
Featured researches published by Haroudo Satiro Xavier.

Tetrahedron | 1999

Pohlianins A, B and C, cyclic peptides from the laxes of Jatropha pohliana ssp. molissima

Catherine Auvin-Guette; Carine Baraguey; Alain Blond; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Jean-Louis Pousset; Bernard Bodo

Abstract From the EtOAc extract of the latex of Jatropha pohliana (Euphorbiaceae), two cyclic heptapeptides, pohlianins A (1) and B (2) and one cyclic octapeptide, pohlianin C (3) were isolated by a multi-step chromatography procedure, including HPLC. Their structure were elucidated by chemical degradation, mass spectrometry, homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments. Conformational analysis of these peptides was made by using NMR experiments and distance geometry calculations. Their antimalarial activities were examined.

Phytotherapy Research | 2000

Toxicological evaluation of the hydro-alcohol extract of the dry leaves of Peumus boldus and boldine in rats

Edvaldo Rodrigues de Almeida; Antonio Mário Melo; Haroudo Satiro Xavier

The hydro‐alcohol extract of the dry leaves of Peumus boldus and boldine, showed abortive and teratogenic action and changes in the blood levels of bilirubin, cholesterol, glucose, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and urea in rats. The long term administration of the extract and boldine did not cause histological modification during a period of 90 days. Copyright

Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology | 2012


Emmanuel Viana Pontual; Thiago Henrique Napoleão; Caio Rodrigo Dias Assis; Ranilson de Souza Bezerra; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Daniela Maria do Amaral Ferraz Navarro; Luana Cassandra Breitenbach Barroso Coelho; Patrícia Maria Guedes Paiva

Aedes aegypti control is crucial to reducing dengue fever. Aedes aegypti larvae have developed resistance to organophosporous insecticides and the use of natural larvicides may help manage larval resistance by increasing elements in insecticide rotation programs. Here, we report on larvicidal activity of Moringa oleifera flower extract against A. aegypti L(1), L(2), L(3), and L(4) as well as the effect of flower extract on gut trypsin and whole-larval acetylcholinesterase from L(4.) In addition, the heated flower extract was investigated for larvicidal activity against L(4) and effect on larval gut trypsin. Moringa oleifera flower extract contains a proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor (M. oleifera flower trypsin inhibitor, MoFTI), triterpene (β-amyrin), sterol (β-sitosterol) as well as flavonoids (kaempferol and quercetin). Larvicidal activity was detected against L(2), L(3), and L(4) (LC(50) of 1.72%, 1.67%, and 0.92%, respectively). Flower extract inhibited L(4) gut trypsin (MoFTI K(i) = 0.6 nM) and did not affect acetylcholinesterase activity. In vivo assay showed that gut trypsin activity from L(4) treated with M. oleifera flower extract decreased over time (0-1,440 min) and was strongly inhibited (98.6%) after 310 min incubation; acetylcholinesterase activity was not affected. Thermal treatment resulted in a loss of trypsin inhibitor and larvicidal activities, supporting the hypothesis that flower extract contains a proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor that may be responsible for the deleterious effects on larval mortality.

Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2006

Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical profile from the roots of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown

José G. Sena Filho; Janaína. G. S. Melo; Antonio Marcos Saraiva; Ademário M. Gonçalves; Maria Nelly Caetano Psiottano; Haroudo Satiro Xavier

Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown (Verbenaceae) e geralmente usada na medicina popular brasileira para o tratamento de doencas gastricas, febre, asma e como tranquilizante. Este trabalho avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos acetato de etila, metanol e aquoso das raizes de L. alba usando metodos de difusao em pocos e o perfil fitoquimico. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os extratos acetato de etila e metanol apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana contra Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) e Klebsiella pneumonia (ATCC 10031). Terpenoides, fenilpropanoides e acucares foram detectados na analise fitoquimica.

Chemistry & Biodiversity | 2008

Ecdysteroids from Vitex species: distribution and compilation of their 13C-NMR spectral data.

José G. Sena Filho; Jennifer M. Duringer; Gabriela Lemos de Azevedo Maia; Josean Fechine Tavares; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Marcelo Sobral da Silva; Emidio Vasconcelos Leitão da-Cunha; José Maria Barbosa-Filho

Iridoids and ecdysteroids are found in some genera of the family Verbenaceae. In such cases, they are used as chemotaxonomic markers for the difficult task of taxonomic identification by using morphological characteristics of plants belonging to this family. The present work describes the distribution of ecdysteroids in plants from the genus Vitex from a review of previous work on seventeen Vitex species. In addition, 13C‐NMR data of the main ecdysteroids found in this genus are described. This study attempted to summarize previous research on ecdysteroids distribution in Vitex species with the addition of 13C‐NMR analysis to further refine the characterization of these compounds in the Verbenaceae family.

Química Nova | 2012

Avaliação de procedimentos para quantificação espectrofotométrica de flavonoides totais em folhas de Bauhinia forficata Link

Graziella Silvestre Marques; Rebeka Priscila Maranhão Monteiro; Waleska de Figueirêdo Leão; Magaly Andreza Marques de Lyra; Monize Santos Peixoto; Pedro José Rolim-Neto; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Luiz Alberto Lira Soares

Interest in analytical methods for quality control of herbal drugs has grown sharply due to the scarcity of monographs in official manuals. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate analytical procedures for quantitative determination of flavonoids from leaves of Bauhinia forficata Link (pata-de-vaca). Two procedures for quantification of total flavonoids (with and without acid hydrolysis) by spectrophotometry were tested. The proposed methods proved to be specific, sensitive, precise, accurate and robust, being suitable for routine laboratory use.

Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2009

Variabilidade sazonal dos constituintes da própolis vermelha e bioatividade em Artermia salina

Lívio César Cunha Nunes; Alexandre Bezerra Galindo; Annalu da Silva Oliveira de Deus; Daniel Arcanjo Rufino; Karina Perrelli Randau; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Antônia Maria das Graças Lopes Citó; Pedro José Rolim Neto

Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by honeybees from plant sources. The composition of the propolis depends on the season, the vegetation, and the area of collection. It presents a diverse biological activities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant and antitumoral. The seasonal variability of the red propolis constituents from Pernambuco State were accomplished in the months of February, June and October of 2006. The volatile red propolis constituients were captured by the dynamic headspace technique and analyzed by GC-MS. In the analysis of the samples, 34 constituents were identified as the mono and sesquiterpens, phenylpropanoids, aldehydes, cetons and n-alcanes, presenting as majority constituents the trans-anethol, α-copaene and methyl cis-isoeugenol. The phytochemistry profile was performed by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Through this technique the majority constituents were identified as phenols. The Brine shrimp bioassay was used to evaluate of the red propolis methanolic extract, which demonstrated a DL50 of 18.9 µg/mL and an activity antitumoral was possibly suggested.

Journal of Natural Products | 2009

Phenylethanoid and lignan glycosides from polar extracts of Lantana, a genus of verbenaceous plants widely used in traditional herbal therapies.

José G. Sena Filho; Susan L. Nimmo; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; José Maria Barbosa-Filho; Robert H. Cichewicz

Many references to the use of Lantana spp. can be found in the ethnopharmacological literature from locations around the globe. This study was focused on examining constituents from the polar extracts of Lantana radula Sw. and Lantana canescens Kunth, for which no prior chemical investigations had been reported. A new phenylethanoid glycoside, raduloside, and lignan glycoside, radulignan, were identified along with the known compounds alyssonoside, arenarioside, calceolarioside E, isonuomioside, samioside, and verbascoside.

Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2012

Antimicrobial activity and bioautographic study of antistaphylococcal components from Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tull.

Antonio Marcos Saraiva; Cristiane Lopes Saraiva; Admário Marques Gonçalves; Rogério Ribeiro Soares; Fabrício de Oliveira Mendes; Risonildo Pereira Cordeiro; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Maria Nelly Caetano Pisciottano

A determinacao da atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos metanolicos e em acetato de etila da folha, casca do caule, casca da raiz, flor, fruto e semente de Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tull. foi realizada frente a dezessete isolados de Staphylococcus aureus MRSA multirresistentes, dois isolados de S. aureus MSSA e duas cepas padrao, pelas tecnicas de poco/difusao em agar e determinacao das CMI pelo metodo de diluicao em agar/multiinoculador de Stears. O extrato metanolico de casca da raiz indicou uma boa atividade, com CMI inferior a 0.5 mg.mL-1. Os extratos secos por extracao em acetato de etila apresentaram menor atividade que se poderia explicar por problemas de solubilidade e menor difusao no meio de cultura em agar. Resultados das bioautografias confirmaram zonas de inibicao correspondente as substâncias ativas presente na folha, como tambem na flor da C. pyramidalis. No estudo fitoquimico das folhas, casca da caule, casca da raiz, flor e fruto dos extratos de C. pyramidalis evidenciou-se a presenca de varios constituintes com reconhecida atividade antimicrobiana, entre estes o acido ursolico, quercetina, catequina, acido elagico, sitosterol, flavonoides, proantocianidinas e acido galico. Entre todos os metabolitos citados, somente o ultimo nao observamos, por CCD, na casca da raiz de C. pyramidalis.

Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2012

Chrysobalanaceae: traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology

Evanilson Alves Feitosa; Haroudo Satiro Xavier; Karina Perrelli Randau

Chrysobalanaceae is a family composed of seventeen genera and about 525 species. In Africa and South America some species have popular indications for various diseases such as malaria, epilepsy, diarrhea, inflammations and diabetes. Despite presenting several indications of popular use, there are few studies confirming the activities of these species. In the course of evaluating the potential for future studies, the present work is a literature survey on databases of the botanical, chemical, biological and ethnopharmacological data on Chrysobalanaceae species published since the first studies that occurred in the 60s until the present day.

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