
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2011

Throwing velocities, anthropometric characteristics, and efficacy indices of women's European water polo subchampions.

Pedro E. Alcaraz; J. Arturo Abraldes; Carmen Ferragut; Nuria Rodríguez; Francisco M. Argudo; Helena Vila

Alcaraz, PE, Abraldes, AJ, Ferragut, C, Rodríguez, N, Argudo, FM, and Vila, H. Throwing velocities, anthropometric characteristics, and efficacy indices of Womens European Water Polo Subchampions. J Strength Cond Res 25(11): 3051–3058, 2011—Water polo is a team sport characterized by a high-intensity, intermittent activity, where technical and tactical aspect are of a great importance. For that reason, the main aim of this study was to define the anthropometrical characteristics, maximum isometric grip strength, training and competition throwing velocities, and the efficacy indices in female high-level water polo players. A second purpose was to examine the differences between the throwing velocities in training vs. European championships in the water polo female national team. Ten elite trained female water polo players participated in this study. Before the competitive phase of their season, the following measures were taken: standard anthropometry, static and dynamic training throwing velocities, and hand-grip dynamometry. In the competitive phase, efficacy indices, average and maximum throwing velocities from all the participants were also determined. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found between different training situations and different competitive throwing velocities. We concluded that elite female water polo players modify their throwing velocity depending if the throw is performed during training or competitive situation.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2012


Pedro E. Alcaraz; J. Arturo Abraldes; Carmen Ferragut; Helena Vila; Nuria Rodríguez; Francisco M. Argudo

Abstract Alcaraz, PE, Abraldes, JA, Ferragut, C, Vila, H, Rodríguez, N, and Argudo, FM. Relationship between characteristics of water polo players and efficacy indices. J Strength Cond Res 26(7): 1852–1857, 2012—The aim of this study was to define and examine the relationships between the anthropometrical characteristics, maximum isometric grip strength, and competition throwing velocities and efficacy indices in high-level water polo player. Eleven elite trained male water polo players participated in this study. During preseason training, the following measures were taken: standard anthropometry (height, body mass, arm spam, skinfolds, body girths, and skeletal breadths) and grip strength. During official European Competitions (n = 7), efficacy indices (offensives: shot definition, resolution, precision, blocked and defensives: shot resolution when defending and shots stopped when defending), average and maximum throwing velocities from all the participants by zones and in some offensive tactical phases (even, counterattacks and power play) were also determined. Throwing velocities were different (p ⩽ 0.05) between some of the offensive tactical phases (even = 17.9 ± 2.4 vs. power play = 16.7 ± 2.6 m·s−1). In addition, significant correlations were found between competitive throwing velocities and different offensive efficacy indices. We concluded that there were significant correlations between conditioning and performance variables with anthropometrical characteristics and offensive tactical indices (blocked shots received and shot precision). Coaches should pay attention to these indices for the development of performance throughout the season.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2011

Power-load curve in trained sprinters.

Pedro E. Alcaraz; Salvador Romero-Arenas; Helena Vila; Carmen Ferragut

Alcaraz, PE, Romero-Arenas, S, Vila, H, and Ferragut, C. Power–load curve in trained sprinters. J Strength Cond Res 25(11): 3045–3050, 2011—The levels of lower-limb strength and power can distinguish between athletes of different levels in a number of sports, specifically in sprinting. In this sense, the purposes of this study were (a) to define the power–load curve in a modified half squat machine in trained sprinters in the competitive cycle and (b) to correlate the peak power (PP) production with 60-m sprint performance. In this sense, a cross-sectional study was carried out with 10 national level sprinters. After the calculation of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) of the participants, a progressive test, which consisted of moving loads of 30, 45, 60, 70, and 80% of the 1RM as quickly as possible in the concentric phase, was performed. It was found that PP occurred at 60% of 1RM. The power output with all loads was not significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from each other. No significant correlations were found between 60-m performance and PP with the different loads. Therefore, we may conclude that the sprinters of national level analyzed present values of PP output, in the competitive period, near to 60% of 1RM in the half squat exercise; however, this power is not significantly different from the other loads.

International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport | 2012

Tactical and shooting variables that determine the difference between win or loss in top-level female water polo: analysis by phases of the game

J. Arturo Abraldes; Carmen Ferragut; Nuria Rodríguez; Helena Vila

The basic aim of this research study is to analyze the efficacy values and speed of shot of two championships female water polo, comparing winning and losing indicators classified according to different playing situations (even, power play, transition and penalty). Fifty female games that formed part of the 2008 European Championship and the 2009 World Championship have been analyzed. The results showed significant differences between winning and losing teams in the coefficients of accuracy of shots in the European Championship, and in the coefficient of definition, resolution of shots and the resolution, detention and error of shots at goal in the World Championship. The maximal speed achieved was 17.31 m.s-1 in the European Championship. It could be said that the efficacy values that determine the difference between winning and losing teams are those that make reference to the accuracy of the shot. The even microsituation is the most important determining factor in the winner or loser status of a team. No differences were found in the speed of shot between winning and losing teams within the same championship but they do exist between championships.

Journal of Human Kinetics | 2018

Influence of Physical Aspects And Throwing Velocity in Opposition Situations in Top-Elite and Elite Female Handball Players

Carmen Ferragut; Helena Vila; José Arturo Abraldes; Carmen Manchado

Abstract The relationship between anthropometric and physical characteristics of female handball players and throwing velocity is considered an important factor in handball performance. The aim of this study was to examine key differences in anthropometric and fitness characteristics between top elite and elite female players competing in the first Spanish handball league. A total of 89 players from the first Spanish handball league were divided into two groups, top elite (38) and elite (51) players, and assessed for anthropometric and fitness characteristics (throwing velocity, vertical jump and hand grip strength). A Student’s t-test was used to determine whether a statistically significant difference between the two different levels of play occurred. Significant differences were found in age, body height, body mass, arm span, muscle mass, different girths (tensed and flexed arm, forearm, wrist, ankle), dominant hand width and length, different breadths (biacromial, bitrochanteric, bistyloid breadth and biepicondylar humerus) and fitness characteristics (hand grip strength and throwing velocity for different positions). Top elite players compared to elite players showed differences in anthropometric characteristics which were mainly located in the upper limbs and mostly were nonmodifiable aspects by training. Furthermore, the best players were able to maintain a high throwing velocity in different tactical situations.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2012

Anthropometric profile, vertical jump, and throwing velocity in elite female handball players by playing positions.

Helena Vila; Carmen Manchado; Nuria Rodríguez; José Arturo Abraldes; Pedro E. Alcaraz; Carmen Ferragut

Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness | 2011

Relationship among maximal grip, throwing velocity and anthropometric parameters in elite water polo players.

Carmen Ferragut; Helena Vila; José Arturo Abraldes; Francisco M. Argudo; Nuria Rodríguez; Pedro E. Alcaraz

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2013

Performance Factors in Women's Team Handball: Physical and Physiological Aspects—A Review

Carmen Manchado; Juan Tortosa-Martínez; Helena Vila; Carmen Ferragut; Petra Platen

ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive | 2011


Carmen Ferragut; Nuria Rodríguez; Helena Vila

Revista de Psicología del Deporte | 2009


Salvador Romero; Helena Vila; Carmen Ferragut; Pedro E. Alcaraz

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