
Nature | 2008

A nuclear receptor-like pathway regulating multidrug resistance in fungi

Jitendra K. Thakur; Haribabu Arthanari; Fajun Yang; Shih Jung Pan; Xiaochun Fan; Julia Breger; Dominique P. Frueh; Kailash Gulshan; Darrick K. Li; Eleftherios Mylonakis; Kevin Struhl; W. Scott Moye-Rowley; Brendan P. Cormack; Gerhard Wagner; Anders M. Näär

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a serious complication during treatment of opportunistic fungal infections that frequently afflict immunocompromised individuals, such as transplant recipients and cancer patients undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy. Improved knowledge of the molecular pathways controlling MDR in pathogenic fungi should facilitate the development of novel therapies to combat these intransigent infections. MDR is often caused by upregulation of drug efflux pumps by members of the fungal zinc-cluster transcription-factor family (for example Pdr1p orthologues). However, the molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we show that Pdr1p family members in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the human pathogen Candida glabrata directly bind to structurally diverse drugs and xenobiotics, resulting in stimulated expression of drug efflux pumps and induction of MDR. Notably, this is mechanistically similar to regulation of MDR in vertebrates by the PXR nuclear receptor, revealing an unexpected functional analogy of fungal and metazoan regulators of MDR. We have also uncovered a critical and specific role of the Gal11p/MED15 subunit of the Mediator co-activator and its activator-targeted KIX domain in antifungal/xenobiotic-dependent regulation of MDR. This detailed mechanistic understanding of a fungal nuclear receptor-like gene regulatory pathway provides novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of multidrug-resistant fungal infections.

Journal of Biomolecular NMR | 2012

Application of iterative soft thresholding for fast reconstruction of NMR data non-uniformly sampled with multidimensional Poisson Gap scheduling

Sven G. Hyberts; Alexander G. Milbradt; Andreas B. Wagner; Haribabu Arthanari; Gerhard Wagner

The fast Fourier transformation has been the gold standard for transforming data from time to frequency domain in many spectroscopic methods, including NMR. While reliable, it has as a drawback that it requires a grid of uniformly sampled data points. This needs very long measuring times for sampling in multidimensional experiments in all indirect dimensions uniformly and even does not allow reaching optimal evolution times that would match the resolution power of modern high-field instruments. Thus, many alternative sampling and transformation schemes have been proposed. Their common challenges are the suppression of the artifacts due to the non-uniformity of the sampling schedules, the preservation of the relative signal amplitudes, and the computing time needed for spectra reconstruction. Here we present a fast implementation of the Iterative Soft Thresholding approach (istHMS) that can reconstruct high-resolution non-uniformly sampled NMR data up to four dimensions within a few hours and make routine reconstruction of high-resolution NUS 3D and 4D spectra convenient. We include a graphical user interface for generating sampling schedules with the Poisson-Gap method and an estimation of optimal evolution times based on molecular properties. The performance of the approach is demonstrated with the reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled medium and high-resolution 3D and 4D protein spectra acquired with sampling densities as low as 0.8%. The method presented here facilitates acquisition, reconstruction and use of multidimensional NMR spectra at otherwise unreachable spectral resolution in indirect dimensions.

Chemistry & Biology | 2001

Functional and dysfunctional roles of quadruplex DNA in cells

Haribabu Arthanari; Philip H. Bolton

A number of biological roles have been proposed for quadruplex, also referred to as G4 or tetraplex, DNA. The presence of quadruplex DNA may lead to errors in some biological processes and be required in others. Proteins that interact with quadruplex DNA have been identified including those that cause Blooms and Werners syndromes. There are small molecules that specifically bind to quadruplex DNA, inhibit telomerase, and are cytotoxic towards tumor cells indicating a role for quadruplex DNA in telomere function. It is now possible to make testable proposals for the possible biological implications of quadruplex DNA in replication, transcription, and recombination as well as possible routes to therapeutic intervention.

Nature | 2008

Dynamic thiolation–thioesterase structure of a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase

Dominique P. Frueh; Haribabu Arthanari; Alexander Koglin; David A. Vosburg; Andrew E. Bennett; Christopher T. Walsh; Gerhard Wagner

Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS) produce numerous secondary metabolites with various therapeutic/antibiotic properties. Like fatty acid synthases (FAS), these enzymes are organized in modular assembly lines in which each module, made of conserved domains, incorporates a given monomer unit into the growing chain. Knowledge about domain or module interactions may enable reengineering of this assembly line enzymatic organization and open avenues for the design of new bioactive compounds with improved therapeutic properties. So far, little structural information has been available on how the domains interact and communicate. This may be because of inherent interdomain mobility hindering crystallization, or because crystallized molecules may not represent the active domain orientations. In solution, the large size and internal dynamics of multidomain fragments (>35 kilodaltons) make structure determination by nuclear magnetic resonance a challenge and require advanced technologies. Here we present the solution structure of the apo-thiolation–thioesterase (T–TE) di-domain fragment of the Escherichia coli enterobactin synthetase EntF NRPS subunit. In the holoenzyme, the T domain carries the growing chain tethered to a 4′-phosphopantetheine whereas the TE domain catalyses hydrolysis and cyclization of the iron chelator enterobactin. The T–TE di-domain forms a compact but dynamic structure with a well-defined domain interface; the two active sites are at a suitable distance for substrate transfer from T to TE. We observe extensive interdomain and intradomain motions for well-defined regions and show that these are modulated by interactions with proteins that participate in the biosynthesis. The T–TE interaction described here provides a model for NRPS, PKS and FAS function in general as T–TE-like di-domains typically catalyse the last step in numerous assembly-line chain-termination machineries.

Topics in Current Chemistry | 2011

Applications of non-uniform sampling and processing

Sven G. Hyberts; Haribabu Arthanari; Gerhard Wagner

Modern high-field NMR instruments provide unprecedented resolution. To make use of the resolving power in multidimensional NMR experiment standard linear sampling through the indirect dimensions to the maximum optimal evolution times (~1.2T (2)) is not practical because it would require extremely long measurement times. Thus, alternative sampling methods have been proposed during the past 20 years. Originally, random nonlinear sampling with an exponentially decreasing sampling density was suggested, and data were transformed with a maximum entropy algorithm (Barna et al., J Magn Reson 73:69-77, 1987). Numerous other procedures have been proposed in the meantime. It has become obvious that the quality of spectra depends crucially on the sampling schedules and the algorithms of data reconstruction. Here we use the forward maximum entropy (FM) reconstruction method to evaluate several alternate sampling schedules. At the current stage, multidimensional NMR spectra that do not have a serious dynamic range problem, such as triple resonance experiments used for sequential assignments, are readily recorded and faithfully reconstructed using non-uniform sampling. Thus, these experiments can all be recorded non-uniformly to utilize the power of modern instruments. On the other hand, for spectra with a large dynamic range, such as 3D and 4D NOESYs, choosing optimal sampling schedules and the best reconstruction method is crucial if one wants to recover very weak peaks. Thus, this chapter is focused on selecting the best sampling schedules and processing methods for high-dynamic range spectra.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2009

Mediator Subunit Gal11p/MED15 Is Required for Fatty Acid-dependent Gene Activation by Yeast Transcription Factor Oaf1p

Jitendra K. Thakur; Haribabu Arthanari; Fajun Yang; Katherine H. Chau; Gerhard Wagner; Anders M. Näär

The yeast zinc cluster transcription factor Oaf1p activates transcription of target genes in response to direct binding of fatty acids in a manner analogous to the vertebrate nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorα (PPARα). PPARs and other metazoan nuclear receptors productively engage several distinct LXXLL motif-containing co-activators, including p160 family members and the TRAP220/MED1 subunit of the Mediator co-activator, to promote ligand-dependent gene activation. Yeast, however, does not appear to harbor LXXLL motif co-activators, and the mechanism of fatty acid-dependent gene activation by the yeast PPARα analog Oaf1p is unknown. Here we show that the yeast Mediator subunit Gal11p/MED15 and its activator-targeted KIX domain plays a critical role in fatty acid-dependent transcriptional regulation of fatty acid β-oxidation and peroxisomal genes by Oaf1p and for the ability of yeast to utilize fatty acids as a sole carbon source. Moreover, structural studies by NMR spectroscopy reveal that the Oaf1p activation domain interacts with the Gal11p/MED15 KIX domain in a manner similar to the yeast zinc cluster family member and xenobiotic receptor Pdr1p, revealing that the Gal11p/MED15 KIX domain is a key target of several ligand-dependent transcription factors in yeast. Together with previous work showing that the Caenorhabditis elegans Gal11p/MED15 homolog MDT-15 plays a critical role in regulation of fatty acid metabolism by the nematode PPAR-like nuclear receptor NHR-49, the findings presented here provide evidence for an ancient and essential role of a Mediator co-activator subunit in regulation of fatty acid metabolism by nuclear receptor-like transcription factors in eukaryotes.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance | 2014

Perspectives in magnetic resonance: NMR in the post-FFT era.

Sven G. Hyberts; Haribabu Arthanari; Scott A. Robson; Gerhard Wagner

Multi-dimensional NMR spectra have traditionally been processed with the fast Fourier transformation (FFT). The availability of high field instruments, the complexity of spectra of large proteins, the narrow signal dispersion of some unstructured proteins, and the time needed to record the necessary increments in the indirect dimensions to exploit the resolution of the highfield instruments make this traditional approach unsatisfactory. New procedures need to be developed beyond uniform sampling of the indirect dimensions and reconstruction methods other than the straight FFT are necessary. Here we discuss approaches of non-uniform sampling (NUS) and suitable reconstruction methods. We expect that such methods will become standard for multi-dimensional NMR data acquisition with complex biological macromolecules and will dramatically enhance the power of modern biological NMR.

Journal of Biomolecular NMR | 2009

FM reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled protein NMR data at higher dimensions and optimization by distillation

Sven G. Hyberts; Dominique P. Frueh; Haribabu Arthanari; Gerhard Wagner

Non-uniform sampling (NUS) enables recording of multidimensional NMR data at resolutions matching the resolving power of modern instruments without using excessive measuring time. However, in order to obtain satisfying results, efficient reconstruction methods are needed. Here we describe an optimized version of the Forward Maximum entropy (FM) reconstruction method, which can reconstruct up to three indirect dimensions. For complex datasets, such as NOESY spectra, the performance of the procedure is enhanced by a distillation procedure that reduces artifacts stemming from intense peaks.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011

Optimal pulse design in quantum control: A unified computational method

Jr-Shin Li; Justin Ruths; Tsyr-Yan Yu; Haribabu Arthanari; Gerhard Wagner

Many key aspects of control of quantum systems involve manipulating a large quantum ensemble exhibiting variation in the value of parameters characterizing the system dynamics. Developing electromagnetic pulses to produce a desired evolution in the presence of such variation is a fundamental and challenging problem in this research area. We present such robust pulse designs as an optimal control problem of a continuum of bilinear systems with a common control function. We map this control problem of infinite dimension to a problem of polynomial approximation employing tools from geometric control theory. We then adopt this new notion and develop a unified computational method for optimal pulse design using ideas from pseudospectral approximations, by which a continuous-time optimal control problem of pulse design can be discretized to a constrained optimization problem with spectral accuracy. Furthermore, this is a highly flexible and efficient numerical method that requires low order of discretization and yields inherently smooth solutions. We demonstrate this method by designing effective broadband π/2 and π pulses with reduced rf energy and pulse duration, which show significant sensitivity enhancement at the edge of the spectrum over conventional pulses in 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy experiments.

Cell Reports | 2012

The C-terminal domain of eukaryotic initiation factor 5 promotes start codon recognition by its dynamic interplay with eIF1 and eIF2β.

Rafael E. Luna; Haribabu Arthanari; Hiroyuki Hiraishi; Jagpreed Nanda; Pilar Martin-Marcos; Michelle A. Markus; Barak Akabayov; Alexander G. Milbradt; Lunet E. Luna; Hee-Chan Seo; Sven G. Hyberts; Amr F. Fahmy; Mikhail Reibarkh; David Miles; Patrick R. Hagner; Elizabeth O'Day; Tingfang Yi; Assen Marintchev; Alan G. Hinnebusch; John R. Lorsch; Katsura Asano; Gerhard Wagner

Recognition of the proper start codon on mRNAs is essential for protein synthesis, which requires scanning and involves eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) eIF1, eIF1A, eIF2, and eIF5. The carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) of eIF5 stimulates 43S preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly; however, its precise role in scanning and start codon selection has remained unknown. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we identified the binding sites of eIF1 and eIF2β on eIF5-CTD and found that they partially overlapped. Mutating select eIF5 residues in the common interface specifically disrupts interaction with both factors. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates that these eIF5-CTD mutations impair start codon recognition and impede eIF1 release from the PIC by abrogating eIF5-CTD binding to eIF2β. This study provides mechanistic insight into the role of eIF5-CTDs dynamic interplay with eIF1 and eIF2β in switching PICs from an open to a closed state at start codons.

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