Heather Hilton
University of Paris
Language Learning Journal | 2008
Heather Hilton
In spite of the vast numbers of articles devoted to vocabulary acquisition in a foreign language, few studies address the contribution of lexical knowledge to spoken fluency. The present article begins with basic definitions of the temporal characteristics of oral fluency, summarizing L1 research over several decades, and then presents fluency findings from a corpus of oral productions in three different L2s. Investigation of disfluencies in the corpus (the distribution of long hesitations and two types of retracing) reveal the fundamental role of ‘lexical competence’ in spoken fluency, which should, it is argued, be taken more thoroughly into account in our language-teaching programmes.
Journal of Learning Disabilities | 2013
Séverine Casalis; Christel Leuwers; Heather Hilton
This study examined syntactic comprehension in French children with dyslexia in both listening and reading. In the first syntactic comprehension task, a partial version of the Epreuve de Compréhension syntaxico-sémantique (ECOSSE test; French adaptation of Bishop’s test for receptive grammar test) children with dyslexia performed at a lower level in the written but not in the spoken modality, compared to reading age–matched children, suggesting a difficulty in handling syntax while reading. In the second task, syntactic processing was further explored through a test of relative clause processing, in which inflectional markers could aid in attributing roles to the elements in a complex syntactic structure. Children with dyslexia were insensitive to inflectional markers in both reading and listening, as was the reading age control group, while only the older normal reader group appeared to make use of the inflectional markers. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that difficulties in comprehension in dyslexia are strongly related to poor reading skills.
the CALICO Journal | 2013
Heather Hilton
Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère | 2008
Heather Hilton
Les Langues modernes | 2005
Heather Hilton
Archive | 2011
Heather Hilton
System | 2012
Heather Hilton
System | 2007
Heather Hilton
Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité - Cahiers de l APLIUT | 2006
Heather Hilton
System | 2015
Heather Hilton