
Skin Research and Technology | 2016

The investigation of the skin biophysical measurements focusing on daily activities, skin care habits, and gender differences

Hazrina Ab. Hadi; Ammar Ihsan Jawad Awadh; N. M. Hanif; N. F. A. Md Sidik; Mohd Rajaei Nuruddin Mohd Rani; M. S. M. Suhaimi

Skin, as a protective barrier to exogenous substances, can be modulated by various internal and external factors that can affect its functional state. In order to prevent the early symptoms and signs of diseases of the skin, frequent skin health assessment should be performed. The aims of the study were to evaluate four skin properties of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), hydration, elasticity, and pigmentation using a non‐invasive skin assessment tool, DermaLab Combo®, and also to determine possible factors that may influence skin condition.

BMC Public Health | 2014

Immunization knowledge and practice among Malaysian parents: a questionnaire development and pilot-testing

Ammar Ihsan Jawad Awadh; Mohamed Azmi Hassali; Omer Qutaiba Al-lela; Siti Halimah Bux; Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod Elkalmi; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

BackgroundParents are the main decision makers for their children vaccinations. This fact makes parents’ immunization knowledge and practices as predictor factors for immunization uptake and timeliness. The aim of this pilot study was to develop a reliable and valid instrument in Malaysian language to measure immunization knowledge and practice (KP) of Malaysian parents.MethodsA cross-sectional prospective pilot survey was conducted among 88 Malaysian parents who attended public health facilities that provide vaccinations. Translated immunization KP questionnaires (Bahasa Melayu version) were used. Descriptive statistics were applied, face and content validity were assessed, and internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity were determined.ResultsThe mean ± standard deviation (SD) of the knowledge scores was 7.36 ± 2.29 and for practice scores was 7.13 ± 2.20. Good internal consistency was found for knowledge and practice items (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.757 and 0.743 respectively); the test-retest reliability value was 0.740 (p = 0.014). A panel of three specialist pharmacists who are experts in this field judged the face and content validity of the final questionnaire. Parents with up-to-date immunized children had significantly better knowledge and practice scores than parents who did not (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001 respectively), suggesting a good construct validity. A significant difference was found in knowledge and practice scores among parents’ age (p = 0.006 and p = 0.029 respectively) and place of living (p = 0.037 and p = 0.043). The parents’ knowledge level was positively associated with their practice toward immunization (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient 0.310, p = 0.003).ConclusionsThe pilot study concluded that the Bahasa Melayu version of the immunization KP questionnaire has good reliability and validity for measuring the knowledge and practices of Malaysian parents and therefore this version can be used in future research.

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology | 2017

Stingless Bee Honey, the Natural Wound Healer: A Review

Mohd Azri Abdul Jalil; Abdul Razak Kasmuri; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

Background: The stingless bee is a natural type of bee that exists in almost every continent. The honey produced by this bee has been widely used across time and space. The distinctive feature of this honey is that it is stored naturally in the pot (cerumen), thus contributing to its beneficial properties, especially in the wound healing process. Methods: In this article, several studies on stingless bee honey that pointed out the numerous therapeutic profiles of this honey in terms of its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, as well as moisturizing properties are reviewed. All of these therapeutic properties are related to wound healing properties. Results: Antioxidant in stingless bee honey could break the chain of free radicals that cause a detrimental effect to the wounded area. Furthermore, the antimicrobial properties of stingless bee honey could overcome the bacterial contamination and thus improve the healing rate. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory attribute in this honey could protect the tissue from highly toxic inflammatory mediators. The moisturizing properties of the honey could improve wound healing by promoting angiogenesis and oxygen circulation. Conclusion: The application of honey to the wound has been widely used since ancient times. As a result, it is essential to understand the pharmacological mechanism of the honey towards the physiology of the wounded skin in order to optimize the healing rate in the future.

Drug Delivery and Translational Research | 2016

Preparation, characterization, and in vitro release studies of insulin-loaded double-walled poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres

Rezaul H. Ansary; Mokhlesur Rahman; Mohamed Awang; Haliza Katas; Hazrina Ab. Hadi; Abd Almonen Doolaanea

The purpose of this study was to fabricate insulin-loaded double-walled and single-polymer poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres using a fast degrading glucose core, hydroxyl-terminated poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (Glu-PLGA), and a moderate degrading carboxyl-terminated PLGA polymers. A modified water-in-oil-in-oil-in-water (w/o/o/w) emulsion solvent evaporation technique was employed to prepare double-walled microspheres, whereas single-polymer microspheres were fabricated by a conventional water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) emulsion solvent evaporation method. The effect of fabrication techniques and polymer characteristics on microspheres size, morphology, encapsulation efficiency, in vitro release, and insulin stability was evaluated. The prepared double-walled microspheres were essentially non-porous, smooth surfaced, and spherical in shape, whereas single-polymer microspheres were highly porous. Double-walled microspheres exhibited a significantly reduced initial burst followed by sustained and almost complete release of insulin compared to single-polymer microspheres. Initial burst release was further suppressed from double-walled microspheres when the mass ratio of the component polymers was increased. In conclusion, double-walled microspheres made of Glu-PLGA and PLGA can be a potential delivery system of therapeutic insulin.

Archives of Pharmacal Research | 2016

Preparation, characterization and in vitro release study of BSA-loaded double-walled glucose-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres

Rezaul H. Ansary; Mokhlesur Rahman; Mohamed Awang; Haliza Katas; Hazrina Ab. Hadi; Farahidah Mohamed; Abd Almonem Doolaanea; Yunus B. Kamaruzzaman

Abstract The aim of this study was to prepare a model protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA) loaded double-walled microspheres using a fast degrading glucose core, hydroxyl-terminated poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (Glu-PLGA) and a moderate-degrading carboxyl-terminated PLGA polymers to reduce the initial burst release and to eliminate the lag phase from the release profile of PLGA microspheres. The double-walled microspheres were prepared using a modified water-in-oil-in-oil-in-water (w/o/o/w) method and single-polymer microspheres were prepared using a conventional water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) emulsion solvent evaporation method. The particle size, morphology, encapsulation efficiency, thermal properties, in vitro drug release and structural integrity of BSA were evaluated in this study. Double-walled microspheres prepared with Glu-PLGA and PLGA polymers with a mass ratio of 1:1 were non-porous, smooth-surfaced, and spherical in shape. A significant reduction of initial burst release was achieved for the double-walled microspheres compared to single-polymer microspheres. In addition, microspheres prepared using Glu-PLGA and PLGA polymers in a mass ratio of 1:1 exhibited continuous BSA release after the small initial burst without any lag phase. It can be concluded that the double-walled microspheres made of Glu-PLGA and PLGA polymers in a mass ratio of 1:1 can be a potential delivery system for pharmaceutical proteins.

BMC Pediatrics | 2014

Does an educational intervention improve parents’ knowledge about immunization? Experience from Malaysia

Ammar Ihsan Jawad Awadh; Mohamed Azmi Hassali; Omer Qutaiba Al-lela; Siti Halimah Bux; Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod Elkalmi; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

BackgroundParents’ knowledge about immunization is an important predictor factor for their children’s immunization status. The aims of this study were to assess parents’ knowledge and to evaluate the effect of a short educational intervention on improving parents’ knowledge of childhood immunization.MethodsA cross-sectional study using a pre- and post-test intervention survey of a single group was conducted among Malaysian parents. Changes in total knowledge score before and after the intervention were measured using a validated questionnaire. The intervention consisted of an animated movie and lecture using simple understandable language. Wilcoxon signed ranks test and the McNemar x2 test were applied to compare the differences in knowledge before and after the intervention.ResultsSeventy-three parents were enrolled in this study; the majority were mothers (n = 64, 87.7%). Parents’ knowledge about childhood immunization increased significantly after the intervention compared to the baseline results (p < 0.001). There were significant differences between parents’ knowledge and their educational level and monthly income (p < 0.001 and p = 0.005), respectively.ConclusionsA short educational intervention designed for parents had a positive effect on their knowledge about immunization. Educational interventions targeting parents with low levels of education and income are needed. Further studies investigating the actual effectiveness of such interventions on immunization rates and statuses are required.

Karger Kompass Dermatologie | 2018

Honig stachelloser Bienen als natürliches Wundheilungsmittel: eine Übersicht

Mohd Azri Abd Jalil; Abdul Razak Kasmuri; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

Hintergrund: Die stachellose Biene ist eine auf fast allen Kontinenten vorkommende natürliche Bienenart. Ihr Honig wurde zu allen Zeiten und überall auf der Welt verwendet. Eine Besonderheit des Honigs ist, dass er von den Bienen in einem natürlichen Harzgefäß (Cerumen) gespeichert wird, was seine positiven Eigenschaften, insbesondere für die Wundheilung, unterstützt. Methoden: Der vorliegende Artikel enthält eine Übersicht verschiedener Studien zu Honig stachelloser Bienen, in denen die zahlreichen therapeutischen Profile dieses Honigs im Hinblick auf seine antioxidativen, antimikrobiellen, entzündungshemmenden und feuchtigkeitsspendenden Eigenschaften hervorgehoben werden. Alle diese therapeutischen Eigenschaften wirken wundheilungsfördernd. Ergebnisse: Die im Honig stachelloser Bienen enthaltenen Antioxidantien können freie Radikalketten unterbrechen, die sich negativ auf die Wundheilung auswirken. Darüber hinaus kann der Honig stachelloser Bienen durch seine antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften der bakteriellen Kontamination entgegenwirken und so die Heilungsrate verbessern. Ferner schützt die entzündungshemmende Wirkung dieses Honigs das Gewebe gegen hochwirksame Entzündungsmediatoren. Seine feuchtigkeitsspendenden Eigenschaften fördern die Wundheilung, da sie die Angiogenese anregen und die Sauerstoffversorgung verbessern. Schlussfolgerung: Die Anwendung von Honig zur Behandlung von Wunden ist von alters her weit verbreitet. Um die Heilungsraten in Zukunft weiter zu verbessern, ist es deshalb wichtig zu verstehen, über welchen pharmakologischen Mechanismus der Honig auf die Physiologie wunder Haut wirkt. Übersetzung aus Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2017;30:66-75 (DOI: 10.1159/000458416)

Journal of research in pharmacy practice | 2016

The use of sunscreen products among final year medicine and pharmacy students: A cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitude, practice, and perception

Ammar Ihsan Jawad Awadh; Shazia Qasim Jamshed; Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod Elkalmi; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, perception, and practice of medical and pharmacy students toward the usage of sunscreen as protection for the skin against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among final year medical and pharmacy undergraduates at the International Islamic University Malaysia. Validated questionnaires were distributed to 134 medical students and 100 pharmacy students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used where appropriate. Findings: One hundred and sixty-one out of 234 participants completed the questionnaires. The participants comprised 101 medical students (75.4%) and sixty pharmacy students (60.0%). The majority of the respondents were females (102; 63.4%), and 59 (36.6%) were males. The median of the knowledge scores of the final year medical students was significantly lower than that of the final year pharmacy students (P < 0.001). The female students showed significantly higher knowledge scores than the male students (P = 0.027). This study reported that 24 (39.3%) pharmacy students were influenced by the media to use sunscreen, whereas 35 (34.7%) medical students were influenced the most by friends to use sunscreen. The final year pharmacy students had a better perception compared to the medical students, with the total perception score of the final year pharmacy students being significantly higher than that of the final year medical students (P = 0.020). Most of the participants were also aware of the harmful effects of UV radiation and had a positive reaction toward the usage of sunscreen to prevent those harmful effects. Conclusion: The knowledge and perception of final year pharmacy students were significantly higher than the knowledge and perception of final year medical students with regard to the usage of sunscreen.

Journal of research in pharmacy practice | 2015

Knowledge, awareness, and perception of contraception among senior pharmacy students in Malaysia: A pilot study

Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod Elkalmi; Muhammad Umair Khan; Akram Ahmad; Akshaya B. Srikanth; Norny Syafinase Abdurhaman; Shazia Qasim Jamshed; Ammar Ihsan Awad; Hazrina Ab. Hadi

Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, awareness, and perception of contraception among senior pharmacy students of a public sector university in Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted among senior pharmacy students. The pretested questionnaire was used to collect data from the participants over the period of 1-month. The questionnaire was divided into four sections, for gathering the information about students′ demographic data, and their knowledge, attitudes, and perception toward contraception. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20. Findings: The response rate was 68.6%. The results showed that the contraceptive knowledge was comparatively higher in year four students (P < 0.001), married respondents (P < 0.001) and those taking elective courses (P = 0.022) as compared to their respective counterparts. Majority of the students were well aware and had a positive perception about contraception. Conclusion: Overall findings reflect that the majority of the students had good knowledge, perception, and awareness about contraception. The study recommends future studies to be conducted covering different pharmacy schools across the country to further establish the results.

Value in Health | 2014

Knowledge and Perception of Medical and Pharmacy Students Toward The Usage of Sunblock

Hazrina Ab. Hadi; Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod Elkalmi; Ammar Ihsan Jawad Awadh; Shazia Qasim Jamshed; Abdul Kareem Al-Shami

Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge and perception of medical and phar- macy students toward the usage of sunblock as skin protection against ultraviolet (UV). MethOds: This cross-sectional study was conducted among the undergradu- ate final year medical and pharmacy students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Validated questionnaire were used to collect the data. The question- naires were distributed to 134 students from medicine and 100 pharmacy students. Descriptive and inferential statistics are used whenever appropriate. Results: Overall, 161 participants out of a total of 234 completed the questionnaire with 101 medical students (75.4%) and 60 pharmacy students (60.0%). Majority of the respondents were female 64 (63.4%) and 37 (36.6%) were male. The median of knowl- edge scores of the final year medical students was significantly lower than the final year pharmacy students (p<0.01). There is no significant differnce between the knowledge of the female and male students (Mann Whitney U Test value = 0.27, p<0.01). This study reported that 24 (39.3 %) of pharmacy students were influ- enced by the media to use sunblock whereas 35 (34.7%) of medical students had the highest influence from friends to use sunblock. However, this study showed there was no significant difference in the perception of pharmacy and medical studnets p=0.020. cOnclusiOns: In conclusion, the knowledge of pharmacy students is significantly higher than the knowledge of medical students had on the usage of sunblock. Both medical and pharmacy students have the same level of perception towards the usage of sunblock.

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