Heiko Braak
Goethe University Frankfurt
Neurobiology of Aging | 2003
Heiko Braak; Kelly Del Tredici; Udo Rüb; Rob A.I. de Vos; Ernst N.H. Jansen Steur; Eva Braak
Sporadic Parkinsons disease involves multiple neuronal systems and results from changes developing in a few susceptible types of nerve cells. Essential for neuropathological diagnosis are alpha-synuclein-immunopositive Lewy neurites and Lewy bodies. The pathological process targets specific induction sites: lesions initially occur in the dorsal motor nucleus of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves and anterior olfactory nucleus. Thereafter, less vulnerable nuclear grays and cortical areas gradually become affected. The disease process in the brain stem pursues an ascending course with little interindividual variation. The pathology in the anterior olfactory nucleus makes fewer incursions into related areas than that developing in the brain stem. Cortical involvement ensues, beginning with the anteromedial temporal mesocortex. From there, the neocortex succumbs, commencing with high order sensory association and prefrontal areas. First order sensory association/premotor areas and primary sensory/motor fields then follow suit. This study traces the course of the pathology in incidental and symptomatic Parkinson cases proposing a staging procedure based upon the readily recognizable topographical extent of the lesions.
Cell and Tissue Research | 2004
Heiko Braak; Estifanos Ghebremedhin; Udo Rüb; H. Bratzke; Kelly Del Tredici
The synucleinopathy, idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, is a multisystem disorder that involves only a few predisposed nerve cell types in specific regions of the human nervous system. The intracerebral formation of abnormal proteinaceous Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites begins at defined induction sites and advances in a topographically predictable sequence. As the disease progresses, components of the autonomic, limbic, and somatomotor systems become particularly badly damaged. During presymptomatic stages 1–2, inclusion body pathology is confined to the medulla oblongata/pontine tegmentum and olfactory bulb/anterior olfactory nucleus. In stages 3–4, the substantia nigra and other nuclear grays of the midbrain and forebrain become the focus of initially slight and, then, severe pathological changes. At this point, most individuals probably cross the threshold to the symptomatic phase of the illness. In the end-stages 5–6, the process enters the mature neocortex, and the disease manifests itself in all of its clinical dimensions.
Neurobiology of Aging | 1995
Heiko Braak; Eva Braak
Specific immunocytochemical methods (AT8) permit evaluation of neuronal changes well before the actual formation of neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads. Initial changes are found in the transentorhinal region (temporal lobe). From here the destructive process encroaches upon the entorhinal region, Ammons horn, and neocortex. Initial changes occur in comparatively young individuals and can also be observed at the same predilection sites in a few species of old aged domestic animals. In a later state of destruction, AT8 immunoreactive neurons develop typical argyrophilic neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads. Six stages of disease propagation can be distinguished with respect to the location of the tangle-bearing neurons and the severity of changes (transentorhinal stages I-II: clinically silent cases; limbic stages III-IV: incipient Alzheimers disease; neocortical stages V-VI: fully developed Alzheimers disease). Whole mount techniques reveal the lesional pattern of the particularly severely involved superficial entorhinal layer as seen from the free surface of the parahippocampal gyrus. This approach facilitates recognition of even subtle pathologic changes throughout the entire extent of cortical territories such as the transentorhinal and entorhinal regions.
Neurobiology of Aging | 1997
Heiko Braak; Eva Braak
Alzheimers disease is a relentlessly progressing dementing disorder. Major pathological hallmarks include extracellular deposits of amyloid protein and intraneuronal neurofibrillary changes. No remissions occur in the course of the disease. Initial amyloid deposits develop in poorly myelinated areas of the basal neocortex. From there, they spread into adjoining areas and the hippocampus. Deposits eventually infiltrate all cortical areas, including densely myelinated primary fields of the neocortex (stages A-C). Intraneuronal lesions develop initially in the transentorhinal region, then spread in a predictable manner across other areas (stages I-VI). At stages I-II, neurofibrillary changes develop preferentially in the absence of amyloid deposits. A proportion of cases shows early development of amyloid deposits and/or intraneuronal changes. Advanced age is thus not a prerequisite for the evolution of the lesions. Alzheimers disease is an age-related, not an age-dependent disease. The degree of brain destruction at stages III-IV frequently leads to the appearance of initial clinical symptoms. The stages V-VI representing fully developed Alzheimers disease are increasingly prevalent with increasing age. The arithmetic means of the stages of both the amyloid-depositing and the neurofibrillary pathology increase with age. Age is a risk factor for Alzheimers disease.
Journal of Neural Transmission | 2003
Heiko Braak; Udo Rüb; W. P. Gai; K. Del Tredici
Summary. The progressive, neurodegenerative process underlying idiopathic Parkinsons disease is associated with the formation of proteinaceous inclusion bodies that involve a few susceptible neuronal types of the human nervous system. In the lower brain stem, the process begins in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and advances from there essentially upwards through susceptible regions of the medulla oblongata, pontine tegmentum, midbrain, and basal forebrain until it reaches the cerebral cortex. With time, multiple components of the autonomic, limbic, and motor systems become severely impaired. All of the vulnerable subcortical grays and cortical areas are closely interconnected. Incidental cases of idiopathic Parkinsons disease may show involvement of both the enteric nervous system and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. This observation, combined with the working hypothesis that the stereotypic topographic expansion pattern of the lesions may resemble that of a falling row of dominos, prompts the question whether the disorder might originate outside of the central nervous system, caused by a yet unidentified pathogen that is capable of passing the mucosal barrier of the gastrointestinal tract and, via postganglionic enteric neurons, entering the central nervous system along unmyelinated praeganglionic fibers generated from the visceromotor projection cells of the vagus nerve. By way of retrograde axonal and transneuronal transport, such a causative pathogen could reach selectively vulnerable subcortical nuclei and, unimpeded, gain access to the cerebral cortex. The here hypothesized mechanism offers one possible explanation for the sequential and apparently uninterrupted manner in which vulnerable brain regions, subcortical grays and cortical areas become involved in idiopathic Parkinsons disease.
Neuroscience Letters | 2006
Heiko Braak; Rob A.I. de Vos; Jürgen Bohl; Kelly Del Tredici
The progressive degenerative process associated with sporadic Parkinsons disease (sPD) is characterized by formation of alpha-synuclein-containing inclusion bodies in a few types of projection neurons in both the enteric and central nervous systems (ENS and CNS). In the brain, the process apparently begins in the brainstem (dorsal motor nucleus of the vagal nerve) and advances through susceptible regions of the basal mid-and forebrain until it reaches the cerebral cortex. Anatomically, all of the vulnerable brain regions are closely interconnected. Whether the pathological process begins in the brain or elsewhere in the nervous system, however, is still unknown. We therefore used immunocytochemisty to investigate the gastric myenteric and submucosal plexuses in 150 microm cryosections and 8 microm paraffin sections from five autopsy individuals, whose brains were also staged for Parkinson-associated synucleinopathy. alpha-synuclein immunoreactive inclusions were found in neurons of the submucosal Meissner plexus, whose axons project into the gastric mucosa and terminate in direct proximity to fundic glands. These elements could provide the first link in an uninterrupted series of susceptible neurons that extend from the enteric to the central nervous system. The existence of such an unbroken neuronal chain lends support to the hypothesis that a putative environmental pathogen capable of passing the gastric epithelial lining might induce alpha-synuclein misfolding and aggregation in specific cell types of the submucosal plexus and reach the brain via a consecutive series of projection neurons.
Acta Neuropathologica | 1994
F. Braak; Heiko Braak; E. M. Mandelkow
Frontal sections of the temporal lobe including the transentorhinal/entorhinal region, amygdala, and/or hippocampus from human adult brains are studied for cytoskeleton changes using immunostaining with the antibodies AT8 and Alz-50 and selective silver impregnation methods for neurofibrillary changes of the Alzheimer type. For the purpose of correlation, the two methods are carried out one after the other on the same section. Layer pre-α in the transentorhinal/entorhinal region harbours nerve cells which are among the first nerve cells in the entire brain to show the development of neurofibrillary changes. This presents the opportunity for study of both early events in the destruction of the cytoskeleton in individual neurons, and to relate changes which occur in the neuronal processes in the absence of alterations in their immediate surroundings to those happening in the soma. Immuno-reactions with the AT8 antibody in particular reveal a clear sequence of changes in the neuronal cytoskeleton. Group 1 neurons present initial cytoskeleton changes in that the soma, dendrites, and axon are completely marked by granular AT8 immunoreactive material. These neurons appear quite normal and turn out to be devoid of argyrophilic material when observed in silverstained sections. Group 2 neurons show changes in the cellular processes. The terminal tuft of the apical dendrite is replaced by tortuous varicose fibres and coarse granules. The distal protions of the dendrites are curved and show appendages and thickened portions. Intensely homogeneously immunostained rod-like inclusions are encountered in these thickened portions and in the soma. A number of these rod-like inclusions are visible after silver staining, as well. Group 3 neurons display even more pronounced alterations of their distal-most dendritic portions. The intermediate dendritic parts lose immunoreactivity, but the soma is homogeneously immunostained. Silver staining reveals in most of the distal dendritic parts neuropil threads, and in the soma a classic neurofibrillary tangle. Group 4 structures are marked by accumulations of coarse AT8-immunoreactive granules. Silver staining provides evidence that the fibrillary material has become an extraneuronal, “early” ghost tangle. Finally, group 5 structures present “late” ghost tangles in silver-stained sections but fail to demonstrate AT8 immunoreactivity. It is suggested that the altered tau protein shown by the antibody AT8 represents an early cytoskeleton change which eventually leads to the formation of argyrophilic neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads.
Journal of Neurology | 2000
Heiko Braak; E. Braak
Abstract Parkinson’s disease is a widespread degenerative illness affecting the human central, peripheral, and enteric nervous systems. The underlying pathological process progresses slowly but relentlessly and involves multiple neuronal systems. The disease is the consequence of changes in the neuronal cytoskeleton developing in only a few susceptible types of nerve cells. Afflicted neurons eventually produce Lewy bodies in their perikarya and Lewy neurites in their neuronal processes.Immunoreactions against the presynaptic protein α-synuclein have revealed many kinds of inclusion bodies ranging from inconspicuous dot- or thread-like forms to particularly voluminous types. The selective vulnerability of nerve cells induces a distinctive distribution pattern of lesions which remains remarkably consistent across cases. Components of the limbic system and the motor system have been shown to be particularly vulnerable to severe destruction. Some subnuclei of the substantia nigra also undergo major changes. This damage is consistently accompanied by extranigral alterations, with predilection sites including the entorhinal region, the second sector of the Ammon’s horn, and important subnuclei of the amygdala. In addition, the nucleus of the stria terminalis, components of the hypothalamus, all of the non-thalamic nuclei with diffuse projections to the cerebral cortex, and most of the centers regulating autonomic functions exhibit severe lesions.
Journal of Neurology | 2002
Heiko Braak; Kelly Del Tredici; H. Bratzke; John Hamm-Clement; Daniele Sandmann-Keil; Udo Rüb
Abstract. The synucleinopathy known as idiopathic Parkinsons disease (IPD) is a multi-system disorder in the course of which only a few predisposed nerve cell types in specific regions of the human brain become progressively involved. The underlying neuropathological process (formation of proteinaceous intraneuronal inclusion bodies) intracerebrally begins in clearly defined induction sites and advances in a topographically predictable sequence. Components of the autonomic, limbic, and motor systems sustain especially heavy damage. During the presymptomatic stages 1 and 2, the IPD-related inclusion body pathology remains confined to the medulla oblongata and olfactory bulb. In stages 3 and 4, the substantia nigra and other nuclear grays of the midbrain and basal forebrain are the focus of initially subtle and, then, severe changes. The illness reaches its symptomatic phase. In end-stages 5 and 6, the pathological process encroaches upon the telencephalic cortex. IPD manifests itself in all of its dimensions, which under the influence of the supervening cortical pathology are subject to increasing complexity.
Neurology | 2005
Heiko Braak; Udo Rüb; E.N.H. Jansen Steur; K. Del Tredici; R.A.I. de Vos
Objective: To study the association of cognitive status with the stages of a published neuropathologic staging procedure for sporadic Parkinson disease (PD) in a cohort of 88 patients with PD from a single neurologic unit. None had received the clinical diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Methods: The authors assessed Lewy neurites/bodies (LNs/LBs) immunoreactive for α-synuclein semiquantitatively in sections from 18 brain regions. In silver-stained sections and sections immunostained for tau and β-amyloid protein, the authors semiquantitatively evaluated comorbidities potentially contributing to cognitive decline, e.g., Alzheimer disease (AD), argyrophilic grain disease (AGD), and cerebral vascular disease. The authors analyzed four Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) subgroups ranging from marginally impaired cognition to severe dementia using nonparametric tests. Results: It was possible to assign all patients to one of the PD stages. MMSE scores correlated with neuropathologic stages (p < 0.005) and this association showed a linear trend (p < 0.025). Median MMSE test scores for women were lower than those for men. Cognitively impaired individuals displayed higher stages of AD-related neurofibrillary pathology (p < 0.05) and β-amyloid deposition (p < 0.05) than cognitively unimpaired persons. MMSE scores did not correlate significantly with AGD, disease duration, age at disease onset, or age at death. Hoehn and Yahr scores, however, correlated with PD stages (p < 0.0005) and MMSE scores (p < 0.0005). Conclusions: The decrease in median Mini-Mental State Examination scores between PD stages 3 to 6 indicates that the risk of developing dementia increases with disease progression. In some individuals, however, cognitive decline can develop in the presence of mild Parkinson disease–related cortical pathology and, conversely, widespread cortical lesions do not necessarily lead to cognitive decline.