Hari Purnomo
University of Brawijaya
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal | 2017
Abdul Manab; Hari Purnomo; Simon Bambang Widjanarko; Lilik Eka Radiati; Imam Thohari
The purpose of this research was to compare physicochemical characteristics of goat milk kefir drink produced by using porang flour and modified porang flour throughout 21 days storage period. Goat milk kefir drink weretaken at 1, 7, 15 and 21 day of storage period, analysed for microstructure, particle size and ethanol content. Analyses of microstructure using confocal laser scaning microscopy (CLSM), particle size using particle size analyser,ethanol content usinggas chromatography (GC).There were significant differences considering the microstructure, particle size and ethanol content of goat milk kefir drink using modified porang flour during storage period.Lower ethanol content was observed in goat milk kefir drink with porang flour and modified porang flour as compared to control sample (no porang flour added) addition, lower ethanol in sample resulted from lower metabolism activity of microbial under lower water activity condition effect of glucomannan in porang flour. Goat milk kefir drink with modified porang flour addition produced lower particle diameter than control and porang flour treatment, it may due to the disruption of milk protein aggregate by modified porang flour. Confocal microscopy showed at modified porang flour treatment shows more homogenous protein milk aggregate.It can be concluded that modified porang flour produced lower ethanol content and particle diameter of goat milk kefir drink and more homogenous protein milk aggregate. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal Website:www.foodandnutritionjournal.org ISSN: 2347-467X, Vol. 5, No. (3) 2017, Pg. 288-299 CONTACT Abdul Manab manabub2@yahoo.com Post Graduate Program, Animal Husbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2012
Kobajashi T. Isamu; Hari Purnomo; Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2016
Abdul Manab; Hari Purnomo; Simon Bambang Widjanarko; Lilik Eka Radiati
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2014
Mulia W. Apriliyani; Djalal Rosyidi; Purwadi Purwadi; Hari Purnomo; Abdul Manab
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan | 2017
Soffy Soetji Widarti; Hari Purnomo; Djalal Rosyidi
Archive | 2015
Pontjo Tri Andajani; Hari Purnomo; Lilik Eka Radiati
Malang Neurology Journal | 2015
Catur Ari Setianto; Hari Purnomo; Eko Arisetijono Marhaendraputro; Widodo Mardi Santoso
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya | 2015
Gerry Gunawan; Hidayat Sujuti; Hari Purnomo
Archive | 2014
Nurud Diniyah; Simon Bambang Wijanarko; Hari Purnomo
American Journal of Food Technology | 2014
Sukisman; Hari Purnomo; Djalal Rosyidi; Lilik Eka Radiat