Hee-Jun Yang
Yonsei University
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Featured researches published by Hee-Jun Yang.
Journal of Korean Medical Science | 2008
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Wonsug Jung; Hye Yeon Lee
The superficial brachial artery (SBA), a branch of the axillary artery, is one of the most common arterial variations in this area. While it is more vulnerable to accidental arterial injection or injury, it could be useful for the nourishment of a medial arm skin free flap. To analyze the relationship between the SBA of axillary origin and segmental variation of the axillary artery, we dissected 304 arms of Korean cadavers. We found an SBA of axillary origin in 12.2% of cadaveric arms. Unilateral occurrence was detected in 16 cadavers and bilateral in 10. SBAs gave rise to radial and ulnar arteries in the cubital fossa (8.9%), continued in the forearm as the radial artery (2.3%), or ended in the upper arm (1.0%). The SBA ended as ulnar artery was not found in any of the cadavers. The bifurcation of the SBA into the radial and ulnar arteries, presence of an SBA that ends in the upper arm, and the lack of continuation as the ulnar artery are characteristics of SBAs in Korean cadavers.
Clinical Anatomy | 2012
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Jeong-Doo Jin; Song Vogue Ahn; Hye Yeon Lee
Suprascapular nerve entrapment caused by the superior transverse scapular ligament (STSL) causes pain, and limitation of motion in the shoulder. To relieve these symptoms, suprascapular nerve decompression is performed through the resection of STSL. To describe and classify the topographic anatomy of the suprascapular notch, 103 cadaveric shoulders were dissected. The mean length and width of STSLs were 11.2 and 3.4 mm, respectively. The bony bridges replacing STSL in four shoulders were 8.2 mm long and 3.5 mm wide on average. The suprascapular nerve always ran through the notch under the STSL. All shoulders had a single suprascapular artery, while multiple suprascapular veins appeared in 21.3%. The arrangement of the suprascapular vessels was classified into three types: in Type I (59.4%), all suprascapular vessels ran over the STSL; in Type II (29.7%), the vessels ran over and under the STSL simultaneously; in Type III (10.9%), all vessels ran under the STSL. In 48.9% of cadavers, these types were bilaterally matched. The omohyoid muscle originated distantly from the STSL in 38.0%, was adjacent to it in 44.0%, and was partially over the STSL in 18.0%. The number of suprascapular vessels running under the STSL was positively correlated with the size of the STSL and the middle diameter of the suprascapular notch. Age was inversely correlated with the length of STSL. The STSL was wider in males than in females. This study provides details of the structural variations in the region of the suprascapular notch. Clin. Anat. 25:359–365, 2012.
Clinical Anatomy | 2009
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Hye Yeon Lee
The transverse facial artery (TFA) is found in the lateral face and supplies the parotid gland and duct, facial nerve, facial muscles, and skin. To better understand the cutaneous vascularization of the lateral face and to better characterize the topography and other anatomical features of the TFA, microsurgical dissection was performed in 44 cadavers. The number of TFAs present ranged from one to three, and a single TFA was most common (70.5%). The TFA originated from the superficial temporal artery at or above the level of crossing by the temporofacial trunk of the facial nerve in the parotid gland (57.6%). The TFA divided into superior and inferior trunks in the gland, and continued as emerging branch. The superior emerging branch emerged from the gland superior to the parotid duct and divided into many branches. It supplied the malar area, crossed the parotid duct, terminated as perforator, vasa nervorum, or artery to the parotid duct or muscle. The inferior trunk in 72.5% continued as emerging branch instead of terminating in the gland. TFAs were classified into four types; the most common type was Type A in which the superior and inferior emerging branches and the duct‐crossing branch were present. The mean number of perforators to the superficial cutaneous layer was 1.9. Most perforators extended from the superior emerging branches (77.9%). The most common perforating site was below the duct on the anterior third of the masseter muscle. In two cases, the TFA formed an anastomosis with the facial artery. Clin. Anat. 23:168–178, 2010.
Clinical Anatomy | 2010
Hee-Jun Yang; Hye Yeon Lee
We thank the authors of the Letter to the Editor (Bratu et al., 2010) for their interest in our report (Yang et al., 2010) as well as for the comments on it. When a transverse facial artery (TFA) arises from external carotid artery (ECA), its origin must be at the same level of the maxillary artery or below it. That would make the TFA run not anteriorly but superoanteriorly to reach the parotid gland, parotid duct, and branches of facial nerve. Instead of a TFA from ECA, we observed only short arterial branches, which arose from ECA to supply the posterior margin of masseter muscle in some cases. We hope to have an opportunity to analyze and classify such a low-level originated TFA in the future. The alternative dominance between the TFA and the facial artery (FA) seems to appear in an anatomical form or in physiological phenomenon. The agenesis of FA accompanied by giant TFA (Tubbs et al., 2005) is a good example of the anatomical dominance of an artery over the other one. In contrast, physiological dominance between the arteries cannot be detected by anatomical dissection. Renshaw et al. (2007) reported TFAs, which were invisible under color Doppler ultrasound. This might be an example of physiological form of alternative dominance of the FA over the TFA. We carefully suggest that it is difficult to find a TFA with rich anastomotic counter-flow from FA using Doppler because the method does not work well with a decreased or reversed blood flow. In such a condition, we wonder whether the external carotid angiography could be more helpful than color Doppler ultrasound to assess the FA and TFA. Because of the rich anastomosis between the arterial branches in lateral face, the presence of a healthy superficial temporal artery should be enough to supply blood to this area in normal condition. However, because of the need for the information of individual angiosome of the arterial branches, the experimental analysis of the vascular territory of the lateral face was performed (Whetzel and Mathes, 1992). The knowledge about each artery became more precise and detailed. We believe that much more will be added to topographical anatomical knowledge in every part of the human body because of the newly emerging surgical procedures as well as our curiosity. In addition, we absolutely agree with Bratu et al., who recommended a comparison between the right side and the left side as it is essential for a study of surgical anatomy of the face. Next time, we are going to collect data from both sides of the cadaver when studying an area to which bilateral surgical approach is common. We look forward to receiving more feedback like this from surgical professionals.
Clinical Anatomy | 2008
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Woo-Jung Lee; Tae-Jong Kim; Hye Yeon Lee
Thoracic splanchnic nerves conduct pain sensation from the abdominal organs around the celiac ganglion. Splanchnicectomy is the procedure used mainly for the control of intractable visceral pain. Forty‐six human posterior thoracic walls were dissected. The formation pattern, course, and incidence of communication of the thoracic splanchnic nerves were investigated. The greater splanchnic nerves (GSNs) were formed by nerve branches from the T4–T11 thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the most common type was formed by T5–T9 (21.7%). The uppermost branches originated from T4–T9 while the lowermost branches emanated from the T7–T11. Two to seven ganglia contributed to the GSNs. In 54.3% of the specimens, at least one ganglion in the GSN‐tributary ganglionic array did not branch to the GSN. The lesser splanchnic nerves (LSNs) were formed by the nerve branches of the T8–T12 thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the most common type was formed by T10 and T11 (32.6%). One to five ganglia were involved in the LSNs. The least splanchnic nerves (lSNs) were composed of branches from the T10–L1 thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the most common type was composed of nerve branches from T11 and T12 or from T12 only (each 30.4%). One to three ganglia were involved in the lSNs. In 54.3% of the specimens, interconnection between the GSNs and the LSNs existed, bringing the possible bypass around the transection of the GSNs. The splanchnic nerves that appear in textbooks occurred in a minority of our specimens. We provided expanded anatomical data for splanchnicectomy in this report. Clin. Anat. 21:171–177, 2008.
Clinical Anatomy | 2012
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Jeong-Doo Jin; Hyejin Cho; Hyun Kim; Hye Yeon Lee
The anatomy and variations of the axillary vein has significant implications in various invasive procedures such as venous access, axillary block, arteriovenous fistula creation, axillary node dissection, breast augmentation, and other surgical procedures involving the axilla. To clarify the anatomy of the axillary vein and its tributaries, 40 cadaveric upper extremities were examined after dissection and were classified into several types according to the courses and terminations of brachial veins. The brachial veins ended separately (Type A; 72.5%) or made a common brachial vein (Type B; 27.5%) to enter the basilic vein or the axillary vein. The basilic vein was absent in 5.0% of the specimens. Duplication of the axillary vein was observed in 17.5% of the specimens and the lateral venous channel running along the lateral wall of the axilla was observed in 40.0% of the specimens. The most common drainage vein of the deep brachial vein was the lateral brachial vein (67.5%). The anterior circumflex humeral vein also emptied into the lateral brachial vein in 67.5% of the specimens. The posterior circumflex humeral vein crossed posterior side of the brachial plexus to join either the axillary vein (45.0%) or subscapular vein (42.5%). Perforation of the lateral root of median nerve by a lateral brachial vein, a common brachial vein, or a venous channel was observed in 15.0% of the specimens. Other venous variations accompanying the variations of the axillary artery or the brachial artery are described herein. The clinical importance of these findings is described in the discussion. Clin. Anat. 25:893–902, 2012.
Clinical Anatomy | 2009
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Hye Yeon Lee
The wide anatomical variation of the brachial plexus and the axillary artery has been thoroughly explored in previous studies. However, there has been little information reported on the variation in the relationship between the brachial plexus and the axillary artery. The principal feature of this relationship is the passage of the axillary artery through the loop of the median nerve, which occurs in normal arteries derived from the seventh intersegmental artery. In this study, we analyzed the abnormal position and course of the axillary artery related to the brachial plexus in 607 axillae of 306 cadavers. We found 12 unusual axillary arteries that did not pass through the median loop. Eleven arteries were determined to be ninth intersegmental arteries and one as the sixth intersegmental artery. All ninth intersegmental arteries ran caudally to the brachial plexus. In six cases of this type, abnormal connections interfering with the normal arterial position were observed in the brachial plexus. In another five cases of this type, the lateral and medial cords merged and the axillary artery passed anteromedial to the plexus. The sixth intersegmental axillary artery pierced the musculocutaneous nerve which is from the unified lateral and medial cords. This study discussed the how the anomalous structure of the brachial plexus could involve the deterioration of the course of the axillary artery. Clin. Anat. 22:586–594, 2009.
Clinical Anatomy | 2012
Hyejin Cho; Hye Yeon Lee; Young-Chun Gil; Yun-Rak Choi; Hee-Jun Yang
Understanding of the anatomy of the radial nerve and its branches is vital to the treatment of humeral fracture or the restoration of upper extremity function. In this study, we dissected 40 upper extremities from adult cadavers to locate the course of the radial nerve and the origins and insertions of the branches of the radial nerve using surface landmarks. The radial nerve reached and left the radial groove and pierced the lateral intermuscular septum, at the levels of 46.7, 60.5, and 66.8% from the acromion to the transepicondylar line, respectively. Branches to the long head of the triceps brachii originated in the axilla, and branches to the medial and lateral heads originated in the axilla or in the arm. The muscular attachments to the long, medial, and lateral heads were on average 34.0 mm proximal, 16.4 mm distal, and 19.3 mm proximal to the level of inferior end of the deltoid muscle, respectively. The radial nerve innervated 65.0% of the brachialis muscles. Branches to the brachioradialis and those to the extensor carpi radialis longus arose from the radial nerve above the transepicondylar line. Branches to the extensor carpi radialis brevis usually arose from the deep branch of radial nerve (67.5%); however, in some cases, branches to the extensor carpi radialis brevis arose from either the radial nerve (20.0%) or the superficial branch of the radial nerve (12.5%). Using these data, the course of the radial nerve can be estimated by observing the surface of the arm. Clin. Anat. 26:862–869, 2013.
Dermatologic Surgery | 2015
Hee-Jun Yang; Young-Chun Gil; Hye Yeon Lee
BACKGROUND Deactivation of the corrugator supercilii for the treatment of unintentional glabellar lines requires high selectivity to avoid sensory complications. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to delineate the topographic anatomy of facial and trigeminal nerves in relation to the corrugator supercilii to improve the selectivity and safety of deactivation of the corrugator supercilii muscle. MATERIALS AND METHODS The number, courses, and attachments of the facial nerve to the corrugator supercilii muscle were investigated by dissection of 27 cadaveric hemifaces. Twelve cadaveric hemiforehead flaps were stained using a modified Sihler method to trace the supraorbital and supratrochlear branches. RESULTS On average, 1.8 branches of the facial nerve at the zygomatic arch were associated with the corrugator supercilii muscle through 1 (29.3%) or 2 terminal rami (70.7%). The trigeminal nerve gave off 7.7 supraorbital and 5.1 supratrochlear branches emerging from orbit. The majority of the supraorbital branches became intramuscular branches (60.4%), whereas the majority of the supratrochlear branches became superficial branches (67.8%). CONCLUSION Resection of the muscle may damage the intramuscular trigeminal branches, leading to sensory changes. The course of the facial nerve branches to the corrugator supercilii muscle was much more predictable at their distal part than the proximal part.
Journal of Korean Medical Science | 2015
Jong-Ho Bang; Young-Chun Gil; Hee-Jun Yang; Jeong-Doo Jin; Jae-Ho Lee; Hye Yeon Lee
Although numerous reports have found accessory or supernumerary muscles throughout the human body, multiple appearances of these variations biased toward one side of body are rare. We report a 76-yr-old male cadaver with an accessory head of the biceps brachii and palmaris profundus, and a muscular slip between the biceps femoris and semitendinosus on the left side in addition to a bilateral accessory belly of the digastric muscle. No remarkable nervous, vascular, or visceral variation accompanied these variations. An interruption of normal somitogenesis or myogenesis may be a cause of these variations.