We conclude that LTBP4 mutations cause disease through both loss of function and gain of function mechanisms.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2012

Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of 396 individuals with mutations in Sonic Hedgehog

Benjamin D. Solomon; Kelly A. Bear; Adrian Wyllie; Amelia A. Keaton; Christèle Dubourg; Véronique David; Sandra Mercier; Sylvie Odent; Ute Hehr; Aimee D.C. Paulussen; Nancy J. Clegg; Mauricio R. Delgado; Sherri J. Bale; Felicitas Lacbawan; Holly H. Ardinger; Arthur S. Aylsworth; Ntombenhle Louisa Bhengu; Stephen R. Braddock; Karen Brookhyser; Barbara K. Burton; Harald Gaspar; Art Grix; Dafne Dain Gandelman Horovitz; Erin Kanetzke; Hülya Kayserili; Dorit Lev; Sarah M. Nikkel; Mary E. Norton; Richard Roberts; Howard M. Saal

Background Holoprosencephaly (HPE), the most common malformation of the human forebrain, may result from mutations in over 12 genes. Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) was the first such gene discovered; mutations in SHH remain the most common cause of non-chromosomal HPE. The severity spectrum is wide, ranging from incompatibility with extrauterine life to isolated midline facial differences. Objective To characterise genetic and clinical findings in individuals with SHH mutations. Methods Through the National Institutes of Health and collaborating centres, DNA from approximately 2000 individuals with HPE spectrum disorders were analysed for SHH variations. Clinical details were examined and combined with published cases. Results This study describes 396 individuals, representing 157 unrelated kindreds, with SHH mutations; 141 (36%) have not been previously reported. SHH mutations more commonly resulted in non-HPE (64%) than frank HPE (36%), and non-HPE was significantly more common in patients with SHH than in those with mutations in the other common HPE related genes (p<0.0001 compared to ZIC2 or SIX3). Individuals with truncating mutations were significantly more likely to have frank HPE than those with non-truncating mutations (49% vs 35%, respectively; p=0.012). While mutations were significantly more common in the N-terminus than in the C-terminus (including accounting for the relative size of the coding regions, p=0.00010), no specific genotype―phenotype correlations could be established regarding mutation location. Conclusions SHH mutations overall result in milder disease than mutations in other common HPE related genes. HPE is more frequent in individuals with truncating mutations, but clinical predictions at the individual level remain elusive.

Human Mutation | 2012

Spectrum of mutations in the renin-angiotensin system genes in autosomal recessive renal tubular dysgenesis

Olivier Gribouval; Vincent Morinière; Audrey Pawtowski; Christelle Arrondel; Satu-Leena Sallinen; Carola Saloranta; Carol L. Clericuzio; Géraldine Viot; Julia Tantau; Sophie Blesson; Sylvie Cloarec; Marie Christine Machet; David Chitayat; Christelle Thauvin; Nicole Laurent; Julian Roy Sampson; Jonathan A. Bernstein; Alix Clemenson; Fabienne Prieur; Laurent Daniel; Annie Levy-Mozziconacci; Katherine Lachlan; Jean Luc Alessandri; François Cartault; Jean Pierre Rivière; Nicole Picard; Clarisse Baumann; Anne Lise Delezoide; Maria Belar Ortega; Nicolas Chassaing

Autosomal recessive renal tubular dysgenesis (RTD) is a severe disorder of renal tubular development characterized by early onset and persistent fetal anuria leading to oligohydramnios and the Potter sequence, associated with skull ossification defects. Early death occurs in most cases from anuria, pulmonary hypoplasia, and refractory arterial hypotension. The disease is linked to mutations in the genes encoding several components of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS): AGT (angiotensinogen), REN (renin), ACE (angiotensin‐converting enzyme), and AGTR1 (angiotensin II receptor type 1). Here, we review the series of 54 distinct mutations identified in 48 unrelated families. Most of them are novel and ACE mutations are the most frequent, observed in two‐thirds of families (64.6%). The severity of the clinical course was similar whatever the mutated gene, which underlines the importance of a functional RAS in the maintenance of blood pressure and renal blood flow during the life of a human fetus. Renal hypoperfusion, whether genetic or secondary to a variety of diseases, precludes the normal development/ differentiation of proximal tubules. The identification of the disease on the basis of precise clinical and histological analyses and the characterization of the genetic defects allow genetic counseling and early prenatal diagnosis. Hum Mutat 33:316–326, 2012.

Human Mutation | 2011

U1 snRNA-mediated gene therapeutic correction of splice defects caused by an exceptionally mild BBS mutation†

Fabian Schmid; Esther Glaus; Daniel Barthelmes; Manfred Fliegauf; Harald Gaspar; Gudrun Nürnberg; Peter Nürnberg; Heymut Omran; Wolfgang Berger; John Neidhardt

Bardet‐Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a multisystem disorder caused by ciliary defects. To date, mutations in 15 genes have been associated with the disease and BBS1 is most frequently affected in patients with BBS. The use of homozygosity mapping in a large consanguineous family allowed us to identify the splice donor site (SD) mutation c.479G>A in exon 5 of BBS1. Clinically affected family members show symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) but lack other primary features that would clearly support the diagnosis of BBS. In agreement with this exceptionally mild BBS1‐associated phenotype, we did not detect obvious ciliary defects in patient‐derived cells. SDs are bound by the U1 small nuclear RNA (U1), a process that initiates exon recognition during splicing. The mutation described herein interferes with U1 binding and induces aberrant splicing of BBS1. For a gene therapeutic approach, we have adapted the sequence of U1 to increase its complementarity to the mutated SD. Lentiviral treatment of patient‐derived fibroblasts with the adapted U1 partially corrected aberrant splicing of endogenously expressed BBS1 transcripts. This therapeutic effect was dose‐dependent. Our results show that the adaptation of U1 can correct pathogenic effects of splice donor site mutations and suggest a high potential for gene therapy.Hum Mutat 32:815–824, 2011.

Modern Pathology | 2012

The molecular basis of EPCAM expression loss in Lynch syndrome-associated tumors

Cathrin Huth; Matthias Kloor; Anita Yvonne Voigt; Gergana Bozukova; Christina Evers; Harald Gaspar; Mirjam Tariverdian; Peter Schirmacher; Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz; Hendrik Bläker

Germline deletions affecting the Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM) gene lead to silencing of MSH2 and cause Lynch syndrome. We have recently reported that lack of EPCAM expression occurs in many, but not all tumors from Lynch syndrome patients with EPCAM germline deletions. The differences in EPCAM expression were not related to the localization of EPCAM germline deletions. We therefore hypothesized that the type of the second somatic hit, which leads to MSH2 inactivation during tumor development, determines EPCAM expression in the tumor cells. To test this hypothesis and to evaluate whether lack of EPCAM expression can already be detected in Lynch syndrome-associated adenomas, we analyzed four carcinomas and two adenomas from EPCAM germline deletion carriers for EPCAM protein expression and allelic deletion status of the EPCAM gene region by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. In four out of six tumors we observed lack of EPCAM expression accompanied by biallelic deletions affecting the EPCAM gene. In contrast, monoallelic retention of the EPCAM gene was observed in the remaining two tumors with retained EPCAM protein expression. These results demonstrate that EPCAM expression in tumors from EPCAM deletion carriers depends on the localization of the second somatic hit that inactivates MSH2. Moreover, we report lack of EPCAM protein expression in a colorectal adenoma, suggesting that EPCAM immunohistochemistry may detect EPCAM germline deletions already at a precancerous stage.

Genetics in Medicine | 2010

A spectrum of LMX1B mutations in Nail-Patella syndrome: New point mutations, deletion, and evidence of mosaicism in unaffected parents

Monica Marini; Renata Bocciardi; Stefania Gimelli; Marco Di Duca; Maria Teresa Divizia; Anwar Baban; Harald Gaspar; Isabella Mammi; Livia Garavelli; R. Cerone; Francesco Emma; Maria Francesca Bedeschi; Romano Tenconi; Alberto Sensi; Andrea Salmaggi; Mario Bengala; Francesca Mari; Gianluca Colussi; Krzysztof Szczaluba; Marco Seri; Margherita Lerone; Roberto Ravazzolo

Purpose: Nail-Patella syndrome (MIM 161200) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hypoplastic or absent patellae, dystrophic nails, dysplasia of the elbows, and iliac horn. In 40% of cases, a glomerular defect is present and, less frequently, ocular damage is observed. Inter- and intrafamilial variable expressivity of the clinical phenotype is a common finding. Mutations in the human LMX1B gene have been demonstrated to be responsible for Nail-Patella syndrome in around 80% of cases.Methods: Standard polymerase chain reaction and sequencing methods were used for mutation and single nucleotide polymorphism identification and control of cloned sequences. Array-CGH (Agilent, 244A Kit) was used for detection of deletions. Standard cloning techniques and the Snapshot method were used for analysis of mosaicism.Results: In this study, we present the results of LMX1B screening of 20 Nail-Patella syndrome patients. The molecular defect was found in 17 patients. We report five novel mutations and a ∼2 Mb deletion in chromosome 9q encompassing the entire LMX1B gene in a patient with a complex phenotype. We present evidence of somatic mosaicism in unaffected parents in two cases, which, to our knowledge, are the first reported cases of inheritance of a mutated LMX1B allele in Nail-Patella syndrome patients from a mosaic parent.Conclusion: The study of the described case series provides some original observations in an “old” genetic disorder.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2013

The phenotypic spectrum of duplication 5q35.2–q35.3 encompassing NSD1: Is it really a reversed sotos syndrome?

Nicola Dikow; Bianca Maas; Harald Gaspar; Martina Kreiss-Nachtsheim; Hartmut Engels; Alma Kuechler; Lutz Garbes; Christian Netzer; Teresa Neuhann; Udo Koehler; Kristina Casteels; Koenraad Devriendt; Johannes W.G. Janssen; Anna Jauch; Katrin Hinderhofer; Ute Moog

Loss‐of‐function mutations of NSD1 and 5q35 microdeletions encompassing NSD1 are a major cause of Sotos syndrome (Sos), which is characterized by overgrowth, macrocephaly, characteristic facies, and variable intellectual disability (ID). Microduplications of 5q35.2–q35.3 including NSD1 have been reported in only five patients so far and described clinically as a reversed Sos resulting from a hypothetical gene dosage effect of NSD1. Here, we report on nine patients from five families with interstitial duplication 5q35 including NSD1 detected by molecular karyotyping. The clinical features of all 14 individuals are reviewed. Patients with microduplications including NSD1 appear to have a consistent phenotype consisting of short stature, microcephaly, learning disability or mild to moderate ID, and distinctive facial features comprising periorbital fullness, short palpebral fissures, a long nose with broad or long nasal tip, a smooth philtrum and a thin upper lip vermilion. Behavioral problems, ocular and minor hand anomalies may be associated. Based on our findings, we discuss the possible etiology and conclude that it is possible, but so far unproven, that a gene dosage effect of NSD1 may be the major cause.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2012

Identification and functional characterization of the novel human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) R744P mutant associated with hereditary long QT syndrome 2.

Parwez Aidery; Jana Kisselbach; Harald Gaspar; Ioana Baldea; Patrick A. Schweizer; Rüdiger Becker; Hugo A. Katus; Dierk Thomas

Mutations of the cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) may disrupt human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) K(+) channel function and lead to hereditary long QT syndrome (LQTS). We identified a novel missense mutation located in close proximity to the CNBD, hERG R744P, in a patient presenting with recurrent syncope and aborted cardiac death triggered by sudden auditory stimuli. Functional properties of wild type (WT) and mutant hERG R744P subunits were studied in Xenopus laevis oocytes using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology and Western blot analysis. HERG R744P channels exhibited reduced activating currents compared to hERG WT (1.48±0.26 versus 3.40±0.29μA; n=40). These findings were confirmed by tail current analysis (hERG R744P, 0.53±0.07μA; hERG WT, 0.97±0.06μA; n=40). Cell surface trafficking of hERG R744P protein subunits was not impaired. To simulate the autosomal-dominant inheritance associated with LQTS, WT and R744P subunits were co-expressed in equimolar ratio. Mean activating and tail currents were reduced by 32% and 25% compared to hERG WT (n=40), indicating that R744P protein did not exert dominant-negative effects on WT channels. The half-maximal activation voltage was not significantly affected by the R744P mutation. This study highlights the significance of in vitro testing to provide mechanistic evidence for pathogenicity of mutations identified in LQTS. The functional defect associated with hERG R744P serves as molecular basis for LQTS in the index patient.

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