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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 1988

European Lyme borreliosis.

Gerold Stanek; Michel Pletschette; Heinz Flamm; Alexander M. Hirschl; Elisabeth Aberer; Wolfgang Kristoferitsch; Erich Schmutzhard

Lyme borreliosis is a term introduced to designate a new nosologic entity describing the various disease states of the infection with tickor insect-borne borrelia. At least part of the Lyme borreliosis spectrum, e.g., erythema chronicum migrans’,* and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, has been known in Europe for many years although demonstration of the causative infectious agent was made only recently.

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene | 1987

Epidemiology of borrelia infections in Austria.

Gerold Stanek; Heinz Flamm; Veronika Groh; Alexander M. Hirschl; Wolfgang Kristoferitsch; Reinhard Neumann; Erich Schmutzhard; G. Wewalka

From April 1984 to July 1985 873 cases of Borrelia infections were registered at the Hygiene Institute of the University of Vienna. 2609 serum samples of these patients were investigated for antibodies against B. burgdorferi by means of IFA- and ELISA-tests. Erythema chronicum migrans (ECM) was recognized in 60.9% of patients, neurological abnormalities were recorded in 23.4% of which the majority manifested themselves as polyradiculitis and meningopolyneuritis (MPN). Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA) was recognized in 11.5%. A small number of patients suffered from Lymphadenosis cutis benigna (LCB), arthritis and cardiac abnormalities. Sixty percent of patients were females and 40% males. Infections were found in all age groups ranging from 2-83 years in females and 1-85 years in males. Tick- or insect-bites prior to the onset of illness were reported by 47.2% and 15.6% of patients, respectively. The main vector is the hard tick Ixodes ricinus. Flying insects from the family tabanidae, i.e. Chrysops caecutiens and Haematopota species, must also be considered as transmitters. Antibodies to B. burgdorferi were found in 22.3%, 93.6% and 100% of sera from patients with ECM, MPN and ACA, respectively. Six of 11 patients with LCB and all with arthritis and cardiac abnormalities showed serologic reactivity. Geographically, Borrelia infections are distributed in all states of Austria. The seasonal distribution of cases show a peak in July and August, but the onset of clinical manifestation could be observed throughout the year. These results present Austria as an area where tick- or insect-borne Borrelia infections are very frequent and endemic in all Austrian states.

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene | 1987

Comparative studies on the purity and specificity of yolk immunoglobulin Y isolated from eggs laid by hens immunized with Toxoplasma gondii antigen.

Andreas Hassl; Horst Aspöck; Heinz Flamm

Eggs from immunized hens were used as a source of yolk antibodies directed against soluble proteins of Toxoplasma gondii. The yolk immunoglobulins (IgY) were extracted and purified by the use of three different methods. The antibody yield and the purity of each batch were determined by protein measurements, gel filtration and isoelectric focusing. A sequence of two precipitation steps, i.e. a precipitation by polyethylene glycol followed by an alcohol treatment, was shown to be the most effective purification method. The specificity of the yolk antibodies was evaluated by means of an indirect hemagglutination assay, an immunodiffusion test and an immunoelectrophoresis. It was compared with the specificity of IgG antibodies obtained from sera hyperimmunized rabbits. The precipitation patterns of IgY and IgG antibodies were non-identical. This results indicates differences between the specificities of egg yolk IgY antibodies and rabbit IgG serum antibodies, although both animal species had been immunized with identical antigen preparations.

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene | 1988

Circulating antigen of Toxoplasma gondii in patients with AIDS: significance of detection and structural properties.

Andreas Hassl; Horst Aspöck; Heinz Flamm

232 sera and 40 cerebrospinal fluid samples of altogether 125 patients in stages III or IV of a HIV-infection were tested for circulating antigen of Toxoplasma gondii by means of a three-layer enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Circulating antigen was detected in 32 sera of 20 patients (= 16% of all persons investigated). These ELISA results were reexamined by an Immunoblot following a SDS-PAGE and confirmed in most cases. In addition, this test system led to a partial characterization of the circulating antigen; it consists of at least two proteins with atomic mass units of 27 and 57 kd respectively. The antigenemia was correlated with IgG- and IgM-antibody titres, with clinical symptoms, and with pathological findings also. Our results indicate that the detection of circulating antigen in sera offers a rapid and efficient method for the diagnosis of an acute toxoplasmosis in AIDS-patients.

Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology | 1956

Die Listeriose des Auges im Tierversuch

Heinz Flamm; G. Zehetbauer

I n den le tz ten J ah ren wurden vereinzelt Conjunctivit isf~lle ver5ffen~lieht, die auf eine In fek t ion mi t Listeria monocytogenes zurfickgefiihrt wurcIen. Dieser K e i m ist ein zu den Corynebaeter iaeeen geh6riges gramposit i res Kurzsti~bchen. Die hauptsis kl inischen Manifest ionen der In fek t ion mi t Listerie~ sind eine Meningitis oder Meningoeneephali t is und die Sehwangersehaftslisteriose, welehe bei der Mut te r oft symptomlos verlauft , abe t zu Fruehtsehadigung oder F r ue h t t od fiihrt. Weitere Einze lhe i ten sind den iJbers iehtsarbei ten yon S ~ L m E ~ , POTEL sowie K ~ P L E ~ u n d FLAM~ ZU en tnehmen .

Medical Microbiology and Immunology | 1972

International mycoplasma symposium 6/7th September 1971 in Mainz Summaries of the papers

Wolfgang Bredt; J. Maniloff; J. Das; D. Quinlan; Gunnel Biberfeld; Peter Biberfeld; F. T. Black; S. Rottem; S. Razin; R. Casper; R. N. Gourlay; A. Liss; E. A. Freundt; L. R. Hill; G. E. Kenny; B. E. Andrews; M. Kunze; Heinz Flamm; W. Mannheim; P. H. Müllegger; R. Schweisfurth; G. v. Hehn; D. Taylor-Robinson; J. D. Cherry; H. ErnØ; H. E. Müller; K. K. Sethi; Helga Gerlach; K. Lind

Phase Contrast Studies on Living 1)Iyeoplasmas. W. BREDT, Institut fdr Medizinisehe Mikrobiologie der Univemit/i~ Mainz, D-6500 Mainz (Germany). The observation of living mycoplasmas in liquid medium has revealed evidence for various typical morphologie forms (e .g .M. pneumoniae, M. 9alliseptieum, M. hominis, M. orale, M. pulmonis), which seem to be distinguishable by phase contrast microscopy. The data are not sufficient yet to be used for taxonomical purposes. Replication processes have been studied on .31. hominis, .3I. orale and M. Tneumonlae. The morphologic expression of replication is variable, hut the basic process seems to be a division. In M. homlnis and M. orale, formation of filaments and budding-like processes were observed. Furthermore, the cells of these species often changed their shape actively during multiplication. Active gliding movements on glass surface in liquid medium have been observed on cells ofM. pneumoniae, M. Tulmonis and M. gallisepti~um. Whereas M. pulmonis is motile only in early passages, as also described by previous authors, the results with M. pneumoniae and M. galliseptir were obtained on laboratory strains. Measurements on M. pneumoniae cells have revealed speeds up to 0.75 ~m per second. The first film shows growth and multiplication of M. homlnls cells in liquid medium, with special reference of the active changes of shape and the growth and fragmentation of filaments. A second film presents motility, multiplication and colony-formation of M. pneumoniae.

Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift | 2008

Aufklärung des Pappataci-Fiebers durch österreichische Militärärzte

Heinz Flamm

Die kriegerischen Ereignisse des 19. Jahrhunderts auf dem Balkan verlangten eine möglichst dauerhafte Lösung der „Orientalischen Frage“. Diese wurde durch die großen russischen Forderungen nach dem russisch-türkischen Krieg im Friedensvertrag von San Stefano (3. März 1878) ganz dringend. Zu dessen Korrektur trafen sich die Staaten Österreich-Ungarn, England, Frankreich, Italien, Russland und das Osmanische Reich vom 13. Juni bis 13. Juli 1878 in Berlin unter dem Vorsitz von Bismarck. Der zum Abschluss dieses „Berliner Kongresses“ vereinbarte Frieden beseitigte das russische Übergewicht auf dem Balkan. Im Zuge der Neuordnung der westlichen Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches kam man bezüglich ÖsterreichUngarns überein, dass dieses die osmanischen Provinzen Bosnien und Herzegowina sowie den östlich anschließenden, zwischen Serbien und Montenegro gelegenen Sandschak [Bezirk] von Novipazar auf unbestimmte Dauer okkupieren soll. In einer danach zwischen ÖsterreichUngarn und dem Osmanischen Reich abgeschlossenen geheimen Konvention wurde festgelegt, dass diese Gebiete nur besetzt, nicht aber annektiert werden, sodass sie weiter unter der Hoheit des Sultans verblieben. Im folgenden Jahr wurde am 21. April mit der Hohen Pforte vertraglich festgelegt, dass unter weiterer Beibehaltung der Hoheitsrechte des Sultans über die besetzten Gebiete deren dauernde Verwaltung von Österreich-Ungarn übernommen wird. Die Besetzung von Bosnien und der Herzegowina durch die „k. und k. Occupationstruppen“ begann am 29. Juli 1878 und wurde im September auf den Sandschak von Novipazar ausgedehnt. Trotz der zunehmenden Entfremdung der einheimischen Bevölkerung von ihren osmanischen Herren schlug der Okkupationsarmee eine nicht erwartete Gegnerschaft insbesondere aus der mohammedanischen Bevölkerungsgruppe und aus den Reihen der orthodoxen Serben Bosniens entgegen. Wegen der zum Teil schweren Kämpfe mit solchen Insurgenten und mit entgegen dem Vertrag zurückgebliebenen osmanischen Truppenteilen musste die Truppenstärke mehrmals auf schließlich 198.930 Mann erhöht werden. Die Besetzung konnte mit Verlusten von 3.966 Verwundeten und 983 Gefallenen im Oktober abgeschlossen werden. Bei den während der Okkupation und bis Jahresende versorgten 113.822 Krankheitsfällen von Soldaten wurden an Infektionskrankheiten insbesondere Typhus abdominalis, Ruhr, Fleckfieber, Malaria, Tuberkulose und Pocken festgestellt. Die Verwaltung von Bosnien und der Herzegowina mit gezählten 1,158.000 Einwohnern übernahm das für beide Reichshälften gemeinsame K. u. k. Reichs-Finanzministerium in Wien, das in den nächsten Jahrzehnten die gewaltige Aufgabe des notwendigen Aufbaus einer modernen öffentlichen Verwaltung bewältigen musste. Neben der Einführung einer für die Bevölkerung verlässlichen Verwaltung wurde für die Einrichtung der Infrastruktur gesorgt. Es wurden Straßen, Eisenbahnlinien

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene | 1987

Occurrence, serotypes and biotypes of thermophilic Campylobacters isolated in Vienna.

Alexander M. Hirschl; Hermy Lior; Dietmar Wolf; Gerold Stanek; Manfred Rotter; Linda Wende; Heinz Flamm

During the 1982-1986 period of all bacterial pathogens found to have caused diarrhoea, 35% belonged to the genus Campylobacter (C). Approximately 70% of the strains were isolated from persons under the age of 30 years, with a distinct peak of occurrence in the autumn. Biotyping and serotyping according to Lior yielded the following results: C. jejuni biotype I: 32.9%, C. jejuni biotype II: 48.6%, C. coli biotype I: 10.3%, C. coli biotype II: 8.2%. From the 121 strains serotyped, 118 (97.5%) were typable. The serotypes most frequently encountered were type 1 (15.7%), 4 (9.9%), 2 and 11 (7.4% each). There were 2 familial outbreaks of Campylobacter enteritis which could be completely elucidated by biotyping and serotyping. One outbreak was caused by C. jejuni biotype I serotype 11, the other by C. jejuni biotype II serotype 6. Considering the frequent occurrence of Campylobacter infections, isolates should be routinely typed. The existing typing methods and schemes are highly developed.

Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift | 2010

170 Jahre Streit der Wiener Ärzte für ein hygienisch einwandfreies Trinkwasser

Heinz Flamm

SummaryDiscussions in the Society of Physicians in Vienna about the connection between water contamination and typhoid outbreaks began in 1838. The basis of the water supply at that time was house wells partly drawing contaminated ground water and for a limited area the Kaiser-Ferdinand-Pipeline was useful. After many investigations on quantities and qualities of possible water sources and controversial discussions between Viennese politicians and the Society of Physicians, the latter strictly turned down the usage of surface water. In October 1865 the Society demanded that the source Kaiserbrunn in the Höllental and two other sources nearby in the Limestone Alps should be used for the Viennese water supply. After initial opposition in the municipal council and an outbreak of cholera in Vienna, the erection of the 1st Viennese Mountain-source Water Pipeline was started and the Pipeline was opened in 1873. Because of its insufficient quantity of water for the growing town the Society of Physicians became active again, supported by the Institute of hygiene founded in 1875. This resulted in the erection of the 2nd Viennese Mountain-source Water Pipeline, which was opened in 1910. A threat which had to be met were repeated plans for tourist developments.ZusammenfassungDie Wasserversorgung beruhte in den 1830er Jahren vorwiegend auf aus dem vielfach verunreinigten Grundwasser schöpfenden Hausbrunnen und der Donau-Uferfiltrat in beschränktem Ausmaße liefernden Kaiser-Ferdinands-Wasserleitung. Nach vielen Untersuchungen über Mengen und Qualität von möglichen Wasserspenden und kontroversiellen Diskussionen zwischen Wiener Politikern und der Gesellschaft der Ärzte lehnte letztere die Verwendung von Oberflächenwasser strikt ab. Im Oktober 1865 verlangte sie, dass der Kaiserbrunnen im Höllental und zwei weitere Gebirgsquellen als Wasserspender verwendet werden sollen. Nach anfänglichem heftigem Widerstand im Gemeinderat und Ausbruch einer Cholera-Epidemie in Wien begann der Bau der I. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung, die 1873 eröffnet wurde. Wegen der ungenügenden Wassermengen wurde die Gesellschaft der Ärzte mit weiteren wasser-hygienischen Untersuchungen, insbesondere ab der Gründung des Hygiene-Instituts 1875, wieder sehr aktiv. Das Ergebnis war die Errichtung und 1910 Eröffnung der II. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung. Eine Bedrohung, die stets abgewehrt werden musste, waren die Pläne für exzessive touristische Nutzungen der Quellschutzgebiete.Discussions in the Society of Physicians in Vienna about the connection between water contamination and typhoid outbreaks began in 1838. The basis of the water supply at that time was house wells partly drawing contaminated ground water and for a limited area the Kaiser-Ferdinand-Pipeline was useful. After many investigations on quantities and qualities of possible water sources and controversial discussions between Viennese politicians and the Society of Physicians, the latter strictly turned down the usage of surface water. In October 1865 the Society demanded that the source Kaiserbrunn in the Höllental and two other sources nearby in the Limestone Alps should be used for the Viennese water supply. After initial opposition in the municipal council and an outbreak of cholera in Vienna, the erection of the 1st Viennese Mountain-source Water Pipeline was started and the Pipeline was opened in 1873. Because of its insufficient quantity of water for the growing town the Society of Physicians became active again, supported by the Institute of hygiene founded in 1875. This resulted in the erection of the 2nd Viennese Mountain-source Water Pipeline, which was opened in 1910. A threat which had to be met were repeated plans for tourist developments.

Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene | 1988

Evidence of Structural Proteins of Toxoplasma gondii in Sera of Experimentally Infected Mice

Andreas Hassl; Horst Aspöck; Heinz Flamm

The present study was performed to clarify whether structural proteins are constituants of the antigens of Toxoplasma gondii which circulate in the sera of experimentally infected mice. Rabbits were immunized with mice sera containing circulating antigen, the rabbit sera were then tested for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii. Low titers of specific antibodies, directed against cell wall proteins, could be detected. Thus, the circulating antigen must at least partially consist of structural proteins.


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W. Kovac

University of Vienna

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Christian Vutuc

Medical University of Vienna

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Gerold Stanek

Medical University of Vienna

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Horst Aspöck

Medical University of Vienna

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Alexander M. Hirschl

Medical University of Vienna

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Adam Skurski

Polish Academy of Sciences

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Józef Lisowski

Polish Academy of Sciences

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