
Demography | 2006

The Demographics of Same-Sex Marriages in Norway and Sweden

Gunnar Andersson; Turid Noack; Ane Seierstad; Harald Weedon-Fekjær

The present study investigates the demographics of same-sex marriages—that is, registered partnerships—in Norway and Sweden. We give an overview of the demographic characteristics of the spouses of these partnerships, study patterns of their divorce risks, and compare the dynamics of same-sex couples with those of heterosexual marriages. We use longitudinal information from the population registers of the two countries that cover all persons in partnerships. Our demographic analyses include information on characteristics such as age, sex, geographic background, experience of previous opposite-sex marriage, parenthood, and educational attainment of the partners involved. The results show that in many respects, the distributions of married populations on these characteristics differ by the sex composition of the couples. Patterns in divorce risks are rather similar in same-sex and opposite-sex marriages, but divorce-risk levels are considerably higher in same-sex marriages. The divorce risk for female partnerships is double that for male partnerships.

Breast Cancer Research | 2008

Breast cancer tumor growth estimated through mammography screening data

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Bo Henry Lindqvist; Lars J. Vatten; Odd O. Aalen; Steinar Tretli

IntroductionKnowledge of tumor growth is important in the planning and evaluation of screening programs, clinical trials, and epidemiological studies. Studies of tumor growth rates in humans are usually based on small and selected samples. In the present study based on the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program, tumor growth was estimated from a large population using a new estimating procedure/model.MethodsA likelihood-based estimating procedure was used, where both tumor growth and the screen test sensitivity were modeled as continuously increasing functions of tumor size. The method was applied to cancer incidence and tumor measurement data from 395,188 women aged 50 to 69 years.ResultsTumor growth varied considerably between subjects, with 5% of tumors taking less than 1.2 months to grow from 10 mm to 20 mm in diameter, and another 5% taking more than 6.3 years. The mean time a tumor needed to grow from 10 mm to 20 mm in diameter was estimated as 1.7 years, increasing with age. The screen test sensitivity was estimated to increase sharply with tumor size, rising from 26% at 5 mm to 91% at 10 mm. Compared with previously used Markov models for tumor progression, the applied model gave considerably higher model fit (85% increased predictive power) and provided estimates directly linked to tumor size.ConclusionScreening data with tumor measurements can provide population-based estimates of tumor growth and screen test sensitivity directly linked to tumor size. There is a large variation in breast cancer tumor growth, with faster growth among younger women.

BMJ | 2014

Modern mammography screening and breast cancer mortality: population study

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Pål Romundstad; Lars J. Vatten

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of contemporary mammography screening using individual information about screening history and breast cancer mortality from public screening programmes. Design Prospective cohort study of Norwegian women who were followed between 1986 and 2009. Within that period (1995-2005), a national mammography screening programme was gradually implemented, with biennial invitations sent to women aged 50-69 years. Participants All Norwegian women aged 50-79 between 1986 and 2009. Main outcome measures Multiple Poisson regression analysis was used to estimate breast cancer mortality rate ratios comparing women who were invited to screening (intention to screen) with women who were not invited, with a clear distinction between cases of breast cancer diagnosed before (without potential for screening effect) and after (with potential for screening effect) the first invitation for screening. We took competing causes of death into account by censoring women from further follow-up who died from other causes. Based on the observed mortality reduction combined with the all cause and breast cancer specific mortality in Norway in 2009, we used the CISNET (Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network) Stanford simulation model to estimate how many women would need to be invited to biennial mammography screening in the age group 50-69 years to prevent one breast cancer death during their lifetime. Results During 15 193 034 person years of observation (1986-2009), deaths from breast cancer occurred in 1175 women with a diagnosis after being invited to screening and 8996 women who had not been invited before diagnosis. After adjustment for age, birth cohort, county of residence, and national trends in deaths from breast cancer, the mortality rate ratio associated with being invited to mammography screening was 0.72 (95% confidence interval 0.64 to 0.79). To prevent one death from breast cancer, 368 (95% confidence interval 266 to 508) women would need to be invited to screening. Conclusion Invitation to modern mammography screening may reduce deaths from breast cancer by about 28%.

BMJ | 2012

Understanding recent trends in incidence of invasive breast cancer in Norway: age-period-cohort analysis based on registry data on mammography screening and hormone treatment use

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Kjersti Bakken; Lars J. Vatten; Steinar Tretli

Objective To quantify the separate contributions of menopausal hormone treatment and mammography screening activities on trends in incidence of invasive breast cancer between 1987 and 2008. Design Population study using aggregated data analysed by an extended age-period-cohort model. Setting Norway. Population Norwegian women aged 30-90 between 1987 and 2008, including 50 102 newly diagnosed cases of invasive breast cancer. Main outcomes measures Attributable proportions of mammography screening and hormone treatment to recent incidence of invasive breast cancer, and the remaining variation in incidence after adjustment for mammography screening and hormone treatment. Results The incidence of invasive breast cancer in Norway increased steadily until 2002, levelled off, and then declined from 2006. All non-linear changes in incidence were explained by use of hormone treatment and mammography screening activities, with about similar contributions of each factor. In 2002, when the incidence among women aged 50-69 was highest, an estimated 23% of the cases in that age group could be attributed to mammography screening and 27% to use of hormone treatment. Conclusions Changes in incidence trends of invasive breast cancer since the early 1990s may be fully attributed to mammography screening and hormone treatment, with about similar contributions of each factor.

Journal of Medical Screening | 2005

Estimating mean sojourn time and screening test sensitivity in breast cancer mammography screening: new results.

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Lars J. Vatten; Odd O. Aalen; Bo Henry Lindqvist; Steinar Tretli

Objective: To assess if new screening techniques, increased use of hormone replacement therapy, or the transition from breast cancer screening trials to large scale screening programmes may influence the average time in preclinical screening detectable phase (mean sojourn time [MST]) or screening test sensitivity (STS). Setting: Screening and interval data for 395,188 women participating in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Programme (NBCSP). Methods: Weighted non-linear least-square regression estimates using a tree step Markov chain model, and a sensitivity analysis of the possible impact by opportunistic screening between ordinary breast cancer screening rounds. Results: MST was estimated to 6.1 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.1–7.0) years for women aged 50–59 years, and 7.9 (95% CI 6.0–7.9) years for those aged 60–69 years. Correspondingly, STS was estimated to 58% (95% CI 52–64 %) and 73 % (67–78 %), respectively. Simulations revealed that opportunistic screening may give a moderate estimation bias towards higher MST and lower STS. Assuming a probable 21% higher background incidence, due to increased hormone replacement therapy use, MST estimates decreased to 3.9 and 5.0 years for the two age groups, and STS increased to 75 and 85%. Conclusions: The new estimates indicate that screening detectable phase is longer than that found in previous mammography trials/programmes, but also that the sensitivity of the screening test is lower. Overall, the NBCSP detects more cancer cases than most previous trials/programmes.

Journal of Medical Screening | 2008

Estimating mean sojourn time and screening sensitivity using questionnaire data on time since previous screening

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Bo Henry Lindqvist; Lars J. Vatten; Odd O. Aalen; Steinar Tretli

Objectives Mean sojourn time (MST) and screening test sensitivity (STS), is usually estimated by Markov models using incidence data from the first screening round and the interval between screening examinations. However, several screening programmes do not have full registration of cancers submerging after screening, and increased use of opportunistic screening over time can raise questions regarding the quality of interval cancer registration. Methods/settings Based on the earlier used Markov model, formulas for expected number of cases given time since former screening activity was developed. Using questionnaire data for 336,533 women in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Programme (NBCSP), mean square regression estimates of MST and STS were calculated. Results In contrast to the previously used method, the new approach gave satisfactory model fit. MST was estimated to 5.6 years for women aged 50–59 years, and 6.9 years for women aged 60–69 years, and STS was estimated to 55% and 60%, respectively. Attempts to add separate parameters for breast cancer incidence without screening, or previous STS, resulted in wide confidence intervals if estimated separately, and non-identifiably if combined. Conclusion Previously published results of long MST and low screen test sensitivity were confirmed with the new approach. Questionnaire data on time since previous screening can be used to estimate MST and STS, but the approach is sensitive to relaxing the assumptions regarding the expected breast cancer incidence without screening and constant STS over time.

Statistical Methods in Medical Research | 2010

Estimating screening test sensitivity and tumour progression using tumour size and time since previous screening

Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Steinar Tretli; Odd O. Aalen

As mammography screening aims to improve the prognosis through earlier detection/treatment, tumour progression and screening test sensitivity (STS) represent key parameters in the evaluation of screening programs. We will here study some methods for estimation of tumour progression and STS, and show how previously used methods can be combined and developed to utilise more of the data available in modern screening programs. Weedon-Fekjær et al. recently suggested a study design using interview data about time since previous screening to estimate tumour progression and STS in a stepwise Markov model. While useful, the approach does not utilise tumour size measurements, nor link tumour progression to tumour size. Hence, we will here propose formulas for estimating tumour progression and STS using a continuous tumour growth model. To estimate tumour progression and STS, tumour growth curves are followed from one screening to the next, and probabilities for all combinations of tumour sizes at repeated screening examinations calculated. Based on the probabilities for screening detection on subsequent screening examinations, maximum likelihood estimates are calculated. Applied to Norwegian data, the new approach gives similar results to previously published results based on interval data, confirming the earlier estimated large variation in tumour growth rates.

BMJ | 2004


Solveig Hofvind; Bj⊘rn M⊘ller; Harald Weedon-Fekjær

Following are edited excerpts from the Rapid Responses generated by this article, all of which can be read in their entirety at Zahl et al have addressed the expected drop in incidence rate of breast cancer after women leave the screening program at the age of 69, and found no decline in incidence for the 70-74 age group. Since cancers detected by mammography were not compensated by a later drop in the rates, the authors concluded that the screening resulted in serious overdiagnosis. Unfortunately, they have made a crucial error in assuming that only women in the 50-69 age group were invited to screening in Sweden. According to Olsson et al,1 the Swedish screening recommendations from 1986 included women aged 40-74. Of 26 counties, 15 offered screening in the 70-74 age group from the start of their program, representing more than half of …

Biometrics | 2004

Dynamic Analysis of Multivariate Failure Time Data

Odd O. Aalen; Johan Fosen; Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Ørnulf Borgan; Einar Husebye

Biometrical Journal | 2006

Dynamic Analysis of Recurrent Event Data Using the Additive Hazard Model

Johan Fosen; Ørnulf Borgan; Harald Weedon-Fekjær; Odd O. Aalen

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